[X] You've had a stressful few days. Slip out and enjoy yourself at Hogsmeade. Yes, I know we haven't discovered it, but it's a village literally within walking distance of the castle and Voldemort must have gone there many times.
[X] You've had a stressful few days. Slip out and enjoy yourself at Hogsmeade. Yes, I know we haven't discovered it, but it's a village literally within walking distance of the castle and Voldemort must have gone there many times.
[X] You've had a stressful few days. Slip out and enjoy yourself at Hogsmeade.

Snarky-RoR best RoR. I refuse to vote for visiting RoR unless the GM give me assurance that it's snarky RoR.
For explanation, read Shadenight123's Hogwarts Quest
The Ring
You decide to go to the Gaunt Shack and get the soul fragment inside. The building was half-hidden amongst a the tangle of tree trunks. The trees growing nearby blocked all light and the view of the valley below. The walls were mossy and so many tiles had fallen off the roof that the rafters were visible in places. Nettles grew all around it, their tips reaching the windows, which were tiny and thick with grime. You find it difficult to believe that anyone would want to leave her, but you suppose it might have been nicer in past. Something was trying to get you to ignore the shack, but it was not hard to resist (the fact that you knew about the defenses made it easier). You enter the shack and see dust everywhere, on the floor, on the shelves, on the pots and pans lying on the table. It is obvious that no one has been here in many years. You cross the room and break the rotten floorboards that you remember Tom Riddle hiding the Horcrux under.

Sure enough, there is the plain golden box, just like you remember it. You open it and see the Gaunt Ring lying on a velvet lining. It is not well crafted, the gold work and engravings look shoddy, even to a untrained eye like yours. On the stone inset into the ring, you see scratches forming a circle inside a triangle with a line through them both. You get a strong magical feeling from the stone, even stronger then the feeling you got from the cup. It reminds you of the cloak and, from the flashes of memories you received, Tom Riddle had no idea that it was magical. You take it, although you are not stupid enough to put it on your finger, especially knowing its protections.

[] What do you do now?
Okay, do we eat it now, or do we learn some more soul magic first? Perhaps we can get more knowledge out of it with some experience.
[X] Drop it in the Cup. That little rock set in it is much more useful to use than any moldy bit of soul.
-[X] Experiment with the pretty rock.
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[X] Drop it in the Cup. That little rock set in it is much more useful to use than any moldy bit of soul.
It took a directed ritual to corrupt the cup in the first place. The cup is designed to purify. If it's possible to corrupt an artifact whose purpose was to purify corruption by accident, then it's a pretty shoddy artifact.
Well, it's one thing to purify some residual corruption, and quite another to do so with a soul.
Though I guess it will serve well enough as a container.
[X] Drop it in the Cup. That little rock set in it is much more useful to use than any moldy bit of soul.
-[X] Experiment with the pretty rock.
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You decide to drop the ring in the cup, but nothing happens. The cup isn't powerful enough to actually purify a soul fragment, especially since this one is bigger then the one that was originally in the cup. Luckily, a horcrux is unable to switch containers, and the one in the ring is unable to do much, including produce curuption. The only reason the cup was able to produce so much, was because it was explicitly designed to affect its contents and surroundings, it was simply a matter of changing how it affects them.

You take the ring out of the cup so you can experiment with the stone inside, but since you don't want to be cursed by putting on the ring, you decide to break the gold setting first. Tom put a lot of enchantments on the ring to protect it, but you don't think they can stand up to concentrated Darkness given physical form, so you take out your Keyblade and swing it down on the ring.

It explodes and you are thrown back. The Gaunt Shack collapses, unable to withstand the force of the explosion (it was not well made). You get up, unharmed, and start searching through the wreckage. In the center you find the stone, with both the gold setting and soul fragment destroyed. You pick up the stone and examine it, turning it over and looking at it from different angles. Soon, (after three turns, you think) a connection opens up to somewhere else, you can't tell where. You turn the stone one more time, and the connection closes. You hope that no one comes to this place and sees the ruins, but what's the chance of that happening?

[] Where do you go and what do you do?

Edit: [Item Gained: Resurrection Stone]
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[X] Use the shadows in the area to get yourself to higher-ground, obscure yourself with illusions and watch for anyone who comes to investigate.

I want to chow down on some death eaters if they come through, but if its Voldy himself, I'd like to leave. So we can practice some more skills.
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[X] Use the shadows in the area to get yourself to higher-ground, obscure yourself with illusions and watch for anyone who comes to investigate.
Waiting and hiding
You decide to wait for someone to investigate the shack's destruction, you can't be to careful. You shadow-walk to the top of a tree, obscure yourself with an illusion, and settle down to wait. You wait several hours, but no one comes to investigate. It seems you got away with it. At least your illusion skills improved, they are more realistic now and you can maintain them for quite a while.

[] Where do you go and what do you do now?

[Skill Upgraded: Illusion Magic: Mid-High]

A.N. Only two votes again:(
You decide to head out to Hogsmeade and have some fun. You have overheard a few students talking about it before and you have had a stressful few days. You can also see it from the castle so you can easily shadow-walk there. Hogsmeade is a picture-esque little village made of shops and cottages, you have heard a lot about a place named Honeydukes and their great candies.

You enter Hogsmeade and search for Honeydukes. It isn't hard to find, there is a big sign outside and the only shop where you can see candy through the window. When you enter you see shelves upon shelves of the most succulent-looking sweets imaginable. Creamy chunks of nougat, shimmering pink squares of coconut ice, fat, honey-colored toffees; hundreds of different kinds of chocolates in neat rows; there was a large barrel of Every Flavor Beans, and another of Fizzing Whizbees, the levitating sherbert balls that Ron had mentioned; along yet another wall were "Special Effects" sweets: Droobles Best Blowing Gum (which filled a room with bluebell-colored bubbles that refused to pop for days), the strange, splintery Toothflossing Stringmints, tiny black Pepper Imps (breathe fire for your friends!), Ice Mice (hear your teeth chatter and squeak!), peppermint creams shaped like toads (hop realistically in your stomach!), fragile sugar-spun quills, and exploding bonbons. There are so many choices that you have trouble deciding. You eventually just grab some toffees and sit down to eat them. Sitting down, eating sweets, relaxing, it's kind of nice. In the end you feel pretty good.

[] Where do you go and what do you do now?

[Location Unlocked: Hogsmeade]