Self-Insert Idea Thread

So, this'd have both Shaker and Blaster rankings?

But yeah,Tactical Tunic, what kind of power did you have in mind?

Also, who here have watched Aldnoah. Zero, and read Eyes in Seed? Well, I have a little fic idea that's been brewing in my head, and I'd like to hear you guys' opinion on it.

Head Height:
-21.4 m (Ground Mode)
-24.8 m (Normal Mode)

Base Weight:
-60.9 t

Power Source:
-GN Drive

Armor Material:

Propulsion System:-
GN Vernier

-Pilot only (in cockpit in chest)

-GN Beam Claws x10 (5 per hand)
-GN Mega Launcher x1
-GN Beam Rifle x3
-GN Cutter x2 (1 per Elbow)
-GN Spike x6 (3 per hand)

-GN Field Emitter x1

Systems and features:
-Core Fighter

Starting with a thinker power at first to deal with sensory deprivation from lack of equipment to have senses, if this informs them of the situation then evolving a shaker aspect, if not then a brute aspect. The shard won't give the fetus a power that will kill it as harming the mother, or disrupting the natural but mind scarring processes would.

I have not read any aldnoah zero fanfics, but I will tell you that IMO the absolute best part of the show is at the beginning where the main character works out how to best opponents with vastly superior tech by figuring out design flaws and outsmarting the pilots. Any fic that can manage to do that fairly well would be in my favorites.
Starting with a thinker power at first to deal with sensory deprivation from lack of equipment to have senses, if this informs them of the situation then evolving a shaker aspect, if not then a brute aspect. The shard won't give the fetus a power that will kill it as harming the mother, or disrupting the natural but mind scarring processes would.
Well, sucks for the SI then, constantly evolving, yet unable to escape their own personal hell...almost Greek-like, now that I think about it.

I have not read any aldnoah zero fanfics, but I will tell you that IMO the absolute best part of the show is at the beginning where the main character works out how to best opponents with vastly superior tech by figuring out design flaws and outsmarting the pilots. Any fic that can manage to do that fairly well would be in my favorites.
Well, while I can't promise that I'll do a good job on that matter, especially since I plan on the UFE upgrading their Mechs with some Aldnoah Drives, since Saazbaum's Landing Castle has quite a lot of them, although unlike the Martians/Versians, the UFE will still stick to mass-production models, with perhaps one or two Ace-customs, just to see how the logical extreme of Inaho's preference of engaging the Orbital Knights in the Sleipnir, which is faster than the Areion, which is supposed to be better than the Sleipnir, will go.

...I might have Inaho in something akin to the Flag, or the Blitz, depending on how quickly the Terrans figure out how to work that Aldnoah magic.
Reincarnation SI in worm with full memory and cognition in the womb who triggers, multiple times, from the horror of what actually happens in the womb.
Do they end up killing the mom in the process?

I don't know a lot about Worm, but I know enough about superpowers being born from traumatic moments to know that the Lois/Clark baby proposed in "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" would be weaksause in comparison to the hell that Worm Reincarnation SI will wrought onto the womb. Though considering how the powers developed seem to be based around busting out of the metaphorical cage, I feel like it'll do more than what a chest burster will do.
I'm guessing that common diseases were previously completely unknown in the realm, and/or the ones who ordered/performed the actual summoning scapegoated him rather than get strung up by the populace. Also this mental image of townsfolk confronting a monarch:

"So you want us all to chase down and kill this guy?"
"Who anyone coming near gets so sick they can barely move?"
"And one in ten dies?"
"... why are you King again?"
"Ye- HEY! Because I'll have you hung for treason, otherwise!"
*coughing and wheezing sounds from distant royal guards, all stuck in their beds*
"It's only treason if you're still king, your majesty."

Hmm. That went kind of grim(mer).
Reluctance to go near the SI may be one reason he survives, but crossbows or a good old stoning might well be common threats. (After a while the SI has recovered and isn't even contagious any more, but who would take that on trust?)

It's not that disease, in general, is unknown in the world but that the common flu virus isn't something they've come across and there's no resistance built up.
Ashali: Control yourself, Ashali. You're already busy enough with school and your story on QQ.
Muse: No! Write more of this other thing I thought of!

