Self-Insert Idea Thread

All of them wouldn't work - too many people and far too many powers to really have any kind of coherent plot. One or two (or an 'everybody' that conveniently drops anything too powerful/esoteric and focuses on a small group of them) could be cool though.

Remember a short story that was kind of like that. The whole narnia fantasy world thing, only it was from the perspective of the parents about how their kid disappeared for like a day and came back with scars and PTSD, with it implied that this had happened before to other kids.
All of them wouldn't work - too many people and far too many powers to really have any kind of coherent plot. One or two (or an 'everybody' that conveniently drops anything too powerful/esoteric and focuses on a small group of them) could be cool though.
I imagine the "literally everyone" scenario ends with complete collapse of human civilization as we know it, with some people having multiple versions of themselves running around.

"Everyone within a certain power level" would still be a mess because let's face it, while most of us would probably just troll everyone else/try to change the world for the better, it takes only a few jerkwads to ruin a good thing. It still sounds like an interesting character study/worldbuilding about what happens after the Isekai ends.
Here's a mean idea I've been contemplating: What if all the SIs of SB and SV went home?
One day, there was a slew of sudden deaths and disappearances. After some amount of time, these people came back, but not the way they used to be. Modern-day Earth has to cope with hordes of superpowered people, including but not limited to of SI Lanterns, Endbringers, and galaxy-spanning Machine Empires.
I know it's dumb and silly but it won't leave me alone.

My thought process is that there's a ROB fight club being organized.

People from all over SB and SV are getting chosen as 'champions' and once they return to Earth, they will have to duke it out against the other SI from other ROB's.
Remember a short story that was kind of like that. The whole narnia fantasy world thing, only it was from the perspective of the parents about how their kid disappeared for like a day and came back with scars and PTSD, with it implied that this had happened before to other kids.
Every Heart a Doorway (Literature) - TV Tropes
Every Heart a Doorway is a novel written by Seanan McGuire. What happens to children who go through the wardrobe, or fall through the looking glass, and then come back? Well, some of them go to Eleanor West's school, where no one tries to make them be normal or tells them their worlds weren't real, and where they might just find a way back home.

Nancy is Eleanor's newest student. She went through a doorway to the Halls of the Dead. When she asked to stay forever, the Lord told her to be sure—and sent her back to Earth. Her parents don't understand why she won't eat a full meal or wear bright colours, so they pack her off to boarding school. There she quickly befriends several other students: Sumi, a madcap girl who went to someplace like Wonderland; Kade, the exiled Goblin Prince in Waiting; Jack and Jill, twins who went to a horror-movie world called the Moors; and Christopher, who became engaged in the world of Día de Muertos. Nancy is just settling in when a classmate is brutally murdered. Who is it? What do they want? And can they be stopped before it's too late?
You know what I can't believe has no fanfiction? As in, none whatsoever, and especially no self-insert fanfics? The Well of Souls series, some mediocre sci-fi novels from the late 70's. It had a really nifty setting with a lot of potential, but the writing was just kinda bland (and cliche by our modern standards).

Seriously, there are no limits on what you can do with its setup. It's like the author explicitly set out to make a world with nigh-infinite story potential, then decided to do nothing at all with it. He didn't even plan to make any books past the first. It's ridiculous.

Here's the wikipedia page. I'd give its own wiki instead, but it literally consists of only one page. So much for the wiki rule.
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Wish someone could do an Soi Fon SI for bleach and follow Yoruichi into exile.
I wonder why nobody try doing an Fire Emblem reincarnate as one of the female party character then go through life until Robin appears along with an SI OC or SI Robin. Stirs up the craziness.
Of course I want it go the yuri route with that.
Wish someone could do an Soi Fon SI for bleach and follow Yoruichi
I'd call bullshit given I distinctly recall Soi Fon being pissed at being 'abandoned' because, you know, had she had the option she would have followed Yoruichi out of loyalty. So magically following her would be a magicked upped success, not doing something the canon character lacked interest in.
I'd call bullshit given I distinctly recall Soi Fon being pissed at being 'abandoned' because, you know, had she had the option she would have followed Yoruichi out of loyalty. So magically following her would be a magicked upped success, not doing something the canon character lacked interest in.
True but I only seen one story where she did follow her and that sort of ended.
I would think SI would be more motivated to do so and it provide an interesting life doing different things before canon, maybe nip future foes in the bud or domestic life with each other.
You know what I can't believe has no fanfiction? As in, none whatsoever, and especially no self-insert fanfics? The Well of Souls series, some mediocre sci-fi novels from the late 70's. It had a really nifty setting with a lot of potential, but the writing was just kinda bland (and cliche by our modern standards).

