Breaking and Entering
You rename yourself, you have new form so you need a new. Sarah, that seems like a good name.
They were once one, now they are thirteen. Fragmented, broken but still powerful.
You shadow walk to the Headmasters office, to test out the key part of your new blade. But while doing so you get an urge, maybe you should make something more permanent, like corridors between the Darkness. Anyways, you point the key at the door and a beam shoots out of it, causing the door to open.
Will you bring the Shards together, will you succeed where no one else has, young Seeker of Darkness?
Inside you find lots of things, but most are heavily warded. You see instruments you don't understand spinning and whirling, a golden cage with ashes inside, a large stone bowl, and lots of books. In the back there is a case of books that seem different from the rest, you could spend the next several hours getting through the wards, but you would have to go to the Great Hall straight after if you want to make breakfast.
Or will you fail, like all your predecessors?
[] Spend the next several hours getting through the bookcase
-[] Then go to the Great Hall
-[] Go somewhere and do something else?
[] Go somewhere and do something else?

[Gained Goal: Create the Corridors of Darkness]

[Gained Hidden Goal: Find the other 12 Shards]
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[X] Go try and get into the other common rooms. Surely there's something valuable in there?

Alright, next item on the list: try to find doors in wards. Mwahaha!
[X] Ravens
You rename yourself, you have new form so you need a new. Sarah, that seems like a good name.
They were once one, now they are thirteen. Fragmented, broken but still powerful.
You shadow walk to the Headmasters office, to test out the key part of your new blade. But while doing so you get an urge, maybe you should make something more permanent, like corridors between the Darkness. Anyways, you point the key at the door and a beam shoots out of it, causing the door to open.
Will you bring the Shards together, will you succeed where no one else has, young Seeker of Darkness?
Inside you find lots of things, but most are heavily warded. You see instruments you don't understand spinning and whirling, a golden cage with ashes inside, a large stone bowl, and lots of books. In the back there is a case of books that seem different from the rest, you could spend the next several hours getting through the wards, but you would have to go to the Great Hall straight after if you want to make breakfast.
Or will you fail, like all your predecessors?
[] Spend the next several hours getting through the bookcase
-[] Then go to the Great Hall
-[] Go somewhere and do something else?
[] Go somewhere and do something else?

[Gained Goal: Create the Corridors of Darkness]

[Gained Hidden Goal: Find the other 12 Shards]
Ravenclaw Library
You decide to enter the Ravenclaw Tower, and once again, your Keyblade lets you walk right in.
You have fallen to Darkness, but where did you fall from?
You climb a tight marble staircase to get to the common room. It is a wide, circular room with a midnight blue carpet, arched windows hung with blue and bronze silks, and a domed ceiling painted with stars. There are several marble statues of ravens on the walls and a large one of Ravenclaw herself.
Before the sorting, you didn't seem to exist. You didn't come in with the others.
Off to one side you can see the dorms and on the other side is a staircase that leads up to the higher floors of the tower, all of which seem to be filled with books and bookscases, with the exception of the highest floor, which is an observatory.
Where did you come from? Do you even know?
Many of the books are very old, but also well taken care of. Although, you can see a few newer ones here or there (50 years old instead of 200 years old). In fact, there are most likely preservation charms on most of the books, of which there many. There are so many books that you won't be able to read
even quarter of them unless you are willing to spend the next seven years in here. Perhaps you should look for a specific topic?

[] Look through books
-[] What do you look for?
[] Do something else?
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Too many books on reality manipulation to read? What is this heresy?!
...Right, we can optimize our learning later, time for some fun for now.

