Some details on the Yandere potion:

It actually gives a combat boost and acess to a berserker state, at the cost of mental instability and an unhealthy obsession. It also only lasts for a day before it wears off.
The Crystal Cave
You decide to head over to the cave where Voldemort hide his Horcrux. You shadow-walk straight to the island, skipping the sacrifice wall, invisible boat, and Inferi lake. When you get their you see an eerie sight. You are standing on the edge of a great black lake, so vast that you can not make out the distant banks, in a cavern so high that the ceiling, too, was out of sight. A misty greenish light shone far away in what looked like the middle of the lake; it was reflected in the completely still water below. The darkness in the cave was somehow denser than normal darkness. It was kind of conforting, like a warm blanket.

In the center of the island you see a crystal goblet filled with a glowing green potion. According to Voldemort's memories, the only way to reach what is inside is to drink the potion, which is supposed to do horrible things to you. It is supposed to cause dehydration, terrible stomach pain, and see horrific things. The cave is also enchanted to prevent you from summoning water while inside.

[] Drink it yourself
[] Convice someone else to drink it
-[] How do you get them to keep drinking
[] Something else?
[X] Summon spirits and use them to animate a body from the lake. Have it drink that horrible potion.
-[X] Be ready to escape at any time.

Was honestly tempted to test the Yandere Potion on an Inferi. :p
[X] Summon spirits and use them to animate a body from the lake. Have it drink that horrible potion.
-[X] Be ready to escape at any time.
The Fake Locket
You use the necklace to call up any spirits around you. The spirits you call are dark, malevolent, and what some may call evil. You don't mind though, to you they are like purring kittens. You care little for their mischef and mayhem, in fact you even manage to learn some more about spirits by watching them. Ohh, they are so cute, I want to give ourself a hug. Actually, I think I will.
You feel a strange urge to give yourself a hug and proceed to do so. Then you direct some of the spirits into lake and into one of the Inferi bodies. You direct it out of the lake and have it start drinking from the cup. Voldemort obviously didn't ward the cup against his own undead. The potion has no effect on the undead and you release the spirits from the body when it is done drinking. You actually gain some insights into necromancy from this.

When you look into the goblet, you don't see Slytherin's Locket, you see a different one instead. You open up the locket and you find a handwritten note folded inside. It says
"To the Dark Lord
I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match you will be mortal once more.

R.A.B, those initials sound familiar... Ah, you remember now, those where the initials of Regulas Black, one of Voldemorts Death Eaters. You have no idea where he could have hidden the real locket, though (you doubt that he knew how to destroy it). You don't even remember where he lives, to check there. He did have a brother, Siruis Black, who you heard was in Azakaban, but that's the limits of your knowledge. On a totally unrelated note, it seems that the spirits are bound to the cave, although you could release them. Isn't chaos fun

[] Release them
[] Don't release them

After that you...
[] Go where and do what?

[Skills Upgraded: Soul Magic: High, Necromancy: Low]

A.N. Don't expect to get Soul Magic any higher without a lot of effort (or anytime soon), Legendary level is many times harder then the pervious ones, and Mythical level is even harder then that.

Also, once again, only two votes:(
[X] Release them
-[X] But ask them to come with you. Politely. You think you'll have so much fun together.

[X] Go to the Forbidden Forest and kill something big, dumb, and not too dangerous to you should you lose control of its zombie.
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[X] Release them
-[X] But ask them to come with you. Politely. You think you'll have so much fun together.

[X] Go to the Forbidden Forest and kill something big, dumb, and not too dangerous to you should you lose control of its zombie.
Do we require sleep?

