Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

The MLP movie has hit 47 million, and I think it'll hit 50 with foreign stuff.

If the rumored 5-8 million dollar budget is true, that's quite nice!

Speaking (sort of) of the movies, I finally got around to watching Legend of the Everfree, and I think it's actually the best of the EG movies. It was nice to see everybody working together, and in particular Sunset Shimmer just being great end-to-end. It's a wonderful conclusion to her arc-- she's got her confidence back and her enthusiasm for magic, and she's sharing that with everybody else instead of going power-mad, feeling outcast, or desparate for Twilight's help.

It gave me Sciset shippy vibes ^^ Though all in all I ranked at relatively low. Strong characters stuff, but not as powerful a plot as 2 and 3.

All-in-all the EqG stuff does good emotional development with it's leads (Sunset and Scitwi) in general pretty well.
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It gave me Sciset shippy vibes ^^ Though all in all I ranked at relatively low. Strong characters stuff, but not as powerful a plot as 2 and 3.

I sort of view it as a payoff for the development undergone in the first three movies. Nobody acts stupidly or out of character, there's no forced conflicts between them (contra. Rainbow Rocks), they're all happy and confident, Flash finally gets told to get over Twilight... Good stuff, all the way along.

If you got Sunset/EGTwilight shipping outta that movie, though, I think you've gotta ignore the much more directly shown Twilight/Timber interactions and, less obviously, Sunset and Flash's chemistry.

...I would sometime like to see more of the EG/Equestria people meet their counterparts. :(
I'm still not really sure what my takeaway is of Sunset Shimmer's character. The Mane Six in both pony and human form have clear and distinct characters. Sunset was just kind of generically villainous character, to generically heroic character, albeit with a solid aesthetic. I'm not talking about her character arc, that was pretty clear, from villain to hero, from dependent to confident, from needing help to offering guidance, but I don't really get what makes Sunset Sunset when she isn't playing the part of supervillain or superhero.
Sunset's a natural leader among a group of friends, and a very social person (even as a villain she was social). In some ways she's an inverse of Twilight, who wasn't that social to start with and had to learn friendship. IMO she's someone who defines herself by her role with friends to an extent (when she was thinking about leaving back for ponyworld, it was when she thought she'd done all she needed to do for them and they'd be fine without her). She's the Mom Friend, she wants to swoop in and help other people get through their problems. Like, if there's nothing to superhero, she's kinda listless and looks for a project she can get everyone together on. That's how I see it.

If you got Sunset/EGTwilight shipping outta that movie, though, I think you've gotta ignore the much more directly shown Twilight/Timber interactions and, less obviously, Sunset and Flash's chemistry.

Just because a movie has stuff with some couples doesn't mean it doesn't have shippy stuff with others :) They had scenes with others, and Sunset/Flash are definitely becoming friends again, but the main relationship of the movie is Twilight and Sunset.
Sunset's a natural leader among a group of friends, and a very social person (even as a villain she was social). In some ways she's an inverse of Twilight, who wasn't that social to start with and had to learn friendship. IMO she's someone who defines herself by her role with friends to an extent (when she was thinking about leaving back for ponyworld, it was when she thought she'd done all she needed to do for them and they'd be fine without her). She's the Mom Friend, she wants to swoop in and help other people get through their problems. Like, if there's nothing to superhero, she's kinda listless and looks for a project she can get everyone together on. That's how I see it.
I think Hasbro has loosely implied that she's the Element of Compassion/Empathy/Forgiveness, which is in line with that. Starlight Glimmer is also kind of working on that element in her own way as she becomes a seventh ranger to the pony six. She also has an interesting mixture of symmetries with Sunset Shimmer. Shimmer is largely confident in her social skills but not in magical matters, Glimmer is the reverse.

But yeah what you say is still in line with my concerns, which is that Shimmer is defined by her heroism (and her villainy prior) as opposed to the Mane 6 who distinct developed characters that are also heroes. By comparison Glimmer is pretty developed. She's dorky and nerdy, she's impulsive and enjoys magic for its own sake rather than as a tool or learning, she is needy for friends and terrified of losing them, she is prone to sociopathy that she's trying to to break the habit of, she's thirsty for Sunburst, etc etc.
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Keep in mind that she's like that when it's, like, doing a fundraiser or camp activity. Sunset isn't defined by her confrontations against big bad, she's basically the type that'll be a community organizer and look for something to manage and help people with.

Sunset has had less time than Starlight, but I still feel I have a solid sense of who she is and what she'll do in most situations. Being a leadership type is a characterization, and one that stands in contrast to Twilight or Starlight.
Keep in mind that she's like that when it's, like, doing a fundraiser or camp activity. Sunset isn't defined by her confrontations against big bad, she's basically the type that'll be a community organizer and look for something to manage and help people with.

Sunset has had less time than Starlight, but I still feel I have a solid sense of who she is and what she'll do in most situations. Being a leadership type is a characterization, and one that stands in contrast to Twilight or Starlight.
Fair enough.
In short of the ponies with names between day and night-

-Sunset is the leader type who studies hard not because she loves studying, but because she wants to get ahead in order to (1) suit her ambition or (2) help her friends, depending on when we're talking about. She's naturally charismatic and gravitates to others, and if her ambition hadn't blinded her, has a solid moral compass. Basically had her ambition not gotten away from her, she's pretty much the model of what you'd expect from a student of Celestia, with the ambition/villain bit giving her a bit of a guilt complex and upping her empathy for others.

-Twilight is the nerd type who loves to study and isn't a natural leader but had the brains for it, which Celestia saw and directly cultivated. She's not naturally charismatic but is good at helping others and has a strong straightforward earnistness that made it fairly easy to get along with others even if she didn't always notice it. Still, she had to intellectually study friendship to get good at it.

