Romance Of The Three Kingdoms Quest

[X] Wipe out the bandits first, then try to convince him more.
-[X] Send a messenger with a letter to Mei after the battle:
Practice is the path to martial valor and excellence. It is well to practice. And yet, what good are the fruits of such practice if they are not put to use serving a noble cause? The sharpest sword in the world is nonetheless useless if it cannot be withdrawn from it's scabbard. It is said that a wise bird chooses its branch--a wise servant, his master. I do not begrudge you your caution. Any further words I say will be meaningless so let my future deeds speak for me. I am Li Jian, student of Huangfu Song and Commander of Hu Lao Gate. For years, Liang has been bruised by the corrupt and now it is bloodied by bandits and opportunists. I will wash it clean. If you decide you wish to aid the people and become a pillar of the nation, then join me at anytime, I will be happy to welcome you wherever I am.

If we can actually get a message to him, I'll support this.
If we have a fight with him, those bandits might get word that Li Jian is "back".
I really, really, really like this.

[X] Wipe out the bandits first, then try to convince him more.
-[X] Send a messenger with a letter to Mei after the battle:
Practice is the path to martial valor and excellence. It is well to practice. And yet, what good are the fruits of such practice if they are not put to use serving a noble cause? The sharpest sword in the world is nonetheless useless if it cannot be withdrawn from it's scabbard. It is said that a wise bird chooses its branch--a wise servant, his master. I do not begrudge you your caution. Any further words I say will be meaningless so let my future deeds speak for me. I am Li Jian, student of Huangfu Song and Commander of Hu Lao Gate. For years, Liang has been bruised by the corrupt and now it is bloodied by bandits and opportunists. I will wash it clean. If you decide you wish to aid the people and become a pillar of the nation, then join me at anytime, I will be happy to welcome you wherever I am.
I like this write in. Voting for it:

[X] Wipe out the bandits first, then try to convince him more.
-[X] Send a messenger with a letter to Mei after the battle:
Practice is the path to martial valor and excellence. It is well to practice. And yet, what good are the fruits of such practice if they are not put to use serving a noble cause? The sharpest sword in the world is nonetheless useless if it cannot be withdrawn from it's scabbard. It is said that a wise bird chooses its branch--a wise servant, his master. I do not begrudge you your caution. Any further words I say will be meaningless so let my future deeds speak for me. I am Li Jian, student of Huangfu Song and Commander of Hu Lao Gate. For years, Liang has been bruised by the corrupt and now it is bloodied by bandits and opportunists. I will wash it clean. If you decide you wish to aid the people and become a pillar of the nation, then join me at anytime, I will be happy to welcome you wherever I am.
[X] Wipe out the bandits first, then try to convince him more.
-[X] Send a messenger with a letter to Mei after the battle:
Practice is the path to martial valor and excellence. It is well to practice. And yet, what good are the fruits of such practice if they are not put to use serving a noble cause? The sharpest sword in the world is nonetheless useless if it cannot be withdrawn from it's scabbard. It is said that a wise bird chooses its branch--a wise servant, his master. I do not begrudge you your caution. Any further words I say will be meaningless so let my future deeds speak for me. I am Li Jian, student of Huangfu Song and Commander of Hu Lao Gate. For years, Liang has been bruised by the corrupt and now it is bloodied by bandits and opportunists. I will wash it clean. If you decide you wish to aid the people and become a pillar of the nation, then join me at anytime, I will be happy to welcome you wherever I am
On the War March 4.2
"Very well then. Nonetheless, it seems that you are disillusioned with the Han government."

"How would you like a government that has brought suffering to the people? This rebellion started because the people suffer under great problems. Problems that the Government was supposed to handle. Like those bandits over Han Xing."

"Then, if I were to wipe them out, will you hear me out?"

"Ha! Very well, if you wipe out those worthless people, then I, Gui Jin, shall accept your offer of employment!"

With that said, you depart, with a new goal.

Current date: 3rd Year of Central Stability, (186 A.D.) September 15th, Late-Fall

Li Jian's Army
Commander: Li Jian ('Removed')
Second-in-command: Xu Huang ('Removed')
Money: 12,500 Cash
Supplies: 20.25 (0.6 Per Week, 2.0 Supplies arrive every two weeks if the unit is not cut off/surrounded/sieged)
Current Location: Mei
1st Li Jian's Footmen
10,265/10,000 Men
Morale: Ecstatic
Skill: Average (+0.5)
Loyalty: High (+0.5)

2nd Li Jian's Footmen
10,360/10,000 Men
Morale: Ecstatic
Skill: Average (+0.5)
Loyalty: Fanatical

1st Li Jian's Bowmen
10,121/10,000 Men
Morale: Ecstatic
Skill: Average
Loyalty: High

3rd Li Jian's Bowmen
10,000/10,000 Men
Morale: Ecstatic
Skill: Average (+0.5)
Loyalty: Fanatical

1st Li Jian's Horsemen
10,870/10,000 Men
Morale: Ecstatic
Skill: Average
Loyalty: High

Four Thousand of Li (Footmen/Bowmen)
3,986/5,000 Men (Can only take men from Units which are Ecstatic, Veteran/Elite and Fanatical)
Morale: Ecstatic (Locked)
Skill: Elite
Loyalty: Fanatical (Locked)

Troop Cap: 80,000 Men
Current Orders: Rendezvous with the local troops at Shang Bang by October 1st.
Sub-Objective: Defeat the Bandits.