[X] Look through books
-[X] Books on how to produce magical illusions and sounds. You might be unnoticeable, but that just means that you have to get creative to entertain yourself.
-[X] And perhaps Mind Magic, if there's anything interesting-looking on the topic and you have time left.
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[X] Look through books
-[X] Books on how to produce magical illusions and sounds. You might be unnoticeable, but that just means that you have to get creative to entertain yourself.
-[X] And perhaps Mind Magic, if there's anything interesting-looking on the topic and you have time left.
[X] Look through books
-[X] Books on how to produce magical illusions and sounds. You might be unnoticeable, but that just means that you have to get creative to entertain yourself.
-[X] And perhaps Mind Magic, if there's anything interesting-looking on the topic and you have time left.
Canon Omake: The Infinite War
Have an omake.

The Infinite War

Once, long ago, there was a great war between Darkness and Light, over the ultimate weapon, the x-blade. They committed their numbers, their strongest weapons, the Keyblade wielders. The battles were cataclysmic, destroying entire worlds. The works of magic in this war were both awe-inspiring and terror-inducing, there were blizzards so powerful that they froze the world, meteors so numerous that they blotted out the skies, fires so hot that it boiled the seas and burned the atmosphere, monsters bigger than mountains were summoned, and it was often difficult to tell which side was which. In the end, the x-blade shattered into the seven shards of light, which made their way into the Princesses of the Heart, and the thirteen shards of darkness, which were lost.

The light was reduced to a fraction, of a fraction, of a fraction, of their former numbers, but they had a few Keyblade wielders left, while the Darkness seemed to have none. The Light came out slightly ahead, but this wasn't the end of the war, only a lull in the fighting. For the Darkness had a powerful weapon, the Heartless. They were beings of darkness that consumed hearts to make more of themselves, and the only way to permanently destroy them was with a Keyblade. At first they swarmed over worlds, with little meaningful resistance to their relentless advance. Unfortunately, they soon learned that the Light was consolidating.

It created the great Champions of Light, more powerful then the greatest heroes and villains of other worlds. It had them gain strength slowly, to think that they were doing it on their own, so that they would build up their willpower. It would "fail" to save others from the Darkness to give them more reason to hate and distrust it. Most importantly, it would fetter them, give them powerful bonds infused with light, connecting their hearts with that of others, so that they would always be pulled out of Darkness, willing or not.

These Champions crushed the every thing the Darkness throw at them. At first, it tried sending hoards of Heartless, but that failed. Then it tried sending its elites, its stronger warriors, but that too failed. Finally, it sent the strongest it had, its largest, its smartest, and its most powerful, but they also failed. The Darkness might have consumed countless worlds, but where ever these Champions walked, the Darkness failed. Perhaps it is time for the Darkness to get its own Champion to fight the Light's, some thing better then Xehanort? Perhaps it is time for a new star to rise in the Darkness, for the dark shards of the x-blade to be found? Perhaps it is time for things to change?
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[X] Look through books
-[X] Books on how to produce magical illusions and sounds. You might be unnoticeable, but that just means that you have to get creative to entertain yourself.
-[X] And perhaps Mind Magic, if there's anything interesting-looking on the topic and you have time left.
Finding Books
You look through the books for illusion magic, if nothing else tit will give you some thing to do. It isn't very hard to find something, you even find begginer, intermediate, and advanced books, so you will be able to work your way up. Unfortunately, finding a book on mind magic is much harder and takes you hours. You eventuality find a book, titled The Power of the Mind, in a dusty unused corner. You don't think that it has been touched in years. When you skim through it, you see it often mentions two things, occlumancy, the power to affect your own mind, and legilimency, the power to affect the minds of other. You also realize you need to go to the Great Hall now if you want to make breakfast.

[] Go to the Great Hall
-[] Sit with Myrtle and the Slytherins
--[] You tell the truth about your absence (I sacrificed a soul and stole things)
--[] Lie (Write in)
---[] Do you talk about something else? (Write in)
-[] Sit with the teachers
-[] Sit with one of the other houses (name which)
[] Don't go to the Great Hall, go where and do what?

[Gained Item: Mind Magic Book]

[Gained Items: Set of Ilusion Books]

A.N. What did you think of the omake?

Character Sheet Updated and I fixed a few mistakes and added some things I forgot about, so you might want to check it.
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