[X] Release them

[X] Practice Magical Combat and what little you know of necromancy on the Inferi before you release them.
-[X] Try to communicate with the souls and extract any info hey might hold.
[X] Release them

[X] Practice Magical Combat and what little you know of necromancy on the Inferi before you release them.
-[X] Try to communicate with the souls and extract any info hey might hold.
Spirits and Necromancy
You release the spirits and they float around you. You try to connect with them and gain their knowledge. You succeed in connecting with them, but they don't have any knowledge to give. They are bundles of instincts held together by a proto-intelligence, and their only desire seems to be having fun. Although, by both releasing them and connecting with them, you have ensured they will remember you and may have jumpstarted their intellectual development. They soon leave to explore the outside world.
Bye, bye
After that you practice combat magic and necromancy on the Inferi. Unfortunately, you know nothing about combat magic and completely fail. The necromancy work goes much better, though. With both the vague memories of Voldemort and the necklace it is pretty easy to direct the bodies. What really shows your skill at necromancy though, is the number and variety of bodies you can direct and raise. For example, it is much harder to direct thirty bodies that are a mixture of humans, trolls, and squirrels then it is to direct thirty human bodies. Almost anyone can raise and direct one body, but since the bodies are puppeted by your own will, the more you add, the harder it gets.

[] Where do you go and what do you do?

[Skill Upgraded: Necromancy: Mid-Low]
Hmm. An unfortunate roadblock. Well, time to see Sirius Black.
[X] Visit the Ravenclaws again, and use the same trick to collect information about Dementors. What are they, what works against them, is there a way to detect them from afar or communicate with them? Perhaps incite a debate about their nature and properties with your Illusions?
[X] Visit the Ravenclaws again, and use the same trick to collect information about Dementors. What are they, what works against them, is there a way to detect them from afar or communicate with them? Perhaps incite a debate about their nature and properties with your Illusions?
You travel to the Ravenclaw Tower, it was late, and most of the Ravenclaws were asleep, although plenty were up studying. You create a illusionary copy copy to ask the other students about Dementors. You have to go to several students to get information, but you get it.

Dementors are beings that feed on positive emotions and, sometimes, souls, but no one knows what they are exactly. The only confirmed way to drive off Dementors is to use a Patronus Charm, although if you lack positive emotions, they might ignore you (but since most people have emotions this has not been tested). This might be related to how dark wizards control them, but no one knows how they (or the Ministry of Magic) actually control Dementors. There is no known way to detect them besides the feelings they give off, and there is tales of dark wizards communicating with them, but, again, no one knows how. You try to insight a debate to gain more information, by everyone is ether to focused on studying to answer more then a few questions or is to tired.

[] Where do you go and what do you do?

A.N. The choice to release the spirits will have much larger consequences then you may have released. They are like the olden Fae, immortal, selfish, and lacking in any sense of morality (you didn't help there), except they are not weak to iron or required to keep their word. They also grow in both power and intelligence as they age. On the postive side, you are their greatest hero.
A.N. The choice to release the spirits will have much larger consequences then you may have released. They are like the olden Fae, immortal, selfish, and lacking in any sense of morality (you didn't help there), except they are not weak to iron or required to keep their word. They also grow in both power and intelligence as they age. On the postive side, you are their greatest hero.
On the flip side, at least we aren't staying in this world for long and won't have to face the consequences. :p
Or is their development going to be really fast?

Anyway, looks like we have even less to fear from Dementors than Voldemort! Time to stage a prison break.
[X] You don't even know where Regulus Black lived, much less where he would hide something as precious as a Horcrux. Time to go straight to the source! You're breaking into that wizarding prison to interrogate Sirius Black.
-[X] Of course, first we need to prepare. Ideally, you'd use Veritaserum, but we aren't good enough to brew it, regrettably, and don't know who would have some on hand, or where they would hide it. Thus, you'd have to use cheaper alternatives, like a Confundus Charm, since Black is unlikely to provide much resistance after a decade in Azkaban.
-[X] Learn some mental spells (Confundus Charm, Cheering Charm, and truth spells, if such things exist, are given top priority; Imperio as well, though it's a last resort), and practise them on unsuspecting students, whether they're awake for it or not, trying to plant a suggestion to tell the truth about something. Perhaps try to find out where exactly Azkaban is as well?
-[X] When you're good enough at the spells, hop over to Azkaban.