<--CH1 CH3-->


I walk over next to Feizhi and Hsu while Master Feh walks to the head of the hall and turns to look at the assembled dozen or so martial artists.

"What did he say?" Feizhi whispers.

"You'll see." I whisper back.

"Students. Today, I shall be testing the strength of one of our own myself." Feh gestures in my direction, and heads turn. "She is young, but wishes to travel the world. Despite her youth, she has trained as hard as any of you and achieved a basic ability to use chi through pushing her limits by hunting monsters. Ashali, would you please enter the circle?"

While I step forwards and enter the ring as the assembled martial artists murmur quietly to each other, I muse on the fact that as well as being dangerous and good training, hunting monsters also happened to be rather lucrative. Even if they weren't nearly as powerful as they would be after the eruption and psyenergy made short work of the beasts.

I wholehearted believe that Feh will be relieved to see the pouch full of gold that I have to fund our travels.

"We will be fighting with all our might until one of us is no longer able to continue." Master Feh says, and the murmurs grow much louder, with a shocked tone. This particular rule he's giving our match is almost never allowed on the mats because of the danger of permanent harm despite the magical healing properties of Herbs. He waits for the noise level to quiet down and smiles. "Though you may believe I am bullying my student, she has kept a secret that some may have been resentful for had she not held her tongue. Ashali is an Adept, capable of wielding the awesome powers of the mind just as Masters Hama and Nyunpa do. Watch carefully, for you may not have another chance to witness a match like ours."

I stretch, and speak as Feh starts walking to the edge of the ring. "Master, may I explain my abilities for the hall so they gain greater understanding of how to fight an Adept from our match?"

He thinks for a moment, then nods. "Of course. It would be good, should they ever need the knowledge." Feh looks at the group. "Nianzi. Once her explanation is finished and we are ready, you shall call the beginning of the match."

"Yes, master!" The girl obsessed with jumping answers him.

I turn to face the assembled martial artists, who are looking excited. "There are four main kinds of Adepts. They are called Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter Adepts. In order, they control earth, fire, water, and wind. Our powers are called psyenergy. They work on the strength of our minds instead of our bodies, and our imagination is the only true limit to the strength of our powers... with enough training." I gesture to myself. "I am a Jupiter Adept, and I can control wind and lightning. Jupiter Adepts are also capable of reading minds like Master Nyunpa,-"

A pair of guys reflexively turn to look at another, who suddenly looks rather mortified. I grin at them briefly, and the young man looks like he wants to disappear into his gi.

"-can reveal hidden truths, and can see glimpses of the future like Master Hama. All Adepts are more physically tough than an ordinary person with the same training, but Jupiter Adepts tend to be the most frail, being incredibly quick instead, and are one of the types of Adept who can heal. People who are not Adepts cannot see psyenergy, only the effects that they create. Fortunately for you all, wind and lightning are rather obvious when one is indoors." I finish dryly, and receive a few chuckles in return. A short moment later, I continue with a wry smile. "Despite all of the advantages I have, I fully expect Master Feh to beat me black and blue."

There's a short pause as I turn back to Feh, then Nianzi speaks, sounding breathless. "Are you ready?"

"Yes." I nod, taking my stance.

"Indeed." Feh agrees, doing the same.

"Then..." She takes a breath. "Begin!"

As Feh pulls a fist back and stomps a step forwards, I thrust a hand at him, focusing hard as I move closer. The world ripples invisibly around me, and the power I call upon manifests itself before my opponent can finish preparing his own ranged attack. A storm of thin purple, yellow, and white bolts manifest around him from ceiling to floor with a loud crackle, and he staggers forwards as the lightning sears patches of his clothing black and leaves burn marks across the mats.

Despite the Ray that struck him, he continues onward and thrusts his fist into the open air. "HAAH!"

I cross my arms as a blast of air carried by his energy ripples towards me and attempt to catch the strike in a block. I'm blown off of my feet as agony explodes through my arms, and I skid backwards over the padded floor before I twist and roll back to my feet.

It feels like I've been hit by a truck!

By the time I've recovered, Feh is already upon me! I reach out and knock aside his first strike, duck another, then skip to the side to avoid a quick sweep. He follows, relentless, and I weather a few blows on my arms, shoulders, across my leg, and he even clips me on the cheek before I finally find an opening when he follows my retreat too quickly.

