Magical Atlas
You go back to Hogwarts to find a map and atlas. You check the library first, and, once again, you spend hours searching through the stacks for an atlas. You eventually find one, but, strangely enough, it was very slim and there is only one page. You soon realize this because the book allows you to "zoom" and gain more details on an area, you mainly focus on London, so you can find Graummald Place. Anyways, you have a magical map/atlas now, so you shouldn't have any problems finding the Black Family Home.

[] Try to teleport to London, and find Grimmuald Place.
[] Something Else?

[Item Gained: Magical Atlas]

A.N. The reason that you have to "find" London is because teleportation is more an art then a science, looking at a map isn't enough (although it can help).
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12 Grimmuald Place
You decide to head to Grimmuald Place, but first you have to find London. You find it the same way you found Azakaban, randomly teleport around. Luckily, this is many times easier, your search area is smaller, you have both landmarks and a map to help you find it, and your not constantly trying to avoid drowning. You see countryside and even a few farms before you reach London, but compared to the search for Azakaban, doesn't take you long to find it. When you get there you see many different things, from old buildings and architecture to high-rises. Using your magical atlas, you quickly find Islington and Grimmuald Place, and and use short teleports to get there. When you find number 12 Grimmuald Place, you notice that it (and every other house) is made of brick, although the mortar is crumbling and the rest of the house doesn't look better. There is vines growing up the building and a few of the windows are cracked, it is obvious that it used to be very imposing (the windows are placed in such a way that they seem to glare at you), but now it is just sad. The house is also heavily warded and it will take you several hours to get through them with out setting them off. Of course, you can also just brute force your way in.

[] Brute-force it
[] Spend several hours getting in undetected
[] Something else?

After you get in..
[] What do you do/look for (besides the locket)? Do you look for a specific room to check first or something else?

[Unlocked Location: Grimmuald Place]

On teleportation: You can teleport to anywhere you have been to before. You can also teleport to anywhere you can see with close to pin-point accuracy. When it comes to areas you can't see and haven't been to before, the size of the area and its distance form you determine how hard it is too reach. In addition, what your doing isn't actually "teleporting," you are sinking into the Darkness and poping back up at the place you want to go. (Space doesn't work the same in the Darkness).
[X] Spend several hours getting in undetected
[X] A library and some portraits.

By the way, do wards prevent us from teleporting inside through the Darkness?
[X] Spend several hours getting in undetected
-[X] If it's warded, that means there's some good loot inside. GET THE LOOT. GET IT. But do it all stealthy-like.
[X] A library and some portraits.
By the way, do wards prevent us from teleporting inside through the Darkness?

Nothing in this world can prevent you from teleporting using Darkness (that is how you got to the island in the cave), but that doesn't mean you can't be detected or even attacked as soon as you appear. Whether this is true of the Black House is something you have to check (you don't know enough about wards to know if these kind of wards are common, or if you can bypass them).

You may level up a trait if you spend the time working through them
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Man. I just realized that the whole trip to Azkaban was pointless and that we could have easily found out the address another way. What a blunder.
...Well, at least we know that Sirius is innocent now?
Nothing in this world can prevent you from teleporting using Darkness (that is how you got to the island in the cave), but that doesn't mean you can't be detected or even attacked as soon as you appear. Whether this is true of the Black House is something you have to check (you don't know enough about wards to know if these kind of wards are common, or if you can bypass them).

You may level up a trait if you spend the time working through them
Hora Hora~
Searching for stuff
You go through the wards slowly, trying to work your way in undetected. It takes several hours but you get through, although the last few wards seem much easier to get through then the rest. When you get inside you see long hallway, with a large chandelier and broken gas lamps, and it is very dusty and dirty, with small footprints in the dust. Its wallpaper is peeling and the carpet is worn thin. On one side of the umbrella stand made out of a troll's leg. On one side of the hallway is the dining room, and there is a narrow staircase on the other side. At the end of the hallway is the stairs to the upper floors, decorated with a row of shrunken House-elfs heads, mounted on the wall with plaques. There is also a protrait of a thin-faced women, who is sleeping.

