Meanwhile with the Rest of the World: Post Kyuubi Incident
1D100 => 97
The Purge of Danzo and his supporters was like lightning. All of his supporters who had surrendered, gave any and all information of his forces, his operations, his black ops.
Those that did not surrender… were killed.
And when it was over, Almost all of Danzo's assets were seized.
Except for the man himself.
Reward: Danzo's root operation has transferred to the Hokage. All actions taken by him and his forces are blacklisted, and or destroyed.
Root forces are now under the command of the Hokage.
A Bingo book bounty placed all clandestine failures and attacks on the other villages soley on the feet of Danzo, blaming him for all aggressive maneuvers.
1D100 => 92
Danzo Escaped.
Reward: Danzo escaped, but he has been blamed for all of Konoha's problems.
Remember Kids: Blame Danzo.
1D100 => 2
Root Surrendered without a fight, and have been disbanded.
Their operatives, not dead are being reprogrammed to rejoin the ninja forces and society.
Reward: Root is now under Minato's heel, he's repairing them little by little.
1D100 => 64
Iwa has… well nothing has happened at all.
Only the usual ravings and ramblings, and fence sitting as they always have.
Reward: Status quo.
1D100 => 55
Suna has a new jinchuuriki… that is about it.
Reward: Gaara is now a jinchuuriki.
1D100 => 44
Nothing of note besides preparing to send diplomats to neighboring nations… a trade envoy they say.
Reward: Diplomats are coming.
1D100 => 95
So… The Mizukage has… kicked the shit out of some trespasser who was trying to brainwash him into murdering bloodlines… Or something stupid like that, who kills bloodlines anyway?
It also seems that they've struck gold… protecting merchant ships, other seafaring vessels and also turning themselves into pirates. Among other things.
And their Mizukage has banned the academy graduation tradition, to train them in the ways of seafaring, because they have ships and they need crews. Because why waste good ninja when they can be used as sailors if they fail.
Reward: What the fuck Kiri, now is not the time to roleplay as One Piece.
(This is the Second Timeline this has happened, WHAT THE FUCK!)
1D100 => 85
God Commands Rain.
Reward: There is a new Kage in rain, who calls himself God.
His people also view him as God, so... he's got that going for him.
Said God is also sending a diplomat to Konoha… To do something… You don't know.