You head to Malfoy Manor to find the Horcrux. Voldemort had been to Malfoy Manor many times, and even though you only got fragments of his memories, it is easily enough to reach the manor. You appear in the foyer, which is large and elegant. On your right side is a large iron fireplace with several beautiful engravings on it, and the ceiling above you also has a very nice design. In front of you is a pillared staircase with candle-lit lamps. You head up the staircase and turn left into the drawing room. The drawing room is a widely proportioned room. It has a long ornate table, and a handsome, ornate marble mantelpiece with a gilded mirror which has an intricately scrolled frame on top. It also has dark purple walls with several portraits, and a large crystal chandelier in the center of the room. You can feel the location of the diary; it is underneath the floor boards by the mantleplace. You take out the Hufflepuff Shovel and use it to pry up the floor boards. You grab the plain black diary and put the floorboards back.
The diary is very powerful, its soul fragment is larger then all the other soul fragments you have seen, including the one in Professor Quirrell, combined. It may not have as much power as the ring or the cup, but that is only because the diary lacks any inherent magical properties. It seems to connect to both you and the locket, which might be something to investigate.
After you finish examining the diary, you start to search for the library and any dark artefacts you can find. You pass by several ornate rooms, but you find the library on the second floor relatively quickly, thanks to your vague memories. Unfortunately, you don't find a single artefact, maybe they are hiding them somewhere you can't detect? Anyways, you check the library and what you find there is infuriating.
The library is pristine and well maintained, and most of the books look to be in prime condition. The shelves are made of fine mahogany and at the end of the room is a portrait of a stern, middle-aged, hawk-nosed, man. The plaque underneath his portrait reads "Abraxes Malfoy" and is styled in gold. You start looking through the shelves, trying to find anything interesting.
You find genologies, lots of damn genologies, only broken up by stupid etiquette books, and bloody journals. Purebloods throughout the Ages, The greatest Malfoys, How to properly conduct yourself in Pureblood society, bah, it is all useless. Stupid prissy Purebloods and. Their. Stupid. Prissy. Boo-Wait, this isn't like you. You don't get angry like this. You compose yourself and think.
Your first thought is that either the locket or the diary is influencing you, but you remember creating them, so you know how they work. The locket can't do anything unless you we wear it. The diary can influence you, but it requires an emotional connection, physical proximity won't help it much. At this stage the most it could do is influence you to write in it, and even if you did so it can't do anything unless you grow emotionally attached to it, which isn't likely, considering you know how it works.
Your second thought is about the soul fragment you ate, but you quickly dismiss it. Even if it could gather enough power to influence you, which, again, isn't likely, you completely destroyed its mind when you ate it.
[] What do you do now?
[Item Gained: Dairy of T.M.R.]