
Sooo we have the mirror fighter thing which can create a duplicate of a fighter and mimic their powers and abilities.

We also have two captured zeti.

Wonder if we can use that to exploit their ability to seize control of our badnicks and allow sage to build a resistance to it.

I guess we can potentially get that zeti trait for metal if we think we can brute force it using the mirror fighter.

Sooo we have the mirror fighter thing which can create a duplicate of a fighter and mimic their powers and abilities.

We also have two captured zeti.

Wonder if we can use that to exploit their ability to seize control of our badnicks and allow sage to build a resistance to it.

Or maybe we can use them as a counter to their ability and allow us to muscle past the virus

That depends if their Technopathy counts as a combat trait as the Mirror Fighters can only duplicate their Power Score and Combat Traits.
That depends if their Technopathy counts as a combat trait as the Mirror Fighters can only duplicate their Power Score and Combat Traits.

I mean it's a key part of their existence that they also use in fights as shown in their raid against us both using it to take over machines such as metal sonic and cast debuffs aswell.

In the game the Tails mirror fighter could still fly despite that ability not being a combat trait at it's core.
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That depends if their Technopathy counts as a combat trait as the Mirror Fighters can only duplicate their Power Score and Combat Traits.

That technopathy is more of a Mystic trait than a combat ability.

I have this idea for a omake where Agent Stone is serving as Zormon and Zenna warden whiel trying to figure out a way to keep them docile and willing subjects of the doctor's experiments.

Zormon is easy since he can be bribed with food but Zenna is the trouble however using a bit of Eggman's files about them and his own observation about the Zeti woman, he figure out that he can distract her by giving stuff to her cell, such as magazines, make up and some cheap complements. Make her syat much like a five-star hotel than anything else.

Zenna would of course appreciete and promise once she escape she will leave him alive. Of course Stone is not worried after all as long he give her stuff she wants is likely she will forget in trying to escape or make such half hearted attempts that can be easily countered.

The doctor was truly right not mattwr who, no matter when, people are so... basic.
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Im amazed you thought Whisper wouldnt do anything once you revéales yoursleves, like no offense guys but c'mon, you should hace seem this coming.
I know this is not how it's meant to come across as, but this sounds a lot like "We got you! With this thing we left pretty much little information as possible on the idea that this would happen and a way to counter it! You guys are dumb for not thinking this was going to happen and not taking preparations to prevent it!"

Like, seriously, there looks like there was literally nothing we can do given the circumstances. I'm not saying to remove it, just that this post can come off as much more mean spirit then intended.
That technopathy is more of a Mystic trait than a combat ability.

I have this idea for a omake where Agent Stone is serving as Zormon and Zenna warden whiel trying to figure out a way to keep them docile and willing subjects of the doctor's experiments.

Zormon is easy since he can be bribed with food but Zenna is the trouble however using a bit of Eggman's files about them and his own observation about the Zeti woman, he figure out that he can distract her by giving stuff to her cell, such as magazines, make up and some cheap complements. Make her syat much like a five-star hotel than anything else.

Zenna would of course appreciete and promise once she escape she will leave him alive. Of course Stone is not worried after all as long he give her stuff she wants is likely she will forget in trying to escape or make such half hearted attempts that can be easily countered.

The doctor was truly right not mattwr who, no matter when, people are so... basic.

I mean hypothetically if we mirror fighter shadow the copy not getting his chaos powers because their are inherently more mystic bassed then raw combat wouldn't exactly make sense.

Sure the copies of magic using beings being lesser in the realm of magic sense considering Eggmans stance but being completely incapable of at least using it in combat especially if they specifically have a mystical based bonus to combat which the zeti probably do seems kinda strange
I mean hypothetically if we mirror fighter shadow the copy not getting his chaos powers because their are inherently more mystic bassed then raw combat wouldn't exactly make sense.

Sure the copies of magic using beings being lesser in the realm of magic sense considering Eggmans stance but being completely incapable of at least using it in combat especially if they specifically have a mystical based bonus to combat which the zeti probably do seems kinda strange

It might be but at the same time it probably be too overpowered if copies were to replicate to that extent. Maybe in the future we can upgrade but I just don't see us getting to that level right now.

