Background Info: Fae Development
In response to @Unelemental

On Fae Development:

The Fae, on average, tend to develop much faster then humans before they massively slow down after reaching a certain level of power and intelligence, but the length of time varies depending on the Fae. Generally the longer the growth period lasts, the more power the Fae starts with (even if the growth rate is slower), also the Fae with human development times (10-20 years) tend to be massively powerful. It is important to remember that the Fae never stop growing more powerful and intelligent even if the growth rate slows, so a one hundred year-old Fae can beat just about any newly mature Fae, even if they are very powerful. In addition, all the Fae you connected with (the first generation) will reach maturity at a much faster rate then other Fae (especially intellectually) with no loss in power.
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[X] Telaport around the North Sea until you find it

Eh, this works, even if it'll take time. Besides, this is a giant Fortress full of darkness and despair. It should shine like a beacon in the Darkness.
You decide that the best way to find Askaban was to teleport around the North Sea. You were wrong. Telaporting in, falling into the freezing cold water, being dragged underneath waves, and teleporting out before you drowned, this was the scene that plays out again, and again, and again. It took you the whole day to find it (and by that, you mean twenty four hours) and if you actually got tired, you probably would have given up (or died) by now. Oh, maybe you don't need air either, but you don't want to test it. One thing you didn't really get until now, is the fact that seas have no landmarks. You had no idea if you were close or far, or even which direction you should go in while you were out there. If you didn't stumble upon Azakaban when you did, it could have easily taken much longer. At least you are a better swimmer now, not that it's much conciliation. The most important thing is that you found it now, so you should never have to do this again.
Time for me to hide, I don't want to be eaten.
Azakaban is a giant structure of gray stone, while it is not that tall, it is both very long and very wide, taking up almost all of the island, except for a small run-down dock. There are no windows on Azakaban, in fact, there is no features at all, besides the hard wood door that seems to be the only entrance. There isn't any wards on the building and, while locked, the door has no magical enhancements. Why bother when the Dementors are much more effective then any ward?

It is a simple matter to unlock the door with your Keyblade and you enter Azakaban. When you enter you see a long corridor and a long staircase leading down at the end, both the same plain gray stone as the walls. it seems that Azakaban is mostly underground, and that is the reason it isn't very tall.

[] Search the upper floors
[] Search the lower floors
[] Something else?

[Location Unlocked: Azakaban]

A.N. The North Sea is very, very big, bigger then all of Britain. The fact that Siruis Black managed to swim across even part of that as a malnourished prisoner powered by nothing more then willpower and revenge, well, it makes him a badass.
[X] Search around for some of the insane and Death Eaters to eat and sacrifice to the Darkness.

Maybe we should sacrifice and eat a few souls while we're here?
It be good if we took out a few of the insane and some Death Eaters.
They won't be missed by too many.
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[X] Go take a hot shower. Come back when we feel "human", or whatever, again.
There's no swimming skill? :(

I didn't see the point, there isn't really much use after you become a good swimmer, a legendary swimming skill would only be useful if you try to enter a competition or something. (Considering that you would have to make an illusion enter for you, your swimming skill wouldn't make a difference anyways)

Edit: It is possible to turn into a fish, though. Does that help?
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Votes closes in 15 minutes, so get your votes in (don't make me triple post, please)

Lurkers, I am looking at you

Edit: Votes Locked
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The Depths
You decide to eat the souls of the insane, and the death eaters. You go to the lower floors because that seems to be where they keep the more dangerous criminals. As you go deeper you see more and more Dementors, which have a humanoid shape, and are covered in dark hooded cloaks of long, ripped black cloth. Their body is greyed and decayed looking, like a decomposing corpse, and their breath sounds rattling. Their hands are glistening, greyish, slimy-looking, and scabbed and you have heard they exude cold, but you don't feel it.

They seem to ignore you, partly because of Faceless Syndrome, but mostly because you have few emotions. As you go deeper you also see a few gibbering recks rocking back ad forth, and even a couple of dead bodies. The cells are all the same, iron bars on the front, worn and dirty mat in the corner, and a hole for waste in the other corner, and, judging by how overflowing they are, the holes aren't cleaned often, if ever.

You eventually find a person that seems crazy and has the Dark Mark, you don't think anybody will miss him. It is a tall man with matted brown hair and a crooked nose, he is curled up in fetal position on his mat and is muttering to himself. On his arm you can see the Dark Mark, a black skull with a snake coming out of its the mouth. You unlock his iron cell door with your Keyblade, go up to him, graph is head, and pull the soul out of his body.

You start to eat it, then...pain, pain, PAIN. Depression, despair, no happy, happy dead. I die, death good, no more PAIN. Let me die, let me die. That you Death? Save ME! No, no, no, death is too good for you, THEY won't let you die. Soon, THEY don't let you hurt anymore, don't let you feel, even the pain is better now, but no, not for you. You deserve it don't you? You don't remember, the cell is everything, there was nothing else. The cell is gone, there is just you. You are gone, there is nothing now, no pain, no despair, just NoThInG fOrEvEr.

