Wow, what an asshole. I totally understand where he's coming from (those are family secrets!), but we're definitely learning more Necromancy and enslaving someone from that House.
By the way, did we get any skill-ups from passing through the Wards?

[X] Check the kitchen pantry, eat the soul in the locket
-[X] Wait. We have no idea where the remaining Horcruxes are, and it's far from certain that eating it will give us the necessary information. What we need to do is use it unconventionally.
-[X] It should still have a connection to the other parts of Voldemort's soul, so we can teleport into Hogwarts and start looking into detection Charms that can help us trace such a soul connection. Maybe attach the Horcrux to an Artifact that helps with that? Or look into Charms that connect things on a magic level and how to trace them?
-[X] Make sure that you can safely teleport back to this House if the need arises.
[X] Check the kitchen pantry, eat the soul in the locket
-[X] Wait. We have no idea where the remaining Horcruxes are, and it's far from certain that eating it will give us the necessary information. What we need to do is use it unconventionally.
-[X] It should still have a connection to the other parts of Voldemort's soul, so we can teleport into Hogwarts and start looking into detection Charms that can help us trace such a soul connection. Maybe attach the Horcrux to an Artifact that helps with that? Or look into Charms that connect things on a magic level and how to trace them?
-[X] Make sure that you can safely teleport back to this House if the need arises.
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House Elf Hoarder
You search for the kitchen, you figure that it would be downstairs. You check the ground floor first, but you only find the dinning room. You then go down the narrow staircase you found earlier and you find it. The kitchen looks terrible, it is filled with dust and footprints, several of the cabinet doors are are hanging off there hinges or have even fallen to the floor, many things are missing handles, and the cold ashes from the large fireplace at the end of the room have gotten all over. You as you go further into the kitchen, you see the pantry door and open it. Inside the pantry, you see Kreacher, an elderly house elf with wrinkly, sagy, skin, droopy ears, and thin, frail looking limbs. His shirt is caked with grim, and he is sleeping amidst a pile of items, most of them with the Black crest, ranging from china and glasses, to jewelry and musical instruments. You also see Slytherin's Locket, but he is sleeping on top of it and there is no way you can grab it without waking Kreacher.

[] How do you get the locket?

A.N. The plan jumped the gun a bit, so I am thinking about doing this; if you succeed in retrieving the locket, you will go to Hogwarts and work on detection, but if you fail, you will have to write up a new plan.
[X] Wake him up (with a loud noise, for example), and make him chase an Illusion of an intruder. While he's outside the room, grab the locket and escape.
I am closing the vote in an hour and a half or so. I hope to see more then one vote.:(
[X] Wake him up (with a loud noise, for example), and make him chase an Illusion of an intruder. While he's outside the room, grab the locket and escape.

Diplomancy would likely work to if we open with "Here to destroy the locket", but too lazy.
You mean... we can't loot a sketchy kitchen knife? We are in an equipped household with spells to guard against theft, right?

You can steal kitchen knife (I didn't think of that), but it's not going to be ideal for killing. You do already have a mystical weapon capable of destroying immortal monsters, though.
Failing to detect Horcruxes
You decide to distract Kreacher with a loud noise, so you create an audio illusion in the kitch of a loud bang. Kreacher jerks awake and pops to the kitchen, and you create a illusion of a death eater knocking down one of the hanging cabinet doors. When Kreacher appears you have the illusion run away. You grab the locket and drop the illusion, you didn't put much effort in it (it was only supposed to be a distraction, after all), so it wouldn't have fooled him for much longer anyways. You travel back to Hogwarts, after getting through the wards you know there isn't anything that could detect you traveling through Darkness to and from the Black house.

You have an idea. What if you used the Horcrux to detect the others? You spend hours looking through the stacks and what you find isn't encouraging. You find a few charms on magical detection in a book of extremely advanced charms, but they are long, complacated, and require a level of Charms expertise that you don't have. They also wouldn't be able to traces souls through Horcruxes. Next you look for books about artefacts that can be used for magical detection. A few of the ones you find seem simular to the ones in Dumbledore's office. Unfortunately, once again, none of them can trace a soul. While you might be able to create or modify some kind of soul charm/artefact, you don't have anywhere close to enough knowledge or skill to actually do it. On the upside, soul fragments from the same soul have a natural connection, so you might be able to learn something if you had another Horcrux to study.

[] What do you do now?

Edit: @ShadowAngelBeta your joke gave me an idea. Don't be surprised if you run into someone wielding the Kitchen Knives of DOOOM!
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I assume you are referring to Locket? I believe I mentioned this before, but you can't just eat it, you have to find it's vulnerability/weaken/distract/unbalance it or something of that nature. While it may not be hard to do stuff like this (as you have already seen), you can't just straight up eat Horcruxes with zero preparation. (Now, if they weren't bound to a object, it might be a different story.)
Well, time to visit the Malfoys!
[X] Hop over to the Malfoy Manor and look for the Horcrux there.
-[X] If you are able to enter their library, do so and steal all the books you can!
-[X] Dark artifacts are fine, too.
Well, time to visit the Malfoys!
[X] Hop over to the Malfoy Manor and look for the Horcrux there.
-[X] If you are able to enter their library, do so and steal all the books you can!
-[X] Dark artifacts are fine, too.
[X] This.

