Romance Of The Three Kingdoms Quest

How safe is the route? Any possibility of an ambush?
Well everything has a chance of ambush but I honestly think we'll be safe for the Luo Yang-Chang An route. If you see the map, there's literally 6 cities, 1 major city and 2 military gates between the capital and Chang An. It's not like we'll be marching through isolated flatland. I would not be comfortable with going through the Chang An-Shang Bang route without information gathering but honestly speaking it would be incredible if we get attacked on route to Chang An. There are so many cities on the way that we could probably park in one of the cities/military gates each night, and we'll be watching city troops patrol past us each day. If the Liang Rebellion has spread east of Chang An, there would be a lot more panic. Tong Pass and Han Gu Pass' inability to guard supply trains/reinforcements so close to the capital would probably force He Jin to gather up another Imperial coalition to smack them down. In short, looking at the map I just don't think it's worth it.

Especially since any information that gets to us in the capital would probably be filtered. All it takes is one Imperial messenger whose been bribed by Governor Zuo Chang, Inspector of Liang Province and our "information" will come out like this:
"Governor Zuo Chang has fearless and courageously fought the Liang Province rebels. Unfortunately due to the ineptitude of military commanders and the isolation and lack of support from the central government, the rebels continue to grow in numbers as former Yellow Turbans flock to their banners."
*Has been convinced, and edits his vote accordingly*
Guess we'll march first then.
Still makes sense to get info before recruiting though. Just, after we move.
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[X] March on Chang An. -16
A Nation's Virtue, rx915, Lucienz, okais, Kaioo, The Laurent, Cavalier, Chimeraguard, Karuadin, skaro, overmind, Fluffiness, Hannz, yrsillar, veekie, Chargone

[X] Information-Gathering - 3
D King Hecht, hunter09, butchock,

The Laurent your vote is like all over the place. @.@

Let me know if i missed anyones vote or if its wrong.
Thank you kindly. Since the new threadmark system covers only the 8 most recent posts, I'll use it to list the newer updates, starting with the next post.
On the War March Part 2
You promptly order a march to Chang An, the old Capital. After that, you could take the route directly to Shang Bang. The march to Chang An was a quiet affair, for there were no bandit who dared to ply their trade between the two Capitals.

After seven days of marching, you have arrived at Chang An. The army Sun Jian was in has started to march towards Chang An. Another army led by Dong Zhuo has also just departed Luo Yang.

War March Turn:
March Turns Take 7 Days. Manoeuvring turns take 1 Day.
Each recruitment action costs 2,500 Cash. Establishment cost of 7,000 for Average/Novice/Average Division. Both take 7 Days.
Information gathering takes 7 Days.

Current date: 3rd Year of Central Stability, (186 A.D.) August 28th, Mid-Fall

Li Jian's Army
Commander: Li Jian
Second-in-command: Xu Huang
Money: 12,500 Cash
Supplies: 19.4 (0.6 Per Week, 2.0 Supplies arrive every two weeks if the unit is not cut off/surrounded/sieged)
Current Location: Chang An
1st Li Jian's Footmen
10,265/10,000 Men
Morale: Ecstatic
Skill: Average (+0.5)
Loyalty: High (+0.5)

2nd Li Jian's Footmen
10,360/10,000 Men
Morale: Ecstatic
Skill: Average (+0.5)
Loyalty: Fanatical

1st Li Jian's Bowmen
10,121/10,000 Men
Morale: Ecstatic
Skill: Average
Loyalty: High

3rd Li Jian's Bowmen
10,000/10,000 Men
Morale: Ecstatic
Skill: Average (+0.5)
Loyalty: Fanatical

1st Li Jian's Horsemen
10,870/10,000 Men
Morale: Ecstatic
Skill: Average
Loyalty: High

Four Thousand of Li (Footmen/Bowmen)
3,986/5,000 Men (Can only take men from Units which are Ecstatic, Veteran/Elite and Fanatical)
Morale: Ecstatic (Locked)
Skill: Elite
Loyalty: Fanatical (Locked)

Troop Cap: 80,000 Men
Current Orders: Rendezvous with the local troops at Shang Bang by October 1st.

[ ] March on Shang Bang.
[ ] Establish new unit of: (Foot, Bow, Horse)
[ ] Information-Gathering
[ ] Write-In

GM Note: Oh. Er, I got the Supply-Per-Week count wrong. Whoops. Also, they did say war was composed of a lot of waiting and other assorted actions with the battles short but intense. So this update rate is to help keep the momentum.
[X] Information-Gathering

We should, at most, recruit one more unit and just spend time training and dealing with it, not stretching ourselves thin. But as it is, we should wait for Dong Zhou and Sun Jian to show up. We're friends at least with Sun Jian, and I'm pretty sure we have more troops than Dong Zhou currently is in command of...probably?

Because at the big battle that came up, it was somewhere over 100,000 troops that fought on the Han side, and afterwards it was divided up, with 30,000 (including Sun Jian) going after one group, and 30,000 (under Dong Zhou) going after another. Our additional 50,000 is going to be a large portion of the coalition, thus. It'd be great if by the time Sun Jian arrived we could inform them of the state of the paths, etc, etc. Have an information leg up, and decide later whether to recruit a new unit or not.

Also, a question for the QM. Will there eventually be sub options that don't take the week but do take resources? Like, right now our men consume .6 supplies a week. Could we go on double rations (increasing morale and potentially speed, but eating through the supplies like crazy) or half rations (decreasing morale, harming loyalty, but if we're besieged and low on supplies it could be necessary.)

Sorta like the Oregon Trail system of setting the pace and food consumption.
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[X] Information-Gathering

Man, I remember losing almost all of the men I'd send out using the command to transfer troops and resources from one city to another without having an Officer babysit them moving one city/month at a time. When they ate my 30,000 man reinforcement order I could only conclude, goddamn, those are some hardcore bandits.