Seriously, there are no limits on what you can do with its setup. It's like the author explicitly set out to make a world with nigh-infinite story potential, then decided to do nothing at all with it. He didn't even plan to make any books past the first. It's ridiculous.

Here's the wikipedia page. I'd give its own wiki instead, but it literally consists of only one page. So much for the wiki rule.
Read some of the wiki, sorry to say... It kind of looks like a setup for the mechanics of a multiverse setting... without anything else.

I mean it's a good mechanics system, but there is nothing there that I would characterize as 'story material'. Kind of like reading a bunch of flavor text in a RPG guide, useful for visualizing the rules a universe, but not really something good for holding its own story.
Read some of the wiki, sorry to say... It kind of looks like a setup for the mechanics of a multiverse setting... without anything else.

I mean it's a good mechanics system, but there is nothing there that I would characterize as 'story material'. Kind of like reading a bunch of flavor text in a RPG guide, useful for visualizing the rules a universe, but not really something good for holding its own story.
That'd be because the setting is the only notable point.

You don't have to apologize, I'm not exactly trying to defend them here. I'm just saying "here's a planet/universe where anything can happen", and yet nothing does. But, yeah, the lack of popularity is probably why.
Wellworld is also fairly old. I haven't seen a copy in... well, probably decades. Without Amazon it would be hard to get hold of them.

The Belgariad's had one or two fanfics I think, although the only one I recall offhand was a Ranma crossover because it was the era of them. The issue there is that David Eddings tied up the majority of plot threads so it's not one of those settings where fix-ficcing is easy.

I did have an idea recently for the Belgariad actually, an alternate Ctuchik who had been sandbagging for centuries in order to keep the Light prophecy in play and was much less of a creep than his reputation suggested.

"You think it's a coincidence that there's been a breeding population of Marags in my citadel for centuries. Good job keeping the Tolnedrans in check, Belgarath."
"Of course I have a torture chamber. Nine times out of ten just walking someone through it loosens their mouths up without the need to even read their minds. And reading the minds of most of the priesthood is like wading through a sewer."
"I don't care what Zakath does to the Murgos, they probably deserve it, but leave the Nadraks alone. They're the only functional Angarak society on this continent and I spent literal eons putting them back together after Torak banished them,"
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I'm betting that I could fixfic it.

The easy way around the "Be Not" prohibition is "Be Oxygen". You're not erasing them. You're just altering all of their atoms to become O2, and therefore dead. You could say it to the mountain where Ctuchik lived.
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The Belgariad's had one or two fanfics I think, although the only one I recall offhand was a Ranma crossover because it was the era of them. The issue there is that David Eddings tied up the majority of plot threads so it's not one of those settings where fix-ficcing is easy.
I actually thought about this once, how to insert into a story that's more or less completed as far as the plot is concerned.

The self insert was essentially 'me' being born in place of Belgarion, but without the cheat code of fate/destiny telling/helping you with things so many many things go wrong.

So mini arc 1 was me in Faldur's farm, Asharak one day coming close enough to read enough of my mind to decide that snatchning me early was a good thing, and me just bolting across the world because I understand enough (and was desperate enough) to try to bend space to make me faster to run away from the grolim. This would also be the prologue.

Mini arc 2 transitions with me eventually stopping to rest and eventually being led to the nearest town by a really nice wolf. Currently I think Arendia would be the best place because it offers a lot of conflict to use.

