If we have to I was thinking on using Clove to make the Fake Emerald.

He brain stat is close enough to Starline and her sister focus may proc on the Fake Emerald.

Does it count as a Black Arms action?

There's al the problem of Cassia, the Suspension Suit is absolutely vital to keep her around and can't be afforded to be delayed.
Hm...I'm planning something for next turn.

Adventure team: Dr.Starline, Agent Stone, Canaan.

I still stand by having Canaan be one of our field agents for now anyways. I plan to use our Trickery action to keep tabs on Sonic for the time being, using turn 4 to start searching, and Canaan just seems a pretty fucking good Adventure hero to have. Besides, it could be seen as a matter of give and take: give good service, we take upon us to honor our deal and help find Maria.

We also recruit Piastol for a Mystic Hero, hopefully Majima the turn after - I'm just intrigued by who wants us to have him close - and then Nephtys, because she doesn't seem to have much baggage and is overall a potential spymaster.

I suppose one of our new Logistic actions may be to set ways to get Metal without needing to raid bases anymore with our new Burrowbots, while using Orbot and Cubot to strengthen our defenses. Part of me also wants to use Rusty Rose to upgrade Metal and build up as a possible equal to Shadow again, while trying again to use it's action to try and develop counters.

And for our Mystic action...dunno, we could get more rings? Eggman has a Mystic 8 stat, so it's not like we can fail this particular roll anyway.

So, for this first, preliminary plan:

[ ] Plan Keep An Ear On The Ground, Make Friends (Beta)
-[ ] Martial: Upgrade Metal Sonic DC: 40/60/80/100/120/140 (Rusty Rose)
-[ ] Heart: Hire A New Minion - Piastol DC 40 (Belle)
-[ ] Logistics: Build Badniks (Orbot and Cubot)
-[ ] Logistics: Mine Action?
-[ ] Brains: Make a Fake Chaos Emerald (Clove)
-[ ] Trickery: Look For Clues To The Whereabouts Of That Blasted Hedgehog! DC:20/100
-[ ] Mystic: Gather Rings

Of course, this is without going over Personals (thought at least one would go to make sure the Emerald is done correctly) or considering what our new unit can make. Any ideas on what she can do, guys? Never played Valkyria Chronicles.

Does it count as a Black Arms action?

There's al the problem of Cassia, the Suspension Suit is absolutely vital to keep her around and can't be afforded to be delayed.

I think Clove will let us know if the problem reaches a terminal level, and I think it may count if we're explicitly doing it to trick Shadow and make him leave us alone for a time?

@Kingster does making a Fake Emerald counts for Clove's Terrified not acting this turn?
Does it count as a Black Arms action?

There's al the problem of Cassia, the Suspension Suit is absolutely vital to keep her around and can't be afforded to be delayed.
Considering the implications, I suppose the suit will be a logistic action.

As Eggman mentions on the turn that it is creating a robot not too dissimilar to his badniks.

Gene teraphy no doubt will be a brain action.

The fake Emerald technically should count as an action againts them, mostly due to needing it to trick the black arms, mostly due to the logic to it.

Also the turn is technically not over until after the rival reports, so If Shadow decides to attack us Clove technically should have her entire stats for any battle initiated by the black arms.
TBH Sage and Belle moments are probably going to be filled with saccharine.

On the other hand we could also get more friendly minions like Bocoe and Decoe from Sonic X.

There is also some interesting stuff we could do with the Hard Boiled Heavys, especially since they were just normal eggrobos until they were changed by the Phantom Ruby.
[ ] Plan Keep An Ear On The Ground, Make Friends (Beta)
-[ ] Martial: Upgrade Metal Sonic DC: 40/60/80/100/120/140 (Rusty Rose)
-[ ] Heart: Hire A New Minion - Piastol DC 40 (Belle)
-[ ] Logistics: Build Badniks (Orbot and Cubot)
-[ ] Logistics: Mine Action?
-[ ] Brains: Make a Fake Chaos Emerald (Clove)
-[ ] Trickery: Look For Clues To The Whereabouts Of That Blasted Hedgehog! DC:20/100
-[ ] Mystic: Gather Rings

I think is better we build Egg Drones this turn since they are vital to give bonus in finding the Conch since combined with Egg Pawns give the search for it a bonus of +12.

