Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

Looking at trying to get back into watching the show after falling out of it for a few years, and I have two questions for people:

1. Does Netflix still carry this show? And if yes...
2. How soon after airing do new episodes arrive?
Do you know if there is a quicker way to watch newer episodes legit without having cable?
If you're willing to pay for it, iTunes, Google Play and Amazon all have them. I'm not sure about Amazon's schedule, but iTunes and Google tend to release them the Monday after the airing, I believe.

Just to let you know, next weekend is the season finale, and Netflix is scheduled to have the second half of season seven drop on Nov. 27. So depending on where you are and how fast you're churning through them, it might not be an issue. At least 'til season 8.

Also, if you're interested in Equestria Girls, Netflix has the four movies and the three 'episodes', but Hasbro has all the shorts on their YouTube, with new ones uploaded every Friday.
If you're willing to pay for it, iTunes, Google Play and Amazon all have them. I'm not sure about Amazon's schedule, but iTunes and Google tend to release them the Monday after the airing, I believe.

Just to let you know, next weekend is the season finale, and Netflix is scheduled to have the second half of season seven drop on Nov. 27. So depending on where you are and how fast you're churning through them, it might not be an issue. At least 'til season 8.

Also, if you're interested in Equestria Girls, Netflix has the four movies and the three 'episodes', but Hasbro has all the shorts on their YouTube, with new ones uploaded every Friday.

I don't suppose that Hasbro has released proper season box-sets, have they? Last I knew years ago the closest thing was individual disks with a (seemingly) random few episodes on them.
I don't suppose that Hasbro has released proper season box-sets, have they? Last I knew years ago the closest thing was individual disks with a (seemingly) random few episodes on them.
Depends on what you mean by proper. lol
They have season box sets, but they're DVDs. Season 1 through 5 have been released, with season 6 coming in November.
So now that the Season 7 finale is out I can talk about it... in spoilers:
At the start of Season 7 Finale, its noted that each of the Pillars of Old Equestria (who'd been mentioned in previous episodes as well as the Legends of Equestria comics) corresponds to an element:

Honesty (Applejack) – Strength (Rockhoof)
Kindness (Fluttershy) – Healing (Mage Meadowbrook)
Laughter (Pinkie Pie) – Hope (Somnambula)
Generosity (Rarity) – Beauty (Mistmane)
Loyalty (Rainbow Dash) – Bravery (Flash Magnus)
Magic (Twilight Sparkle) – Sorcery (Star Swirl the Bearded)

But as you might note, the Elements are essentially an evolution of the Pillars, taking their abstracted virtues and applying them to a social context. Or in equation terms, Pillar + Friendship=Element of Harmony. While the Pillars largely lived up to the Elements anyways, the critical mistake that ultimately leads to them being sealed away and the events of the Season 7 finale is a product of them not quite getting it. Or put another way, the show doesn't say friendship is a substitute for talent and ability, but a complement to it. Bravery without loyalty is bad, but loyalty without bravery is meaningless. You need BOTH to be an element of harmony. And indeed the Mane Six has struggled with both aspects at times.
Celestia used the elements to seal Nightmare Moon, but that came at the price of losing Luna and the elements no longer being usable by her. Similarly it was indicated that sealing away Stygian again rather than trying to help him would result in the elements shirking from their owners again... but had no problem blasting the shadow monster into the hole once they were done. The Pillars empowered the Tree or Harmony yes, whose Elements were used by Luna and Celestia to petrify Discord and then by Celestia to seal Luna... but Nightmare Moon shattered those relics, because it was never about relics. And that is also much of why they weren't helpful. The Friendship Castle that they powered told them to solve a friendship problem, not seal away a villain, so of course they were less than helpful. Remember that Luna was immediately remorseful, but Stygian was still pissed when Starlight talked to him... if she hadn't reached out to Stygian first, he'd probably have gone down with the Shadow, which the Elements didn't want to happen.

This episode was about evolution and growth. From the Pillars to the Elements, from Starswirl to Celestia to Twilight Sparkle to Starlight Glimmer, from a land of many dark places to relatively few, even of the Elements from a tool that smashes cosmic evil with magic rainbow powers to a tool that guides people to solve friendship problems. Maybe the elements of seasons 1-3 would've been happy to banish Stygian and the Shadow together, but these aren't the elements of seasons 1-3. They've evolved just like everyone else.
I like that we got another magical big-bad... he felt kinda weaker than some of the prior but that makes *sense*, since he was just a shadow shell.

I also like that the whole crew got involved, and while not *heavily*, all of the 6 got to be awesome in getting the elements.

Dazzlings! They're back! :D I wonder if their modern forms are ever gonna appear again... in EqG of course.

And the elements are back in play, nice. I think it was good we got a break from them, for awhile 'element beam,' became a bit too go-to of a solution, but now we've gone almost as long without.

I don't suppose that Hasbro has released proper season box-sets, have they? Last I knew years ago the closest thing was individual disks with a (seemingly) random few episodes on them.

I'd say proper! I own most of them. Non-random, full sets, all that.
Btw, something finale-related that I was thinking about- it's really cool that the origin of the Tree of Harmony isn't something handed down from on high, or even just a naturally occurring thing, but rather something that arose from the efforts of ponies. Thematically, that's pretty interesting!
I am honestly surprised this didn't make the thread earlier.

1. There's gonna be a Season 8.
2. There was a sneak peak at the first episode.

Maybe I missed it though?
Btw, something finale-related that I was thinking about- it's really cool that the origin of the Tree of Harmony isn't something handed down from on high, or even just a naturally occurring thing, but rather something that arose from the efforts of ponies. Thematically, that's pretty interesting!
So far everything in the show keeps belaboring that the setting was and should be a D&D style deathworld, the only reason it isn't is because ponies Assumed Direct Control over nature itself and entwined it with their developing civilization.

