[X] Meditate to detect any mind intrusions. First check if there are any spells influencing you, then see if the soul bonds are transferring the anger you're feeling.
-[X] If that fails, and you don't detect external influences, try to determine just what makes you so angry. Is it just the topic of purebloods? Is your Darkness doing something? When you've narrowed it down, try to see why that's the case, and just what has changed to make it so.
[X] Meditate to detect any mind intrusions. First check if there are any spells influencing you, then see if the soul bonds are transferring the anger you're feeling.
-[X] If that fails, and you don't detect external influences, try to determine just what makes you so angry. Is it just the topic of purebloods? Is your Darkness doing something? When you've narrowed it down, try to see why that's the case, and just what has changed to make it so.
Finding the source of your anger
You sit down and reach inside yourself, you just breathe and relax until you slip into meditation. This time you decide to examine your self, your own mind to see if there are any intrusions upon it. You don't seem to have any spells on you from what you can tell, but you lack experience in mind spells, so a expert in them might have been able to put one on you without you noticing, although you do think the chance of that happening is very low. Next you go even deeper into meditation to see if your soul bonds are transferring anger to you. You do feel great anger and irritation from the bond, but you seem to be suppressing it right now, while it is possible it was the driving force of your anger, something else would have had to let it loose. You trying examining your own motivations, but that doesn't seem to be the cause either, you feel no anger at the idea of purebloods or anything at all. Finally, you go even deeper inside yourself and try to see if there is something there, perhaps something had been going with your inner Darkness? But you find something else, something that is part of you. It is not foreign like the soul bonds, but a part of yourself formed from your own soul, another piece of you.

[] Investigate it
[] Don't bother it, do something else?

A.N. Do you poke the sleeping bear? (or maybe it isn't a bear, maybe its a kitten, a puppie, a dragon, or all of them at once?)
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You dive inside yourself to investigate source of the anomaly, but as you get close you are sucked in. It is raging maelstrom of emotions, ranging from intense fear to world-shaking rage, but surprisingly, the dominate emotion is joy. The best way to describe it is controlled chaos, bound inside the depths of your soul. You enter and you see a giant heart hanging in the sky, your heart, pumping out warm comforting distilled Darkness. You stand in a field of flowers, beautiful flowers. All colors of the rainbow are represented here. The area around you seems obscured by fog but as you look the fog seems to disappear, reveling more of the meadow and off into the distance you see a castle, but you can't seem to pin down what it looks like. You look around some more and behind you see a person. It is a girl, filled with emotion and barely holding her self still. It is another you and for the first time you truely see yourself. You see a smile that anyone else would have called both cute and terrifying, a smile that says "Let's have some FUN, and it doesn't if the world burns for it," but you have no fear. You are yourself and how could harm yourself? Of course, others are not similarly protected, but they are not here, so who cares?

[] What do you do?

[Place Unlocked: Dive to the Heart]

[Appearance Unlocked]

A.N. You don't have the cloak.
[jk] What's an Avada Kedavra or two between mirror-selves?

Does that have anything to do with the Kingdom Hearts crossover part? Because I'm not familiar enough with it to know just how similar or different this is to the Shadow Archetype Trope, and if accepting or fighting it is the preferable option here.
Does that have anything to do with the Kingdom Hearts crossover part? Because I'm not familiar enough with it to know just how similar or different this is to the Shadow Archetype Trope, and if accepting or fighting it is the preferable option here.

Some of it, some of it is also my own creation. In Kingdom Hearts, fighting is always the right choice, but it is a video game and you fight the Darkness, not help it. I will tell you this isn't a battle between your "light" and "dark" side, you each represent different parts of yourself and the split is partially a side-effect of Emotional Distance.

Edit: There isn't really a "right" choice here, I am going off what you decide to do, and different approaches might lead to different things.
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[X] Check to see if magic works here. Or maybe just imagining stuff is enough to make it happen?
-[X] In any case, play some games with your counterpart to pass the time, though don't take too long, as you're in someone else's manor. Strategy games, roleplaying games, anything and everything that strikes your fancy. You have your Illusions, you have your imagination, use them.
-[X] See just what she enjoys and focus on that.
[X] Try to meditate while you meditate (go deeper, like in Inception?), and get closer to its/her mind so we can remain connected even outside meditation.
Try to merge as much as possible. Multiple personalities could be nice if we felt alone and all, but we're stronger than that.
Playing with the Other
You spend a few seconds experimenting with magic, seeing if it works here and If you can just imagine things. You try picturing a flower and it appears in your hand, which answers that question. Although you get the feeling that things you do in here could have an effect on the real world (although, maybe not the flower) and that the only reason you can do it without resistance is because your other self lets you. You give the flower to your other self and ask "Do you want to play a game?"

Your other self gives you a hug and says "I would love to, but there is so many games to play. What do you want to play?"

You decide to play some chess, although you win again and again. Your other self tends to act on emotion and not think things through, but you are the opposite. You talk with her and learn some things. She actually thinks Voldemort's Horcruxes taste delicious and would like some more, she is also very cheerful and happy. Like you, she seems to have no sense of morality and is happy playing games or killing enemies. She also enjoys playing games, but it doesn't matter which one and she hid deep inside your soul while you were in Azkaban, so the Dementors couldn't affect her. You also come to several insights while talking to her.

You are more of the outer-self, while she is more of the inner-self, although there is a bit of mixing, and you are dominate in most of your soul, although your other self controls the heart because the heart is the source of emotions and she is your emotional side, while you are the coolly logical side. If it ever came to a battle for dominance between you, you aren't sure who would win, as the heart is the source of much of your power. Luckily for you, she is quite happy being primarily the inner-self and wouldn't fight you unless provoked. After all, if you are gone who could she play with?

