You go through the wards slowly, trying to work your way in undetected. It takes several hours but you get through, although the last few wards seem much easier to get through then the rest. When you get inside you see long hallway, with a large chandelier and broken gas lamps, and it is very dusty and dirty, with small footprints in the dust. Its wallpaper is peeling and the carpet is worn thin. On one side of the umbrella stand made out of a troll's leg. On one side of the hallway is the dining room, and there is a narrow staircase on the other side. At the end of the hallway is the stairs to the upper floors, decorated with a row of shrunken House-elfs heads, mounted on the wall with plaques. There is also a protrait of a thin-faced women, who is sleeping.
You decide to search the first floor first, so you head up the staircase at the end of the hall. On the first landing, there is three rooms: a drawing room, a bedroom once shared by and a bathroom. The drawing room has long windows facing the street in front of the house, a large fireplace, and the tapestry of the Black family tree. The tapestry takes up the entire room and has this inscription, "En stirps nobilis et gens antiquissima Black." There are pictures of many family members connected by green and gold vines, but several pictures are blacked out.
The bedroom has a floral-print bed in the center, and a dresser in the corner but not much else of interest. The bathroom has a broken mirror and rusted pipes, but, again, not much of interest. You head up to the second floor to check the rooms there. The first room you find is another bedroom, and it is almost exactly the same as the one downstairs. The second room you find is the library filled with many dusty books, but it is extremely tiny compared to either the Hogwarts or the Ravenclaw libraries. Quickly looking over the books, most of them are genologies or journals.
[] What do you do now?
A.N. Sorry for the late update, I didn't have internet for a while.