Rimworld: Anomaly - Void Gods, Golden Cubes and Wall Lights (1.5)

How can I modify or create a starting scenario? Specifically, I'd like to run a game where two (or three) pawns are, from the start, Warcaskets. Or able to be entombed, and I'll just pretend they were like that from the start. Those would be the Knights, doing caravans, diplomacy and fighting. And the other two (or one) would be Pages, doing the crafting, tending, cooking, and all other stuff.

As I understand it, the most obvious and simple way would be to use a normal starting scenario, like Crashlanded or Rich Explorer. Number of the starting pawns can be easily tweaked, same for the resources. I think there's even an option to "set starting research", or whatever it's called. The skills can be set up in Prepare Carefully, or similar mods - or even, unless I'm mistaken, by forcing certain traits on pawns. For example, setting "Expert Shooter" to 100% probability on starting pawns would make them never-incapable of violence, because this trait can't appear on "Incapable of violence". Then I'll just need to begin the game, build the foundry, entomb the Knights, and treat that as the official start.

But, can it be somehow set-up as a scenario, without having to build the foundry? I'm not quite sure the Warcasket added through Character Editor would behave properly, and I don't see an option to do that in the vanilla scenario editor.

Off-hand remark: being able to pick Warcaskets as "Preferred apparel" for an ideology (male/female, or Ideo-role) would be interesting.
RimWorld is now rated 18 and has been unbanned in Australia

RimWorld classified R 18+

A four-member panel of the Classification Review Board has unanimously determined that the computer game, RimWorld, is classified R 18+ (Res

"The game includes fantasy drug use, but in the Review Board's opinion, the game mechanic ultimately provides disincentives related to drug-taking behaviour, to the point where regular drug use leads to negative consequences such as overdose, addiction, and withdrawal. Players may choose for colonist pawns to consume drugs in certain scenarios, but this greatly hinders player progress, as characters will succumb to addiction and must deal with long-term negative impacts of their drug use. The drug use is depicted at a distance through a top-down perspective, in a highly stylised, simplified form. The game also contains high impact themes that are justified by the context of colonists surviving in an inhospitable fantasy world."

Fantastic. Now Aussies can commit warcrimes and cannibalism in freedom. Just the way God intended.

RimWorld classified R 18+

A four-member panel of the Classification Review Board has unanimously determined that the computer game, RimWorld, is classified R 18+ (Res

Fantastic. Now Aussies can commit warcrimes and cannibalism in freedom. Just the way God intended.

Things the Aussie rating system doesn't consider important:
- Murder.
- Cannibalism.
- Slavery.
- Warcrimes.
- Non-consensual organ donation.

Things that get your game pulled:
- Drugs that tend to being a net negative.

I dread to think what would have happened to the game if there was anything more than a hint at sex.
I'd like to run a medieval colony in Rimworld. However, most mods that I could find remove everything above medieval tech level, including mechanoids and cryptotech stuff from VFE: Vikings, making me unable to seek out legendary heroes and convince them to fight the the metal monsters with me. And the mods that keep that stuff (VE's Maynard Medieval), also keep the industrial things, so the soldiers that I wake up from cryptosleep end up with boring flak vests and autorifles.

What would y'all recommend for a medieval run with some unobtainable super-tech? I've heard of the Cherry Picker mod, but do you know if there is anything else?
You don't needs mods to remove mechanoids/townships/the Empire, you can just remove them with vanilla when making a new world so that's one.

As for keeping medieval stuff from Vikings, Medieval and Classical, as I recall, you can choose to use Freyja (the one that comes with VFE: Vikings, not the standalone one) to keep the high tech stuff. So you'll still get those tombs/dungeons. Then you can use Cherry Picker to remove anything you don't want, but know, when you start a new game, you gotta re-add them. Cherry Picker is godly and should be base game, honestly.

Also, the dev team are currently testing the latest unstable. Should be out in a week or so.
You have to be more than knowledgeable when it comes to Cherry Picker, and carefully pick what you remove. You can uh, break your game if you do and there's no neat undo button. So like, jot down notes. Personally I mostly use them to remove the bloat from VE Weapons and Armor.