-Starlight is a nerd type as well, was more interested in friends at the start but when she got burned let it warp her moral compass, making her a bit sociopathic even after her redemption. She's charismatic but it seems like she worked at it to gain her position, she didn't gravitate to friends as a kid. Unlike Sunset, who used her charisma to gain position and power, or Twilight who ignored friends, she never really turned against friendship, but rather manipulated things to gain friendship. In her town she was in charge but being in charge wasn't the goal, setting up her ideal friendship village was, so a stark contrast to Sunset there. A whole lot of her history is informed from not having secure relationships like the other two did when young and trying to get them, she's an outsider who wanted in and viewed cutie marks as a barrier. When she turned good, she had far less of a guilt complex than Sunset, she just intellectually knows her methods and compass were dead wrong in what she needed and has been working to fix that. Just as Twilight's intellectually studied friendship, she's intellectually studied morals because she knows that's what she needs to make and keep friends, and this different approach gave her a wider view of potential friends (ie Trixie).

In short, 'the natural,' 'the student,' and 'the outsider.'

Also, finally, Sunset is far more comfortable being left to her own devices. She may consult pony-Twi, but she views the Princess as an equal, she doesn't have a mentor figure any more and instead deals with being a leader with no fall back. Twilight and Starlight may have graduated from their mentors but they're still around to turn to if needed.
Keep in mind that she's like that when it's, like, doing a fundraiser or camp activity. Sunset isn't defined by her confrontations against big bad, she's basically the type that'll be a community organizer and look for something to manage and help people with.

Sunset has had less time than Starlight, but I still feel I have a solid sense of who she is and what she'll do in most situations. Being a leadership type is a characterization, and one that stands in contrast to Twilight or Starlight.

It's even less time than you might think; four movies is certainly substantial, but it's about two-thirds of a season's worth of episodes, and beyond that, the first movie has Sunset in a purely antagonistic role. The second is -- over and above the Dazzlings -- focused on her relationship with the group, so the opportunities for 'who is Sunset when she's not with the group' are limited.

Even so, though, there's bits and pieces. Sunset's got an urge to help people, she enjoys art and nature, and works as a sushi chef. In some ways she almost blends traits together from the others. She has some of Twilight's temper and brains, some of Fluttershy's compassion and enjoyment of nature, some of Applejack's honesty and practicality, some of Dash's boldness and certainly her loyalty...

I dunno about Pinkie though. :V
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It's even less time than you might think; four movies is certainly substantial, but it's about two-thirds of a season's worth of episodes, and beyond that, the first movie has Sunset in a purely antagonistic role. The second is -- over and above the Dazzlings -- focused on her relationship with the group, so the opportunities for 'who is Sunset when she's not with the group' are limited.

Even so, though, there's bits and pieces. Sunset's got an urge to help people, she enjoys art and nature, and works as a sushi chef. In some ways she almost blends traits together from the others. She has some of Twilight's temper and brains, some of Fluttershy's compassion and enjoyment of nature, some of Applejack's honesty and practicality, some of Dash's boldness and certainly her loyalty...

I dunno about Pinkie though. :V

Pinkie's skills as an organizer.
Pinkie's skills as an organizer.

That's fair. Twilight would be the more obvious pick but the existence of the Pinkie Files suggests that Pinkie might actually beat Twilight out, certainly within her own specialty.

...She actually said it.

Yup. Season 7, first episode: "Celestial Advice". Apparently Twilight has upgraded her visual aids from flat-screen to full-immersion-holography. :D
That's fair. Twilight would be the more obvious pick but the existence of the Pinkie Files suggests that Pinkie might actually beat Twilight out, certainly within her own specialty.

Yup. Season 7, first episode: "Celestial Advice". Apparently Twilight has upgraded her visual aids from flat-screen to full-immersion-holography. :D
I know. Season 7 is the season that keeps on giving. :D
That's fair. Twilight would be the more obvious pick but the existence of the Pinkie Files suggests that Pinkie might actually beat Twilight out, certainly within her own specialty.

Of their organization skills, Twilight's great at drawing together a schedule and making plans, Pinkie's great on getting everyone together and handling the human/pony factors. Twi's the one to handle scheduling and logistics and all that, but Pinkie can get the people to make a party. And Sunset's good at getting heads together and figuring out how to compromise between various plans and make everyone happy.

And Rarity's the one who actually knows how to run a business ^^ (All respect to Applejack's work ethic and all, but she normally only has to work with family who's worked together for years)

Cyborp by raeligath
#art, #sketch, #pony oc, #cyborg pony, #Redria, #cyborg ponies being cute is my aesthetic.

More cyborp sketchin'
#mlp:fim, #art, #sketch, #pony oc, #cyborg pony, #Oil Slick, #unicorn, #cyborp means cyborg pone, #I'm super happy with how this turned out ohmygawd.

And, since this thread has a higher discussion-to-image ratio than the SB one, does anyone think that Tempest might get her own prosthetic horn?
It would be an interesting sight, to be sure.
But what would this prosthetic horn be composed of? Would it be a simple thing simply there to give the appearance of a normal horn, or would it be something that actually allowed Tempest to make up for her lack of a horn?
I'd find it interesting if she got one that *looked* normal but didn't do anything, maybe even inhibited the magic she has, and in the end she decides to go without, at least most of the time. She obviously wants her whole magic back, but how much would she be interested in appearances?

I've seen some tumblrs play with cybernetics, like ask Copper Cog and Brainy Twilight (which is less replacement parts and more brain in a jar ^^).

Unrelated, final tally of the MLP movie is 50 million. Not bad at all for a rumored 5-8 million budget!