The guy is useful, like an early season G1 starscream. As long as we don't show too much weakness, they won't try too hard to betray us

No he ain't.

He will constantly try to betray us because this is who he is.

It's no doomposting but because this is his character at his core, we would have to ditact considerable resources just to keep a eye on him eating even more of our action points just to keep a eye on him.


Didnt G1 Starscream ended up setting Megatron to die once? Thats what we're dealing with.

Snively is a worm and one that will turn coats at any point now that we're weakened

Worst Snively actually susceed in killing his uncle once.

Plus he'll probably do something that harms Sage or Belle as well.

Even worse be a bad influence to them.

Fair how about we instead do next turn to declare our territory friendly to darcsen people And the. to talk to the restoration at turn 6

We can satisfy the drive next turn and still do the adventure without the malus

When a mallus set it would only be lift if we make progress to satisfy the Drive.

Right now a single announcement can do it but a mallus lift requires more effor and she still would go in a adventure with her mallus because it would only be lift in Turn 6.
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Didnt G1 Starscream ended up setting Megatron to die once? Thats what we're dealing with.
More than once, but the good one was during the movie.

After suffering heavy damages againts Optimus the Decepticons retreated and their ship wasn't going fast enough.

So they decided to throw out the injured to take some weight off.

Opportunity Starcream inmediatly took to throw out Megatron and declare himself leader of the deceptions.

Which lasted about 5 minutes as Megatron came back with a vengeance as Galvatron.
Plus he'll probably do something that harms Sage or Belle as well.
Yeah, and I'm voting now for him as well in the death egg defense plan
When a mallus set it would only be lift if we make progress to satisfy the Drive.

Right now a single announcement can do it but a mallus lift requires more effor and she still would go in a adventure with her mallus because it would only be lift in Turn 6.
All we're doing is trying to find someone and as long as we don't do anything illegal, we're ok plus if we're very stealthy will be fine if we assign one of our tricky hero units like conquering storm or Goro

Plus, she'll have Sage and their trait would help a lot
More than once, but the good one was during the movie.

After suffering heavy damages againts Optimus the Decepticons retreated and their ship wasn't going fast enough.

So they decided to throw out the injured to take some weight off.

Opportunity Starcream inmediatly took to throw out Megatron and declare himself leader of the deceptions.

Which lasted about 5 minutes as Megatron came back with a vengeance as Galvatron.

So thats my point. One chance, one chance and he'll leave us to die. Try to set himself as king, the fool.

No, I say. Not give margin for error and push him off.
So thats my point. One chance, one chance and he'll leave us to die. Try to set himself as king, the fool.

No, I say. Not give margin for error and push him off.

Worst part he keep coming back to Eggman because he know the doctor will always take him back no matter what to escape the consequences of his own actions.

Let's be the first Doctor Eggman to deny him.
... Thinking about it.

He came crawling back to us as soon as we announced ourselves.

Not only the QM's have said he had been active for months now.

But it is hella convenient he right now came crawling back to us despite being people out there who actually could use his talent and not be mistreated like the doctor did.

... Did this guy piss off someone powerful enough with his nature that either a prince or a king is actively hunting him down and the snake needs protection in this moment?
... Thinking about it.

He came crawling back to us as soon as we announced ourselves.

Not only the QM's have said he had been active for months now.

But it is hella convenient he right now came crawling back to us despite being people out there who actually could use his talent and not be mistreated like the doctor did.

... Did this guy piss off someone powerful enough with his nature that either a prince or a king is actively hunting him down and the snake needs protection in this moment?

The QMs even confirm this is not a Random Event Roll.

Or he's planning something.
Y'know, Canaan does have this:
Synesthesia: After being infected by a weird virus. Canaan seemed develop the ability to see emotions of people as colors...letting her easily sense someones motives as well as identify friend from foe... How Intriguing.
She can just take one look at Snively, and if he so much as has a single errant thought of betraying us/harming our kids, she can just put a cap in his ass.
But it is hella convenient he right now came crawling back to us despite being people out there who actually could use his talent and not be mistreated like the doctor did.
Or it could be because he saw our announcement.
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Our brilliance is astounding. Coming up with anti Snively countermeasures even before the Snively vote.

Uh.. he get unside our base even without Canaan be aware of him and Sage constantly surveilance.

He will also mess tieh Metal, Belle and Sage because he don't see machine as people and wpuld have no point other wise.

I can even see him rudely dismiss Sage because for him she's just a AI and nothing more when she get curious about him.
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[x] Plan: Oncoming Storm
- [x] Built Death Egg Robot DC80 - Isara
- [x] Fortify your new territory Power Dc 40/80/120 - Pronghorn Sisters + Badniks: 1x burrowbot
- [x] Proclaim Your Territory Darscen Friendly DC: 75 - Canaan
- [x] Retrieve Conquering Storm and the Egg Clan DC Autopass - Orbot&Cubot
- [x] Repair Piastol's Ship DC: 60/80/100/120/140 - Belle
- [x] Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net. DC Contested Brain roll against Zavok + Chuck. - Sage
- [x] Study Ragnite DC:65 - Rusty Rose
- [x] Infiltrate The Empire's Territory. DC:60 - Agent Stone
- [x] Visit the Strange Fortune Teller dc 30 - Piastol
- [x] Dr.Eggman: 4x Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. (1x Canaan, 1x Agent Stone, 1x Isara, 1x Pronghorn Sisters)
- [x] Dr. Starline: Rest and Recouver
- [x] Rusty Rose: Practice Limbs Akimbo
- [x] Metal Sonic: Destroy Empire Property
- [x] Agent Stone: Field Work Training
- [x] Belle: Write Letters
- [x] Pronghorn Sisters: Catch Cassia Up
- [x] Canaan: Obtain more Firepower
- [x] Isara: Get used to this world's technology
- [x] Sage: Sage Family Night
- [x] Piastol: Feed Deathhound
- [x] Give Someone an EggGun?
-- [x] Yes: Isara
[x] (Snively) Yes.

[X](Snively) Yes

Do I trust him? No. But it's better to have him plotting where we can see, rather than going off on his own to do who knows what with his skill set. Need I remind people that one incarnation of Snively managed to join GUN as Team Dark's Tech support.

I can already see Snively treating Metal Sonic as a regular badnik like in his old world, which will probably end badly for him.

I'm just happy with Starline no longer being the butt monkey of the organisation.
What makes people wSnively will be a good Hero Unit anyway?

Like he hates Eggman with a passion. It would not even be a suprise that his loyalty would be on the negatives.

There's literaly a sidestory call Negative Loyalty over what happens when you have disloyal Hero units at your midst.

The fact he has a trait that has the potential to pass the consequneces of a critical failure to someone else is a hint in on itself and you don't need that trait if your loyalty is good.