To be honest I didn't see Whisper getting involved, but I suppose a Merc sniper with a grudge would definitely take the chance. Is Whisper even affiliated with the restoration at this point?
She was mentioned helping Tangle locating Chuck.
I really doubt the Restoration would endorse this act and if she was asked in help scout the Black Arms territory then Jewel will tear her apart verbally because she decided on her own to let her vengeance to consume her and take a pot shot at Eggman regardless of the consequences of her actions.
You raise a valid point, but as others have said, trying to kill Eggman and failing does potentially incur his wrath when he was previously seemingly content to ignore them until later
....If she had tried to kill him and succeeded I think she would be a National hero though, yeah XD
Also Eggman no doubt have survive numerous attempts on his life before, he's really hard to kill plus, this is important, timing is everything.
Whisper absoltuly take the worst moment to pull her stunt. It was literally his greatest moment in this quest, he take in Zavok full wrath and his army head on and emerge victoroius.
Then she decided to ruin this moment by trying to kill him.
You don't do this. You never do this.
Eggman would willing to chalk this as annoaynce if happen on any other day, something that could be taken care once time allows it or he would even forget about it due to how mundane this is.
However he will now dedicate considerabke resources to hunt this individual. Much like he decided to conquer the Empire once he resume full control of his army and facilities.
I very much think this will be a Side Drive of his due to how mad she mad him be but the guy still know when to focus. He's not goin mobilize his whole Empure to kill her but he will keep the Sniper on mind from now on.
If she keep ruinining imprtant things for him then she will become his Main Drive and will have the warm feeling Sonic has when a mad man tries to kill you.
**Whisper to JFK Eggman**: 1d100 (46) + 27(Whisper Power Roll) + 20(???) + 10(???)+ 10(???)
**Total**: 113
**With advantage For successful Deep Infiltration**: 1d100 (73) + 27(Whisper Power) + 20(???) + 10(???) + 10(???)
**Total**: 140
Eggman's Power Roll
**Result**: 1d100 (66) + 18(Eggman Power) + 5 (Egg Gun)
**Total**: 89
Success! Whisper managed to get some payback!!!
I just see this, but men we get lucky apperently Whisper roll twice because she was deep infiltrated.
Don't know if this is a specific trait of hers or part of the mechanis of the quest. Considering that Whisper was partly inspired by Sniper Wolf from Metal Gear than is likely a trait of hers.