Maybe I missed it though?
The SB thread mentioned it, and also has:
Rumors that:
1: Tirek is coming back. Chrysalis and Tirek team-up? Or will Tirek wrap up another 4 season block?
2: S8 will be the last season of G4, due to the G4 toyline wrapping up. This could mean anything from nothing to a successor series to a full-on reboot. Will we see the return of Megan?
3: That Hasbro intends to apply lessons learned from MLP:FiM to other IPs. Could this mean more FiM style reboot series for some of Hasbro's many IPs, or is it just meaningless buzzword talk?

Also while we're on the topic of the SB thread, here's a chart on appearances by the Mane Six (and Spike) by season:
I went ahead and did the math for full-on speaking appearances (the Green boxes only):

1: Appearances dramatically declined in Season 5 for everyone but Twilight, then declined again in Season 7 this time for everyone including Twilight. However none of the seven have seen an seasonal increase in appearances since the Castle era began, its all been downhill.
2: Twilight Sparkle unsurprisingly gets the most appearances, excepting Season 3. Twilight in S1 and Applejack in S3 are the only instances where a character had a speaking role appearance in every episode. Fluttershy has gotten the fewest in every season but 1, not counting Spike.
3: Starlight Glimmer made 4, 8, and 11 speaking role appearances in Seasons 5, 6, and 7. The last puts her at 42%, tied with Rarity and ahead of Fluttershy and Spike. Appleboom's record was 46% in S3, but her 38% in S5 was the closest she came to beating a Mane6.

Overall this is a sensible choice in my opinion, rather than just rehash things over and over, they've broadened the show's horizons, focusing on more than just Ponyville and the Mane Six, shifting them from learners to teachers to some degree, etc etc. Its ensured that the show has remained fresh and interesting even after 7 seasons.

Also MLP is still doing great, Hasbro and investors are pleased with how things are going. We can expect pony in one form or another for the foreseeable future.
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So far everything in the show keeps belaboring that the setting was and should be a D&D style deathworld, the only reason it isn't is because ponies Assumed Direct Control over nature itself and entwined it with their developing civilization.


The new groups introduced in the movie don't exactly contradict that, with a defensible junk town, airships, and protectible village location for the hippos.

The SB thread mentioned it, and also has:
Rumors that:
1: Tirek is coming back. Chrysalis and Tirek team-up? Or will Tirek wrap up another 4 season block?
2: S8 will be the last season of G4, due to the G4 toyline wrapping up. This could mean anything from nothing to a successor series to a full-on reboot. Will we see the return of Megan?
3: That Hasbro intends to apply lessons learned from MLP:FiM to other IPs. Could this mean more FiM style reboot series for some of Hasbro's many IPs, or is it just meaningless buzzword talk?

The 'ending' thing strikes me as fairly standard rumor talk, and the movie makes that less likely, and ditto the Equestria Girl's series. Unless it's a relaunch-followup, which is possible.
But the introduction of 6 new ongoing characters in the pillars doesn't strike me as a 'planning to end things' thing.

The decrease in appearances makes sense, they have been leaning on new characters more and having more eps that are 'one or two of the mane plus their buddy (Coco/Ember/Trixie/etc.).' CMC episodes no longer have to have the mane six have a role, etc..
Rumors that:
1: Tirek is coming back. Chrysalis and Tirek team-up?
Maybe, but if Chrysalis is going to be in the premier then I think it's more likely that she'll get redeemed, unless it's like the last time Tirek was the villain.

To quote my thoughts on the matter from SB:

Assuming that eight is the final season, Tirek makes sense to me. They'd likely need an irredeemable villain, and at this point I'm north of 90 percent certain Chrysalis is getting redeemed.
Their best chance to kill off or otherwise permanently 'deal with' Chrysalis was when she was deposed as ruler of the Changelings, if she wasn't killed then she likely won't be killed now that her potential for harm has significantly lessened.
Also, the animatic indicated they won't be hiding Chrysalis' identity, which to me sounds like they'll be going for a more comedic lighthearted exploration of the situation that would humanize her and set her up for being redeemed, rather than the kind of betrayal, 'hail hydra' moment that would give her enough menace to justify offing her. I almost pity the fans that boarded the 'Yay Chrysalis is never getting redeemed!' train.
I'm speculating that she'll be a recurring character next season, likely as a way to have Starlight's story come full circle. I'm curious as to what form it will take though. Will she become a colorful changeling like the others? Will she get turned into a pony?
Will she become Queen again? Will she accept Thorax's rule? Will she earn a place as leader over the course of the season?
Will she marry into Queenhood via a romance with Thorax that will strike many of us as pseudoincestuous due to how insect hives are structured in Real Life?
Speaking (sort of) of the movies, I finally got around to watching Legend of the Everfree, and I think it's actually the best of the EG movies. It was nice to see everybody working together, and in particular Sunset Shimmer just being great end-to-end. It's a wonderful conclusion to her arc-- she's got her confidence back and her enthusiasm for magic, and she's sharing that with everybody else instead of going power-mad, feeling outcast, or desparate for Twilight's help.
Speaking (sort of) of the movies, I finally got around to watching Legend of the Everfree, and I think it's actually the best of the EG movies. It was nice to see everybody working together, and in particular Sunset Shimmer just being great end-to-end. It's a wonderful conclusion to her arc-- she's got her confidence back and her enthusiasm for magic, and she's sharing that with everybody else instead of going power-mad, feeling outcast, or desparate for Twilight's help.
Have you seen Dance Magic/Movie Magic/Mirror Magic set of mini-movies yet? They build off of each and other and effectively function as a sort-of 5th movie.
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