For the moment, I think they'll work great as training for our heroes and as an extra layer of defense.
It might be but at the same time it probably be too overpowered if copies were to replicate to that extent. Maybe in the future we can upgrade but I just don't see us getting to that level right now.

For the moment, I think they'll work great as training for our heroes and as an extra layer of defense.

I mean even a downgraded version should be enough to be useful in blocking or at least reducing the damage the zeti can do to us.

I doubt the mirror fighters could completely mimic everyone 100% and we don't really need them to to make them exceedingly annoying.

If we can only get them to counter spell Zeti control effects tgat alone would be massive for us.
I still think Zati trait is not a combat trait, it's not even used in combat except to take control of machines.

It would be like the machine copy Clove and her Egg Boss trait.

It would be a robotic clone meant to fight, not a perfect copy.
I still think Zati trait is not a combat trait, it's not even used in combat except to take control of machines.

It would be like the machine copy Clove and her Egg Boss trait.

It would be a robotic clone meant to fight, not a perfect copy.

On the other hand it's an ability that every single one of them has which implies it's a physical trait of their species.

I doubt it can replicate it to the same degree but even if it's limited to even a quarter as effective that's still enough to be useful in reducing the effect of Zeti bullshit.

They don't have to be a true copy just enough of one to function as supporting units.
I will say, one of the Interludes have been finished up, just gotta wait for the other Co-QMs to be awake and look it over.

So that's good, I hope.

Well we have the Full Moon and Things Change in our side.

Also Big interlude as well but I think is better leave after the Rival Reports.

I really like this call back to one of the funnier scenes in the movie and making it a little darker, good job

He also mention this in the Sonic 2 tie-in comic when Stone resume control of some of the doctor's badniks from a buch of thieves.

Man, watch Sonic 3 and Robotnik straigh say Agent Stone is his friend world wide moments before the Eclipse Cannon is destroyed.

In a way Eggman was lucky he never met Gerald after he gone to the deep end, Paramount!Robotnik was told in his face by Gerald own words that he never care about him and only was using him for his scheme despite everything he did to him.
To be honest I didn't see Whisper getting involved, but I suppose a Merc sniper with a grudge would definitely take the chance. Is Whisper even affiliated with the restoration at this point?
Yes, technically speaking, though only in a freelance capacity

She'll help when needed, but is mostly doing her own thing.
So only associated in a distant professional capacity. Welp, given what happened, I doubt the restoration will be pursuing closer relations.

Edit: Good news is we didn't make Isara cry... Instead Whisper probably gave her a panic attack.
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To be honest I didn't see Whisper getting involved, but I suppose a Merc sniper with a grudge would definitely take the chance. Is Whisper even affiliated with the restoration at this point?

Iirc she's working parallel with them being a loner post losing her squad.

She only really joined up properly after running into Sonic and befriending the Lemer girl. Considering she's operating alone she probably got taken before that point
Jewel: "Whisper, I am going to word this as nicely as possible... ARE YOU AN ABSOLUTELY INSANE IDIOT!?"

Whisper: "That wasn't worded very nicely."

Jewel: "Ooooh trust me, my word choice could be A LOT worse after the stunt you just pulled!!!"
So only associated in a distant professional capacity. Welp, given what happened, I doubt the restoration will be pursuing closer relations.

Sonic's friends are leading the restoration.

They'd welcome her with open arms and a resupply for her whisps and probably some tips on her next attempt to bring Eggman down.

They hate Eggman and probably consider him one of the biggest issues to take care of.
Jewel: "Whisper, I am going to word this as nicely as possible... ARE YOU AN ABSOLUTELY INSANE IDIOT!?"

Whisper: "That wasn't worded very nicely."

Jewel: "Ooooh trust me, my word choice could be A LOT worse after the stunt you just pulled!!!"
Again you think Knuckles would have any issues with going after Eggman before he regains control of empire? Or amy?
Sonic's friends are leading the restoration.

They'd welcome her with open arms and a resupply for her whisps and probably some tips on her next attempt to bring Eggman down.