I catch an overhand chop, twist it aside, elbow away another strike, then thrust my palms into the larger man's chest while pushing with my inner energy. The enhanced strike knocks him back, and I glare at him as he stumbles a step before recovering.

A sudden wind picks up, and Feh steadies his stance, raising his arms against the tearing whirlwind as it cuts at his blackened gi and leaves lines of blood across his face and arms as well as ripping up parts of the woven mats. As the wind dies down, he stomps a wide stance and slams his open palms together. "Hoooohh!"

As Feh prepares a powerful chi attack, I call up a Fresh Breeze, and I feel far better as my wounds heal and the bruising on my face and arms visibly fade.

"TOH! HAH! TAAH-HAH!" Feh shouts, as he snaps out a punch, a kick, and a pair of chops.

I twist to the side away from the first strike of chi, throw myself to the ground from the second wave of energy, and have to curl up to protect myself from the final pair of swings. They slam into me with enough force to lift me off the ground, and I'm left breathlessly bouncing across the room into a painful roll.

It's pure agony to try to force myself to my feet, and I fail the first time. I fall back to the floor on the second attempt, and then make it to a knee on the third. I cough wetly, then spit blood and a small chunk of flesh from the inside of my cheek out as I see my opponent again through the spinning.

Feh is swaying in place, trembling, and the room is silent for a few moments.

"MATCH!" A woman shouts, rushing between us, and I don't recognize her for a few moments. "Neither of you are able to continue!"

I shake my head slightly, wince and stop at the pain, then remember that Nianzi was officiating our match.

"Haa...." I gasp, finally remembering that I can heal. I stagger to my feet as Feh collects himself, and stumble over to put a hand out.

Feh grasps it, breathing too heavily to speak, and I call up another healing wind around us both. My master sighs in utter relief as our hair is tousled and we quickly begin to heal.

My teacher leans forwards to pull me into a hug that's close enough that our faces are almost touching and murmurs in my ear. "A fine match. You've become strong."

"Thank you, master." I reply just as quietly.

We both jump slightly as the room explodes with the sound of cheering. Still, I maintain my focus through my growing headache, and the sweet scent of my psyenergy breeze continues to heal us as the martial artists crowd forwards, talking over one another with glee and awe in their voices.

Feh pulls away from me and turns to the crowd with a stony look, and they almost immediately quiet down. He then grins at them. "That is inappropriate conduct in the hall... but I will allow it this once."

The cheering returns, louder than before.

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>Posting story chapters to see if people like them, or if they have any criticism/comments.
>Get no replies or comments, only a handful of likes.
> :( D-Does that mean it's good?
Fine! Have another one! If I really get into this and it takes off(i.e. 5 chaps+), I'll have to make my own thread or something...

<--CH2 CH4-->


I shift the backpack over my shoulders as I walk through the arid desert alongside the cart, and sigh at the heat as we trudge along to the next oasis. It's not bad enough that we have to stop, but the dry scorch just saps your energy.

The way that climates, biomes, and environments coexisted in Weyard was so bizarre. You could walk from the perfectly moderate area around Xian to the extremely arid area of the Lamakan desert within two days, and it was only something like a little over a week's travel to Kalay at a reasonably slow pace, only half of which was through the desert.

The only reason that people except for warriors and merchants didn't travel much was because of the aggressive and monstrous flora and fauna that infested most of the wilderness.

Beside me, Feizhi lets out a groan and bumps me with her elbow. "It's so hot! Could you please call up a breeze, Ash?"

Hsu perks up at that and gives me a begging look, and I suppose I'm well-rested enough from the last time we had to fight off a fire-breathing salamander.

I take in a deep breath, then let out a short whistle for attention. Multiple whistles would mean that monsters were sighted, and we were to shout if we were going to have to fight.

"Whoa!" The merchant on the horse pull on the reins, and it slows to a stop.

Both our group and the pair of warriors from Kalay and Tolbi continue walking until we're in front of the cart, and we walk over to the others.

"Any problems?" Dan, the beefy brown-haired colosso victor, asks as he wipes at his brow. (Ahhh, I hope she's going to call up a cool wind again...)