You decide to search the first floor first, so you head up the staircase at the end of the hall. On the first landing, there is three rooms: a drawing room, a bedroom once shared by and a bathroom. The drawing room has long windows facing the street in front of the house, a large fireplace, and the tapestry of the Black family tree. The tapestry takes up the entire room and has this inscription, "En stirps nobilis et gens antiquissima Black." There are pictures of many family members connected by green and gold vines, but several pictures are blacked out.

The bedroom has a floral-print bed in the center, and a dresser in the corner but not much else of interest. The bathroom has a broken mirror and rusted pipes, but, again, not much of interest. You head up to the second floor to check the rooms there. The first room you find is another bedroom, and it is almost exactly the same as the one downstairs. The second room you find is the library filled with many dusty books, but it is extremely tiny compared to either the Hogwarts or the Ravenclaw libraries. Quickly looking over the books, most of them are genologies or journals.

[] What do you do now?

A.N. Sorry for the late update, I didn't have internet for a while.
[X] Call up Regulus Black with the Resurrection Stone
-[X] Ask him where he thinks the locket ended up
-[X] Ask him if there are more books in this house (preferably about magic) and if special access is required to get to them
-[X] Ask him who those members on the tapestry marked with black are
[X] Call up Regulus Black with the Resurrection Stone
-[X] Ask him where he thinks the locket ended up
-[X] Ask him if there are more books in this house (preferably about magic) and if special access is required to get to them
-[X] Ask him who those members on the tapestry marked with black are
We don't know the stone does that In Character.

until something better comes along:
[X] Search the rest of the house.
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[X] Call up Regulus Black with the Resurrection Stone
-[X] Ask him where he thinks the locket ended up
-[X] Ask him if there are more books in this house (preferably about magic) and if special access is required to get to them
-[X] Ask him who those members on the tapestry marked with black are
Unaswered Questions
You know what the symbol on the stone represents and you know it opens a connection to different plane. It is not hard to figure out that the stone is the Ressurection Stone mentioned by the Ravenclaw studeny, of course, you still have to test it. You turn the Stone three times and concentrate on your vague memories of Regulas Black. You feel something from the stone and he appears in front of you, but he seems insubstantial in some way, although you can't pin down the source of that feeling. You feel a connection from the stone to him, and, consequently, from you to him. You start to speak,
"I have a few questions for you, where do you think Slytherin's Locket ended up, is there any more books in the house, preferrably about magic, and is special access required to reach them? Also, why are some portations of the family tapestry blacked out?"

He responds with, "I ordered Kreacher to destroy the locket, if he failed in that task, I certainly won't help you find it, nor will I answer any of your other questions."

[] What do you do now?

A.N. Constructive critism is appreciated, I am not sure about the dialog, in particular.
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Huh. Would our Necromancy help to 'convince' him?
...And he can see us just fine, it seems.

Anyway, let's try a more peaceful method first.
[X] Explain that you're on a mission to destroy all of the Horcruxes, and that you're already done with some of them. You have a special ability to deal with such things, and don't like them on principle.
[X] Explain that you're on a mission to destroy all of the Horcruxes, and that you're already done with some of them. You have a special ability to deal with such things, and don't like them on principle.
You decide to try this diplomatically.

"I am on a mission to destroy the Horcruxes, and I have already destroyed some of them. I have the ability to destroy them without to much trouble, and I don't like them anyways."

"There are multiple Horcruxes!?.....And what is this "ability" of yours?"

"Yes, I have destroyed two and I know of two more, one of which is the locket. I also know Voldemort planned to make another two on top of the ones he already had, but I don't know if he succeeded. In answer to your second question, I destroy Horcruxes by eating them."
They were delicious! Can we have them again?

"What, the Dark Lord had that many, and you ATE them!? You know what, fine, Kreacher sleeps and keeps his things in a kitchen pantry, and that is all you are getting from me."

After saying that, Regulas Black disappears and you feel the connection from the stone close. That could have gone better, but at least you got some information from him.

[] What now?

A.N. He could see you because you summoned him and held the stone, but even if you didn't, the necklace would let him notice you if you allowed it.
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