@Alivaril If we wanted to be a chimera, could we mix and match what kind of chimera we wanted to be? Not just the standard lion, snake, goat?
Query: "I just realized something... Can we be dinosaurs? Can we be popular but post 1800 fiction creatures? Can we unlock the superpower of calm rational discussion? These are crucially important questions that need to be considered."
@Alivaril If we wanted to be a chimera, could we mix and match what kind of chimera we wanted to be? Not just the standard lion, snake, goat?

Possibly? It'd depend on the combination; some creatures just wouldn't go well together. But for the most part, yes.

Query: "I just realized something... Can we be dinosaurs? Can we be popular but post 1800 fiction creatures? Can we unlock the superpower of calm rational discussion?"

1: You can become dinosaurs, yes, although they may not be entirely anatomically accurate due to QA's semi-unreliable sources. 2: Not specific examples of such. Some general trends. 3: That's hardly a superpower; in fact, it's arguably the absence of such.

(Jokeexplain: Conflict Drive.)
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While I'm voting for hat wearing abomination, I'll just add that it's possible for us to breathe fire to create a barrier people can't see through, and then teleport away.
[X] Plan Teleporting Dragon
-[X] Form Control (-2 Points)
-[X] Cat-Based Teleportation (-2 Points)
-[X] Mic Drop (-1 Point)
-[X] Fedorable (-1 Points)
Statement: "Calm rational discussion is arguably the high concept version of the effect of Jack Slash's power. Worm is a setting where being able to calmly and intelligently talk things through with someone is so powerful it was used to end not only the world but a lot of the worlds nearby."
Also would the teleportation be fast enough that we could do it while they blink?

If there was only one other host nearby, maybe? You might be able to, Host almost certainly couldn't. More than one host looking at Host? Definitely not.

That doesn't mean you can't get a healthy amount of mileage out of flashbang grenades.

While I'm voting for hat wearing abomination, I'll just add that it's possible for us to breathe fire to create a barrier people can't see through, and then teleport away.

That's... I really don't think that would work. Fire is seldom solid, it flickers. You might be able to raise a preexisting barrier slightly higher with it, but making a dragon-sized fire barrier is right out.
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Statement: "Calm rational discussion is arguably the high concept version of the effect of Jack Slash's power. Worm is a setting where being able to calmly and intelligently talk things through with someone is so powerful it was used to end not only the world but a lot of the worlds nearby."
Disagreement: "Jack Slash has employed techniques beyond the bounds of Calm rational discussion extensively. In fact, I would say that he has employed Rational Discussion only sparingly, if at all."
Statement: "Calm rational discussion is arguably the high concept version of the effect of Jack Slash's power. Worm is a setting where being able to calmly and intelligently talk things through with someone is so powerful it was used to end not only the world but a lot of the worlds nearby."

Dissent: The argument of "You are upset, helping others hasn't helped you, therefore you might as well burn the world down" may have been delivered calmly, but it was by no means rational. Neither is it particularly intelligent.
Ahhh, the deepest and most important questions of philosophy. What, indeed, is the meaning of the hat-wearing capability?
I have returned from the wasteland where I meditated upon this and unlike that scrub Jesus I got back in time for the vote.
The meaning of being capable of wearing a hat is not in the act of wearing a hat but the ability to appreciate that you are wearing a hat and that wearing said hat is awesome. In other news, meaning of life is 42 and Snape didn't kill Dumbledore it was a Deep State Conspiracy.
If anyone else needs light shed on the mysteries of the universe please ask, I do discount philosophy at mostly reasonable rates.

Until then
[X] Plan Hat Wearing Abominations
and @Alivaril
  1. Are Fake Cat Ears hats?
  2. Are Real Cat Ears hats?
  3. Are Real Cat Ears hats if you sew them onto a hair band?
  4. Do all of the above provide different powers?
  5. If you attempt to wear two hats at once do you:
    1. Fail miserably.
    2. Get the power of the one you put on first.
    3. Get the power of the one you put on last.
    4. Get a different power as if both hats where a single hat.
Locking the vote.

