Requisite pony thread (No creepers)


How my deeds pain me as time stretches long,
How can I have sent you away?
So rest easy now, the punishment's mine;
The Harmony's silent today.

But into that stillness I'll bring you a song,
And I will your company keep;
For your tired eyes, and my sweet lullaby,
Will carry you softly to sleep...

Once did a pony who gleamed like the moon
Look out on her Kingdom and sigh,
She smiled and said "Surely there is no pony so lovely and so well beloved as I!"

So great was her reign, and so brilliant her glory, that long was the shadow she cast
Which fell dark upon the dearest sister she loved,
And grew only darker as days and moons passed.

Lullay Sun Princess, goodnight sister mine;
Rest now in sunlight's embrace...
May this cool lullaby reach you in dreams
And ease you your passage of days...
May my apologies find you this night,
And may my sorrows in kind:
Tia you're loved so much more then you know;
Forgive me for being so blind.

Soon did the sister do what was demanded
And gave to the sunlight her due
Breaking the Harmony, she saved her ponies,
And banished her; as a wise ruler must do.

But such is the way of the Limelight, it sweetly takes hold of the mind of its host;
And that foolish pony did nothing to stop
The destruction of one when it mattered the most.

Lullay Sun Princess, goodnight sister mine
Rest now in sunlight's embrace...
May this cool lullaby reach you in dreams,
And ease you your passage of days...
May my apologies find you this night,
And may my sorrows in kind:
Tia you're loved so much more then you know,
May troubles be far from your mind...
And forgive me for being so blind.

The years now before us, empty and forlorn,
I never imagined we'd face them all alone...
May these thousand winters swiftly pass I pray;
I love you,
I miss you,
All these miles away...

May all your dreams be sweet tonight,
Safe upon your bed above the lights,
And know not of heartache, fear, nor gloom,
And when I dream I'll fly away to meet you soon.

I think it'd work more if, instead of a glorified palette swap, Day Breaker came about because Celestia noticed her subjects growing apathy and perhaps even despise of her sister causing her to grow she grew disappointed in them. Soon that disappointment turned to anger, and that anger into hate. That cold hate distilled into a great disgust and antipathy of the ponies she used to love and would have lain her life for. So when she finally snapped and decided to purge them all her sister was forced to stop her.

She still loves her sister, even though she wouldn't let Day Breaker do this for her. But not to worry, when she returns she'll save her sister from the torment the ponies must have put her through in the thousand years she was away.

Basically, Celestia goes Yandere when she becomes Day Breaker. This is my interpretation and I'm sticking to it.