Ring-Maker [Worm/Lord of the Rings Alt-Power] [Complete]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Another reason for making the One...
Giving these monsters a taste of their own medicine.
I'm curious what Annatar did that sparked Piggot's "Do you now, when you do that?" question. Was it something she referenced, or just Annatar being strong-willed, or what?

I'm guessing Elisburg.

Piggot's issues with capes come from being abandoned to the mercies of what would become an internationally feared Master when they may have been able to win, or at least save a lot more people, had the capes not run away. And now here you have a cape who refuses to back down and leave her unpowered father and a bunch of PRT troopers behind to the mercies of an internationally feared Master.
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It was daunting. But it didn't feel wrong in any way. Who else should be here, after all?
I dunno... the mayor?

Hahahaha who am I kidding, they don't let normals in the parahuman treehouse, except for Piggot, 'cause she's a badass.

"Which means," said Piggot grimly, "we now have three human-masters—four, if you count whoever's wearing Narya—to deal with. It's getting a little crowded in my city."
See, Piggot says this, but what Annatar hears is "Will no one rid me of these meddlesome Masters!?"

A short time later, Annatar is standing atop a small pile of parahuman corpses with her sword poorly hidden behind her back and a 'what did I do?' look on her face while Piggot is looking at her like oh you.

"The last villain who hurt my father is dead. I'm not letting this one get away with it free."
Got a reputation to uphold and all that. I note a distinct lack of "don't murder the fuck out of these guys if you can help it" from the people in charge.

"Do you know, when you do that?" she asked quietly. "Do you know exactly what makes it all fit together, or is it some kind of instinct?"
Definitely Piggot wondering how much Annatar knows about Ellisburg.
I'm curious what Annatar did that sparked Piggot's "Do you now, when you do that?" question. Was it something she referenced, or just Annatar being strong-willed, or what?

Why would it be bad on SB?

And I'm almost hoping he manages to "claim" Annatar. Because a yandere Sauron is something he deserves.
That thread just has a tendency to derail into long and drawn out arguments. Also it's pretty hard to keep up with.
Anyone remember Bruz from Shadow of War post-shaming?
Picture Heartbreaker like that. Just replace "You can have the Fort" with something else.
I think Heartbreaker has kill order on his head, doesn't he?

Kinda-sorta, if I recall correctly. The issue is that (again, iirc) his power is suspected to not go away if he dies, and he has a LOT of people who have been mastered to believe he makes up their entire world. If he dies and those people aren't contained, you suddenly have dozens of highly-motivated, functionally-insane free-agents wandering around to screw things up.

That, combined with "a power too powerful to fight", and the fact that he and his minions all stay in one place means that the powers that be are willing to maintain a status quo. There's probably a Kill Order signed, ready and waiting in an archive somewhere if opportunity strikes, though.

The fact that he has left his roost and actively mastered Protectorate capes that were not even targeting him means that the status quo no longer exists.
Kinda-sorta, if I recall correctly. The issue is that (again, iirc) his power is suspected to not go away if he dies, and he has a LOT of people who have been mastered to believe he makes up their entire world. If he dies and those people aren't contained, you suddenly have dozens of highly-motivated, functionally-insane free-agents wandering around to screw things up.

That, combined with "a power too powerful to fight", and the fact that he and his minions all stay in one place means that the powers that be are willing to maintain a status quo. There's probably a Kill Order signed, ready and waiting in an archive somewhere if opportunity strikes, though.

The fact that he has left his roost and actively mastered Protectorate capes that were not even targeting him means that the status quo no longer exists.
Basically something to this effect is what I remember as well. The insane free agents thing may have been brought up in canon, but I don't really recall. Its a logical conclusion though.
IIRC, Annatar has Vilya, which can effectively Master the weak-willed. While Heartbreaker is likely in no means weak of will, a furious Mairon could likely muster up the steel to break all but Nenya's bearer.
'Pon further consideration one image that has been occurring to me repeatedly is Annatar Singing The One into existence with the Chorus of the Wards as the Seven and Amy as the bearer of Nenya. When exactly this would occur, if it ever would I can't guess at.

Now aside from that I was sitting here thinking about where this story would go and several things as wild speculation have occurred to me which I'll just throw at the metaphorical oven door to see what sticks.

First, Lung is already mastered by Heartbreaker. They are in similar areas and while Heartbreaker usually affects women, men are on the table. Heartbreaker is also intelligent, so leaving a rage dragon roaming around when instead he could hook into him seems far more narratively significant and plausible.

Valefor is likely already out and roaming. I expect him to compromise the rest of the PRT while Annatar is gone essentially leaving it to her and the other Ring Bearers with support of Armsmaster.

