[X] You think reconstructing them in such a way would more than quadruple their assembly time. No.
-[X] You're the host, not him. He's just the controlling parental unit who doesn't want to let his daughter make nice things
[x] Grudgingly let Danny guide you through making cuter Friends and Guardians no matter how frustrating it might be.
-[x] Danny is making things too difficult; draw your Friends instead. You have plenty of practice guiding your hosts in such.
[X] Grudgingly let Danny guide you through making cuter Friends and Guardians no matter how frustrating it might be.
-[X] Ugly-cute is good enough; even if Danny weakly objects, start production as soon as you have one he finds even remotely acceptable. Perfection is the enemy of adequacy.
--[X] Make a Caretaker for Host before then, intimidating though it may be.
[x] Grudgingly let Danny guide you through making cuter Friends and Guardians no matter how frustrating it might be.
-[x] Danny is making things too difficult; draw your Friends instead. You have plenty of practice guiding your hosts in such.
-[x] This is what Hosts are for, it's just an...unconventional interface.

QA is trying her best, but I think she's smart enough to realize that she's not human, and perhaps she needs the perspective of one to convey the intended sentiments since Host isn't around to handle those bits.
[x] Grudgingly let Danny guide you through making cuter Friends and Guardians no matter how frustrating it might be.
-[x] Danny is making things too difficult; draw your Friends instead. You have plenty of practice guiding your hosts in such.
[x] Grudgingly let Danny guide you through making cuter Friends and Guardians no matter how frustrating it might be.
-[x] Danny is making things too difficult; draw your Friends instead. You have plenty of practice guiding your hosts in such.
[x] Grudgingly let Danny guide you through making cuter Friends and Guardians no matter how frustrating it might be.
-[x] Danny is making things too difficult; draw your Friends instead. You have plenty of practice guiding your hosts in such.
[x] Grudgingly let Danny guide you through making cuter Friends and Guardians no matter how frustrating it might be.
-[x] Danny is making things too difficult; draw your Friends instead. You have plenty of practice guiding your hosts in such.
[x] Grudgingly let Danny guide you through making cuter Friends and Guardians no matter how frustrating it might be.
-[x] Danny is making things too difficult; draw your Friends instead. You have plenty of practice guiding your hosts in such.
[X] Grudgingly let Danny guide you through making cuter Friends and Guardians no matter how frustrating it might be.
-[X] Ugly-cute is good enough; even if Danny weakly objects, start production as soon as you have one he finds even remotely acceptable. Perfection is the enemy of adequacy.
[X] Grudgingly let Danny guide you through making cuter Friends and Guardians no matter how frustrating it might be.
-[X] Ugly-cute is good enough; even if Danny weakly objects, start production as soon as you have one he finds even remotely acceptable. Perfection is the enemy of adequacy.
-[X] Since neither of you knows how to use human computer modeling programs, you expect this to involve at least one shopping trip and multiple days of effort just to get started. At least it'll give you some father/daughter interaction while Danny is hovering around Host...

I think both of these are necessary, Danny needs to get more used to 'new Taylor'
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I'm not in favour of ugly-cute. If we're doing this, I'd rather we do this properly and go full out adorable. Drawing won't take too long. If drawing doesn't work, perhaps we could use play dough?
[x] Grudgingly let Danny guide you through making cuter Friends and Guardians no matter how frustrating it might be.
-[x] Danny is making things too difficult; draw your Friends instead. You have plenty of practice guiding your hosts in such.
[x] Grudgingly let Danny guide you through making cuter Friends and Guardians no matter how frustrating it might be.
-[x] Danny is making things too difficult; draw your Friends instead. You have plenty of practice guiding your hosts in such.
PHO Interlude I
Locking voting.

