Romance Of The Three Kingdoms Quest

No problem, take what time is needed. Is there any part of the update that has the writer's block (like sometimes for me specific parts of a story are blocked) or is it just general, if you don't mind me asking?

My thought process derailed, and many things I thought did not concern me IRL suddenly came and bit me, hard. And I lost my writing and GM'ing mojo somehow. The story is just not working right now. I swear to god I'll update, even if it kills me. Just... not now.

Also, Chinese New Year is coming up in a week or so too, which means a few more days of preparations and celebrations and little to none writing time, too.

TL;DR, Soon. And if it keeps blocking me I'll just use a secret technique to bypass it, no matter how lame said technique is.

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Laurent for the love of God can you be patient or at least ask these type of questions in a PM?

I am aware SV has no rule against necros like SB does but at the very least the posts should be productive and contributing to the quest, not continuously asking about the QM's RL status, which can easily be settled by being patient or in a PM.