While we are there, does anbody mind trying to free Dobby for the hell of it? I'd quite like a servant who is absolutely loyal and stuff.
While we are there, does anbody mind trying to free Dobby for the hell of it? I'd quite like a servant who is absolutely loyal and stuff.
I prefer to stay away from the crazies. I still remember how he expressed his loyalty to Potter in canon (I'll hurt you for your own good!), and we won't even have the advantage of being his idol. Of course, we can trick them into freeing him later, but preferably without him being aware of the culprit.
If we want a perfectly loyal servant, who is also not insane, literally any other House Elf would do.

Edit: Might actually be a good idea. We should visit the elves in Hogwarts next and ask how one goes about acquiring a personal one. Maybe we can ask a few other questions while we're there.
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You head to Malfoy Manor to find the Horcrux. Voldemort had been to Malfoy Manor many times, and even though you only got fragments of his memories, it is easily enough to reach the manor. You appear in the foyer, which is large and elegant. On your right side is a large iron fireplace with several beautiful engravings on it, and the ceiling above you also has a very nice design. In front of you is a pillared staircase with candle-lit lamps. You head up the staircase and turn left into the drawing room. The drawing room is a widely proportioned room. It has a long ornate table, and a handsome, ornate marble mantelpiece with a gilded mirror which has an intricately scrolled frame on top. It also has dark purple walls with several portraits, and a large crystal chandelier in the center of the room. You can feel the location of the diary; it is underneath the floor boards by the mantleplace. You take out the Hufflepuff Shovel and use it to pry up the floor boards. You grab the plain black diary and put the floorboards back.

The diary is very powerful, its soul fragment is larger then all the other soul fragments you have seen, including the one in Professor Quirrell, combined. It may not have as much power as the ring or the cup, but that is only because the diary lacks any inherent magical properties. It seems to connect to both you and the locket, which might be something to investigate.

After you finish examining the diary, you start to search for the library and any dark artefacts you can find. You pass by several ornate rooms, but you find the library on the second floor relatively quickly, thanks to your vague memories. Unfortunately, you don't find a single artefact, maybe they are hiding them somewhere you can't detect? Anyways, you check the library and what you find there is infuriating.

The library is pristine and well maintained, and most of the books look to be in prime condition. The shelves are made of fine mahogany and at the end of the room is a portrait of a stern, middle-aged, hawk-nosed, man. The plaque underneath his portrait reads "Abraxes Malfoy" and is styled in gold. You start looking through the shelves, trying to find anything interesting.

You find genologies, lots of damn genologies, only broken up by stupid etiquette books, and bloody journals. Purebloods throughout the Ages, The greatest Malfoys, How to properly conduct yourself in Pureblood society, bah, it is all useless. Stupid prissy Purebloods and. Their. Stupid. Prissy. Boo-Wait, this isn't like you. You don't get angry like this. You compose yourself and think.

Your first thought is that either the locket or the diary is influencing you, but you remember creating them, so you know how they work. The locket can't do anything unless you we wear it. The diary can influence you, but it requires an emotional connection, physical proximity won't help it much. At this stage the most it could do is influence you to write in it, and even if you did so it can't do anything unless you grow emotionally attached to it, which isn't likely, considering you know how it works.

Your second thought is about the soul fragment you ate, but you quickly dismiss it. Even if it could gather enough power to influence you, which, again, isn't likely, you completely destroyed its mind when you ate it.

[] What do you do now?

[Item Gained: Dairy of T.M.R.]
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room was a widely

diary, it is
diary; it is

[X] Deface pureblood propaganda with blood, Keyblade, and cleaning supplies.
[jk] Cast Imperio on yourself, giving the order to 'do whatever you want', to defend you against mind intrusions. It worked out fabulously for Voldemort!

Okay, we are suddenly angry. As mentioned in the snippet, our own temper flaring by itself can be ruled out. Dementors can't provoke much of a reaction from us, that's how powerful our Emotional Distance Trait is.
That leaves external influences.
The Horcruxes? We eat them for breakfast, sometimes literally. Could be that they'd corrupted us somehow though, but it seems unlikely, given what's involved in the process of eating one. It's not like having part of our soul belong to Voldemort somehow makes us more angry-
*remembers fifth year*
Oh. Right. That.
Um. We don't have a fashionable lightning bolt scar, but it does fit, considering we can feel a soul connection to the diary and locket. Is Voldemort perhaps... annoyed at something?

Alternatively, there could be something in the library, some kind of curse that makes one prone to emotional outbursts. Doesn't make much sense, but it's possible.

[X] Meditate to detect any mind intrusions. First check if there are any spells influencing you, then see if the soul bonds are transferring the anger you're feeling.
-[X] If that fails, and you don't detect external influences, try to determine just what makes you so angry. Is it just the topic of purebloods? Is your Darkness doing something? When you've narrowed it down, try to see why that's the case, and just what has changed to make it so.
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room was a widely

diary, it is
diary; it is

Thank you, fixed. Honestly, I am surprised I don't have more errors, considering that I write almost every update from my phone. As thanks, I will give a tiny hint, external influences aren't the only kind that can affect you.
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