Sorry fi my comment about missing your chance to obtain the Chaos Emerald from the Empire came off as rude, that wasn't my intention. Was just letting you know of it, like Booho said, to note that this didn't come out of nowhere.

But still, the throwing too much stuff at once doesn't feel that way? Like we did have many paths allowed for you guys, but ypu were the ones to choose to take them. We didn't throw them at you as much as you decided to pick them up (the raid, the adventre of turn 5, etc.)

Sorry if someof my comments have come off as insensitive, that isn't my intention.

About the raid mechanics sorry if they haven't come off as intented, as mentioned before, don0t have much experience runnign this tyoe of battles and went with something I know more or less.

Initial confusion aside. Personally, I think you've been doing quite well. You and yours have been incredibly engaging, more so then I see for most QMs, and have not been shy about it. And while there are some things I disagree on, going with what your familiar with is always a good idea. Running a quest is not easy, and from what I've seen in the thread you've also been very patient.

So don't get discouraged. It is the enemy of the muse.
Hold your hedgehogs a bit, let see how this Raid and rest of the turn ends before we start planning anything
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I'm not focusing as much on this thread because I was already getting annoyed with the QM's over certain aspects of how the quests being run
In the same spirit as you said it, there isn't a need to announce to the rest of the thread that you're now ignoring this because you don't like some of the things we've done or how we have done them.

I hope you have fun with the quest and understand that any "nerfs" to Eggman I at least don't see.
So question guys.

Who wants to fuck with the Zeti on Turn 6 by freeing Metal through a Hacking Competition again?

Being honest. Assuming we don't retreat. I don't see them just leaving with Metal.

Thinking about this from an IC perspective.

Zavok wants us dead, he does not know we have any other bases and came here presumably under the assumption that this was the only one we had and that we are here. In anything, the fact we sent out Metal Sonic and have surrounded ourselves with organic allies would only solidify that belief. Because that would make anyone think that we have our backs to a wall. (Which we kind of both do and don't)

He wants us dead. And retreating with Metal would necessitate a baby sitter. Limiting his force. But more importantly, Metal Sonic is an extremely powerful weapon and one he can use recklessly without any regard as to his safety. He intends to win here. If Metal Sonic breaks? Why would he care? It can be repaired once he wins. Defeat won't even cross his mind. He can use Metal Sonic to kill us, after all. What would be more satisfying in his mind that destroying us with our own prized creation?

No. He's not going to send Metal Sonic away. He's going to continue to use him like the bludgeon that Metal Sonic is to kill us. Because that's what he wants to do.
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Okay....looking over the Sonic wiki on Zeti....

Zomom has the power of magnetism manipulation, super strength, speed (nowhere fast as Sonic, Shadow, or Metal), Enhanced jumping abilities and durability, can create energy balls, flight (SOMEHOW. LOGIC?), Burrowing, and his unlimited appetite. He can basically eat anything (like Kirby!).

Zazz has energy ball projection, magnetism manipulation, Enhanced jump, speed, strength, and durability....flight, and is apparently skilled on rail-grinding.

Zeena....she has Magnetism manipulation like all Zeti. Alongside enhanced jumping capabilities, strength and durability....Flight, rail-grinding like Zazz....and Energy Tether generation. It's also listed that she's skilled with various weaponry. Something to keep an eye out for.

Zor is the spy of the Deadly Six. Like his comrades, he has magnetism manipulation, super strength, enhanced jumping and durability. Flight. Energy ball projection. But one thing he has that others don' Umbrakinesis. Control over shadows and darkness. Something to be wary of.

Master Zik (and looking on the wiki, I found that he's the FOUNDER of the Deadly Six)....He has some potent abilities. Magnetism manipulation, enhanced jump, durability, and accuracy. High acrobatic skills and reflexes...Martial Arts ball still a highly capable (and genius, according to the wiki) fighter. And he has the power of psychokinesis.

And lastly....Zavok....current leader of the Deadly Six....

He has, as the wiki lists: Keen intellect. Super Strength. Skilled in Ergokinetic combat. Enhanced jumping, durability, and speed. Fireball Projection. Flight. Hand-to-hand combat skills. Rail-grinding. Is a competent leader for his group. Magnetism manipulation. The ability to become giant. And he has driving skills (Odd...unless he was in a Sonic racing game).

So yeah....we have A LOT to counter...
In the same spirit as you said it, there isn't a need to announce to the rest of the thread that you're now ignoring this because you don't like some of the things we've done or how we have done them.

I hope you have fun with the quest and understand that any "nerfs" to Eggman I at least don't see.
I'm not just "announcing that I'm ignoring the thread" I am trying to pay some attention, I more and wanted to air some of the criticisms I have with how the quests been run so far.

But still, the throwing too much stuff at once doesn't feel that way? Like we did have many paths allowed for you guys, but ypu were the ones to choose to take them. We didn't throw them at you as much as you decided to pick them up (the raid, the adventre of turn 5, etc.)
I think the rest of the points you make are good, but I meant more it feels like we have too many factions and enemies to deal with when we're at such a weakened state, and I don't feel like we do have a choice but to take on some of them when we know that's the only way to get back our missing actions.

edit: I'm not good at giving criticisms or debating, my first response to any form of conflict is to leave the situation entirely. so I may not be great at getting my points across.
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But still, the throwing too much stuff at once doesn't feel that way? Like we did have many paths allowed for you guys, but ypu were the ones to choose to take them. We didn't throw them at you as much as you decided to pick them up (the raid, the adventre of turn 5, etc.)

Sorry if someof my comments have come off as insensitive, that isn't my intention.

About the raid mechanics sorry if they haven't come off as intented, as mentioned before, don0t have much experience runnign this tyoe of battles and went with something I know more or less.
We are in a middle of a tough starting position is what I think it boils down to. We are surrounded by hostile factions that have extreme martial units (Shadow and Empire) and have a heavy diplomatic malus towards other local factions. (GUN and Restoration) Plus our main way to recoup and get resources is being commanded by something that hard counters what Eggman specializes in, and as seen all it takes is one bad roll to utterly remove one of our primary units from play.

So.. yeah, difficulty is definitely up there.
Zavok wants us dead, he does not know we have any other bases and came here presumably under the assumption that this was the only one we had and that we are here. In anything, the fact we sent out Metal Sonic and have surrounded ourselves with organic allies would only solidify that belief. Because that would make anyone think that we have our backs to a wall. (Which we kind of both do and don't)
Also, even if he did know that we had another base (which he thankfully doesn't), he would probably still want to apply Metal here.

Because having a secret base means nothing if you don't get to escape back to it, and someone with Metal's speed is very good at cutting off escape routes.

The real question is how confident Zavok is in whatever plan and strategy he has concocted.