"No, but if we take a moment's rest, I'll bring us another refreshing breeze." I answer him.


Beside Dan, the mercenary named Kalak that isn't a colosso victor grumbles. "We should keep moving."

Dan elbows him. Hard. "A good warrior takes any opportunity to keep up his strength. Keep acting like that and you'll never place in colosso, boy."

Kalak scowls, but remains silent. (Damned witch has them eating out of her hands...)

"Hoh!" The merchant, Jingi, hops off of his seat and pats the horse that was pulling his cart. "There's a good guy..." He receives a chuff in reply, then turns to us and grins, chuckling. "Another few minutes of that healing wind? That sounds wonderful! I do say, this has been the most pleasant run from Xian to Kalay I've ever had." (And we don't even have to pay for the extra escort!)

"I agree." Dan says, nodding. "I've never had an escort through the desert this easy. Feh's students are fine warriors." (And so easy on the eyes...)

I stop reading minds as Dan goes places I'd rather not visit, and instead open my arms, palms up. A refreshing breeze wraps around our party, and I spent a few moments to pour psyenergy into the pattern so it will last for a while.

Everyone breathes deeply of the sweetly scented air, but Hsu's the only one who audibly groans. "Haahh..."

Hsu notices everyone looking at him and slaps his hands over his mouth.

Dan laughs at the martial artist. "Hahaha, boy, I know I said warriors ought to take every chance they can to rest, but you need to have more stamina than that if you're going to travel the lands as a warrior."

Hsu looks away. (I only came because Feizhi was going... Ashali! Stop reading my mind!)

I grin at him, then pretend I wasn't looking in his direction.

Feizhi sidles up on Hsu's other side and latches onto his arm with a smile, then she looks at Dan. "So, Dan, can you tell us another story? Like, have you traveled anywhere strange?"

Dan rubs at the stubble on his chin, then takes out his water skin and grins. "Well, let me tell you of the time I got lost in the Suhalla desert on the way from Tolbi to Lalivero. It's a large desert south of Tolbi, and ringed with mountains just like this one."

Hsu blinks and looks around. "How do you get lost in a desert? It's just flat and open."

"Ah, but Suhalla is different." Dan grins and takes a drink. "Suhalla desert is full of rocky crags that twist and turn, and often has sandstorms, where the wind will pick up so much sand that it blackens the sky and you can hardly see more than a few feet ahead of yourself. I was running low on water and was fighting a monster while looking for an oasis when one came down, and I didn't have the chance to find somewhere safe to be, so I staggered through the sand as it ground at my armor. By the time it let up, the metal had been polished smooth, my backpack and most of my extra food and water were ruined and I felt like the skin had been stripped off my bones! Haha!"

He laughs for a moment, then continues. "But because I was wandering in the sandstorm, I got lost and ended up near some of the mountains. So, tired, thirsty, and still in pain even after using some herbs, I started climbing, because I knew I could get some snow to pack into my only remaining water skin to melt and drink!"

"Oho!" Jingi smiles and claps. "That's smart!"

"I thought it was." Dan answers, then continues. "But I had to go almost all the way to the top to get to the snow to drink, so I just went all the way. When I was there, I saw a land to the south, with rivers and forests not so far away! So, since the sun started going down and I was getting hungry, I staggered down the mountain and into the forest to look for a monster to kill and eat.

It took a while, because the brush in this forest was thicker than tar and twice as wet, but I stumbled over a pair of these strange flying lizards. They could breathe fire like the salamanders, but weren't nearly so tough. Still, I managed to beat them, grabbed some burning brush from our fight, and started a campfire as dark fell. I was too hungry to take off my armor, but that saved my life!"

"What happened?" Feizhi asks, almost completely into his story.

"A group of barbaric-looking people, nearly naked and wielding spears, attacked! They seemed fearless, just pouring out of the trees, but to my surprise, they turned out to be completely awful warriors! Hahaha! I'd managed to beat two of them down before they grabbed their wounded and ran back off into the trees, and I didn't sleep well that night at all, fearing that they would attack again. The next day, I stumbled on a village, and to my surprise, it was full of the young hunters I just beat up, who called themselves the Kibombo! They, haha, thought I was a monster because of how my metal armor looked in the dark, but they ended up apologizing and we came to an agreement. I spent a few days joining them in hunting monsters for food to buy a new pack and some water skins, got this protective magical tattoo from their witch doctor that's saved my life more than once, and eventually, made my way back over the mountains and got to Lalivero."

