S͈͈͟y͈͈͋s̴͈͈͈͈ͧ͑t͈͈̋e͈̝͈m͈͈̓ ͈͈᷾E͈͈͟r͈̹͈r͈᷿͈o͈͈᷆r͈͈͜(Raildex Quest Redux)

Right I'll leave the vote open till after I get back from work.

Currently the votes are leaning heavily to getting to the System Scan
and Ignoring the Level Upper
Locking Vote, once I get done with this cleaning then I will start on the update
Oh right...

While it's not something that is going to come up during this part, I might as well get it out here now.

SKILL OUT MEMBERSHIP - You are on decent terms with one of these Gangs... (Each Gang has a Benefit and a Drawback to being a part of them, as well as various members who you will be able to interact with)

[ ] Big Spider - Big Spider... Big Spider has changed. When you first joined, it was a happy place, somewhere where everyone was accepted. It was a place to relax and be yourself, regardless of who you were. Hell, back then there were a number of low level Espers in the gang. You don't think many of them knew that there were others, but the Boss didn't care. Then he died. He died and Tsuguo took over, taking on the Bosses name, and piece by piece things have changed. People are getting hurt now... It's changed, and you don't know if it's for the better.

[ ] Binary Blades - Binary Blades... They aren't the largest of Skill-out Gangs, but they are one of the most peaceful. Actually... calling them a gang might not even be the right word for them. A group of Level 0's and Level 1's who can turn to each other for anything.
You need a place to stay for the night? One of the Blades will be able to take you in for a night or two, out of money and need some food? Everyone will be able to chip in at least a buck or two to help get you a burger or two.

[ ] Vengeful Wolves - It's so easy to be angry at the world, to cry out and want revenge... But revenge doesn't fix anything. Revenge doesn't cure anything. All it does it cause more pain. At least that's the Leader says. But Vengeance, that is different. It isn't enough to simply cause pain... No, they need to understand the horror and pain that those who push others down beneath them feel, they need to feel, to Empathize with those who they hurt for things to ever change.

[ ] Children of Fortuna - Luck and Fortune are cruel mistresses, are they not? Why else would some be like Accelerator and Dark Matter? Why else could there be people like Kamijou and Tsuchimikado in the same city as those on high? Because we are not the lucky, we are not the chosen. But the winds of fate can be fickle, no? Those who are already so gifted are granted such wealth and happiness... Perhaps they have enough to give to those below them? Am I not wrong? And if they are unwilling to give to those who need, then perhaps it is best if we were to retrieve it for those who need it.

[ ] Rage at the Machine - This city... The whole system of sorting people according to their level... This whole thing has become a happy little fiefdom under the leaders of this city. With twelve mad kings and their seven generals... Are any of us safe? No! We aren't safe... Not while there are men who sit about sipping on old wines and eating rich foods while we work and toil as little cogs in the machinery that makes them fat and rich. We must tear it all down. We must tear them all down. No more corruption, no more power of life and death. All will be equal. All will be as one.

[ ] SYSTEM Killers - SYSTEM... To create one who can understand the Mandate of Heaven... This is the greatest sin of mankind, even greater than the Tower of Babel. This cannot be allowed to continue... We may not be strong on our own, but we have the will, we have the heart, We even have the church. This will not stand, and we will cast down this city and it's false prophets, the Level 5's. Even if we must destroy every brick and stone of this city, we will not allow these heathens to overthrow God.

[ ] ROGUE - ROGUE is a strange group, around two dozen assholes, perverts, and jerks, all of whom have a single connection - During the darkest days of their lives, when all the world seemed out to get them, they met a man. The same man. A doctor with a wide smile and shining eyes. They call him Boss, Leader, Father... They call him many things. But there is one thing that they all refer to him as - The Bringer of Prometheus. He came to them, and he took them away from the world that broke them... and he rebuilt them up. And so, there is no word more followed than his.

Depending on the number of votes and how fast I get the update out I might lock the vote when I post the update, or I might let it go on a bit.
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[X] Binary Blades - Binary Blades... They aren't the largest of Skill-out Gangs, but they are one of the most peaceful. Actually... calling them a gang might not even be the right word for them. A group of Level 0's and Level 1's who can turn to each other for anything.
You need a place to stay for the night? One of the Blades will be able to take you in for a night or two, out of money and need some food? Everyone will be able to chip in at least a buck or two to help get you a burger or two.

we're a trap oujo that have Esp power whose is also a gangster
man that is one weird combo
[X] ROGUE - ROGUE is a strange group, around two dozen assholes, perverts, and jerks, all of whom have a single connection - During the darkest days of their lives, when all the world seemed out to get them, they met a man. The same man. A doctor with a wide smile and shining eyes. They call him Boss, Leader, Father... They call him many things. But there is one thing that they all refer to him as - The Bringer of Prometheus. He came to them, and he took them away from the world that broke them... and he rebuilt them up. And so, there is no word more followed than his.
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[x] Binary Blades - Binary Blades... They aren't the largest of Skill-out Gangs, but they are one of the most peaceful. Actually... calling them a gang might not even be the right word for them. A group of Level 0's and Level 1's who can turn to each other for anything.
You need a place to stay for the night? One of the Blades will be able to take you in for a night or two, out of money and need some food? Everyone will be able to chip in at least a buck or two to help get you a burger or two.

