That is quite possibly what they probably want from us. They want shadow back and luckily, we have some tech from Sonic fighters they could allow us to directly assault the black doom in the space arc along with our metal boy metal sonic

If they want Shadow back, they first have to have to help us get our Eggpire back.
Also might be the potential to lower the DC by going on the attack while we are doing it.

Certainly damaged the Six's power base with repelling this raid.
That is quite possibly true as well, but let's not assume that unless the QMS directly tell us. I'm feeling we should probably send a different power hero unit. Or recruit roo or Goro to get another hero to do the assault.

But we should probably put like one of our egg bosses on this clove alone just in case she runs into one of the zetti before we can cure her sister
So Zor study something. People tend to forget but Eggman probably has a largr library of magical research, maybe the guy use a ritual to contact Dark Gaia it seems on brand with his wholw style of despair?

Also remeber Zor sutdies things even the other Deadly Six are afraid to mess. Maybe it would be a good idea to interrogate Zenna and Zommon about him.

Don't think she's directly after the Emerald this time, for one I don't think GUN and Restoration even know we have one?

That and this seems to be a "diplomatic" contact.. in so far as enemy of my enemy goes. Team Dark probably wants Shadow back..

Also this sounds like a indeodent action of Rouge, much Whisper, that critical fail because of Omega.

She is acring indepdent of GUN in this moment.

Edit: guess nect rurn either we start the gene therapy and put Sage to rerrol the dice for conquering storm or Eggman sacrifuce his three personal to rescue Chuck and Chris.

Meaning and rest if his wounds.
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I can see the logic.

Rouge may want Shadow back, safe and sane. GUN will just kill the hedgehog or stuff him in a cryo pod never to be seen again.
Ahhh gun never change never change…. It's gonna be so satisfying to crush them again. We just gotta play ball with them first and then crush them.

I really hope she holds off Omega going nuts if he sees cassia in the omega care unit it

Cpmmander Towers also want Shadow safe and sane, he mention this to Rouge and Towers very much want to capture him as well to snap out of this madness in the All Hail the Sha-The Restoration!?.

He, and the world, own Shadow that much at least.

Don't go around demonizing GUN when they want Shadow as well safe and sound.
We could make gear for the Conquering Storm next turn. Puts a damper on the personals, but gear applies to nationals even the turn they are made if Turn 4 is anything to judge by. It'd probably boost her ability to succeed.

I like the idea of demanding the Restoration Nepthys to us in exchange for Chuck. But we definitely need to get Chuck to cough up everything he learned about Eggman's systems working for Zavok if we release him. I seriously think that revealing our secret base would give us a lot of leverage in demanding Chuck share what he learned about our systems. Like, he knows Eggman would be furious at being blackmailed, but having blackmailed Eggman only to find out that Eggman is about to let the secret out in the world would put him in a very uncomfortable position. We can use that. Assuming we successfully rescue him anyways and reveal our location.

Kind of unfortunate that hacking the Eggnet to find his location didn't help us at all apparently, but them's the breaks.

Everyone, don't forget the main reason why the empire lost is because of a natural 100 in the roll. For all we know, it could be a one time thing and Zor goes back to normal. Don't start panicking that the conch might not work on him.
The Conch isn't an I win button against the Zetis. It probably will give a substantial boost to a contested... Mystical roll-I guess?- against the Zeti. Zor probably got a trait out of the critical success and/or a stat boost. It's like to help against the Conch's effects. Though I could have been more accurate with my words.
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Chuck better choose his next words carefully when we get our hands on him and he will learn quickly our Eggman isn't the Sonic X version he knows if we can get him of course. I say we keep the good doctor in our custody and send Chris to the Restoration as a sign of ''goodwill''
Chuck better choose his next words carefully when we get our hands on him and he will learn quickly our Eggman isn't the Sonic X version he knows if we can get him of course. I say we keep the good doctor in our custody and send Chris to the Restoration as a sign of ''goodwill''

X!Eggman is also dangerous. The trouble is that Chuck is used dealing with a Eggman that was scrap by resources, much like us, and is not like Sonic and co tell their humans friends everything about the docotr, more likely to not scare them.

So he see Eggman in a similar position and roll what he knows.

Even X!Eggman would be beyond furious with him.

So QMs that hackng action to find Chris and Chuck is null and void?

Can we at least get a small bonus on it?

We did give up some pretty nice options in exchnage to try to find them only to be all whole worhtless now that Chuck and Chirs straigh up deliver their location to us.
I am going to level with you, to avoid all that weird nonsense that would arise from Chris being an adult in a kid's body, this is just going to be Chris from when he was still a child timeline wise XD