Specifically in arc 2 The conflict would be

1) The Will and the Word is almost uncontrallbly strong in me. All it will take is one bad day, one moment where I really want to hurt someone and that guy is punted 6 kilometers thataway.

2) The Asturians and Mimbres are constantly skirmishing. Constantly on the brink of a great battle and while there was minimal harm to me and I can't really do anything because the moment I choose to interfere, the moment I get emotionally involved, I lose control. The most I can do is heal people because Magic can only do what I intend and if I intend to hurt people, there will be many graves needed after only a moment's thought.

3) Nachak and I oppose one another. This would be too early to resolve this problem if you follow the book of Alorn, but my position is one more closer to acceptance and empathy while nachak preaches the exact opposite. And eventually we come head to head in front of the King. I making a speech while Nachak tries to bribe his way to assasinate the king. Because at the end of the day we're not trying to stomp on Nachak, but to fix the problem of a nation divided.
I stood there watching, knowing some of what was to come as my hand ran unconsciously over the sigil on my wrist.

Just two weeks ago, my life was normal.

Just two weeks ago, I was messing around on the internet.

Just two weeks ago, Zelrech decided to drag me into one of his games.

Once this city had gone up in flames, flames of damnation that forged the man on a lonely hill of swords in many worlds...but this...well, this one wasn't going to be one that played out anything like normal.

I had confirmed the players in this game, Lancer, Archer, Saber, Rider, Berzerker, and Caster. Along with the golden king in hiding.

All the masters...

All the pieces...

And my job was to be the joker in the works to cause chaos while the Marshal tried to fix the grail in this world.

Something I heartily wished him well on that task, after all, in this mess, I too was a master, and Assassin was my servant.

No, he wasn't one of those legends of the past that the locals would have heard of from their history books, or, perhaps, even their futures. Assassin was less of what most would think of for his archetype, but he was a master of information while still being capable of such things if needed.

More than capable actually.

But his combat skills weren't what we put to use here.

Of course, he never was human, and while the greatest parts of his legends were on an earth, his origins were on other worlds and several of which were kin to Gaea there and equal in many ways.

But he was an information specialist, and even without the upgrades his status as a servant gave him, well...

Assassin was no ordinary servant.

Childs play for a master of information warfare to set this move in the game up, Kirei and the golden nutjob were not about to take having the JSDF anti-terrorist task force crashing through their doors lightly.

Never face an enemy in their base if you can draw them out and control the situation, not that I could really control the arrogant monsters inside even as the first explosion erupted inside.

Part of me hadn't been sure about tricking those men to their deaths here, but, then again, my information for them was accurate about what the priest had in his cellar.

Sure, they had zero chance, but that wasn't the purpose here as the target exited staring straight at me and my companion with eyes clearly out to do some major damage our way.

I'm rather sure that whatever he was planning would have hurt. Hurt quite a bit.

That's why I felt relief as the green flicker of energy flashed through the area and the so called king of heroes' eyes widened for the fraction of a second before two openings in space time appeared on either side of him and merged into a momentary vortex that I could feel even several blocks away.

Then it was gone, and so was the target.

I grinned slightly, either our first target was in the shadow zone or dumped on an airless moon on the other side of the known universe. Gotta love having access to space bridge technology.

My eyes turned to my usually silent servant, the image of a :) appearing on the normally reflective surface of his face before he spoke, one of the first times since he was summoned from that world.

The cold, synthetic sound of his voice reaching me, there was no emotion to the tone, but I could feel the momentary victory in it.



You know, I was looking back through the Shattered Glass articles on the TFwiki (really wish they'd kept their older name), and the info on how Gaea/Gaia is another sibling of Primus and Unicron, along with the entire Unicron=Earth thing from the Aligned timeline, and this came out of it with a variation of the Aligned Soundwave as a servant, and only assassin really fits that particular piece of work...

Add in the mission to create chaos rather than a straight win the fight and fun times to be had.
An SI into BnHA... but with Haki instead of a Quirk.