Don't expect a lot of changes, just more fine tuning. I assume the Australia bruhaha and working on the Deck really pulled a lot of resources elsewhere.
Aye, thank you for the warning.

But wait, what about that thing codenamed Euclid? It's been in developement for... Over half a year? I feel like it's about the right time to get somewhat excited about new updates possibly being it. But, as you've said, probably keep it low-key, because there was lots of other work, too.
It took a year plus to get both DLCs so we can probably see whatever Euclid is next year. Honestly I'm fine with that, but I do want Ideology getting more content. The whole anima meditating and rework in Royalty really made the DLC way better.
What kind of content would you like to see? Because I do agree with you, Ideology feels like it's a bit less than what it could be. In my case, I'd prefer if there were more precepts that add mood.
The current Ideology is restrictive, even with Fluid. I understand why Tynan restricts Memes to Tier 1, but I've played Fluid with Tier 2/3 just fine. Some roles are boring (Researcher), broken (Crafter/Builder) or just plain suck (Melee Specialist). We can't make a wedding ceremony like we could with parties (which is lame!)

There are only the Gods category (so you can't put in Prophets, Saints or Angels). Nudist is kinda boring. Transhumanist is legit fantastic but that's about it. We need more styles for weapons and armor like Alpha Memes and Vanilla Ideology Expanded does it. If you want to have halal/kosher meats, you can't.

The potential is untapped. There's a lot that could be done if Tynan just glances at the most popular Ideology mods.

As for upcoming patches, there's only been one, dated May 30, 2022:

Version 1.3.3380 is up on unstable. It contains SteamDeck improvements and some Ideology fixes.
- Added requested player names.
- Fix: Creative reward name appears twice.
- Skip interface tips on SteamDeck.
- Fix: Some texts mention right-clicks on SteamDeck
- Fix: Caravan planner mentions keyboard keys on SteamDeck
- Fix: SelectNextInSquareTip mentions key binding on SteamDeck
- Fix: WorkPriorityShiftClickTip mentions shift click on SteamDeck
- Fix: Reorderable widget doesn't work on SteamDeck
- Fix: BuildMaker references file which doesn't exist
- Fix: Pawn column header tips mention holding shift on SteamDeck
- Clear keyboardShowing in keyboard mode.
- Add some SteamDeck-specific texts to InstructionDefs.
- Concepts_NotedOpportunistic SteamDeck-specific button names.
- Concepts_NotedSelfshow SteamDeck specific texts.

- ConceptDefs can now handle SteamDeck specific button names.
- Resolve correct key binding labels on SteamDeck.
- Show "button A" glyph instead of "A" label on SteamDeck.
- When architect search bar is focused on a SteamDeck and the on-screen keyboard is visible, move gizmos up so that they're still visible.
- Fix: Dismissing on-screen keyboard on SteamDeck doesn't unfocus the text field
- Don't show on-screen keyboard in SteamDeck keyboard mode.
- Added "Keyboard mode" option on SteamDeck.
- Changed the nutrients needed for lavish vegetarian and lavish carnivore meals to 1.25 (previously 2.5).
- Fix 5629: Not all precepts are added to memes during fluid ideo development.
- Added requested player name in game.
- Cherry picked player-created name additions.
- Simple debug tool for framerate/ticks per second performance benchmarking
- Fix: Malformed letters are sent to the player regarding ritual obligations that should not send letters.
- Negative thoughts related to not having enough scarification scars do not apply at very low expectations or lower.
- Fix: Wrong expectation set.
- "No slaves in colony" thought does not apply at "Very low" expectations or below.
- Ritual opportunity letters are skipped for most rituals for the first 10 days of play.
- Fix: Multiple funerals generating for ideos.
- Colonists no longer get upset for delaying a ritual.
- Adjusted reliquary description.
- Enable drum and dance parties in classic mode.
- Adjusted inspect pane and stat readout for relics in classic mode.
- Relics can generate for classic ideos.
- Fix: Word of serenity does not work on catatonic breakdown.
We can't make a wedding ceremony like we could with parties (which is lame!)

