[X] Consume the soul shard, giving you its power and access to the powers of the cup.
-[X] Then finish off Binn's soul for good measure.

[X] Connect them (let anything and everything across)
-[X] Then go across yourself
--[X] Close it behind you (giving only you access)
[X] Consume the soul shard, giving you its power and access to the powers of the cup.
-[X] Sacrifice Binn's to the Darkness.

[X] Instead you go where and do what? (You can always connect them later)
-[X] Read up on those Illusion books.

Get a way to hide... well, more. And distractions. Then get some combat magic, wrap it up with some elemental (Because you need some elemental if you have a keyblade), then we can go I think.
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[X] Consume the soul shard, giving you its power and access to the powers of the cup.
-[X] Sacrifice Binn's to the Darkness.

[X] Instead you go where and do what? (You can always connect them later)
-[X] Read up on those Illusion books.

One of our goals is to collect the horcruxes, so we shouldn't leave before that's done.
[X] Consume the soul shard, giving you its power and access to the powers of the cup.
-[X] Sacrifice Binn's to the Darkness.

[X] Instead you go where and do what? (You can always connect them later)
-[X] Read up on those Illusion books.
[X] Consume the soul shard, giving you its power and access to the powers of the cup.
-[X] Eat Binns too.

I think we should eat bins because all of that history knowledge means we'll never have to stupid for the class again. Also, it gives Bob/Sarah a good grounding for what has shaped the mentality of the modern wizard.

TLDR: More knowledge good.

[X] Instead you go where and do what? (You can always connect them later)
-[X] Read up on those Illusion books.
[X] Consume the soul shard, giving you its power and access to the powers of the cup.
-[X] Eat Binns too.

[X] Instead you go where and do what? (You can always connect them later)
-[X] Read up on those Illusion books.
[X] Consume the soul shard, giving you its power and access to the powers of the cup.
-[X] Eat Binns too.

[X] Instead you go where and do what? (You can always connect them later)
-[X] Read up on those Illusion books.
Reading about illusions
You eat the "core" of the cup and you get so much. Actually eating a soul increases your knowledge of soul magic, but that is nothing compared to the memories you get. You get flashes, opening Chamber of Secrets, creating the dairy, the ring, the locket, and finally the cup by splitting his soul into fragments, hiding them, talking to Lucius and giving him the dairy, and killing, so much killing, even killing your own parents. You do realize something Voldemort didn't though, every time he spilt his soul it made him weaker, more insane. Compared to that, the only thing you got from Binns, is the ability to pass a history test. Although, you now have acess to the cups original abilities (even if you don't know what they are) and the curruption is already starting to fade.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
After you finish creating the Cooridors of Darkness, you head to the library and finally read those illusion books you got from beginning to end, which takes quite a while. You learn a lot and realize some of the awesome things you can do with illusion magic. Unfortunately, while you may understand it, you actually have to practice it to be able to do anything above low-level, good for distractions and little more.

[] Where do you go and what do you do?

[Unlocked Locations: Riddle Mannor, Malfoy Mannor, Chamber of Secrets, Gaunt Shack, Crystal Cave]

[Unlocked Skills: Avada Kedavra, Illusion Magic: Low] Illusion magic is easier to raise to high-level, due to only needing to practice.

[Skill Upgraded: Soul Magic: Mid-High]

[Trait Gained: Parsel Tongue]

A.N. Avada Kevda actually works by forcefully sending a soul to "Limbo" before its time. This only works in the Potterverse. (So no instant killing any where else)

Also, the only reason you got the memories is because actually eating a soul raised your level high enough. If you had tried this before, you would only gotten Parsel Tongue (and you won't get as much from other soul fragments)

In addition, all your curent goals are optional, with exception of finding the other Shards of Darkness, so you don't have to worry about them if you don't want to.
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Well, getting to most of those places will have to wait until we can apparate and have explored Hogwarts more fully, to avoid wasting time. For now, I guess we'll do this...

[X] Train your Illusion Magic by pranking students. Turn Hogwarts into a real Ghost Castle!
-[X] And try to substitute for Binns (employing that very same Illusion Magic) when you have time. Spruce up his history lessons by playing fantasy movies (3d, if you can), making them as engaging as possible. Even if you have no idea what really happened back then, you can make up for it with enthusiasm!
[X] Train your Illusion Magic by pranking students. Turn Hogwarts into a real Ghost Castle!
-[X] And try to substitute for Binns (employing that very same Illusion Magic) when you have time. Spruce up his history lessons by playing fantasy movies (3d, if you can), making them as engaging as possible. Even if you have no idea what really happened back then, you can make up for it with enthusiasm!
You decide to train your illusion magic by pranking any students you could find. At first you weren't very good, but by the end you could make rampaging dinosaurs appear and some people would actually believe they were real (at least until they touched them, you can't make illusions seem solid yet). You do this for a while, but soon almost everyone else goes to bed. You were going to try to replace Binns with an illusion and make some illusionary movies or something, but you find out (after overhearing some else's conversation) that all the History of Magic classes have been canceled due to Binns disappearance. Although, you do think that the Chamber of Secrets might make a good place to practice things privately.