Third up is that Coil is in the process of self destructing, and in his insanity will try to claim Vilya or another ring to "balance" out the howls of Narya which are turning his soul into an ash tray or some such. His attempts won't work, and in the process he will extremely negatively affect the Travelers. Noelle for one will likely be a thing on the battlefield at some point.

Fourth is that there may be a beat down between Noelle and Lung. Not sure honestly.

Fifth is that Vilya will not find its proper bearer in this arc, but Narya will. That Bearer is either Alec or Armsmaster. I say Alec, because he was always a character that, through the emotional deadening, struck me as needing Hope and Warmth in canon. Additionally it'd make for some great drama in the story and we are getting an interlude of him.

And that's my wild mass guessing out of the way.
And that's my wild mass guessing out of the way.

Well, I may as well contribute with some WMG of my own then.

I predict the whole thing with Coil getting Narya becomes a non-issue, because Coil is the intended bearer of Narya and he ultimately bends knee to Annatar as she rises to become the Lord of Brockton Bay and begins his own path to redemption through it. Pretty sure this doesn't actually mesh with Tolkien's themes all that well, but I'm pretty sure BB is unavoidably headed toward cape feudalism at this point. Coil's voluntary pleadge of loyalty to Annatar definitely seems like the kind of thing that could push Taylor into finally accepting that she is going to have to be the ruler of BB to actually fix the city, instead of simply presiding over a slow decline of the city, as the PRT and Protectorate had been doing before she came along.
Well, I may as well contribute with some WMG of my own then.

I predict the whole thing with Coil getting Narya becomes a non-issue, because Coil is the intended bearer of Narya and he ultimately bends knee to Annatar as she rises to become the Lord of Brockton Bay and begins his own path to redemption through it. Pretty sure this doesn't actually mesh with Tolkien's themes all that well, but I'm pretty sure BB is unavoidably headed toward cape feudalism at this point. Coil's voluntary pleadge of loyalty to Annatar definitely seems like the kind of thing that could push Taylor into finally accepting that she is going to have to be the ruler of BB to actually fix the city, instead of simply presiding over a slow decline of the city, as the PRT and Protectorate had been doing before she came along.
Would be a weird twist. I don't think it fits with Tolkien's common themes, or where its likely to go given that he seemed to be suffering from Gollum Syndrome at the end there.

It would be distinctly hilarious though because it reminds me of Ack's It Gets Worse story and what happens in there.

As for cape feudalism, I sort of agree. I don't think she'll be proclaiming it from the roof tops, but I can see her being in de facto control after this arc and the next as she tries to get BB to recover. There may even be a much more polite but subtly ominous form of the canon "talk to the mayor so the city doesn't get condemned".

E: Wow, re-reading your post while listening to the Berserk soundtrack is sinister.
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I'm happy to see this still going strong. With shrinking backlog the updates will probably slow down, but that's okay. Quality over quantity any day. Keep up the good work, we are all enjoying it.

Good to see Taylor regaining some balance here, and starting too actually think. I was worried for a moment, that she was going to self-destruct along with the city at some point. On the other hand she will now be running into obvious danger with SOPHIA and Missy.

This will surely turn into some sort of grand and epic battle, but depending on whether Danny gets out of there alive (and sound of mind), the consequances may be quite dire. For everyone involved. It will be a delicious mess either way. I'm lovin' it.

I smell Cherish influence.

Does anyone know when Cherish joined S9? Is this before or after?

Third up is that Coil is in the process of self destructing, and in his insanity will try to claim Vilya or another ring to "balance" out the howls of Narya which are turning his soul into an ash tray or some such. His attempts won't work, and in the process he will extremely negatively affect the Travelers. Noelle for one will likely be a thing on the battlefield at some point.

I don't know if he will be going after another ring, thought can't quite deny it's a possibility. I'm also not sure he will self-desctruct quite that fast. But I think he will become quite a lot bolder, and make mistakes along the way. He may even end up falling pray to Valefor. Either way he will surely get into everyones way (hopefully villans as well as heroes).

And Noelle rampage is a definite possibility, bordering on certainty.

Fourth is that there may be a beat down between Noelle and Lung. Not sure honestly.

Don't scare me man. The only thing worse (thought I fear to give frightening ideas) is if Lung were to fight one of his clones. Cenopath anyone?

Fifth is that Vilya will not find its proper bearer in this arc, but Narya will. That Bearer is either Alec or Armsmaster. I say Alec, because he was always a character that, through the emotional deadening, struck me as needing Hope and Warmth in canon. Additionally it'd make for some great drama in the story and we are getting an interlude of him.