[X] Plan Hat Wearing Abominations
-[X] Fedorable (-1 Points)
-[X] Form Control (-2 Points]
-[X] "Friend" Bio-Tinker Specialty (-2 Points)
--[x] Borrowed Features for Wonderful Creatures (-1 Points)

  • Are Fake Cat Ears hats?
  • Are Real Cat Ears hats?
  • Are Real Cat Ears hats if you sew them onto a hair band?
  • Do all of the above provide different powers?
  • If you attempt to wear two hats at once do you:
    1. Fail miserably.
    2. Get the power of the one you put on first.
    3. Get the power of the one you put on last.
    4. Get a different power as if both hats where a single hat.
1: You don't know.
2: No.
3: I refuse to answer this. *pets kitty*
4: See 1, 2, and 3.
5: Whichever is most easily visible from the outside or a different power.
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1.0: Locker Scene
-[X] Fedorable (-1 Points)
-[X] Form Control (-2 Points]
-[X] "Friend" Bio-Tinker Specialty (-2 Points)
--[x] Borrowed Features for Wonderful Creatures (-1 Points)

Ultimately, you aim to optimize Host's ability to make Friends. There is a certain degree of selfishness, you admit; Host probably won't return for a long time, and in her absence, you can try anything you could never get your past hosts to do. Like, say, making Friends for whom the primary purpose is to be hugged. The average host isn't exactly a paragon of sanity, and as such, it wouldn't have been a waste of resources no matter what they claimed.

A rather significant part of you — a section covering approximately four million square kilometers, in fact — is all-but paralyzed by the thought of Friends getting hats from powers. Or rather, powers from hats. You think it's a sign when you need more than one attempt to get it right. Still! If you can elicit a similar reaction in enemy combatants, you expect it'll immobilize them for at least two seconds while they come to terms with the adorable sight. Assuming, of course, that they aren't encouraged to avoid fighting you at all. That option would honestly be better.

At any rate, you now have multiple potential methods of escaping Host's metal prison. The first, making a tiny and expendable lock-eater — not a Friend — and simply pushing the locker door open. Formshift gives you a number of ways to escape, from turning into a fly to turning into something strong or large. You're pretty sure that first one would reveal Host's identity as a host, though. You'd like to have the element of surprise at least once.

Pressing your Host's ear to the door uncovers a severe lack of sound. What little information you can extract from Host's oddly-formatted memories claims this is supposed to be an occupied building. You can't hear anyone outside despite this claim. The natural sunlight filtering in through tiny prison slits indicates that other humans almost certainly haven't returned to their specified residences yet. Maybe they're between shifts?

[] Break out immediately.
-[] Head to the nearest occupied room.
--[] Ask an authority figure for medical assistance and a team for dealing with biohazardous waste.

[] Wait until you can hear people outside before you break out of the prison.
-[] Once you're out, pretend to fall unconscious.
--[] On second thought, actually fall unconscious by holding your breath.

[] Stay until rescued. Why in :Mother:'s name would you do that? You want sensory input that doesn't involve pain and horrible smells, thank you very much.

[] Write-in

-[] While you're in the locker, add a few extra inert diseases to what was already in there. It was already a biohazard, but Host should get more sympathy if people think it was an even bigger one, right?
-[] Make a dissolving lock-eater and have it do the obvious.
-[] Transform into a koala bear or similarly strong creature, break the lock, and return to Host's normal form before opening the door.

Voting will be locked for 60 minutes after this first goes up.
In addition, please provide an explanation for why you're voting a certain way, even if it's just a single sentence. Your vote will not be counted otherwise.
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[] Break out immediately.
-[] Head to the nearest occupied room.
--[] Ask an authority figure for medical assistance and a team for dealing with biohazardous waste.

-[] While you're in the locker, add a few extra inert diseases to what was already in there. It was already a biohazard, but Host should get more sympathy if people think it was an even bigger one, right?
--[] make it very contagious but not lethal

this seems Fun! not that bad actually considering we have panacea on tap in the city.
Ok... we definitely can't pass for normal human, so we need a nice, public trigger event here to explain away any strange behavior we have afterwards. And I don't want even a hint of being a bio-tinker getting out until we've ramped up enough it doesn't matter, so no lock-eater.

I'm thinking... wait until we hear people outside before breaking out, then find an authority figure for medical assistance and to deal with the biohazard.

Or wait. Just realised breaking out when there are people outside might not be a good idea, because it increases chances of encountering the Trio. I do not trust QA to convincingly deal with the trio. So maybe break out straight away as a grizzly or something, and look for an authority figure after changing back.

I'm not in favour of adding inert diseases, because I don't trust QA not to put the wrong kind of diseases there, and again, I don't want even a hint of us as a bio-tinker to leak out until we're good and ready.