You use the necklace to call up any spirits around you. The spirits you call are dark, malevolent, and what some may call evil. You don't mind though, to you they are like purring kittens. You care little for their mischef and mayhem, in fact you even manage to learn some more about spirits by watching them.
Ohh, they are so cute, I want to give ourself a hug. Actually, I think I will.
You feel a strange urge to give yourself a hug and proceed to do so. Then you direct some of the spirits into lake and into one of the Inferi bodies. You direct it out of the lake and have it start drinking from the cup. Voldemort obviously didn't ward the cup against his own undead. The potion has no effect on the undead and you release the spirits from the body when it is done drinking. You actually gain some insights into necromancy from this.
When you look into the goblet, you don't see Slytherin's Locket, you see a different one instead. You open up the locket and you find a handwritten note folded inside. It says
To the Dark Lord
I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match you will be mortal once more.
R.A.B, those initials sound familiar... Ah, you remember now, those where the initials of Regulas Black, one of Voldemorts Death Eaters. You have no idea where he could have hidden the real locket, though (you doubt that he knew how to destroy it). You don't even remember where he lives, to check there. He did have a brother, Siruis Black, who you heard was in Azakaban, but that's the limits of your knowledge. On a totally unrelated note, it seems that the spirits are bound to the cave, although you could release them.
Isn't chaos fun
[] Release them
[] Don't release them
After that you...
[] Go where and do what?
[Skills Upgraded: Soul Magic: High, Necromancy: Low]
A.N. Don't expect to get Soul Magic any higher without a lot of effort (or anytime soon), Legendary level is many times harder then the pervious ones, and Mythical level is even harder then that.
Also, once again, only two votes