There's a version of this where Izuku has Haki, but an SI dealing with that (instead of just timeskip training) would probably be at least as interesting.
I wondered if my mind was long lost as the second stage of my plan for the war came into play and then went straight to hell.

With the gilded pest and the priest moved off the game board, leaving various factions trying to cover up the brief skirmish between the "King of Heroes" and the JSDF while I'd had time to plan my next move.

Laserbeak had acquired a weapon for me on Soundwave's direction, my part in this mess was to pretty much force a reaction that would then be drawn off by the minicon while Assassin performed what his class was intended for...eliminating an enemy master. Well, pseudo-master in this case, because it was one of the few players in the game that I wouldn't mind putting a bullet into the head of from my own knowledge.

That left me, once more, on the rooftops, this time positioned for a shot on the Matou who was acting as Rider's master.

The servant was nowhere to be seen, but I figured that with my relative lack of skills with the weapon in hand combined with everything else, well, Medusa would show up pretty damn close to when I pulled the trigger, so I'd have to be out of there pretty quickly after what would probably be a miss.

Lined up the shot as best I could and pulled the trigger just as everything went wrong.

Namely a giant brute in the shape of a man with the Berzerker class.

Murphy, thy name is now Heracles...

Anti-material rifle loaded for putting holes in people behind cement walls from quite some distance away, and the only reaction was a slight shift as some semblance of physics came into play even as I cursed the tunnel vision of the scope.

No, the juggernaut didn't leap at me.

Sure, the results might be the same, but him roaring and lobbing a truck my way had me vacating the roof in a way I hadn't planned.

I'll admit that the next few minutes were a blur as the second servant popped up, thankfully distracting the rage mountain while I came back to my senses and narrowly avoid death a second time due to Berzerker's impromptu shockput also vacating the roof to where I had been moments before.

Then my partner entered the fray, peppering the target area with energy blasts even as his companion added another direction of fire.

It was a distraction, one that I had to take advantage of as I looked for Shinji as the servants continued the fight. I saw him scrambling back and away even as I looked for the gun I'd been given to finish the job.

The ratcheting, grinding, mechanical noise of Soundwave landing, feet forming right before a loud crash as the decepticon touched ground...flattening Rider to the pavement in the process before parrying blows from Berzerker for a moment, his faceplate shifting momentarily towards our prey.

For an instant, I could feel his grin when the tendrils extended to snag the brat and yank him into the air even as he leaped up and shifted back into his alt mode, dragging a screaming boy with him for a moment as I turned to retreat myself rather than pursuit.

But I saw what came next as Assassin retrieved the book from our prey and then the tentacles each chose a leg...and pulled.

It was an end to one potential threat, and one that left me cold even as I got the hell out of there.

No ordinary decepticon...

No ordinary monster...
Inspired by such stories as Greg Veder vs The World, Trouble Boy, and A daring synthesis, I have decided to jump on the re-emerging bandwagon with a (hopefully) unique run of a Gamer Self Insert. The SI isn't quite me, though is similar in a lot of respects. I hope you enjoy!

Getting Sidetracked

[MCU/Gamer SI]​


Okay. So… Allow me to pose a scenario.

You wake up. You're in a grimy back alley shithole, half-covered in garbage, and about two feet away from a hungry-looking rodent. You have no idea how you get there, or even where you are.

It's not a great situation. In fact, you kinda panic a little - you drink, but you're not so alcoholic you'd fall asleep in this type of place, and certainly not without someone worrying about you.

So you get up - you're wearing clothes, your clothes, but you've got nothing in your pocket - no wallet, no keys, no phone. Suddenly, the situation has gone from 'not great' to 'downright terrible.

You wander out the alley, a little dazed at the whole thing, and not quite understanding the depth of your troubles.

Suddenly, you realize that this place looks nothing like your hometown - in fact, it looks American. The people sound American. Somehow, you go from a sleepy little town in the south of England to the United States.

You don't really know what to do. Find a police station, maybe? The British Embassy? Is that even a thing, in whatever city you're in?

You wander. Eventually, through sheer dumb luck, or whatever other force is in control here, you wind up in front of a television - one displaying the news. It's showing some explanation of 'the fall of SHIELD,' and 'what that means for the Avengers.'

