I'm not sure if it has been mentioned yet, but the mechanic that is intended to finish off the interlude is that at the end of all the shenanigans and diplomacy/lobbying/investigating/intrigues/proposals ... you'll get a points pool, and a whole slew of different categories with different options and points values. The pool and the costs will be determined by what you get up to.
So you'll be building a deal a la carte. It won't be
just about the Royals, since Evelyn does have considerable authority for making a deal. A wide range of possibilities will be in play, including longer-term deals, guarantees, and things like aid for Arbalen, the final disposition of the Navy, the Arsenal, the Tithes, mutual support, etc.
Although I do wish it included something about 'voices in Harper were advocating for calling the Harperknights to ride to war' under the 'Building Royals didn't improve Etela's security' section, though it might be counterproductive.
@OneirosTheWriter what would be the impact of including that line and how would Katreus's write in be received currently (in Evelyn's best judgement).
Different people will take it different ways. Most people will hear the implicit threat and the attendant marker that war is a much closer prospect than they may have thought, and a chance for a lasting peace and security agreement further away than hoped. Ethan will be nervous, Blake it may push into a siege mentality. When people like Hana hear it, she will probably try and throttle Blake again, but then start weighing up the odds of making greater Etela too difficult to swallow. The Royal Navy will start deciding in earnest whether to push Sonissimmo away or hold them closer, and Evelyn really doesn't yet know how that would fall. Penelope may be made much more pliable; dread characters don't like costs, and aren't fussed enough by chivalry to "endure the unendurable".
It isn't a
naked threat of war, so the actual effects are mooted. But it is an implicit warning that, although it was mentioned to Hana that violent action is preferably off the table, it is (to continue the metaphor) still sitting in your lap.
Evelyn knows that Sonissimmo doesn't
want a war. They didn't go to war at Turn 0, and they don't want to start one now. She knows that Capo is way too preoccupied with their Teuv mess to want a war; Sonissimmo didn't know it at the time, but if war had broken out, there's a real chance that Carentan could have gone the way of Tsarist Russia (fwiw, now that they are starting to realise that this may be the case, they want a war even less - despite most members of the House holding their peers to be the most
proximate threat, Sonissimmo
never forgets Teuv). So Capo also definitely doesn't want a war, despite Antilles and Tarrant growling dangerously at each other (and it is coming out that Sonissimmo agents and members of the Capo family personally undertook diplomacy to keep peace going for another turn between those two).
Harper is the martial house - that it has members who would want a war is very believable for Sonissimmo. Antonia has a number of years as Symphony under her belt, and she is an intimidating figure. Evelyn herself commands respect. This is a two-edged sword, however.