Alec for Vilya would certainly be entertaining. Imagine Pigot's reaction.
Good to see Taylor regaining some balance here, and starting too actually think. I was worried for a moment, that she was going to self-destruct along with the city at some point. On the other hand she will now be running into obvious danger with SOPHIA and Missy.
Actually I think she's going entirely alone.
Piggot put a hand over her eyes. "I can't give that order," she said. Her voice was strained as though she was a hair's breadth from collapsing in exhaustion and stress. "I can't send three Wards into the territory of an international criminal master."

"The alternative," I said quietly, "is for one Ward to go alone."

"I'll stick you in confinement."

"For trying to rescue my dad?"

Our eyes met. For a few moments I held her gaze.

"I'm not running away from this," I said softly. "I'm not leaving him behind."

Her eyes flickered. The silence stretched.

"Do you know, when you do that?" she asked quietly. "Do you know exactly what makes it all fit together, or is it some kind of instinct?"
Which has so much FUN written all over it I can't wait.

Does anyone know when Cherish joined S9? Is this before or after?
I don't remember the canon time. She might have by this point.

I don't know if he will be going after another ring, thought can't quite deny it's a possibility. I'm also not sure he will self-desctruct quite that fast. But I think he will become quite a lot bolder, and make mistakes along the way. He may even end up falling pray to Valefor. Either way he will surely get into everyones way (hopefully villans as well as heroes).
He currently can't be mastered by Valefor, if Narya functions correctly while eating him alive but he may fall prey to one of the other wandering villains in a more conventional way by doing a stupid.

Don't scare me man. The only thing worse (thought I fear to give frightening ideas) is if Lung were to fight one of his clones. Cenopath anyone?
That's sort of the point of that entire fight. Lung gets the fight of his life by fighting a big oogly monster shite-ing out oodles and oodles of little Lung's.

Alec with Vilya would be weird, but I was specifically talking about the ring Coil stole.
That's sort of the point of that entire fight. Lung gets the fight of his life by fighting a big oogly monster shite-ing out oodles and oodles of little Lung's.
Scion and the Endbringers suddenly turn up and cooperate to halt a Rage-Dragon Grey Goo scenario that threatens to collapse the universe into a dimension-sundering omnimassive black hole.
If this has already been stated, then I apologise for sounding like a parrot, or a broken tape recorder.

Seven for the Wards, in a city of sin.


Huh, interesting.

This actually reminds me of that poem from the books and movies about the 20 Rings of Power (and yes, I did indeed count them). How did it go, again? Ah, yes, here we go:-

"Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie."

I guess everyone with at least a small drop of common sense, and the intelligence to actually use it, can see, the second line of Lithos Maitreya's epigraph* is very similar to the same line of J.R. Tolkien's epigraph^.

I would simply LOVE to see how the rest of it is written!

I also wonder what epitaphs that Taylor's followers and enemies will give her, as she grows in power? Perhaps the Ring-Maker, or some such?

*= "Seven for the Wards, in a city of sin."
^= "Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,"
To any who were worried by my shrinking backlog, rest easy. I've just finished drafting Interlude 8b: Alec. Barring extreme problems with the draft, we can expect at least one chapter next week.
Wheeee, everything is awful and terrible and nothing is good AND IT'S ONLY GETTING WORSE! NOW WE'RE IN A WORM FIC, BOYS!

"We need a plan, and we've already lost three Protectorate heroes today. We can't just keep them out there to get picked off."
Yeah, Taylor. I mean, you CAN'T let some other schmuck steal your toys kidnap your future minions teammates.

"Fuck," Sophia swore. "First the Fallen, and now Heartbreaker? What is this, a supervillain convention?"
Did... did you not get the "Scum-Con 2011" flyers? Dammit, Sleeper, you PROMISED you'd pass those out this time!

"Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Oh, GOD, NO. Not the chickens! Not the FUCKING CHICKENS! *hides in corner* warm safe place warm safe place warm safe place

They're escalating back."
And that's why you should always take the stairs! Ho ho h-YIPE! *dodges fruit*

Silence fell for a moment as the Wards considered that. I broke it.
"Sorry. Those food truck tacos are a bigger menace than the Endbringers, am I right?"

"We've come too far to turn aside now," I said. "We can't go back to the way things were. There's no status quo to go back to."
*slowly glances at Sophia*

"So what do we do?" Missy asked.
I have suggestions! Many, many suggestions! Hold on, I'll go get my explanatory pamphlets!

This is our city, and we will make them pay dearly for every inch of it they take, and every second for which they hold it.
I'm going to just pretend this is roughly the same speech Taylor will give before any future dates with... no one in particular, really. ("There will be no second base tonight. If you try, I will make you pay dearly for-" "JESUS CHRIST, TAYLOR, I GET IT.")