01000010 01000010 01110011 00100000 00110100 00100000 01101100 01101001 01100110 01100101 00100001
[x] Binary Blades - Binary Blades... They aren't the largest of Skill-out Gangs, but they are one of the most peaceful. Actually... calling them a gang might not even be the right word for them. A group of Level 0's and Level 1's who can turn to each other for anything.
You need a place to stay for the night? One of the Blades will be able to take you in for a night or two, out of money and need some food? Everyone will be able to chip in at least a buck or two to help get you a burger or two.
[ ] SYSTEM Killers - SYSTEM... To create one who can understand the Mandate of Heaven... This is the greatest sin of mankind, even greater than the Tower of Babble. This cannot be allowed to continue... We may not be strong on our own, but we have the will, we have the heart, We even have the church. This will not stand, and we will cast down this city and it's false prophets, the Level 5's. Even if we must destroy every brick and stone of this city, we will not allow these heathens to overthrow God.
It's Babel not Babble.
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I would put Big Spider, but they turned into a group of assholes following their original leaders 'death'.
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Oh right...

While it's not something that is going to come up during this part, I might as well get it out here now.

SKILL OUT MEMBERSHIP - You are on decent terms with one of these Gangs... (Each Gang has a Benefit and a Drawback to being a part of them, as well as various members who you will be able to interact with)

[ ] Big Spider - Big Spider... Big Spider has changed. When you first joined, it was a happy place, somewhere where everyone was accepted. It was a place to relax and be yourself, regardless of who you were. Hell, back then there were a number of low level Espers in the gang. You don't think many of them knew that there were others, but the Boss didn't care. Then he died. He died and Tsuguo took over, taking on the Bosses name, and piece by piece things have changed. People are getting hurt now... It's changed, and you don't know if it's for the better.

[ ] Binary Blades - Binary Blades... They aren't the largest of Skill-out Gangs, but they are one of the most peaceful. Actually... calling them a gang might not even be the right word for them. A group of Level 0's and Level 1's who can turn to each other for anything.
You need a place to stay for the night? One of the Blades will be able to take you in for a night or two, out of money and need some food? Everyone will be able to chip in at least a buck or two to help get you a burger or two.

[ ] Vengeful Wolves - It's so easy to be angry at the world, to cry out and want revenge... But revenge doesn't fix anything. Revenge doesn't cure anything. All it does it cause more pain. At least that's the Leader says. But Vengeance, that is different. It isn't enough to simply cause pain... No, they need to understand the horror and pain that those who push others down beneath them feel, they need to feel, to Empathize with those who they hurt for things to ever change.

[ ] Children of Fortuna - Luck and Fortune are cruel mistresses, are they not? Why else would some be like Accelerator and Dark Matter? Why else could there be people like Kamijou and Tsuchimikado in the same city as those on high? Because we are not the lucky, we are not the chosen. But the winds of fate can be fickle, no? Those who are already so gifted are granted such wealth and happiness... Perhaps they have enough to give to those below them? Am I not wrong? And if they are unwilling to give to those who need, then perhaps it is best if we were to retrieve it for those who need it.

[ ] Rage at the Machine - This city... The whole system of sorting people according to their level... This whole thing has become a happy little fiefdom under the leaders of this city. With twelve mad kings and their seven generals... Are any of us safe? No! We aren't safe... Not while there are men who sit about sipping on old wines and eating rich foods while we work and toil as little cogs in the machinery that makes them fat and rich. We must tear it all down. We must tear them all down. No more corruption, no more power of life and death. All will be equal. All will be as one.

[ ] SYSTEM Killers - SYSTEM... To create one who can understand the Mandate of Heaven... This is the greatest sin of mankind, even greater than the Tower of Babble. This cannot be allowed to continue... We may not be strong on our own, but we have the will, we have the heart, We even have the church. This will not stand, and we will cast down this city and it's false prophets, the Level 5's. Even if we must destroy every brick and stone of this city, we will not allow these heathens to overthrow God.

[ ] ROGUE - ROGUE is a strange group, around two dozen assholes, perverts, and jerks, all of whom have a single connection - During the darkest days of their lives, when all the world seemed out to get them, they met a man. The same man. A doctor with a wide smile and shining eyes. They call him Boss, Leader, Father... They call him many things. But there is one thing that they all refer to him as - The Bringer of Prometheus. He came to them, and he took them away from the world that broke them... and he rebuilt them up. And so, there is no word more followed than his.