They hate Eggman and probably consider him one of the biggest issues to take care of.

Again you think Knuckles would have any issues with going after Eggman before he regains control of empire? Or amy?
Nah, this restoration is run by Jewel. It's post changeover and Knuckles is currently protecting Angel Island.
You raise a valid point, but as others have said, trying to kill Eggman and failing does potentially incur his wrath when he was previously seemingly content to ignore them until later

....If she had tried to kill him and succeeded I think she would be a National hero though, yeah XD
So I just collected the entire conversation when Tangle is encouraging friendly wagers on the outcome of the fight and Whisper sets up.
Tangle: So who do we cheer on?
Jewel: Are you really asking that?
Tangle: I mean whoever wins should technically be a win for us, on the other hand I did bet 50 rings on the red guy.
Jewel: For the love of Chaos, really Tangle?
Tangle: Hey don't blame me, it is not every day you see a Mecha vs Kaiju battle, well technically Kaijin as Zavok was small before growing up like on that series I got from my last trip to Yurashia.
Jewel: "….50 on eggman."
Whisper on comms as she's setting up a shot on Eggman:
50 on they both die.
Tangel:"Whisper… I'm a little scared to ask why."
I actually like the whole conversation and feel it could be a good foundation for a negaquest turn for the restoration.

Especially as I suspect that the entire event was being related by Whisper directly to restoration HQ and everyone would flip their respective tables when Whisper took the shot.

Something along the lines of:

Jewel: That's it then, neither died so nobody wins the bet.

Smithy 'Bang'

Slinger 'Bang'

Claire 'Bang'

Jewel: What the hell!?

Tangle: WHAT!?

On a related note, how upset will Whisper be when she finds out Eggman isn't even dead?
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To be honest I didn't see Whisper getting involved, but I suppose a Merc sniper with a grudge would definitely take the chance. Is Whisper even affiliated with the restoration at this point?

She was mentioned helping Tangle locating Chuck.

I really doubt the Restoration would endorse this act and if she was asked in help scout the Black Arms territory then Jewel will tear her apart verbally because she decided on her own to let her vengeance to consume her and take a pot shot at Eggman regardless of the consequences of her actions.

You raise a valid point, but as others have said, trying to kill Eggman and failing does potentially incur his wrath when he was previously seemingly content to ignore them until later

....If she had tried to kill him and succeeded I think she would be a National hero though, yeah XD

Also Eggman no doubt have survive numerous attempts on his life before, he's really hard to kill plus, this is important, timing is everything.

Whisper absoltuly take the worst moment to pull her stunt. It was literally his greatest moment in this quest, he take in Zavok full wrath and his army head on and emerge victoroius.

Then she decided to ruin this moment by trying to kill him.

You don't do this. You never do this.

Eggman would willing to chalk this as annoaynce if happen on any other day, something that could be taken care once time allows it or he would even forget about it due to how mundane this is.

However he will now dedicate considerabke resources to hunt this individual. Much like he decided to conquer the Empire once he resume full control of his army and facilities.

I very much think this will be a Side Drive of his due to how mad she mad him be but the guy still know when to focus. He's not goin mobilize his whole Empure to kill her but he will keep the Sniper on mind from now on.

If she keep ruinining imprtant things for him then she will become his Main Drive and will have the warm feeling Sonic has when a mad man tries to kill you.

**Whisper to JFK Eggman**: 1d100 (46) + 27(Whisper Power Roll) + 20(???) + 10(???)+ 10(???)
**Total**: 113

**With advantage For successful Deep Infiltration**: 1d100 (73) + 27(Whisper Power) + 20(???) + 10(???) + 10(???)
**Total**: 140

Eggman's Power Roll
**Result**: 1d100 (66) + 18(Eggman Power) + 5 (Egg Gun)
**Total**: 89

Success! Whisper managed to get some payback!!!

I just see this, but men we get lucky apperently Whisper roll twice because she was deep infiltrated.

Don't know if this is a specific trait of hers or part of the mechanis of the quest. Considering that Whisper was partly inspired by Sniper Wolf from Metal Gear than is likely a trait of hers.
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