There are only the Gods category (so you can't put in Prophets, Saints or Angels). Nudist is kinda boring. ... If you want to have halal/kosher meats, you can't.
I never wanted most of those things until you've mentioned them. Now that you've mentioned them, I want them bad. I will shake a fist of mock-frustration in your general direction.
I've dived 4 hours into vanilla already (Haven't made it to winter yet because I'm an OCD, micromanaging perfectionist) but I wanna ask the thread for some potentially beginner friendly mods that don't upset the balance? Mainly looking for UI mods or QoL mods that don't radically change the dynamic of the game overall. Navigation and remembering every single key (The UI is fantastic as it is already) is somewhat frustrating though I suspect this will get less so after I continue playing.

Also, I know that I should get familiar first with vanilla before trying DLC content but should I consider playing Ideology/Royalty or wait until I've got a few colonies under my belt?
I've dived 4 hours into vanilla already (Haven't made it to winter yet because I'm an OCD, micromanaging perfectionist) but I wanna ask the thread for some potentially beginner friendly mods that don't upset the balance? Mainly looking for UI mods or QoL mods that don't radically change the dynamic of the game overall. Navigation and remembering every single key (The UI is fantastic as it is already) is somewhat frustrating though I suspect this will get less so after I continue playing.

Also, I know that I should get familiar first with vanilla before trying DLC content but should I consider playing Ideology/Royalty or wait until I've got a few colonies under my belt?

You definitely should have a few colonists under your belt, I personally didn't start modding until a hundred hours in. Try at least 'complete' the game by building a ship, after then, you add the DLCs.

As for mods, well I'll list a few:

1. Hugslib and Harmony are two mods that a lot of mods rely on to use, so you want to install them regardless.

2. Allow Tool expands the control menu to a lot, including being able to mine an entire block, choosing a single item on the entire map, and so on. Very modifable in the mod settings.

3. Better Pawn Control allows you to have multiple schedules, work priorities, zone restrictions, etc at the click of a button. You do have to set them first though.

4. Quality Builder lets you set a desire quality for any furniture with quality. It does have the downside that, unless ticked off, your one builder makes the only quality furnitures in the colony. You can also make a furniture be set to a set quality and they'll remake it until the make to a desired quality.

5. RimHUD adds a very modiable hud for each pawn. Can be overwhelming! Also very modiafable.

6. Show Draftee Weapons shows weapons under the colonist bar. Should frankly be vanilla.

7. Replace Stuff lets you build something on an already finished building without needing to deconstruct it.

8. Dubs Mint Menus expands menus for most of the game's bills.

9. Trading Spot lets you place a Trading Spot for caravans. You CAN abuse it to put them where they shouldn't, so you have to constrain yourself.

10. Dismiss Trader lets you dismiss traders. Should be vanilla.

11. Pick Up and Haul lets you put stuff in your inventory before hauling. You know how can haul like, one t-shirt? This mods lets you haul a lot more t-shirts. It DOES make the game easy but I cannot play without it.

12. Wall Light adds a light. On a wall. The best mod ever made, bar none.

If you want to do DLCs, well both Royalty and Ideology are excellent. Royalty personally to me, has the best 'magic' system and I don't use any other bionic mod with it installed. Ideology can be as hard or as easy you make it to be, but you really should get a base game experience.
i kinda like how Rim of Magic and Rim Effect have Auto-cast abilities, wish Psycasts also worked similarly
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You definitely should have a few colonists under your belt, I personally didn't start modding until a hundred hours in. Try at least 'complete' the game by building a ship, after then, you add the DLCs.

As for mods, well I'll list a few...
Another one I would add to this is Colony Manager, which automates away a bunch of tedious micromanagement as long as you have a pawn tasked to sit down at a desk and write it all up.
Update 1.3.3387 includes improvements for Steam Deck and other bits

Steam :: RimWorld :: Update 1.3.3387 includes improvements for Steam Deck and other bits

Join the RimWorld Development Discord to help us test!

Hi there, we've got another update for you today! This update cleans up some rough edges in Steam Deck, and expands the number of game modes that can use Ideology functionality.

The update should be compatible with all saves and mods.

If the update cause problems and you have a bug to report, or you want to help us test, please join the Official RimWorld Development Discord! Thank you to all of our testers for your feedback.

Have a great week!

