Ring-Maker [Worm/Lord of the Rings Alt-Power] [Complete]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Now that is interesting. You don't see Taylor and Piggot agree on that personal of a level often. Usually you see one of them looking down on the other and acting concerned or what not. But I don't think I've ever read a fic where they treat each other as equals. I like it.

Also pragmatism is better than morality apparently. I don't see that often in a Tolkien tone but it fits.
This latest chapter . . .

For some reason I'm feeling that Piggot maybe be the Saruman to Taylor's Sauron.

Nah, its not like Piggot has a tower full of minions at her command.
I like how Piggot sympathizes with Taylor's desire for vengeance in the face of overwhelming loss. She knows that, if she could have executed Nilbog even after somehow neutralizing him (in the wake of Elisburg), she would have. She agrees that no one should have a problem with executing an irredeemable monster that you just want ended, definitively, not taking any chances or risks for him/her anymore.

I also like Taylor's approach to Brian. She explains it how it is: yes, she wants more allies, but she wants to attain them by genuinely giving them what they want, no strings attached. Her casual admission that Shadow Stalker was in many ways worse than Grue ever was helps, too: it shows that she doesn't think the heroes are always all good or that villains are always all bad, and that she's pragmatic. She understands that some people become villains not because it's easy, but because it's practical, because there were a lack of better options at the time. That what matters is that a villain is willing to play ball at being a hero, not that he or she has or hasn't committed bad deeds in the past.

If Aisha triggers...oh man, that's going to be a fun situation. Definitely "I see what you mean about the importance of her having good parental models".
I like how Piggot sympathizes with Taylor's desire for vengeance in the face of overwhelming loss. She knows that, if she could have executed Nilbog even after somehow neutralizing him (in the wake of Elisburg), she would have. She agrees that no one should have a problem with executing an irredeemable monster that you just want ended, definitively, not taking any chances or risks for him/her anymore.

I also like Taylor's approach to Brian. She explains it how it is: yes, she wants more allies, but she wants to attain them by genuinely giving them what they want, no strings attached. Her casual admission that Shadow Stalker was in many ways worse than Grue ever was helps, too: it shows that she doesn't think the heroes are always all good or that villains are always all bad, and that she's pragmatic. She understands that some people become villains not because it's easy, but because it's practical, because there were a lack of better options at the time. That what matters is that a villain is willing to play ball at being a hero, not that he or she has or hasn't committed bad deeds in the past.

If Aisha triggers...oh man, that's going to be a fun situation. Definitely "I see what you mean about the importance of her having good parental models".
Not quite up to snuff on my Canon in regards to her trigger date but it is some time shortly after Leviathan from what I remember. Basically precipitated by it. With that happening she should still be on track to gain her powers.

Not completely sure though.

Oooo. Oh that's a terrible thought. What if she triggers and steals a Ring because she "wanted to give it a try. I mean what could it hurt right? Just a bit of fun".

Kinda unlikely in some ways since Aisha actually is intelligent enough to avoid that.
Given how tightly locked the Ring Box is, I doubt that Imp could get it open, even if she did manage to steal it. On the other hand, if she does manage to steal the Rings, Annatar is going to go so nuclear the -sun- will blush with envy.
Given how tightly locked the Ring Box is, I doubt that Imp could get it open, even if she did manage to steal it. On the other hand, if she does manage to steal the Rings, Annatar is going to go so nuclear the -sun- will blush with envy.
On the one hand this is a case, but on the other her power is ridiculously strong and probably the easiest way for her to steal them is when Annatar opens the box and steal them out from under her.

If I remember everything right Aisha's power works by altering memories, since her shard is the one which blanks out the trigger vision, and this lets her do some really weird stuff.
On the one hand this is a case, but on the other her power is ridiculously strong and probably the easiest way for her to steal them is when Annatar opens the box and steal them out from under her.

If I remember everything right Aisha's power works by altering memories, since her shard is the one which blanks out the trigger vision, and this lets her do some really weird stuff.
Maybe Maiar or Ring bullshit would protect Taylor? All though that would strain SoD and make certain fights much less interesting.
Maybe Maiar or Ring bullshit would protect Taylor? All though that would strain SoD and make certain fights much less interesting.
If she is actually becoming a Maiar like Sauron was, we have a whole other kettle of issues. Everyone does, since Maiar are basically Angels in the Hebrew sense and those angels don't fuck around. And in protecting her Rings? Maiar!Taylor would be able to wield nearly all of her powers and be near the height of what she could theoretically do. (This falls into the whole thing about how Gandalf for instance could have raised a fortress from nothing, but didn't because it was not his purpose and would thus have taken all of his energy. Or something like that. While on the other hand Sauron was The Dark Lord and his purpose let him build and maintain Barad Dur with his mystical might)

From what I recall, Miss Militia was immune to Aisha due to how her power restores her memory and how Aisha's is about tampering with memory. Now, Vilya may protect Annatar from Aisha explicitly because it is the Ring of Air and protects the wearer from Mastery and other mind tampering but Narya should probably not.

Then again, the Rings all share the feature of Seeing the Unseen so Strangers in general who hide their presence may be getting the short end of the stick there. Strangers like Nice Guy though should not be as affected, and possibly not affected at all.
If she is actually becoming a Maiar like Sauron was, we have a whole other kettle of issues. Everyone does, since Maiar are basically Angels in the Hebrew sense and those angels don't fuck around. And in protecting her Rings? Maiar!Taylor would be able to wield nearly all of her powers and be near the height of what she could theoretically do. (This falls into the whole thing about how Gandalf for instance could have raised a fortress from nothing, but didn't because it was not his purpose and would thus have taken all of his energy. Or something like that. While on the other hand Sauron was The Dark Lord and his purpose let him build and maintain Barad Dur with his mystical might)

From what I recall, Miss Militia was immune to Aisha due to how her power restores her memory and how Aisha's is about tampering with memory. Now, Vilya may protect Annatar from Aisha explicitly because it is the Ring of Air and protects the wearer from Mastery and other mind tampering but Narya should probably not.