You rip the soul out of your body and it goes where ever souls go, you don't really care about it right now. Several Dementors seemed to have been floating around you, but they leave when you get rid of the soul. You just sit there, in the cell with the empty body, shivering and trying to recover. You eventually feel well enough to leave, and you were planning to sacrifice a few souls to the Darkness, but you don't even want to think about souls right now. So you just start looking for Sirius Black, passing by more and of the insane, the empty, the soulless. They don't even murmur any more, now there is just silence. In the deepest levels you eventually see a large black dog sleeping in one of the cells, an unregistered Animagus most likely, since there is no reason for a dog to be down here.

[] What do you do now?
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Wow. That was... uh, something. I guess trying to eat the souls of crazy people is a bad idea? :oops:
Do we at least have a name for that guy?

Anyway, time to see about this not-yet-escaped convict. First, a few experiments.
[X] Try a Cheering Charm on the wizard and see how the Dementors react.
-[X] If at some point he turns into a human, use the Confundus on him to get the address of Regulus' home. See if you can wheedle some more information out of him, for curiosity's sake, like why he was incarcerated, what happened back then, and what he knows about the Death Eaters.
-[X] Whip up some Illusions and see if you can fake smell to fool his dog form. Train the skill on him if necessary.
-[X] If he ignores all your efforts, try the Confundus on the dog with the express purpose of turning him into a human.
-[X] As a last resort, Imperio him.
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IC we don't actually know that is Sirius. If we knew, it would have said we found Sirius, not that we found an unregistered animagus.

OOC I don't see a benefit with experimenting on the emotions of the person we are trying to interrogate, while surrounded by the creatures who feed on emotions. If we want to experiment, we should do it on others, or at least after we interrogate him.

I also don't see how we would know about him 'betraying the Potters' since we didn't bother to look up any more info on him.

[X] Create an illusion to do the talking for us
-[X] Wake up the animagus
--[X] Question him about Sirius Black

if anyone can make this vote better, I would appreciate it.
IC we don't actually know that is Sirius. If we knew, it would have said we found Sirius, not that we found an unregistered animagus.

OOC I don't see a benefit with experimenting on the emotions of the person we are trying to interrogate, while surrounded by the creatures who feed on emotions. If we want to experiment, we should do it on others, or at least after we interrogate him.

I also don't see how we would know about him 'betraying the Potters' since we didn't bother to look up any more info on him.
Notice how I only mention interrogating him when he turns into a human and we recognize him. Other than that, he's an Animagus in Azkaban Prison, which is by itself a cause for curiosity.
As for playing with his mind? Why should we treat him any differently than the other convicts?
As for Sirius's reasons for conviction, you're right. I'd forgotten that we don't know much of anything about him except that he was Regulus' brother and was incarcerated for some reason. Editing.
Interesting quest.

[X] Try a Cheering Charm on the wizard and see how the Dementors react.
-[X] If at some point he turns into a human, use the Confundus on him to get the address of Regulus' home. See if you can wheedle some more information out of him, for curiosity's sake, like why he was incarcerated, what happened back then, and what he knows about the Death Eaters.
-[X] Whip up some Illusions and see if you can fake smell to fool his dog form. Train the skill on him if necessary.
-[X] If he ignores all your efforts, try the Confundus on the dog with the express purpose of turning him into a human.
-[X] As a last resort, Imperio him.
You decide to start experimenting with the Animagus, who seems to be in a nightmare, like everyone else here. First, you cast the Cherring Charm on him (his gender is obvious to anyone who looks), which seems to make his dreams happy, but then several Dementors start to come towards him and he returns to his nightmares with the Dementors quickly losing interest. If you had to guess, you would say that false emotions are less "nourishing" for them. You use your illusion magic to make false smells and he stirs in his sleep, but then he ignores them. You then try the Confundus Charm to make him turn back into a human and he wakes up, but he doesn't seem to understand, the Confundus Charm seems to make him even more like an ordinary dog (mentally, of course). Finally, you just Imperio him and order him to return to being a human.

He has long matted black hair, a scraggly bread, and striking grey eyes. It looks like he used to be a handsome, well-built man, but now he is gaunt and malnourished, although hints of his former self stil remain (or else how would you know?). His face reminds you of your vague memories of Regulus, but you aren't certain if he is Sirius, so you ask him. He answers in the affirmative, so you start interrogating him.

Regulas lived in 12 Grimmuald Place in the Brough of Islington, London, which was the Black family home. According to Sirius, the only person he trusted that wasn't a death eater was Kreacher, the elderly family house elf (because you know that he couldn't have done it on his own). Also, it seems Sirius is actually innocent and his former friend Peter Pettigrew, who is a rat animagus, betrayed the Potters and framed him for murder before escaping. In addition, he doesn't seem to know much about the death eaters besides how to fight them, he says that it was Severus Snape's job to find out their secrets. You seem to have all the relevant information from him, now.

[] Go to Grimmuald Place
-[] How do you find London? (Teleportation again?)
--[] How do you find Grimmuald Place (ask for directions, confund a cab driver, ect)
[] Do something else?

A.N. This was originally meant to have dialogue, but I am horrible at writing it.
[X] Go back to hogwarts
-[X]Find a damn map.
--[X] Try the library, and look for an atlas of some kind.