You get update, yay! (But seriously I don't know what is going to happen this week)
You decide to give Binns soul to the cup, it will be is interesting to say the least. Although, first you have to take that light bulb you left in there. It is actually shining, it seems like it can run off of any kind of magic, even dark magic, which it is filled with, even worse then the bag. It makes you think of the possibilities of combining magic and technology.
Once you put the soul in the cup you realize several things. There is actually a shard of soul that forms the dark "core" of the cup and it is pretty weak. It has taken control of the cups innate magic and that's what produces the corruption, you also won't be able to you utilize the cups magic yourself until you get rid of it. It is also distracted by trying to consume Binns soul, which it is currently seceding at, and you may never find it so venerable again.
[] Help Binns
-[] Then do what with his soul?
[] Let him be consumed
[] Consume the soul shard, giving you its power and access to the powers of the cup.
-[] Then do what with Binns' soul?
After that you finally create the Corridors of Darkness, while it still takes a bit of time, it is actually quite easy, like the Darkness wants you to create them. You can now take other people with you if you want (although, you don't know why you would want to) and the world feels much closer to Darkness. Luckily, the dark magic in this world is only called that because it is considered moral wrong, so this connection shouldn't affect too much. You also sense that you can connect the Corridors to a large network.
[] Connect them (let anything and everything across)
-[] Then go across yourself
--[] Leave it open behind you
--[] Close it behind you (giving only you access)
-[] Don't go across, go where and do what?
[] Instead you go where and do what? (You can always connect them later)
[Unlocked Skills: Technomancy, Item Magic]
A.N. Right now you are in a relatively "safe" world, where you can train and experiment without too munch danger, the se might not hold true for the next world. Although, there is also a lot of stuff you can't get here, including the shards. Of course, nothing is stopping you from doing both.
[Unlocked Skills: Technomancy, Item Magic]
[Skill Upgraded: Soul Magic: Mid] Watching Binns get partially eaten was enlightening But watching more won't be very helpful