Finding Myrtle
You decide to go look for Myrtle, but you don't know where she is. I figure that she should be in class right now, so you check all the first-floor classes. Unfortunately, the first-year Slytherins aren't in any of them. Then you check all the fifth floor classrooms, but they all have the higher years. Finally you check the ground floor, where you think the Transfiguration room is. You spend a while looking for it, but you eventually find it, and, sure enough, the first-year Slytherins are inside. You also can see Myrtle, although no one is talking to her.

[] What do you do?
-[] If you chose to talk to Myrtle, how do you explain your absence and do you ask her how she managed to go undiscovered?
Late Lunch
You decide to find food, so you head to the kitchens. You see an enormous, high-ceilinged room, large as the Great Hall above it, with mounds of glittering brass pots and pans heaped around the stone walls, and a great brick fireplace at the other end away from you. You also large amounts of food of several varties, stacked up on four large tables identical to the ones to the ones in the Great Hall. You see house elves everywhere, cooking, cleaning, and making all sorts of foods. Really there isn't a single part of the room, that doesn't have a house elf in it. You, of course, steal some of the food and sit down in least crowded corner to eat it. Once you finish eating, you...

[] Do what?

A.N. Just to tell you, I have some RL stuff so I might not be able to update this weekend, and possibly all next week.:oops:

Therefore I am trying to update as much as I can early today, so get your votes in quick. Also, you actually can train your skills if you want to (the ones you have materials for at least).
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Votes close in thirty minutes, if there is no other votes I will flip a coin.

Edit: I will also be sad.:(


Edit: Edit: option one won
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Finding Myrtle Again
You look for Myrtle again. Unfortunately, she is no longer in the Transfiguration room. So you decide to look for her in the first-floor classrooms again. You find her in the History of Magic classroom, which is taught by Professor Binns, who is very boring. He is droning on about the goblin rebellions.

[] What do you do?

-[] If you chose to talk to Myrtle, how do you explain your absence and do you ask her how she managed to go undiscovered?

Edit: Vote! I need votes.
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[X] Binns? Like, 'free-hanging soul' Binns, who nobody would miss?
-[X] Capture his soul. Subtly.
-[X] For shits and giggles, try to replace him with an illusion. It's doubtful anybody will notice the difference.
-[X] Tell Myrtle you were gathering ingredients. For your next project.
I am going to be locking the vote in 15 minutes, because this might be the last chance I have to update for quite a while, although I will try to if I can. (At least you will have time to discuss)

So vote! Especially the lurkers (I am looking at you, @Ridiculously Average Guy).
[X] Binns? Like, 'free-hanging soul' Binns, who nobody would miss?
-[X] Capture his soul. Subtly.
-[X] For shits and giggles, try to replace him with an illusion. It's doubtful anybody will notice the difference.
-[X] Tell Myrtle you were gathering ingredients. For your next project.

I can't not. If fanon taught me one thing, its that this guy needs to go.
You're going to try to take his soul and replace his still-physical body with illusions we haven't practiced, while in the middle of the classroom filled with people. That will not go well.
Capturing Professor Boring
You decide to capture Binns, you don't think anyone would mind. You just grab his soul and compress it into a ball, you aren't really sure how you are supposed to subtly capture a soul. You surprisely find the capture easy, you think this because Binns is a weak ghost like Myrtle, and you don't think this would go so well on someone like the Bloody Baron. Then you try to replace his soul with illusions, which completely fails because you never actually read any of the illusion books you found. The few people studying (or thinking) instead of sleeping notice he is gone rather quickly, but none of them notice you. You quickly stuff his soul in the necklace, to act as a temporary storage. Then you go over to Myrtle and tell her you are gathering ingredients for a project, and insinuate (but not state outright) that it is what you have been doing. She quickly agrees, you suscept she is still adjusting to her new body, and probably wouldn't notice you leaving, even if you didn't use your power on her. Now, what do you do with Binns soul?

[] Eat it
[] Sacrifice it to the Darkness
[] Give it to the cup and see what happens.
[] Keep it in the necklace (will require hourly maintenance to keep it from "leaking")
[] Something else?

[] And what do you do after that?

A.N. Maybe you should finally create those Corridors of Darkness?

Also, your power still affects ghosts, your necklace just lets you negate it, if you so chose. (You can have Myrtle completely forgot about you, if you want her to and are willing to wait a few hours, although it might take only minutes in her current state.)
[X] Give it to the cup and see what happens.
Voldemort-Shard thought being stuffed into a cup can't get any worse? Heh.
Alternatively, Dark Lord Binns. I'm fine with both options.

[X] Then try to make Corridors of Darkness.
I can take a hint.
Creating the Corridors
You get update, yay! (But seriously I don't know what is going to happen this week)

You decide to give Binns soul to the cup, it will be is interesting to say the least. Although, first you have to take that light bulb you left in there. It is actually shining, it seems like it can run off of any kind of magic, even dark magic, which it is filled with, even worse then the bag. It makes you think of the possibilities of combining magic and technology.

Once you put the soul in the cup you realize several things. There is actually a shard of soul that forms the dark "core" of the cup and it is pretty weak. It has taken control of the cups innate magic and that's what produces the corruption, you also won't be able to you utilize the cups magic yourself until you get rid of it. It is also distracted by trying to consume Binns soul, which it is currently seceding at, and you may never find it so venerable again.

[] Help Binns
-[] Then do what with his soul?
[] Let him be consumed
[] Consume the soul shard, giving you its power and access to the powers of the cup.
-[] Then do what with Binns' soul?

After that you finally create the Corridors of Darkness, while it still takes a bit of time, it is actually quite easy, like the Darkness wants you to create them. You can now take other people with you if you want (although, you don't know why you would want to) and the world feels much closer to Darkness. Luckily, the dark magic in this world is only called that because it is considered moral wrong, so this connection shouldn't affect too much. You also sense that you can connect the Corridors to a large network.

[] Connect them (let anything and everything across)
-[] Then go across yourself
--[] Leave it open behind you
--[] Close it behind you (giving only you access)
-[] Don't go across, go where and do what?
[] Instead you go where and do what? (You can always connect them later)

[Unlocked Skills: Technomancy, Item Magic]

A.N. Right now you are in a relatively "safe" world, where you can train and experiment without too munch danger, the se might not hold true for the next world. Although, there is also a lot of stuff you can't get here, including the shards. Of course, nothing is stopping you from doing both.

[Unlocked Skills: Technomancy, Item Magic]

[Skill Upgraded: Soul Magic: Mid] Watching Binns get partially eaten was enlightening But watching more won't be very helpful