"Damn straight," Sophia said through gritted teeth.
Presented with no further comments....

"But what do we do?" Dennis asked. "How do we start?"
*opens mouth*
...fuck, I already used that joke earlier! *sigh* Carry on.

Without Narya, we're bringing knives to a gunfight.
Uh... you might want to rethink that particular statement, Amy. Knives are actually pretty effective, once you get in close. (21 feet or less, basically.)

So, you know... just get in close. (AND STAB THEM ALL THE FUCK TO DEATH.)

"Coil's been operating in the bay for years," said Chris. "It'll take more than a couple days to shut him down. More like months, with perfect planning and execution. It's not something we can just throw together overnight."
Bullshit! I've seen LOTS of fanfic do exactly that!

"We all have family here," I said.

"For better or worse," muttered Sam under his breath.
Continued implications that Sam isn't exactly copacetic with his family's values count: +1

"None of us want them put in harm's way," I continued, glancing at him.
Sam lifted a hand, waggled it in a vaguely "meh"-ish gesture.

"What do we know?" Piggot asked.

"Not a great deal," said Dragon.
"I'm sorry, Director. I've used every instrument I have available, but I STILL can't tell you why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch!"

Armsmaster was at her right, and beside him was Dragon, in a suit of golden armor.
(Occasionally, there was the squeal of metal on metal as Dragon tried to subtly grope Armsmaster's butt.)

I was to the Director's left, and to mine was Aegis. That was all. The five of us were responsible for deciding the fate of Brockton Bay.
Yes. The greatest Thinker in North America, the leader of the Brockton Bay Protectorate, the leader of the Brockton Bay PRT, the leader of the Brockton Bay Wards, and... the newest and least experienced member of the Brockton Bay Wards.

I mean, I'm just pointing out the facts on paper, here. (Assuming you ignore little things like "the person who lead a charge on Leviathan with a sword... and LIVED," of course. Also, the fact that Brockton Bay is a miserable hellscape from which only horror and PTSD flows. Seriously, I hope this story has some sort of "BB Wards go on tour" thing at some point. I always love seeing the horrified reactions of other Ward teams to them. "Oh, god! We have to get you to the hospital!" "...what? Why? You mean for this little cut?" "I CAN SEE BONE AND ORGANS!" "...yeah, that's a good thing. It means they're STILL THERE. Gimme the duct tape, I'll be fine.")

...actually, all joking aside, I really WOULD love to see the way people react to the Brockton Bay Wards, or at least Annatar. I mean... she straight up summarily executed carried out an entirely legal and properly sanctioned action against Bakuda, charged Leviathan with a sword, was DIRECTLY called out by the Fallen, is about to kick Heartbreaker's head so far up his own ass he'll be rechewing his last meal.... I'm betting the reactions of other (normal) Ward teams to meeting her would be amazing. ("She touched me! I'M NEVER WASHING THIS HAND AGAIN." "...god dammit, Flechette, control yourself!")

It was daunting. But it didn't feel wrong in any way. Who else should be here, after all?
Taylor Hebert, Humblest Maiar Woman Teenager in Brockton Bay, everyone!

Coil, of course, will almost certainly be located somewhere in his territory south of Downtown.
That's where the biggest, fullest septic tank is, you see.

We're assuming [Valefor]'s not in a position to impinge on Empire's territory to the south, at least for now.
And how weird is it when LITERAL Nazis are the better people in a situation? I mean... what the fuck, man. What. The. Fuck.

Right now, all we know is that he's somewhere uptown, north of Valefor.
Oh, he's an uptown piece of shit!

Even with Velocity, Battery, and Triumph advising him," Armsmaster finished for her. "They have knowledge of our procedures and the particular workings of the ENE branch of the Protectorate and PRT
*slowly LOOKS at that list*
That's... uh... not the ONLY thing at least two of those people have knowledge of, Armsmaster. I mean... Velocity's the odd man out there, if you understand the general thrust of what I'm trying to imply here? I'm just saying, if Heartbreaker tries to get Battery or Triumph to spill out, as an ENTIRELY RANDOM example, any of their deepest secrets....


I suspect there's a moderate chance of Fedora Interrupt, if you get my drift. (Contessa might end up murdering Heartbreaker the fuck to death.)

"I work with you fairly often, though," said Dragon.
For the record, Dragon? I'm underlining you and Colin on The Chart. Twice. ...maybe even three times.

"Can we get in touch with Regent?" I asked.