Plus also seizing a badniks factory, we will never get anywhere if we have to keep building badniks one by one.
Shadow: "I'm here to run the fade, bitch."

Starline: *opens a portal below him, making him fall* "JUMP HIM!"

*The Hero Units all start stomping on him like that one JoJo meme*

*Crackles* Exactly.

My point was more so if he grabbed our vital Maguffin.

Fair, but if that happens we've already lost and thus irrelevant.

So making math, Canaan has effectively a +37 to her power contest rolls which no doubt Will be used for combat.

Add that Shadow Will have to knock 4 to 5 hero units and it means he won't be having an easy time unless he brings a Lot of reinforcements.

Don't forget our Badniks.

And considering how far we are from Black Arms territory I don't think he'll be bringing many if any troops.

[ ] Plan Keep An Ear On The Ground, Make Friends (Beta)
-[ ] Martial: Upgrade Metal Sonic DC: 40/60/80/100/120/140 (Rusty Rose)
-[ ] Heart: Hire A New Minion - Piastol DC 40 (Belle)
-[ ] Logistics: Build Badniks (Orbot and Cubot)
-[ ] Logistics: Mine Action?
-[ ] Brains: Make a Fake Chaos Emerald (Clove)
-[ ] Trickery: Look For Clues To The Whereabouts Of That Blasted Hedgehog! DC:20/100
-[ ] Mystic: Gather Rings

Hmm...I think we should hold on that until we see our new actions.

But personally I use Martial to take a factory, and intriuge to look for Maria or infiltrate the Empire.

There's something inherently kinda funny about Belle just, like, potentially making friends with all these dangerous trained killers XD

*Crackles* A horrible bundle of bad guys! And Belle.

If you harm Belle we will slaughter you to the last.
Say what kind of badniks currently in are in out possession that are capable of infiltration?
Only the egg pawn variants. Aside from that you dot. Have anything that could be used for infiltrations.

according to the villains victorious doc, the Hard Boiled Heavies are currently rogue and control their own territory.
As said before, the entry of metal sonic, and the hard boiled heavies doesn't apply to this quest, the rest do though.
Also @Kingster can Egg Drones be used to help search for people or it's only objects?

Also can Egg Pawn [Variant] can be used in some Mystic actions thanks to the Egg Magicians and Egg Bishops variants?
Only the egg pawn variants. Aside from that you dot. Have anything that could be used for infiltrations.

As said before, the entry of metal sonic, and the hard boiled heavies doesn't apply to this quest, the rest do though.
We already retrieved Metal Sonic. What sort of boost would we get if we found, retrieved, and repaired the Hardboiled Heavies?

Is it possible we can find bots (from Bocoe, Decoe, Bokkun and more) from the Sonic X series? Cause that includes more of the E-Series bots, BEFORE the E-100 series. Speaking of which, could we somehow salvage/rebuild some of our E100 series bots? From Zero/E100 Alpha onward? With the notable exception of E123 Omega (since he's probably still active and hates our guts)?

Could we find any Gizoid robots (ala Emerl/Gemerl from Sonic Battle, Sonic Advance 3 and Sonic Chronicles)? Cause those might be useful.

And while Empire tech is inferior to ours....could we study some of it and come up with our own better versions? Or build EggPawn models that fill similar class roles as the Valkyrie chronicles (like anti-tank, sniper, etc)?
Speaking of which, could we somehow salvage/rebuild some of our E100 series bots? From Zero/E100 Alpha onward? With the notable exception of E123 Omega (since he's probably still active and hates our guts)?
eh, I'm not sure the E-100 series are really worth it, they're high spec commander units, but at our level we don't have much for them to command, and once we have our full army back there'll be too few of them to make a difference. better to just use the mass produced version.
And while Empire tech is inferior to ours....could we study some of it and come up with our own better versions? Or build EggPawn models that fill similar class roles as the Valkyrie chronicles (like anti-tank, sniper, etc)?

Egg Pawn [Regulars] already do all this kind of stuff

Could we find any Gizoid robots (ala Emerl/Gemerl from Sonic Battle, Sonic Advance 3 and Sonic Chronicles)? Cause those might be useful.

Emerl was destroyed and Gemerl is currently the protector of Cream and her mother.