You wander some more, and gradually, a realization comes over you. You look over the skyline, and one particular detail jumps out at you: A large tower, dominating the skyline, with an 'A,' emblazoned upon it, merged stylistically with an arrow.

You keep wandering, for lack of a better thing to do, and listen closely, because here's the kicker - it's at this point that a blue panel pops into view, with the words:

Through continued exercise, you have gained +1 END!

Tell me - how do you react? How long does it take you to get over the reality of things?

Because let me tell you, for me, it was not a fast process.

||Getting Sidetracked||

After a few hours of freaking out, I ended up in Central Park, a beautiful, wide-open green area chock full of families enjoying the warm day.

I was not enjoying the warm day. Well, I didn't mind the warmth, but I was, in general, struggling to enjoy myself. I was on a continent not my own, potentially on a world not my own, with what might possibly be the dumbest powers in a work of fiction bestowed upon me.

Granted, that part could have been pretty awesome, but I was largely focused on the implications of that power - in the original manwha, the guy (I forgot his name) gained his powers from the living embodiment of the earth… Didn't he? Gaia, or something?

Fuck. Did that mean I also got my powers from Gaia? Did that mean the gods were real?

I wasn't counting the Asgardians, since they seemed to be immortal, super-powered, technologically-advanced aliens more than gods (at which point you might wonder, 'what's the difference?' but I felt definitions were important, and if there were real gods they might be offended being compared to Asgardians).

Besides all that, it meant I had… Powers. The ability to become more than human. And if the old Spiderman adage held true, that meant that I should use my abilities to help people.

It was all I could do not to burst out laughing.

Alright, sure, most of that was down to the still-shocked hysteria I was feeling, but eh, at that point it's just quibbling.

Still, the reality of my situation was beginning to really hit me. I was in the fucking Marvel Universe. Aliens decimated the city not that long ago - I could still see the damage in a few places, and there was no way they could fake all that, was there?

(Here, of course, I referred to the figurative, nebulous 'they,' as a vague secret organisation who had decided the best way to spend their time would be to fuck with me, and even though I had no clue why, that didn't necessarily mean there was no reason, just that I didn't know enough to see it.)

Okay, so… Assuming none of this was a dream - I could only ever really recall 'lucid dreaming' (not that I was sure I'd call it that) once, in some dream where I could fly, but I couldn't stop flying, or even stop moving, just control my direction - then I really had been, somehow, transported to the world of Marvel. (Shit, how fucked up was this situation that I was really entertaining that as a possibility?)

If that was the case… Well, first of all, there was one thing I'd always wanted to do.

I raised one, very specific, finger to the sky. "Fuck you, you bored, shitty gods." I muttered under my breath. "If this is some god-awful wish-fulfilment, fantasy fanfiction piece of garbage, all of you can screw off." I paused. "And if, god forbid, this is some piece-of-trash Self-Insert dreck, then… Go fuck yourself, me."

That done, I lowered my finger, glancing around surreptitiously. Had anyone noticed?

By assessing the intentions of those around you, you have created an Ability!
Ability gained: Sense Danger!


Did that mean there people around me intending danger to my person? Or was it just that by trying to 'Sense Danger,' I gained an… Ability… Related to it?

This was gonna bother me all day.

Okay. Work off the assumption that there really is someone intending danger towards me - it's probably safer to just be paranoid, at least for now. I don't have access, really, to anywhere safer than this clear, public space, with a lot of other people around. Enclosed spaces seem like they might be more dangerous, if there is indeed something wishing danger upon me.

Dammit, I just don't know enough. This… Ability is too vague to get a handle on the actual meaning.

Through considered analysis, you have gained +1 WIS!

Although- that reminded me.

"Character Sheet?" I mutter to myself, half-questioning. Nothing happens. "Status?"

At that, another blue panel expanded into my field of view, growing from a speck of nothing into a rectangle longer on the left and right than the top and bottom. It seemed tied to my field of view, such that it remained central no matter how much I turned my head. It was translucent enough for me to make out details pretty well, largely just adding a blue tint to my field of view, with some of the inscriptions writing over features of the landscape.