As he finishes the story, I clap, and the others join me. I grin with a wicked glint. "So, that's the tattoo I saw last night when we were settling down for bed."

"It's almost as good as real armor, and has been a wonderful help. Maybe you should go there and get one." Dan smiles back obliviously.

"Hah!" I laugh. "And you would like to escort me to watch them put it on, I would guess?"

As Dan chokes on his tongue, the rest of the group laughs at him.

"Alright, alright." Jingi waves his hands, laughing. "As great as Dan's stories are, we should keep moving, or we'll never reach Kalay."

"Yes." Feizhi agrees. "Let us continue."

"Mm." We all agree, and walk back to our spots as the merchant climbs back into his cart.

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>Get no replies or comments, only a handful of likes.
> :( D-Does that mean it's good?
Been there buddy, and well, personally, I don't know anything about Golden Sun, aside from the one DS game that I think had some sort of elemental spirits you could collect, not sure, but at least when it has happened to me, it's because the chapter was okay, nothing really spectacular, but also nothing rage-inducingly bad.

Granted, the lack of reactions might be because you're posting onto the SI thread, instead of onto a Golden Sun thread, or making it into a whole story where fans of Golden Sun can flock to, but I could be wrong.
Been there buddy, and well, personally, I don't know anything about Golden Sun, aside from the one DS game that I think had some sort of elemental spirits you could collect, not sure, but at least when it has happened to me, it's because the chapter was okay, nothing really spectacular, but also nothing rage-inducingly bad.

Granted, the lack of reactions might be because you're posting onto the SI thread, instead of onto a Golden Sun thread, or making it into a whole story where fans of Golden Sun can flock to, but I could be wrong.
Personally, not familiar with Golden Sun and read the first chapter but it didn't grab me, sooo. Well, I just haven't felt like reading the rest.
So, been plotting a Self Insert utilizing the Accidental Magical Girl CYOA and Worm. Of course, as funny as having my SI self being a magical girl would be, I decided to up the ante as it were. Instead, I will be a Patron. Specifically, a Lesser Force, empowered by the ROB that sent me there in the first place, to basically be Zordon to a bunch of magical girls.

Now, this is where some world building comes into play.

Patrons cannot really snipe Magical Girls of other sources, outside of the Ebon Mint (cause they corrupt their girls). As such, this boils down to being unable to empower those who have already been chosen by otherworldly powers.

What does this mean for Earth Bet? Patrons cannot pick fully realized Parahumans, since the Entities empowering humans technically count. Hence, SI Patron has to choose several folks who haven't triggered, yet will have a hopeful chance to be all the magical girl they can possibly be. Of course, this comes with an additional caveat.

Magical Girls instill negative reactions from Parahumans.

Originally, this would be the Passengers ramping up Fight of Flight instincts to drive their Host into conflict with the Magical Girls. Of course, this doesn't really work in a narrative since this would mean that every single Parahuman will gun for Magical Girls and not know why. So instead, since Passenger manipulations are supposed to be subtle, Parahuman reactions will basically be a combination of Uncanny Valley and subtle Fight or Flight, along with a dash of Distrust. What this boils down to is most Parahumans, unless they have their shit together, will see a Magical Girl and simply believe that there is something wrong with them, but not understand why. The reason? The Passengers are reacting to the fact that Magical Girls are Empowered but not One of Them. Naturally aggressive Parahumans might seek to attack at first opportunity, but most others will instead be confused why they view Magical Girls like most folks would view Slenderman depictions.

Need to finish up a proper build for the SI Patron, but essentially I'm gunning for a literal Zordon-like. Unable to physically assist, yet capable of pulling their fats out of the fryer if necessary and dishing out the sweet sweet wisdoms. This, of course, prevents the SI from doing anything personally and instead having to rely on the Teenagers with Attitude they managed to round up.