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Topic: Winslow Collapse
In: Boards ► News ► Events ►America ►Brockton Bay
(Original Poster)
Posted on January 4th, 2011:

Alright, so I know there are already a lot of threads about this, buuut a lot of them are proving why my classmates are still in school. Grammar and spelling isn't optional, people! Anyway, this post has numerous unmarked edits and I'm too lazy to go back and find them all.


Welcome to Winslow High School, the place where hopes and dreams come to join the local Hitler Youth, Yakuza Wannabes, Drugged Drug-dealers, Bystanders, or the edgelords who aren't actually slated to join a real gang but act like they are. Much like regrets, once one of these groups has you, you're unlikely to be rid of them. Also like regrets, giving them a foothold tends to make yet more regrets over time.

In the middle of the schoolday, two girls (Sophia Hess, 16, and Emma Barnes, 15) briefly had what were described as "seizures" by onlookers before falling unconscious entirely. One of the school English teachers — Winslow is refusing to say which one and PHO's mods are cracking down on the name, which is sorta a giveaway that he or she is a Cape — suffered the same fate at what is believed to be the same time. The school was put into lockdown, one which was ignored by many students (judging by the sheer number of social media posts about it).

About fifteen minutes later, a third student, Taylor Hebert (15), walks into a negligently-unlocked classroom, requests medical attention and a HAZMAT team, and falls unconscious. Unlike the other incidents, we actually have video of this one. All four victims are transported to BB General Hospital and their parents contacted.

Here's where things start to get really interesting. The PRT finds Taylor's locker filled with "biological waste" — they haven't said what kind yet, but ALL possible versions are disgusting — and Winslow is out for the next few days at the least while they investigate. No further Prot/PRT comments for the rest of the day aside from (paraphrased) "remain calm." Arcadia is also out for the next few days, presumably so the attending Wards can be on call and/or learn from the emergency situation.

SourcesTM​ at the hospital/PRT (at least one of whom lost her job over sharing the info, sadly) report the next day that the three students have had varying degrees of recovery. No word on the teacher, which is obviously suspicious. Taylor Hebert lost ALL her memories, Sophia Hess sporadically lost various memories from throughout her life and the use of her left shoulder (rest of arm seems ok, oddly enough), Emma Barnes regressed to the age of 8-11ish due to lost memories and is paralyzed from the waist down. Further recovery is theoretically possible, but believed to be unlikely.

Video of Taylor's collapse and the aftermath can be found here. The official BB-PRT website can be found here and their most recent updates here.

Moderator Warning: Anyone else using "probably" as a joke will be hit with an infraction with no questions asked. That was something said because she didn't know her own name you insensitive—

Moderator Warning Warning: Practice what we preach.

(Showing page 1 of 5)

Replied on January 3rd, 2011:
Witness here. No question about it, there was a cape involved, maybe a controller of some kind? Taylor sounded like one of those creepy text-to-speech programs. Either way, hope the PRT sorts out the mess soon.

Replied on January 3rd, 2011:
Why are you directing so much venom toward your own school? Winslow can't be that bad, they CLOSE places like that. There are, what, quarterly inspections of schools to make sure carp like what you're claiming doesn't exist?

DoorMatt (Original Poster)
Replied on January 3rd, 2011:
The Hitler - Sorry, E88 - youth LITERALLY has a school club called the "Cultural Heritage Studies" club. Yes, Winslow is really that bad.

► GreatestGeek
Replied on January 3rd, 2011:
Yeah, I'm with DoorMatt. I think something like 5% of the school has been stabbed at or threatened with a knife at some point or another? It's basically Junior Prison Simulator over here.

Replied on January 3rd, 2011:
Winslow for Hellmouth 2011.

► AltText
Replied on January 3rd, 2011:
Fourth'ing, Winslow is that awful.

Replied on January 3rd, 2011:
It... yeah, it kinda is. Sorry CapedMom.

► Jane_Smith (Unverified Cape)
Replied on January 3rd, 2011:
Hey, link to a whistleblower here. Apparently the victims had some sort of biological infestation in their brains? Non-contagious, still scary.