Depending on the number of votes and how fast I get the update out I might lock the vote when I post the update, or I might let it go on a bit.
Side notes all of these besides Big Spider and Binary Blades sound more like cults than 'gangs'.
[X] Binary Blades - Binary Blades... They aren't the largest of Skill-out Gangs, but they are one of the most peaceful. Actually... calling them a gang might not even be the right word for them. A group of Level 0's and Level 1's who can turn to each other for anything.
You need a place to stay for the night? One of the Blades will be able to take you in for a night or two, out of money and need some food? Everyone will be able to chip in at least a buck or two to help get you a burger or two.

I would put Big Spider, but they turn into a group of assholes following their original leaders 'death'.
That has already happened.
Gangs - Cults, they are both groups who are bound together by a shared ideology.

Well, Except for ROGUE, but there should be enough there that you should be able to figure out who their Leader is...
[X] Binary Blades - Binary Blades... They aren't the largest of Skill-out Gangs, but they are one of the most peaceful. Actually... calling them a gang might not even be the right word for them. A group of Level 0's and Level 1's who can turn to each other for anything.
You need a place to stay for the night? One of the Blades will be able to take you in for a night or two, out of money and need some food? Everyone will be able to chip in at least a buck or two to help get you a burger or two.

That has already happened.
My fault I forgot to put turn in past tense.
It might be more accurate to say that they are Turning into a bunch of assholes, but they have just slowly been turning for the past two years, and if you are a part of them it's kind of hard to admit that they've gone bad.

And just remember what I said at the top.
Each of these groups have a benefit and a disadvantage.

They are all hiding things... So think carefully about what may be hiding under the smiling faces of each and every one of the groups, all who seem to be rather good people... Big Spider having turned into asshats not included.
They are all hiding things... So think carefully about what may be hiding under the smiling faces of each and every one of the groups, all who seem to be rather good people.
Of course, despite how good the Binary Blades sound I don't expect anything less, they are Skill-Out after all.
[X] Binary Blades - Binary Blades... They aren't the largest of Skill-out Gangs, but they are one of the most peaceful. Actually... calling them a gang might not even be the right word for them. A group of Level 0's and Level 1's who can turn to each other for anything.
You need a place to stay for the night? One of the Blades will be able to take you in for a night or two, out of money and need some food? Everyone will be able to chip in at least a buck or two to help get you a burger or two.
[X] Binary Blades - Binary Blades... They aren't the largest of Skill-out Gangs, but they are one of the most peaceful. Actually... calling them a gang might not even be the right word for them. A group of Level 0's and Level 1's who can turn to each other for anything.
You need a place to stay for the night? One of the Blades will be able to take you in for a night or two, out of money and need some food? Everyone will be able to chip in at least a buck or two to help get you a burger or two.
Did... Did no one figure out who the leader of ROGUE was? I thought I made it transparent enough...
[X] ROGUE - ROGUE is a strange group, around two dozen assholes, perverts, and jerks, all of whom have a single connection - During the darkest days of their lives, when all the world seemed out to get them, they met a man. The same man. A doctor with a wide smile and shining eyes. They call him Boss, Leader, Father... They call him many things. But there is one thing that they all refer to him as - The Bringer of Prometheus. He came to them, and he took them away from the world that broke them... and he rebuilt them up. And so, there is no word more followed than his.

Let's join Doctor Dredan's cult!
[X] ROGUE - ROGUE is a strange group, around two dozen assholes, perverts, and jerks, all of whom have a single connection - During the darkest days of their lives, when all the world seemed out to get them, they met a man. The same man. A doctor with a wide smile and shining eyes. They call him Boss, Leader, Father... They call him many things. But there is one thing that they all refer to him as - The Bringer of Prometheus. He came to them, and he took them away from the world that broke them... and he rebuilt them up. And so, there is no word more followed than his.

Let's join Doctor Dredan's cult!
Um yeah no, I would but that's a freaking cult and I don't like that shit. And yeah I knew it was Dredan's.
Cool, I was worried that I was being too mysterious.

And most of them sorta of sound like cults because you are looking at them looking in, and sort of from the point of view of a mook, which you are. Had you had a Sempai in Skill-out or been worse at school, you'd be getting a more... accurate look at the Gangs.
Cool, I was worried that I was being too mysterious.

And most of them sorta of sound like cults because you are looking at them looking in, and sort of from the point of view of a mook, which you are. Had you had a Sempai in Skill-out or been worse at school, you'd be getting a more... accurate look at the Gangs.
I have that odd bullshit feeling that Binary Blades is gonna have one of the worst secrets.
Cool, I was worried that I was being too mysterious.

And most of them sorta of sound like cults because you are looking at them looking in, and sort of from the point of view of a mook, which you are. Had you had a Sempai in Skill-out or been worse at school, you'd be getting a more... accurate look at the Gangs.
As long we are not drinking kool-aid during the meeting, I'm fine with any options.