Speaking of, the inscriptions themselves were… Interesting.

NAME Albert Erhohen
LVL 1 - 0.00%
HP 100/100
MP 100/100
SP 100/100



Gamer's Body
Grants the ability to live life as a game. Grants the ability to restore HP, MP, and AP as well as removing negative status effects through sleep.

Gamer's Mind (LVL MAX)
Grants immunity to mental status effects and mitigates mental and emotional trauma.

Sense Danger (LVL 1 - 31.88%)
Grants the ability to sense impending personal harm, whether motivated by humans or external events.


So… SP? I could guess that HP stood for Health Points, and MP stood for Mana Points (which, holy shit I might have magic now) but SP? I didn't even want to guess, in case I built up some incorrect assumptions which would unconsciously influence me later.

Also… I had no Skills. That was… Obviously false, surely. And the only Abilities I had were the Gamer's Abilities, and the one I had created just now. So… Starting from a blank slate, probably. Disregards all the stuff I was good at before, to make sure I was coming into this world from a point of no influence.

That was also reflected in my stats. All of them seemed to have started at 5 - when I was clearly weaker than the average person, and - not to toot my own horn - but more intelligent than the average person.

I could be anything. I had no build laid out before me.

Tabula rasa.

Through reasoned deduction, you have gained +1 INT!

Thank you… Game. Gaia, I guess? Whoever or whatever the hell brought me here and gave me these powers.

Unless it's you, arsehole self-flagellating god. Go fuck yourself.

I dismissed the panel with a wave of my hand. Let's see… What else could that guy from the manwha do?

"Minimap," I tried. Nothing. "Map." Still nothing. "Options. Settings. Tutorial." No responses. "Inventory?"

At that, another blue panel expanded into view, one longer on the top and bottom than the left and right. On the left side was a two-dimensional image of me, standing in the classic position of the Vitruvian man, arms outstretched and legs parallel - fully clothed, thankfully. Below lay five smaller boxes, with 'Equipped' written underneath. They were each full with everything I was wearing - shirt, trousers, pants, socks, shoes. The socks and shoes were both in one panel - I didn't know if that meant anything important.

To the right was a grid of… twelve by six boxes, which I guessed meant seventy-two inventory spaces. Was that all? Could more expand? Could I stack items? Put a bunch of shit in a bag, then put the bag in? How did it work?

There was a lot of potential here for some cool shit.

I sighed, head dropping down into my hands, my inventory dismissed with a gesture.

I was sitting on a bench, in Central Park, in a universe not my own, with a fucking video game screen representing my stats and skills and fucking clothes, and I was trying to abuse it.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

I'm not freaking out. My chest feels tight, but I don't feel like I'm having a friggin' breakdown or anything- has it just not hit me yet? Or…

I navigate quickly back to my Status screen. There- under Abilities-

Gamer's Mind (MAX)
Grants immunity to mental status effects and mitigates mental and emotional trauma.

Mitigates mental and emotional trauma.

Neuters my fucking emotions, in other word. Lobotomizes me.

That was a shock to the system. I'd always hated the idea of mind control - of my identity being taken over, of my autonomy being removed… It was childhood-trauma-level hatred.

And I was… I was in Marvel. The Marvel Cinematic Universe, judging by the Avengers Tower - after the Winter Soldier, but before Ultron? So… That meant…

The Purple Man. Kilgrave. The entire plot of Jessica Jones- that shit could still happen. That mind-controlling fuck was out there right now, raping and murdering.

I checked back to the Ability.

'Grants immunity to mental status effects…' Would that make me immune to Kilgrave?

Hopefully I'd never find out. If I could find some way to take care of him from a distance…

I shook my head, grinding the palms of my hands into my eyes.

Goddammit, I thought to myself. Been here less than eight hours, and I'm already plotting out how to solve everything like I'm in some feel-good, fix-everything fairy-tale. Treat this like reality - prepare for the worst. Otherwise, you'll be blindsided when everything goes wrong.

