I really do think next turn is the best opportunity we'll have for a long while, and that Clove's amazing work deserves a reward in the form of a bumped up procedure scheduling.

It's not like we will lose out on the ability to make the Cure, and making the Cure is likely to take at minimum as long as the gene therapy unless we get super lucky.
I really do think next turn is the best opportunity we'll have for a long while, and that Clove's amazing work deserves a reward in the form of a bumped up procedure scheduling.

It's not like we will lose out on the ability to make the Cure, and making the Cure is likely to take at minimum as long as the gene therapy unless we get super lucky.

It's not about that, it's about that Gene therapy lock us out for two turns.

Since next turn Zavok will drop and say Hi we should definitely try our luck and Hack the Eggnet specially since we manage to get Sage this turn as well and we have the possibility to get Badniks back from him. It would a struck of luck if we manage to get control of the Badniks he will send to assault Eggman's base.
We have ONE Brains action
And doing the gene therapy will lock it in 4 TWO TURNS
I'd rather study ragnite or invent ring power
And how far are we going to push it back once Shadow and the Black Arms starts instantly gunning for us because they will assume Eggman, being Eggman, has a Chaos Emerald?
Let's at least study the new material to see if it can help with curing Cassia.
That's still at minimum the amount of time the Gene Therapy takes.
Since we now going to earn 100 Metal per turn is now feasible we try to build the Death Egg Robot for Eggman next turn.

The Deadly Six are technopaths sure but there are limits to their powers and the Death Egg Robot is more of a piloted battle mech than a robot so in theory he should not be able to take control of it.
I agree with the building the Death egg robot at least we have available mech and hoping we can upgrade it to the movie version but the question should we focus on building factory first or upgrade metal sonic/rusty rose?
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Let's at least study the new material to see if it can help with curing Cassia.
I mean studying it will decrease the 160 Dc Action, but you alreqdy can cure her.

If you expect ragnite to reduce the gene Therapy turns, then you will be dissapointed. You are not getting any shortcuts for it.

And how far are we going to push it back once Shadow and the Black Arms starts instantly gunning for us because they will assume Eggman, being Eggman, has a Chaos Emerald?

That's still at minimum the amount of time the Gene Therapy takes.
Invadíng a territory will be Harder than just attacking nearby territory, and you guys Can still fortify you posición to make Harder to uproot.
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It's not about that, it's about that Gene therapy lock us out for two turns.

Since next turn Zavok will drop and say Hi we should definitely try our luck and Hack the Eggnet specially since we manage to get Sage this turn as well and we have the possibility to get Badniks back from him. It would a struck of luck if we manage to get control of the Badniks he will send to assault Eggman's base.
We're either locked out of Brain Options for two turns.

Or we're locked out of other Brain Options for at minimum two turns due to Ragnite Research and the Cure actions needing to be taken, assuming that we don't fail either one of them with both competiting with the other Brain Actions. I'd rather just do it where we're kinda at our safest.

Besides, I'm more so assuming Zavok himself will be dropping by in person so...yeah not a great idea to try to put a virus into the robots to get back their loyalty when he can just use his powers to keep them under control anyways.
Besides, I'm more so assuming Zavok himself will be dropping by in person so...yeah not a great idea to try to put a virus into the robots to get back their loyalty when he can just use his powers to keep them under control anyways.
Why would we hack the Badniks he would use himself instead of ones in the surrounding territories he and the others control, besides they can't be everywhere at once.
Besides, I'm more so assuming Zavok himself will be dropping by in person so...yeah not a great idea to try to put a virus into the robots to get back their loyalty when he can just use his powers to keep them under control anyways.

The Zeti technopath abilities have LIMITS, that's why they put a virus in the system to take control of the badniks. They can only take control of a number of badniks at any given time not all of them.

Besides if we can time with hacking the Eggnet and locating the Conch it would be amazing synergy in Zavok's assault to our base.

I do have my priorities. Getting the Proghorns Loyalty up, thereby increasing their stat bonuses from Loyalty, and thusly making them a more effective unit against the Zeti.

Clove&Cassia would receive massive loyalty boost counting from they -30 loyalty but we don't receive a mallus because there's a bonus of 35 loyalty since we are Cassia's last hope for a cure.

So if you expect they loyalty jump to 70 than that's pretty much a mistaken belief.
I mean studying it will decrease the 160 Dc Action, but you alreqdy can cure her.

If you expect ragnite to reduce the gene Therapy turns, then you will be dissapointed. You are not getting any shortcuts for it.

Invadíng a territory will be Harder than just attacking nearby territory, and you guys Can still fortify you posición to make Harder to uproot.
Not big surprise also question I was hoping to ask can we upgrade our existing badnikes into new variants like I had idea of making a new variant of motobug but making them into fast moving artillery where they have cannons on their back I thought that was a cool idea.
Sorry if this question was already answered I just want to sure.
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So if you expect they loyalty jump to 70 than that's pretty much a mistaken belief.
I'm expecting something more along the lines of 20-ish.
Dude you acting like Clove us our only fighter
They aren't and I never said otherwise. However with the sisters working together they are one of our strongest. And the only ones who currently require our Brain Action for their questline.
Yeah the sisters aren't exactly the most loyal Egg Boss, especially from the old Eggman they know.
Meaning they don't have much incentive to wait forever no? Desperation will only keep them in line for so long.
For stuff in my opinion.

Think the ring reactor and the eggnet hacking should be taken.

The ring reactor in specific seems to helps us a lot on the long run, especially since we get the unlock for our strongest badniks, no doubt it would also help to unlock the proper 2nd logistics action instead of just using orbot and cubot.

I feel the Eggnet hacking will help us get the 2nd brain action too.