Piggot blinked at me. "You're aware he's a murderer?"
*slowly glances at that whole Bakuda summary execution officially sanctioned and totally legal action thing again*

And he must have left Heartbreaker for a reason. He might be more than happy to help us fight his father.
Well... when she's right... she's VERY right.

It's getting a little crowded in my city.
*wild, hysterical laughter*
Yes. YOUR city. Totally.

And do we even know how many capes Heartbreaker has?"

"No," said Dragon grimly. "More than just himself, Velocity, Triumph, and Battery, though."
Yeah, if you start counting all his kids, for sure. All his Master/Stranger/danger kids.

I'm inclined to let Coil keep Narya, for now—let it burn away at his soul until all that's left is a husk.
Couldn't happen to a more deserving person.

Also, I really hope we see the outcome of that. More specifically, I want ARMSMASTER to see the outcome of that. You know, so Taylor can look at him pointedly and say, "This is why the Rings are only supposed to go to those chosen by them."

said Armsmaster with a grim frown on his bearded lips.
I... might suggest "bearded face" there? As written, it makes it sound like his lips are completely bearded.

"I think we should also try to get in touch with Lung. I don't exactly like the idea of working with him, but he can hopefully help us reinforce the northern perimeter."
Well... that might be easy enough. Just go "Hey, Lung? You remember that time you got your ass kicked by an Endbringer? Yeah, their cult is in the city. Wanna distract Heartbreaker while we kick their asses a bit?"

"We don't have enough people," Piggot snarled, and there was something raw in her voice.
For the record? This little bit right here was REALLY well done. Only a few short lines and you really showed the depth of character on Piggot. Seriously, her characterization in this fic is AMAZING, Lithos.

I don't need fucking Eidolon or Alexandria,
*puerile giggle* What about REGULAR Eidolon or Alexandria? Would they do?

No, we can't pull out now. Not unless there's no other choice.
*puerile giggle* Make a note, Dragon: Armsmaster's against pulling out. Plan your relationship accordingly.

Something clicked, and the bottom dropped out of my stomach. "My dad lives there," I said.
Oh. Oh, good. Time for another summary execution officially sanctioned and totally legal action!

"Fuck," breathed Aegis.
NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR THAT, AEGIS. ...and yes, I realize the irony of ME saying that!

I was already reaching out with Vilya. Was Dad in danger?

The answer came readily. Yes, he was—imminent danger.
DANNY: "Ow! God damn papercuts!"

"He's my dad," I said simply, already reaching to buckle my sword-belt on.
*eyes that sword*
Yuuuup, traditional Mayan football with Heartbreaker later!

"Of course not," said Dragon gently. "We can spare two more Wards to go with her, can't we? It shouldn't be a long mission. Send Vista and Shadow Stalker. With Vista, they can be in and out quickly, and Shadow Stalker is the best infiltrator we have."
*narrow eyes*
I... cannot help but feel vaguely worried about Dragon's instant caving and suggestion to send three more FEMALE capes to the area with Heartbreaker in it.

"The last villain who hurt my father is dead. I'm not letting this one get away with it free."
...good lord, Taylor. Why not just hang a big ol' flashing neon sign saying "I'M GOING TO GO MURDER HEARTBREAKER" over your head?

Our eyes met. For a few moments I held her gaze.

"I'm not running away from this," I said softly. "I'm not leaving him behind."
*wince* OH. Oh, ouch. Right in Piggot's vulnerable bits. Jeebus FUCK, Taylor, you don't take prisoners in ANY fight, do you.

"Do you know, when you do that?" she asked quietly. "Do you know exactly what makes it all fit together, or is it some kind of instinct?"

"A bit of both," I replied.
...HURGH. God DAMN, the emotion packed into that bit. Well fucking done, Lithos. Holy shit, well fucking done.

I'm curious what Annatar did that sparked Piggot's "Do you now, when you do that?" question. Was it something she referenced, or just Annatar being strong-willed, or what?
As already noted, this is almost certainly a callback to Ellisburg, Piggot's own personal Worst Day Ever.
Did... did you not get the "Scum-Con 2011" flyers? Dammit, Sleeper, you PROMISED you'd pass those out this time!
He overslept.

I don't usually read your reviews as closely as I did this one, but you made me laugh multiple times in this one and it was enough to keep me from skimming like I usually do. Well done.
Anyone remember Bruz from Shadow of War post-shaming?
Picture Heartbreaker like that. Just replace "You can have the Fort" with something else.
Bruz was vaguely interesting and a bit pitiable after that, though. All you ever hear about Heartbreaker in fics is that he's the toppest of top assholes, getting power-shamed might just end up karmic instead of a significant end.