By committing to a logical course of action, you have gained +1 WIS!

I sighed, then looked around. First things first, information. Kilgrave was alive, and likely to be in New York shortly. If I had any sort of empathy - and I liked to think I did - I'd need to tell the person it would affect most, someone who knew more about the guy than anyone.

Jessica Jones herself.

It's entirely coincidental, I remarked sarcastically to myself, that you'd be meeting a hero from a TV show you enjoyed, and found someone who could help you get stronger.

I told myself firmly. It is.

There- a happy, casual-looking family, the kids a little distance further away.

I wandered closer.

"Hi," I announced when I was a few metres away, suddenly very conscious of my accent. "So sorry to bother you, but I'm afraid I got separated from my friends and can't find the way back to my hotel - could I trouble you to borrow your phone and look up the directions?"

The man - father, I assumed - I'd directed my attentions towards blinked a little.

By having your deceptions accepted as truth, you have created an Ability!
Ability gained: Lying!

I grit my teeth at the notification, disregarding the blue panel as the man replied.

"Well, uh, sure…" He hesitantly pulls his phone out of his pocket and hands it over to me, clearly suspicious that I'll run off with it but unwilling to appear rude if I don't. He probably gave in because I'm a scrawny little fuck and he thinks he could take me.

Probably right, too.

I take the phone with a quick think you, otherwise not moving. I navigate to the browser - not one I recognize, but then this phone is a lot more advanced than anything I had back home. Consequences of tech geniuses being capable of learning thermonuclear physics overnight, I guessed.

I tapped in 'alias investigations new york' to the search bar, having to scroll through a few false results before finding a reputable review on some kind of review-aggregating website.

Three and half stars. 'Abrasive, but gets the job done,' the first review said.


The website fortunately gave an address, so I copied it and went to a map app, looking briefly through my directions and doing my best to memorise it. Somewhere in Hell's Kitchen, so I at least had a vague direction to wander in. It wasn't hugely far away, thank god.

I tapped in a random hotel's directions, closed the map app, then went onto the browser and deleted my searches.

I thanked the guy, handed his phone back, and walked away, already feeling better with a goal in mind.

Now I just had to come up with a way to convince a severely-damaged woman who could kill me with a punch that a man who used mind control to rape her and force her to kill people that that same guy was still alive, and she needed to confront him.

The twenty-five minute walk was not gonna be long enough.

||Getting Sidetracked||
NAME Albert Erhohen
LVL 1 - 0.00%
HP 100/100
MP 100/100
SP 100/100



Gamer's Body
Grants the ability to live life as a game. Grants the ability to restore HP, MP, and AP as well as removing negative status effects through sleep.

Gamer's Mind (LVL MAX)
Grants immunity to mental status effects and mitigates mental and emotional trauma.

Sense Danger (LVL 1 - 31.88%)
Grants the ability to sense impending personal harm, whether motivated by humans or external events.

Lying (LVL 1 - 68.32%)
Grants the ability to have intentionally false statements be accepted as truth by those the user intends to deceive.
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In general I'm not a fan of "wake up in an alley" starts. It's just sooo....cliche.

Like if you suddenly wake up in an alley from presumably your home and unless you live in a city your going to be very fucking scared , panicked and most likely will run to the closest cop or convenient store or something while you process everything .

Secondly , gamer fics tend to all fall into the same story eventually .they all follow the same patern and it becomes boring. If we got different gamer abilities from different games then it might make them more enjoyable. ..but nopeee...
Tell me - how do you react? How long does it take you to get over the reality of things?
Okay, so… Assuming none of this was a dream - I could only ever really recall 'lucid dreaming' (not that I was sure I'd call it that) once, in some dream where I could fly, but I couldn't stop flying, or even stop moving, just control my direction - then I really had been, somehow, transported to the world of Marvel.
The simplest conclusion from the combination of finding yourself in a fictional universe and having a game gui is that one is plugged into a VR simulation of the fictional universe. However acting upon that assumption could potentially be harmful to others.