[X] Sit down to meditate on your form. Imagine changing some aspect of your being. Concentrate on the image and will it to happen.
You sit down to mediate on your form, you reach deep inside yourself and concentrate on changing. It is something simple, lengthening your finger, but it works. It isn't even very hard, much easier then controlling the Dark, at least. You change your finger back and you know you won't be randomly changing anytime soon. You can shapeshift when you aren't mediating but it while require practice to do it with any sort of speed. Right now it while probably take about an hour to complete a major change, although you can do other things while changing as long as they aren't physically or mentally intensive.

[] Continue Meditating on...
-[] The Darkness
-[] Something else?
[] Practice Shape-shifting
-[] Make random changes
-[] Try something specific?
[] Do something else?

[Gained Trait: Shapeshifter: Low]

A.N. Your "base" form is female now (that is primarily what the name vote was about). You can change into a male, but you wouldn't have any reason to unless you ended up somewhere like Westeros (and was noticeable).
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Darkness Info
You decide to meditate on the Darkness. You look inside yourself for the connection to the Darkness and you find that vast, powerful, infinite, expanse. You notice that the Darkness isn't exactly the same, that there is differences between the depths and the surface. You also realize that the Dark you can produce is actually a refined version of the greater Darkness and you can tap into the Darkness directly for greater power, at the cost of control. You can, with training, minimize the loss of control, but the Dark will always be easier to control then the Darkness. You realize that what you can create anything with the Darkness (and, to a lessor extent, the Dark), but it is limited by your control, power, and concentration. While you can simply draw more power form the Darkness, it will also make it harder to control. Right now you could create some tendrils or blades, but not very many and not anything complex, like a gear system.

[] What do you do now?

A.N. This was an info dump, but at least you know (sort of) what you can do now. Also, the Darkness corrupts the user but you don't have to worry about that right now because you are already completely curupted. You may have to work to maintain a balance if you use the Light, though.
[X] Find out just what the changes have wrought on you, in terms of needing food, water and sleep.
-[X] First try out meditation. Perhaps there's some really obvious changes in your body?
-[X] If that doesn't work, check the various libraries around here for diagnostic charms, and use them on yourself.
[X] Find out just what the changes have wrought on you, in terms of needing food, water and sleep.
-[X] First try out meditation. Perhaps there's some really obvious changes in your body?
-[X] If that doesn't work, check the various libraries around here for diagnostic charms, and use them on yourself.
Your body
You meditate on what changes might have happened to your body regarding psysic also needs. You discover nothing, thinking about it, you don't even remember having "needs." You haven't had any water since you came to Hogwarts, you haven't felt thirsty, hungry, or tired. Food and sleep are certainly comforting, but, looking back, you don't seem to need them for survival like everyone else does. In fact, all you remember about before you found yourself in the Great Hall, was white, endless white.

You stop thinking about that and start checking the Ravenclaw Library for diagnostic charms you can preform on yourself. You find some in a medical book and perform them on yourself. They all fail, they can't seem to "read" your body.

[] What do you do now?

A.N. Lurkers, Vote! Even if you are just going to vote for the option that is currently winning, it is nice to see more then two votes.
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You decide to remove the curruption from the light bulbs and the bag, even though you have no idea how to do that. The light bulb in the bag was barely currupted in the first place, and it's curruption will dissipate on its own in a few minutes. The bag's curruption has already dissipated for the most part, and will be done in a few hours. The final light bulb is heavily curupted and it will be days until the curruption recedes. You can't think of anyways to purify them unless you get a purification ritual of some kind, the only reason the cup isn't currupted is because the curruption was concentrated in soul shard and its own natural properties purified the re---Wait, you have an idea.

You put the least currupted light bulb in the cup, and, sure enough, it was completely purified when you took it out a second later. You repeat the process with the bag and it is pure in a few minutes as well. Finally, you put the heavily currupted light bulb in the cup, although it will be a few hours before it is done. The cup was designed to hold liquid (it is a cup after all) and likely purify things other then dark magic, maybe poisons? While it will work, it won't be at its most efficient. You believe that the reason the cup used to be so currupting is because the soul shard reversed its magic. You do wonder what you should now though, perhaps you should investigate what else you can do with the Keyblade? Or maybe you should find a place to train first?

[] Where do you go and what do you do?

A.N. Votes, yay!
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Going to the RoR is a bit too meta for me atm, since we don't have a hint nor a need for something like it yet. Maybe later, when we've gotten all the other Horcrux-bits. For now...

[X] Go to the Gaunt Shack and get Voldemort's soul-bit from there.