[] Where do you go and what do you do?

[Skill Upgraded: Illusion Magic: Mid]

@Unelemental the Corridors of Darkness let you go anywhere on the planet.

Edit: Although, if you haven't "unlocked" the location you might be off by anywhere from 1 to 500 miles.
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Huh. I'd almost expected the wizards (and witches) to ignore Binns' disappearance. Well, that is fine too. Our time to shine in history classes will come later.

For now? Let's head into that Chamber of Secrets. I hope the Basilisk is either dumb enough to simply listen to Parseltongue, or smart enough not to care whether we're really Salazar's blood.

[X] Go into the Chamber of Secrets and explore it. There's bound to be a few secrets in there, it says so in the name!
-[X] Practise Illusion Magic while down there.
[X] Go to Slytherin Girls' dorm and go to sleep.

Sarah here has been awake for 2 days without rest and only 2 or 3 meals. She needs a break.

Also, I don't think poking the Basilisk without any combat magic is a good idea.
Like combat magic is going to help us against it.
But alright, I don't have a very good sense of time for when Bob/Sarah did what, so we might as well go to sleep.

[X] Go to Slytherin Girls' dorm and go to sleep.
Gaining Age
You go to the Slytherin Girl's Dorm and look for an empty bed to sleep in. You don't have to look far, there are a lot of empty beds. You just crawl into the first one you find and fall asleep.

When you wake up, you notice that your body has changed again. You seem to be noticeable older then when you went to sleep, and, while you don't mind as such, perhaps you should try to gain control over your shape shifting or, failing that, find a private place to sleep? You also notice that everyone else is still asleep, it seems that Slytherins don't get up as early as Hufflepuffs.

[] What do you do?

A.N. The character sheet should be up to date, but if I missed something, please point it out.

Edit: Forgot about Meditation
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Hmm. Shapeshifting? Tonks comes to mind, but I suspect what we have is different, so perhaps reading up on human transfiguration would help?

[X] Check the Ravenclaw library for books on human transfiguration and metamorphmagi.
-[X] But get something to eat first.
[X] Check the Ravenclaw library for books on human transfiguration and metamorphmagi.
-[X] But get something to eat first.

@Unelemental the Corridors of Darkness let you go anywhere on the planet.

Edit: Although, if you haven't "unlocked" the location you might be off by anywhere from 1 to 500 miles.

Oh? Well then we might as well take care of Voldemort today.
Eating and reading
You decide to go it something to eat, it has been a while. How often are you supposed to eat anyways? Meh, you will worry about that later, for now you head down to the kitchens to steal more food. Once again, you find lots of house elves cooking and preparing food, although they seem much more hectic this time. You swipe a few biscuits and, once again, find the least crowded spot to eat, which turns out to be right in front of the blazing brick fireplace. You nibble on the biscuits (which are very good) and when you are finished with the biscuits you leave the kitchen.

After that you go to the Ravenclaw Library to reserch human transfiguration and metamorphmagi. You once again comb through the library looking for the correct books. You find a book on human transfiguration pretty quickly. When you scan through it, you quickly realize it doesn't apply to your transformation. It isn't gradual, it requires a long spell (which you are sure you would notice) and happens instantly once the spell is completed.

Trying to find something on metamorphmagi takes much longer, and you end up missing the breakfast feast. You eventually find it and discover it is controlled by emotions, inheritable, and manifests at birth. You realize that this doesn't apply to you, considering the few times you had shifted forms, it had nothing to do with emotions. You suspect that it is related to the Syndrome the being you killed was talking about. Perhaps you can gain control of it the same you way gained control (sort of) of the abilities you got from him?

[] What do you do now?
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edit: Vote changed due to misinterpretation of information.

[X] Compare the two corrupted magic light bulbs to eachother and the uncorrupted ones and note any differences between them.
-[X] Afterwards, see if you can remove the corruption from either of the light bulbs and the bag of holding.
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@Arkatekt you took all of the light bulbs and you have uncorrupted ones with you. Also, you found them in a Muggle Studies room, not a closet.

@Ridiculously Average Guy you already made the Corridors of Darkness, you don't make more every time you go somewhere new.
[X] Sit down to meditate on your form. Imagine changing some aspect of your being. Concentrate on the image and will it to happen.