Timeline wise, this would occue sometime after Annette Hebert's death. And since I would want to help as many folks prevent their Triggers as possible, this means I'd currently aim for Taylor, Bakuda, Rune, Imp and Spitfire. Funny how all of them are villains. I'd need to find a list of other folks whose Triggers I could possibly subvert to turn them into Magical Girls, but sadly the only other possible characters are Dinah, Theo and Chariot off the top of my head. My possibly character base can grow further if I either build OCs or simply suck it in and choose folks who never Triggered, but that doesn't quite sit well with me.

In any case, I'd enjoy some feedback to this idea. The only thing that's stopping me from out and out writing is whether to start from the beginning or in media res. Also, whether to do most of the narrative from the SI's point of view, or simply switch perspectives between the Magical Girls.
So, been plotting a Self Insert utilizing the Accidental Magical Girl CYOA and Worm.
...You have my attention...

Also, yeah, I don't know Worm all that well, beyond Security and How to Drill through your problems, but I do know it's grim and dark, so eh, dropping in some Magical Girl BS might be for the good...until Jack Slash rears his ugly mug.

In any case, I'd enjoy some feedback to this idea. The only thing that's stopping me from out and out writing is whether to start from the beginning or in media res. Also, whether to do most of the narrative from the SI's point of view, or simply switch perspectives between the Magical Girls.
Hmm...personally, I'd say have the magical girl POVs first, and after all of those, have the SI's POV, maybe dropping a few small hints that the SI is an SI, like him mentioning stuff that nobody in the canon should know, or refer to things in a manner that an SI, or someone who has seen the canon would.
>Posting story chapters to see if people like them, or if they have any criticism/comments.
>Get no replies or comments, only a handful of likes.
> :( D-Does that mean it's good?
If you're getting "likes" but no comments, it probably means that people don't have anything to say, despite liking it. Nothing in it has grabbed their thoughts and demanded answers or speculations. That could mean it is fully self-contained and -explanatory and there's no need for comment.

I don't know what advice to give to get more commentary. I know my own fanfic on this site gets only a little bit of comment, though (to me) a large number of likes, so I assume it's enjoyable even if it's not chok full of mystery that has people speculating left and right. It certainly means that it doesn't have any plot elements that make people mad, or developments people feel a need to post criticism on.
...You have my attention...

Also, yeah, I don't know Worm all that well, beyond Security and How to Drill through your problems, but I do know it's grim and dark, so eh, dropping in some Magical Girl BS might be for the good...until Jack Slash rears his ugly mug.

Hmm...personally, I'd say have the magical girl POVs first, and after all of those, have the SI's POV, maybe dropping a few small hints that the SI is an SI, like him mentioning stuff that nobody in the canon should know, or refer to things in a manner that an SI, or someone who has seen the canon would.

Hmm.. so start with the Magical Girls. In Media Res, or upon first being chosen? Trying to think of which would be a better read.
But yeah, no, I'd say start from recruitment, as it allows to show the first impression the girls will have of their Mahou Daddy.
If the main character is the kyubei of the fic, then yeah, I'd even start before this point. Start with him scouting out the girls. Throw in a couple of failed candidates. Show how he makes the choices.
Timeline wise, this would occue sometime after Annette Hebert's death. And since I would want to help as many folks prevent their Triggers as possible, this means I'd currently aim for Taylor, Bakuda, Rune, Imp and Spitfire. Funny how all of them are villains.
Uh... Rune's kind of really racist. Putting her on a team with Imp and Bakuda is pretty funny, since she triggered essentially from being in juvy and being forced to interact with black people. Also Bakuda's in college and as such a lot older than the rest of the team. These two choices certainly could work, but they both stick out a lot. This doesn't seem like a functional team.
Uh... Rune's kind of really racist. Putting her on a team with Imp and Bakuda is pretty funny, since she triggered essentially from being in juvy and being forced to interact with black people. Also Bakuda's in college and as such a lot older than the rest of the team. These two choices certainly could work, but they both stick out a lot. This doesn't seem like a functional team.
...So, what you're saying is that it'll be a blast to watch. Let's just hope they don't decide to bug out.
Hmm.. so start with the Magical Girls. In Media Res, or upon first being chosen? Trying to think of which would be a better read.
Don't show the SI's POV at all. Make the main character a new recruit, maybe the fifth or sixth of the core group. As she learns how her new team operates, so too do the readers.