Then again, the Rings all share the feature of Seeing the Unseen so Strangers in general who hide their presence may be getting the short end of the stick there. Strangers like Nice Guy though should not be as affected, and possibly not affected at all.
Yeah, honestly this fic is a a lot more interesting because it Taylor is more like an Istari without the majority of her memories. Also Barad Dur is nothing compared to when Sauron raised an entire mountain range to protect his realm.

Strangers usually get the short end of the stick anyways. Their powers either fuck with them or their social lives. Dudebro! Taylor anyone?
Kinda unlikely in some ways since Aisha actually is intelligent enough to avoid that.
This is a person that walked into a room where the Slaughterhouse Nine were staying and tried to stab Bonesaw in the throat and eye because she thought it might help. Aisha certainly isn't stupid, but she has such poor impulse control that stealing a Ring of Power is *EXACTLY* the kind of thing she would do, even if it's just to see what the Rings are capable of.
I also like Taylor's approach to Brian. She explains it how it is: yes, she wants more allies, but she wants to attain them by genuinely giving them what they want, no strings attached.
Amusing that she shares that method, on the surface at least, with Coil.

Not quite up to snuff on my Canon in regards to her trigger date but it is some time shortly after Leviathan from what I remember. Basically precipitated by it. With that happening she should still be on track to gain her powers.
Her trigger just might have been earlier, if one notes the trigger suspected to be hers in arc 26, interlude X.

This is a person that walked into a room where the Slaughterhouse Nine were staying and tried to stab Bonesaw in the throat and eye because she thought it might help. Aisha certainly isn't stupid, but she has such poor impulse control that stealing a Ring of Power is *EXACTLY* the kind of thing she would do, even if it's just to see what the Rings are capable of.
Its amusing to think that Aisha's power is such that any Ring might as well be The Ring.

Hi, I'm fabledFreeboota. I've been betaing this story since... well arc 1. And egging on Lithos since he'd first posted his snip to the ideas thread. I do some stuff too! Maybe check it out? Please? If only because Lithos is two orders of magnitude more read than me.
This is a person that walked into a room where the Slaughterhouse Nine were staying and tried to stab Bonesaw in the throat and eye because she thought it might help. Aisha certainly isn't stupid, but she has such poor impulse control that stealing a Ring of Power is *EXACTLY* the kind of thing she would do, even if it's just to see what the Rings are capable of.
Yeah that's one of the things about Aisha. Her horrible impulse control gets in the way of her intelligence being applied most effectively.

I actually forgot about that Bonesaw incident.
Amusing that she shares that method, on the surface at least, with Coil.
"Coil was partially on the right track: give them what they want. The problem was that he would always have strings attached--stringing you along, or implying threats alongside, or being willing to exploit your vulnerabilities to turn persuasion into coercion as soon as it was more convenient for him. Coil was an idiot. Screwing over the people who work for you isn't a successful strategy in the long-run. Sooner or later, he'd have ended up with a bullet in his head. A snake who views everyone as a potential threat to be dealt with as ruthlessly as possible is setting himself up for betrayal, because the loyalty he engenders is ephemeral, incidental, and open to the highest bidder."

It's an interesting contrast, because Taylor has earned the loyalty of the Wards to an almost frightening level, and yet she doesn't hold anything over their heads at all. If they decided to betray her, she'd have nothing to hold over them, no leverage. But they never would decide to betray her, because their loyalty to her is built on a solid foundation. Likewise, Brian will come to be loyal to her for understanding him and giving him the thing that he wants most, no strings attached. Yes, she wants allies, as she said, but she's open and up front about it, and ultimately, once she gives him what he wants, she has no actual hold over him, and they both know it. But again--loyalty built on solid foundations.

Her trigger just might have been earlier, if one notes the trigger suspected to be hers in arc 26, interlude X.
It might be funny for Taylor to offer her a minor Ring of Power whose only power is to prevent her power from activating even when she isn't forcing it off. Just have the ring on her person all the time, and put on the ring when she wants her power off without having to constantly focus on keeping it off. It'd do wonders for her psychological health, to say the least.

Its amusing to think that Aisha's power is such that any Ring might as well be The Ring.
No, her power is quite superior to that of the One Ring. Her power makes you forget she was even there to begin with, and unable to perceive her. The One Ring just makes you invisible. With her power, she could stand right in front of you and stab you with a knife, and you'd just think, "Why is there a hole in my chest?". With the One Ring, you'd think, "Oh my god, someone invisible is stabbing me!"
Just binge read it all this week. I'm in love.

As a Tolkien fan I fear and eagerly await Taylor's evolution into Sauron. (Or should I say Mairon? If she doesn't 'fall from grace' it would fit her more.)
Just binge read it all this week. I'm in love.

As a Tolkien fan I fear and eagerly await Taylor's evolution into Sauron. (Or should I say Mairon? If she doesn't 'fall from grace' it would fit her more.)
Considering what has occurred I have a feeling that her path is neither Sauron nor Mairon. She can create most anything inorganic from the Second and Third Ages, with some First Age stuff that survived that long and "didn't feel out of place". Sauron could not do that, and in fact her three first creations were never made by Sauron, so in that way she surpasses him.

She doesn't have an active gemma it seems, so her power is likely not shard based.

And then Aeglos became Iphannis, which I think is something entirely new. The Jewlery Box is an original creation.

All of these tell me that she is a bit more than just a "Lord of Gifts". What and Who she is I do not know.