Replied on January 3rd, 2011:
Jane, that claim was already debunked. It was a fungal infection on the stomach of one of the victims. Big difference.

► StalkingEqualsLove
Replied on January 3rd, 2011:
There are entire threads on other sites devoted to badmouthing Winslow. Admittedly, there Arcadia complaint threads too, but notice the difference between them - complaints about too much homework versus INSISTENT DRUG-DEALERS. It's like someone took one of those bad parody schools you see on TV with the cliques and turned it into an actual thing.
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(Showing page 5 of 5)

Replied on January 4th, 2011:
User received an infraction for this post: Refer to the warning.

ShorterSkirts (Banned)
Replied on January 4th, 2011:
User received an infraction for this post: Refer to the warning.

Replied on January 4th, 2011:
User received an infraction for this post: It's seriously not funny.

► DeathToTyrants (Banned)

Replied on January 4th, 2011:
User received an infraction for this post: ...Really, guys? Sockpuppeting now?

BorderedLine (Banned)
Replied on January 4th, 2011:
User received an infraction for this post: My hammer will last longer than you can act as nails.

► CCComboBreaker

Replied on January 4th, 2011:
Wow. I think that's the most infractions I've ever seen in a single thread. Great job, guys.
(My name remains as appropriate as ever)

Replied on January 4th, 2011:
Moving on...
Any news on what actually caused this whole mess? Anything CONFIRMED, that is? I'm seeing a lot of speculation in other threads, but no actual facts. I DESIRE INFORMATION.

► XxVoid_CowboyxX
Replied on January 4th, 2011:
I don't think it's a coincidence Taylor AND her bullies would have something happen like this. Not sure how the teacher fits into it though.

Replied on January 4th, 2011:
(Citation Needed.) Dude, if you have something to say, tell the damn PRT. Ongoing investigation, remember?

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

♦ Private message from xXGilgameshXx:
xXGilgameshXx: It's been really eating at me for a while, but are you an ACTUAL cape or...?
CapedMom7: No. I'm a normal mom, except I sometimes also wear a cape.
xXGilgameshXx: Laaaaaame.
CapedMom7: And unlike your own mother, I actually love my children.​
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What's that about "probably"?
And I don't remember any teachers being affected?
When QA first walked into the classroom, the teacher said Taylor Hebert as a question/confirmation/request for info on what happened to her. QA searched its memory and found the name featured in a lot of them, but still didn't have context, so said probably because there was the chance Host wasn't actually Taylor.
The teacher being affected was likely either a cape or a potential trigger, much like Emma probably was from spending so much time with Sophia.

Look at this though, Emma won't have reason to try and bully Taylor, since as far as she would be aware they are still friends. She has also forgotten all that predator bullshit.
What's that about "probably"?
And I don't remember any teachers being affected?

Missing a "7"
From the opening:
"Oh my god. Oh my god. Taylor?"

You try to sort through Host's memories. The name does seem to feature in quite a few of them, but determining context is difficult. You'll assume the human is correct until and unless he's proven otherwise.

"Probably?" you hazard.
You know the funny thing about this? CapedMom is reacting like Winslow is too horrible to be believed. I looked at Winslow and figured it was actually a decent school for a dying city.
As far as I am aware, there are 3 highschools in Brockton Bay. Arcadia gets a bunch of funding for hosting pretty much all the Wards. Clarendon is (apparently?) a catholic school and likely gets donations from alumni to let it 'compete' with Arcadia. Winslow seems to be the bottom of the barrel.
As far as I am aware, there are 3 highschools in Brockton Bay. Arcadia gets a bunch of funding for hosting pretty much all the Wards. Clarendon is (apparently?) a catholic school and likely gets donations from alumni to let it 'compete' with Arcadia. Winslow seems to be the bottom of the barrel.

There's also Immaculata. Winslow is indeed the bottom of the barrel, though.