[X] Find material on Azkaban and its Dementors.
-[X] Shadow walk to both the library and RoR for info.
We don't know about the RoR yet, AFAIK.
[X] You don't even know where Regulus Black lived, much less where he would hide something as precious as a Horcrux. Time to go straight to the source! You're breaking into that wizarding prison to interrogate Sirius Black.
-[X] Of course, first we need to prepare. Ideally, you'd use Veritaserum, but we aren't good enough to brew it, regrettably, and don't know who would have some on hand, or where they would hide it. Thus, you'd have to use cheaper alternatives, like a Confundus Charm, since Black is unlikely to provide much resistance after a decade in Azkaban.
-[X] Learn some mental spells (Confundus Charm, Cheering Charm, and truth spells, if such things exist, are given top priority; Imperio as well, though it's a last resort), and practise them on unsuspecting students, whether they're awake for it or not, trying to plant a suggestion to tell the truth about something. Perhaps try to find out where exactly Azkaban is as well?
-[X] When you're good enough at the spells, hop over to Azkaban.
We don't know about the RoR yet, AFAIK.

Your right. Just checked.

I'd like us to learn about rituals and potion-making next time. Don't know why we skipped listening on that.

[X] You don't even know where Regulus Black lived, much less where he would hide something as precious as a Horcrux. Time to go straight to the source! You're breaking into that wizarding prison to interrogate Sirius Black.
-[X] Of course, first we need to prepare. Ideally, you'd use Veritaserum, but we aren't good enough to brew it, regrettably, and don't know who would have some on hand, or where they would hide it. Thus, you'd have to use cheaper alternatives, like a Confundus Charm, since Black is unlikely to provide much resistance after a decade in Azkaban.
-[X] Learn some mental spells (Confundus Charm, Cheering Charm, and truth spells, if such things exist, are given top priority; Imperio as well, though it's a last resort), and practise them on unsuspecting students, whether they're awake for it or not, trying to plant a suggestion to tell the truth about something. Perhaps try to find out where exactly Azkaban is as well?
-[X] When you're good enough at the spells, hop over to Azkaban.
Unethical Tests
You have a crazy idea, you will break into Askaban to interrogate Siruis Black about his brother. First you need to prepare, you need to learn the Confundus Charm, the Cherring Charm, and, of course, the Imperious Curse. You figure that the best place to find these things are in Restricted Section of the Hogwarts Library. You search through the Restricted Section and, once again, it takes you a long time to find anything. You eventually find the spells in one of the dark arts books (it wasn't bad, for a dark arts books). Unfortunately, truth spells don't exist (although, you can compel someone to tell the truth with the Imperious), if they did, why bother with the process of making Veritaserum? You go up to the Ravenclaw Tower to test the new spells on them.

Everyone is asleep, so you test casting the spells on them asleep first, then waking them up first. Interestingly enough, the Confundus Charm was the hardest and took you quite a while to get it down. It woke up any sleeping targets (they were confused, of course) and the spell was just as difficult with sleeping targets as it was with awake targets (it was the same with the Cherring Charm). It was also harder the more confused you tried to make the target. Compared to the Confundus Charm, the Imperious Curse was relatively easy, it difficult increases with the targets willpower, so it worked best on sleeping targets and second-best on confused targets. The Cherring Charm only gave sleeping targets good dreams, and awake targets were too happy to give you a straight answer without considerable effort (you don't think this charm will be very useful). You also take this opportunity to find out Askaban's location. It is in the North Sea and the only known ways to get their is through the Ministry of Magic's internal (and restricted) floo network or by boat (although, this rare nowadays). Of course, you have unrestricted teleportation.

After you finish practicing and asking questions, you use the Confundus to put everyone you woke up, intentionally or accidentally, back to sleep (you are afraid that they won't wake up if you order them to sleep with the Imperious). I don't want to go to Askaban, I will have to hide

[] Telaport around the North Sea until you find it
[] Break into the Ministry (how do you find it, how do you get in, how do you get to London in the first place? (You haven't been to London before))
[] Steal a boat (how do you find a boat, how do you make up for your lack of real sailing skills?)
[] Some other way?

[Skills Gained: Cunfundus Charm, Cherring Charm, Imperious Curse]