E: Basically just do what Worm canon did. Wildbow made a lot of mistakes, but not this.
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Don't show the SI's POV at all. Make the main character a new recruit, maybe the fifth or sixth of the core group. As she learns how her new team operates, so too do the readers.

E: Basically just do what Worm canon did. Wildbow made a lot of mistakes, but not this.

I LIKE this! Yes.. this way we see the recruiting process, team interactions, and relative amusement from reader reactions of how folks are acting. Then we can get into possible flashbacks later of each girl's own interaction. *Steeples fingers* Excellent. THank you, all for your feedback!
you know what would be funny. When you become a magical girl you don't become a magical girl and you don't de-age so you're now just a dude wearing a magical girl outift.

kinda like this
Let me know if you get tired of me posting what I've been writing for this here, and I can make my own thread.

Otherwise, I'm gonna do the same thing I did with the Code Lyoko SI thing I wrote like... wow, two and a half years ago, when I started out on writing things, and write a bunch in here(Live, SI thread, Liiiveeee!). I could just start up its own thread anyways if I feel like it deserves it, should I make it long enough into this.

<--CH3 CH5-->


I grin with a skip in my step as we walk through the wooden gates of Kalay. Civilization, at last! A real city! Next to me, Hsu and Feizhi are gawking slightly at the walls and two-story stone buildings the minor city has been built with.

It's much larger than Xian, but still far smaller than the sort of city one might see on Earth. Still, it is remarkably large and well-developed for a small city that was founded on the back of trade only ten or so years ago. It's also apparently well-maintained, as the streets I can see are remarkably clean. Vaguely, I recall something about one of the big things about Kalay being the significant effort put into developing its waterworks and tunnels.

I can hear the sounds of the market only a short walk away from the front gate as Jingi pulls on the reins and leads the cart to a stop at a small warehouse. He hops off of his seat and immediately goes to care for his horse for a minute, then turns to see Dan and Kalak waiting for him.

They go through the motions of pay while Hsu turns to Feizhi and myself. "I have never imagined seeing a city so large we could see if from more than a day's travel away!"

"This is a trade city that grew over the last ten or so years from how lucrative the silk trade is." I agree.

"Father said that the merchant Lord Hammet is very wise." Feizhi adds, gazing towards the market. "Seeing it like this and knowing it was built so quickly, I can't help but agree." (It's incredible! I've never seen so many people in one place!)

"Hammet is the greatest merchant on all of Weyard!" Jingi interrupts, having walked over while we were distracted with the city. Behind him, Dan is leaning against the cart we escorted. "All of us look up to him. He is also very soft, but his wife is very strong-willed to make up for it!" (Haha, they suit each other so well that I feel jealous every time I visit to trade off the silks I get in Xian.)

"Hm." I hum, then shake my head and smile at the merchant. "Can I just go and meet him, or is his palace private?"

"Oh?" Jingi blinks at me, then nods. "His palace is open all day. I am going there myself, so if you would like to join me...?"

"That sounds great." I agree, then turn to my companions.

"I want to visit the market!" Feizhi announces. (I've never had so much money to spend before!)

Her thought is pretty accurate. While most escorts would just stay at the caravan's side and only fought off monsters that rarely attacked because of the general cowardice of monsters, we had been chasing down the monsters and harvesting their parts while Dan and Kalak stayed with the merchant. Jingi had given us a decent rate for the monster materials and many magical consumable oil drops, bramble seeds, and weasel claws we'd obtained, so we managed to earn nearly two thousand coin on top of my starting three thousand, even after the fair markdown on the pricing.

Considering that two of the gold coins of Weyard's currency was the general going rate for an entire day's stay at an inn with three meals for one person because of the incredible growth rates of produce and the weird economy that came from it, we're practically drowning in cash. Still, unlike food or consumable items like Herbs and the ever-useful Sacred Feathers, weapons and clothing meant for combat are expensive.

Hsu looks between us for a moment, then steps over to Feizhi's side. "I'll go to the market with Feizhi. Where will we meet?" (This city is large enough that I worry about getting lost...)

Jingi answers him for us and points down the street to a sign. "The Watered Mare, right there, is a good inn and is right on the main street, so it'll be easy to find." (The couple that run it are good people.)

