You decide to drop the ring in the cup, but nothing happens. The cup isn't powerful enough to actually purify a soul fragment, especially since this one is bigger then the one that was originally in the cup. Luckily, a horcrux is unable to switch containers, and the one in the ring is unable to do much, including produce curuption. The only reason the cup was able to produce so much, was because it was explicitly designed to affect its contents and surroundings, it was simply a matter of changing how it affects them.
You take the ring out of the cup so you can experiment with the stone inside, but since you don't want to be cursed by putting on the ring, you decide to break the gold setting first. Tom put a lot of enchantments on the ring to protect it, but you don't think they can stand up to concentrated Darkness given physical form, so you take out your Keyblade and swing it down on the ring.
It explodes and you are thrown back. The Gaunt Shack collapses, unable to withstand the force of the explosion (it was not well made). You get up, unharmed, and start searching through the wreckage. In the center you find the stone, with both the gold setting and soul fragment destroyed. You pick up the stone and examine it, turning it over and looking at it from different angles. Soon, (after three turns, you think) a connection opens up to somewhere else, you can't tell where. You turn the stone one more time, and the connection closes. You hope that no one comes to this place and sees the ruins, but what's the chance of that happening?
[] Where do you go and what do you do?
Edit: [Item Gained: Resurrection Stone]