Routes to Shang Bang:
Chang An-Mei-Shang Bang
Chang An-Mei-Han Xing-Shang Bang

[ ] March on Shang Bang. (4 Days)
[ ] March on Han Xing. (2 Days)
-[ ] March at Half-Speed (Halves Supply Use)
-[ ] March at Full Speed (Full Supply Use)
-[ ] March at Double Speed (Double Supply Use, Morale >Average only)
[ ] Establish new unit of: (Foot, Bow, Horse)
[ ] Information-Gathering
[ ] Write-In

GM Note: Right, if you march for Han Xing, the battle will commence directly. This is a 10-12 Hour Vote.
[X] March on Han Xing. (2 Days)
[X] March at Double Speed (Double Supply Use, Morale >Average only)

edit: cant find anything about Gui Jin on a quick wiki walk. OC perhaps?
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Gui Jin? Haven't heard of him before.

[X] March on Han Xing. (2 Days)
[X] March at Double Speed (Double Supply Use, Morale >Average only)
Whats our ideal number of trusted officers? We cant have too many nor can we have too few.
This quest was supposed to only have one OC, us. Adding more feels cheap to me. There are an incredible amount of characters in ROT3K, enough that there is no need for OC's, but instead here we are.

Cheap? It feels cheap that you feel that Romance of the Three Kingdoms, even with all of the characters listed, doesn't have a lot more unlisted. It's a big China, and it's filled with people.
This quest was supposed to only have one OC, us. Adding more feels cheap to me. There are an incredible amount of characters in ROT3K, enough that there is no need for OC's, but instead here we are.
I'll take what I can get.
Whats our ideal number of trusted officers? We cant have too many nor can we have too few.
It would depend on the number of troops we got. I'd say we got enough for now until we found our own faction although I would've preferred the next officer to be a strategist.
Cheap? It feels cheap that you feel that Romance of the Three Kingdoms, even with all of the characters listed, doesn't have a lot more unlisted. It's a big China, and it's filled with people.
And if they were people that would have made a difference then they would have, instead the argument seems to be that since the place was large then they could have existed even when there is no historical evidence that shows it.

In that case, what's stopping us from adding a master strategist, or as many warriors and generals so that we don't take the other factions', but that is just plain unfair.
And if they were people that would have made a difference then they would have, instead the argument seems to be that since the place was large then they could have existed even when there is no historical evidence that shows it.

In that case, what's stopping us from adding a master strategist, or as many warriors and generals so that we don't take the other factions', but that is just plain unfair.

It's a single person, by god. We don't even know his stats and you're freaking out.
[X] March on Han Xing. (2 Days)
[X] March at Double Speed (Double Supply Use, Morale >Average only)

The faster we get this over with, the better.
[X] March on Han Xing. (2 Days)
[X] March at Double Speed (Double Supply Use, Morale >Average only)

What I wanted to do from the beginning. /grumbling
[X] March on Han Xing. (2 Days)
[X] March at Double Speed (Double Supply Use, Morale >Average only)
And if they were people that would have made a difference then they would have, instead the argument seems to be that since the place was large then they could have existed even when there is no historical evidence that shows it.

In that case, what's stopping us from adding a master strategist, or as many warriors and generals so that we don't take the other factions', but that is just plain unfair.

People don't just rise to power magically or become great men purely through force of will.

Circumstance plays more than a small part, there are people who become heroes simply because of who they were born to, and others still who were simply in the right place at the right time.

Our very existence is going to change the world, simply by how our actions influence things. We ended the Yellow Turban rebellion early, this Man could easily have been someone who died in the original time line from the rebellion dragging on.
People don't just rise to power magically or become great men purely through force of will.

Circumstance plays more than a small part, there are people who become heroes simply because of who they were born to, and others still who were simply in the right place at the right time.

Our very existence is going to change the world, simply by how our actions influence things. We ended the Yellow Turban rebellion early, this Man could easily have been someone who died in the original time line from the rebellion dragging on.

I mean, ultimately we could be killed in the next battle by cutscene arrows. We probably won't because it'd be a cheap way to end the Quest, but even the strongest fighter (short of Lu Bu) dies if they're surrounded. So yeah, plenty of people have probably died already who were 'too good' not to have had an impact if they lived.

And yet Dong Zhou had wound up living long enough to fuck everything up for everything.
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I mean, ultimately we could be killed in the next battle by cutscene arrows. We probably won't because it'd be a cheap way to end the Quest, but even the strongest fighter (short of Lu Bu) dies if they're surrounded. So yeah, plenty of people have probably died already who were 'too good' not to have had an impact if they lived.

And yet Dong Zhou had wound up living long enough to fuck everything up for everything.

Exactly. Fact of the matter is, if everything stayed static despite the changes we're making, it would be a blatant case of bad writing for not taking consequences into account.
It's a single person, by god. We don't even know his stats and you're freaking out.
That's how it always starts. Though perhaps you're right avout my freaking out.
People don't just rise to power magically or become great men purely through force of will.

Circumstance plays more than a small part, there are people who become heroes simply because of who they were born to, and others still who were simply in the right place at the right time.

Our very existence is going to change the world, simply by how our actions influence things. We ended the Yellow Turban rebellion early, this Man could easily have been someone who died in the original time line from the rebellion dragging on.
Your argument has merit, and maybe I overreacted due to my inherent dislike for OC's.

Let's see where this takes us then.