The others look at me, and after a moment, I take a moment to open my backpack and pass over a hefty sack of money to Feizhi before agreeing for our party. "We'll take your advice. Anything else before we split up?"

"Nope!" Feizhi grins. (Oooh, I wonder if they've got one of those protective silk dresses we make in Xian. I've never had enough money to buy one until now!)

I squint suspiciously at her, then glance at Hsu. "Please get me some protective clothes while you're shopping."

He gets the message, glances at Feizhi, then drawls. "Right. I'll make sure we don't spend it all." (Oh, what have I gotten myself into...?)

"Hey! I'm not going to waste it!" Feizhi pouts, then hefts the weight of the money and grins again. I can just imagine her eyes turning into golden coins. A moment later, she reaches over and tugs on Hsu's shirt. "Lets go! Come on!" (Eeeeeeee-)

We watch them rush down the street for a moment, then start walking down the main street, as well.

As we pass the cart where Dan is leaning against the back, Jingi waves at the soldier. "Thank you for watching my cart! I expect it to be here after I've told Hammet of our newest shipment." (These Tolbi soldiers are so reliable.)

Dan adjusts the long blade at his hip and gives us a thumbs-up.

We continue walking down the street, and pass in relative silence through the market, which is remarkably crowded. I catch sight of Hsu and Feizhi leaning over the counter of s stall filled with clothing and armor as we wade through the crowds, then we make it through the market and into a more quiet part of the street.

Eventually, Jingi speaks up as Hammet's palace comes into sight. "So, are you just visiting the local lord, or do you have something to talk to Hammet about?"

I stop in the street and think for a moment as I look around at the nearly empty street before the palace. Jingi slows to a stop as well. He's been nothing but honest and trustworthy even in his thoughts, so...

"This is sort of one of Hammet's secrets, so don't talk about it unless he tells you it's alright." I begin. Jingi blinks with curiosity, then nods with a short shrug and I continue. "Before Hammet founded Kalay and the Silk Road, he traveled the world in search of business opportunities, and nearly died in Atteka. His life was saved by a group of seers who told him of the Silk Road he would found and gave him a pack of gold doubloons, a child to raise, a prophecy, and a task."

Jingi holds his breath, slightly awed. Then he frowns. "How would you know this?"

I shrug and start walking again, slowly. "Besides killing monsters and healing with the wind, I have the same ability of those seers to see the past and future, though unlike Master Hama whom you met at Lama temple, my ability to peer through time is only so-so."

...I just cheat knowing things from my outside-context knowledge of being an avid fan of the Golden Sun games.

He follows me, trying to hide the way his eyes light up. "So you need to talk to him about the prophecy?" (What a strange story... and an incredible secret, if true! If so, I wonder if Ashali or Hama would give me advice on trading, too?)

"Nah." I wave him off. "The prophecy will basically handle itself. Instead, I just wanted to make sure he wasn't worrying too hard about what they asked him to do; the task is linked to the prophecy, so as long as he and Ivan are in the right place at the right time, it'll take care of itself. I'm just going to be less cryptic and just tell him where to be and when."

Jingi slows for a moment, thinking hard, then he gasps in shocked realization. "Perhaps that's why he's been traveling so often! All he ever said when I asked about his forays was that he was searching for something important..."

"It is." I answer agreeably.

At that, we reach the gates and the pair of guards in front of it. They recognize Jingi on sight and smile at us.

"So, would you introduce me to Hammet?" I ask.

"Certainly!" Jingi laughs. (I'm looking forward to hearing the whole story if Hammet and Layana don't send me away!)

The guards share a look, then one of them speaks up. "Hammet is indeed in and taking visitors today. He's been expecting you back, Jingi."

"Excellent!" Jingi booms with a wide smile, then starts walking.

I give the guards a nod as we walk past to stride into the small palace.

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Bayonetta Lumen Sage SI.

is aware of the plot and wants to stay far away from it
knows both sides arent really good
Hesitant to trust his summons but is slowly teaching some how to be less....evil...
on his travels away from the plot, walks right into the plot of the Devil May Cry series.
Alternatively, he and his summons get transported into another world, alongside a way to create more summons.
shenanigans ensue.