- Tia

Steam Deck Improvements
- Fixed multiple cases where on Steam Deck some keyboard shortcuts were mentioned
- Commands now show "button A" glyph instead of "A" label on Steam Deck.
- When architect search bar is focused on a Steam Deck and the on-screen keyboard is visible, move gizmos up so that they're still visible.
- Added "Keyboard mode" option on Steam Deck in case someone connects a keyboard to the SteamDeck.

Ideology Improvements
- Drum and dance parties can be held in the "Ideology system inactive" mode. Party hard!
- Relics system now works in "Ideology system inactive" mode. You can do the relic chase, quests, build the reliquaries, and so on.
- Colonists no longer get upset for delaying a ritual.
- Colorized some ideoligion-related text in ritual trigger letter.
- Negative thoughts related to not having enough scarification scars do not apply at very low expectations or lower.
- "No slaves in colony" thought does not apply at "Very low" expectations or below.
- Ritual opportunity letters are skipped for most rituals for the first 10 days of play.
- Adjusted reliquary description.
- Adjusted inspect pane and stat readout for relics in classic mode.

- Updated player creative content.
- Changed the nutrients needed for lavish vegetarian and lavish carnivore meals to 1.25 (previously 2.5).

- Fix: Dismissing on-screen keyboard on SteamDeck doesn't unfocus the text field.
- Fix: Not all precepts are added to memes during fluid ideoligion development.
- Fix: Malformed letters are sent to the player regarding ritual obligations that should not send letters.
- Fix: Multiple funerals generating for ideoligions.
- Fix: Word of serenity does not work on catatonic breakdown.
- Some minor fixes to how ideoligions are generated.
I think I heard something about certain abilities being able to be put on autocast for vanilla expanded psycasts. Considering that they said that it's the same code as rimeffect cause they made that too. I guess we'll see in under a month.
Quite why anyone would want to play this game with an Xbox controller I have no idea, but I suppose if they can make it work with the Steam Deck...
Some time ago there was a mod, "Miho, the celestial fox", about yet another flavour of foxy colonists. An idle thought had crossed my mind: "Just how many does it make now?" So now idle hands bring you the following list. Spoiler, it's over 10.

In the classical "waifu" phenotype of "basically humans with fancy ears":
Miho, the relative newcomer. Their feature is psychic powers and automated factories. Require both DLC's. One tail for the curious.
Kurin, with at least two different currently-functional mods. Their feature is looking pretty. Three tais, as advertised.
Revia, perhaps the most well-known. Their feature is bloodshed. The intensity of which influences the number of tails.
Hisa, definitely not as famous. Their feature is high-tech equipment, maybe even OP. Nine tails for the curious.

If y'all have seen some ole' Disney-adjacent cartoons, you know that upright-walking animals can be wholesome. If y'all have internet for longer than six monthes, y'all probably don't associate anything wholesome with the word "anthros".
Ferian, surprisingly wholesome. Vanilla "Thin" bodytype, appropriately coloured; custom head; pacifist traits and stat adjustments.
Leeani, Disney's Robin Hood. Includes trademark hat and some furniture. Bookshelves might be slightly OP. A tiny bit.
-=-=-=- Divider line. Of the races below I don't know much beyond "they exist". Caveat lector. -=-=-=-
Vulpes, and the same author has a mod for Braixen. Not sure if that one counts. Also, disagree on definition of "cute".
Vulpine race pack, kinda plain and industrial-ish.

Finding some non-fox races in similar artstyle could be difficult, so the authors of the following mods obligingly provide them together:
Arcamalian Races, might or might not be in machine-translated English.
Xenohumans - Anthromorphs. Well, there you have it.
Fell Tribes, and surprisingly, the preview pictures inside the mod page somehow look better than the "external" picture.
Silkiera, and I have learned that they aren't all dog-girls only today.
Monstergirl Races, most of them fit inside vanilla clothes.

And if just slapping fox ears on people is enough, there are at least two mods that do only that. Pawnmorpher via mutation, and Eccentric Tech - Cosmetic Modifications via surgery. There might be some hair mods (in which I'm interested), and maybe Vanilla Genetics Expanded (about which I'm curious), but I don't have enough data on those.

Please, consider this post a somewhat extended meme of "... I'd have X nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened X times".