Maybe or they finaly manage to crack open Eggtech.

Arms Race sidestory mentions that GUN has suscefully created they own Egg Gun, albeit a very inferior version and are using what they learn to boost they current arsenal.

Remember that GUN has years to study Eggtech so a descent attempt to understand has been in the work for years.

Making equipment for minions does not mean equipment just for combat.

It.could.imorove his Tricery as a examole, body armor and so on.

Fair enough but this was supposed to be for Zavok' incoming attack so..

Well, just that a pity that's all.

QMs, if we make equipment for Stone could we potentially get something useful for Trickery, Brains, or is most of the equipment that we could give only useful for combat?

What equipment and how good or bad It is will depend on the rolls and Eggman current mood/situation. As soberan said not all is for combat, and the hero unit in mind will be considered when making it, its not a general equiopment, is somethign created specifically for said hero, like Rough and Tumble equipment in the comics that he gave them to attack sonic and tails.

Isara will either get soemthing for engineering or if the dice loves her, a big freacking tank, canaan will be realted to her sharpshpopting and maybe synesthesia if she rolls high enough, etc.
Hmmm... I'm thinking of increased Size first, so we can equip it with badniks, and a reinforced hull so it doesn't get shot down as easily, and then if we have a leftover point we spring for the communication system.

I think the armaments aren't super important right now, since most of our battles are on the ground, and while the Camo system would definitely be useful, I don't think we plan on any sneaking at the moment.

Well we're going to get invaded this turn and sneak into a lockdown city the next so...

Frankly all of them. Though Stealth and combat are probably the most useful at the moment.
Well we're going to get invaded this turn and sneak into a lockdown city the next so...

Frankly all of them. Though Stealth and combat are probably the most useful at the moment.
will say this, if you are planning to use the ship, taking Piastol to the adventure is a must, both of them and Deathound are a one deal package. You are not getting her ship just like that.
Well we're going to get invaded this turn and sneak into a lockdown city the next so...

Frankly all of them. Though Stealth and combat are probably the most useful at the moment.
You make a fair point. If we're going to take Piastol and her ship to the city adventure, we should definitely do Camo to assist in making a clean getaway, and Reinforced Hull if we can so they don't get shot out of the sky. If we have a leftover point, toss in the Communication upgrade too.

If we don't lock her in for the adventure, I say we do Size, Hull, and if we have the points for it, Armament (with Communications if we're short on arms) since I think that's a more generally useful set of upgrades.

Found some interesting art of what a super sage powered by chaos emeralds will look like and interestingly enough a super chaos chris, enjoy the pictures

Also one picture one angry papa eggman wanting to murder chris
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I've got mixed feelings on bringing the ship on a stealth mission. are we actually going to be able to keep it hidden? the only way I could imagine it not getting immediately spotted is if the camouflage systems are way better than I was expecting them to be and are practically invisibility.
will say this, if you are planning to use the ship, taking Piastol to the adventure is a must, both of them and Deathound are a one deal package. You are not getting her ship just like that.

Make sense.

A Egg Party with Eggman, Canaan, Belle and Piastol is pretty descent.

I guess Sage could be there as well since this a high tech city and she can be used to hack into the city systems for us to have a easier time inside.

Also Conquering Storm along side the Egg Clan couls be pretry powerful in quietly takin territory around our hidden base and not reveal our true location to the world.
So, here's a thought: Snively is here with us. But the upgrades GUN has been doing seemed familiar to Eggman. The assumption a lot of us made was that Snively was working for GUN, but if that's not the case, is it Hope Kintobor working for them instead?
Hm....Post-SWG Snively (AKA Julian Snively) IF he has become a separate character could be the one. Hope Kintober is another. There is also Grimer and Tekno the Canary from Fleetway continuity...
Hm....Post-SWG Snively (AKA Julian Snively) IF he has become a separate character could be the one. Hope Kintober is another. There is also Grimer and Tekno the Canary from Fleetway continuity...
Well, there's the big question: did he become a separate character? All the Eggmans were conglomerated into one Eggman, so we assumed the same happened to other characters with multiple versions. But we have no way to know if that's actually true.

And if it's possible to have multiple versions of anperson running around (and Captain Metal shows it isn't completely out of the question) are we certain we're the only Eggman in play?
Either way more math for current winning plan.

Isara, Power is at 17, +20 from her trait + 10 from the darscens and +3 from loyalty, add 18 power from eggman and 20 from eggtronics and we get.

88 starting roll, crit is on 160 so we need a 72 to crit.

Fortify, the sisters give 29 on power, then we add 3 from loyalty, +15 from excavation and I suppose eggboss bonus also triggers giving a +10, then 18 from eggman and we get.

75, 45 or more nets us all thresholds, even a 5 would give the zeti a malus of -20 at minimum

Darscen friendly, Canaan has 25 heart, +11 from half her trickery, 3 from loyalty and 7 from eggman, we get 46.

Meaning we will need to roll decently at least a 29 to pass that one, unless we nat 100 we won't crit the action.

Study ragnite, 10 brain from rusty, +2 from loyalty and 40 from Eggman as eggtronics don't trigger on this, we get 52, needing a 13 to pass on 78 or higher we crit.

Infiltration, Stone has 20 trickery, + 4 on loyalty, + 22 from Eggman giving us a 46. we need a 14 to succeed on the action, a 74 and up crits.

Mystic, Piastol has 20 mystic, 0 from loyalty and 8 from us, literally anything short of a nat 1 succeds the action, a 32 crits.
Well, there's the big question: did he become a separate character? All the Eggmans were conglomerated into one Eggman, so we assumed the same happened to other characters with multiple versions. But we have no way to know if that's actually true.

And if it's possible to have multiple versions of anperson running around (and Captain Metal shows it isn't completely out of the question) are we certain we're the only Eggman in play?
It could just be that it works different for robots.
I don't think Snively is significantly more likely to betray us than other heroes and I think there are many good and valid reasons to recruit him.

That being said

[X](Snively) No

I just don't like his vibes. He would throw off our empire's carefully designed villanous feng shui.