Eventually, it is time for you to wake up, you can't stay forever. You say goodbye to Inner and leave your meditative trance.

[] What do you do now?

[Trait Discovered: Twin Selves]

A.N. Your inner self has actually influenced you before, both the pranks and the hug you gave yourself were her influence.
Horcrux Tracking
You try to use the connection from the souls to track the other ones, but fails. You get a vague connection, but you can't get a read on it, and you can't even tell how many there are. But, you do know at least one is in Hogwarts, Professor Quirrell, so you travel through the Darkness to the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts Library. You figure that you will not be disturbed in here. You can tell there are two different connections, but is still hard to tell. You sit down and mediate to gain a better connection with the locket in one hand and the diary in the other. You succeed, and now you can tell the general location of the fragments. You can feel a clear connection to one of the second floor classrooms, this is most likely Professor Quirrell. You also feel a very fuzzy connection to the troll corridor on the seventh floor. In fact, thinking about it, you have some vague memories from Voldemort, something about pacing and concentrating?

[] Go after Quirrell
-[] Plan?
[] Go to the Seventh Floor
[] Something else?

A.N. Unlike some other GMs, I actually enjoy long plans, it gives me more to write about.
[X] We could try to visit the Seventh Floor, but relying on vague memories isn't good enough. Luckily, there are many potential informants in this castle, and the elves are chief amongst them.
-[X] Visit the Kitchens and question the Elves about the Seventh Floor. Pretend (masking yourself with an Illusion to make them pay attention) you're a curious first-year who likes investigating secret room in this awesome castle, and you heard rumors about it.
-[X] Ask them how one would go about acquiring a personal Houise Elf as well. Where do people buy them? Or are they inherited only?
-[X] Note to self: discover how to turn a House Elf into a Dark Elf, to fit your theme.

[X] We could try to visit the Seventh Floor, but relying on vague memories isn't good enough. Luckily, there are many potential informants in this castle, and the elves are chief amongst them.
-[X] Visit the Kitchens and question the Elves about the Seventh Floor. Pretend (masking yourself with an Illusion to make them pay attention) you're a curious first-year who likes investigating secret room in this awesome castle, and you heard rumors about it.
-[X] Ask them how one would go about acquiring a personal Houise Elf as well. Where do people buy them? Or are they inherited only?
-[X] Note to self: discover how to turn a House Elf into a Dark Elf, to fit your theme.
Talking to Dorry
You head to the kitchen to question the house elves about the strange corridor. You enter the kitchen and, once again, find everyone busy doing something. You look for someone to ask and see a female house elf in the corner sweeping by herself. You create an illusion and go up to the house elf.

"Hello, young mistress. What can Dorry help you with?"

"I have some questions for you, do you know anything about the strange corridor with the dancing trolls on the the seventh floor? I heard some rumors about it, and I am curious."

"Oh, yes, Dorry knows. That is where the Come and Go Room is, if you have a need and pace in front of the wall three times, the room appears. Dorry once ran out of cleaning supplies and the Come and Go Room gave Dorry lots!"

"Okay, do you know how someone would to get a house elf? Are they inherited or is there a place to buy them?"

"House elfs are usually inherited, but there is also a market in Knockturn Alley, Dorry was there before Dorry came to Hogwarts." She says this in a cheerful tone, but you get the feeling of intense anger and hatred from her.

You have a strange though about dark elves and you decide to ask about them. "Just one more question, do you know anything about Dark Elves?"

"Dark Elves? Dorry has never heard of them."

You try and remember other types of elves. "Have you heard of High Elves, Wood Elves, Snow Elves, or any other type of elf?"

"Sorry, Dorry has never heard of those elves, although Dory once heard her old master say something like 'You are just a stupid degradation of a REAL elf. Now get out of my sight, you waste of money.' If there are any other elves, Dorry doesn't think they are around anymore. That is all Dorry knows."

"Thank you, Dorry. Goodbye."

You leave the kitchen.
[] What do you do now?
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Poor Dorry! We should raid that place and steal free all those Elves! Though that'll have to wait until the Horcruxes are finished.
Also, reversing the degradation of the House Elves can be one of our next projects, though I originally expected to simply infuse them with some Darkness.
...There's no way any of this can go wrong?

Anyway, we need a spare ghost for a Horcrux again. Hmm...
[X] Plan Poetic Justice
-[X] Visit the Come and Go room, and ask it for Voldemort's Horcrux.
-[X] Once found, Avada Kedavra it. Multiple times if necessary.
--[X] If that doesn't loosen the soul-fragment inside, call upon Tom Riddle Senior's ghost, and stuff it into the Horcrux. That'll teach him to father insane Dark Lords.
-[X] Bon appétit. But only Voldemort's fragment!
-[X] Dive into your Heart and observe the process of consumption. Perhaps there's a way to improve upon it?
-[X] Discuss the issue of House Elf slavery with your Inner. How does it feel about it?
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Also, reversing the degradation of the House Elves can be one of our next projects, though I originally expected to simply infuse them with some Darkness.
...There's no way any of this can go wrong?
Well we already released some other type of Fey, might as well go for as full of a set as we can.

[X] Plan Poetic Justice
-[X] Visit the Come and Go room, and ask it for Voldemort's Horcrux.
-[X] Once found, Avada Kedavra it. Multiple times if necessary.
--[X] If that doesn't loosen the soul-fragment inside, call upon Tom Riddle Senior's ghost, and stuff it into the Horcrux. That'll teach him to father insane Dark Lords.
-[X] Bon appétit. But only Voldemort's fragment!
-[X] Dive into your Heart and observe the process of consumption. Perhaps there's a way to improve upon it?
-[X] Discuss the issue of House Elf slavery with your Inner. How does it feel about it?