Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

Wait... We've seen deep, unexpected freezes before. But there's no reason for the crystal ponies to be fighting over the foal-

Either the Windigoes are feeding on the fan dispute over Flurry Heart, or they're getting ready to welcome their new queen. (Flurry Heart?)

Serious, Flurry Heart, plz nerf.

Give it time; it's just the foal's power surge. (Though I suspect that the Princesses' parents, were they available would be cackling "REVENGE!" at their plight.)



"Must you be so obnoxious with your affections? I am a Queen, and I won't be treated this way, Celestia."

"Oh, please." Celestia darted forward and pressed a quick kiss to her partner's cheek, delighting in the poisonous green blush that followed. "A few smooches never hurt anypony, Chryssy."

"I wish you wouldn't call me that outside your chambers." Chrysalis looked around. "One of your ponies might hear."

"Let them hear." Celestia shrugged. "Oh!" The Sun Princess gave a sly smile. "Or maybe I'll sing of our love from the rooftops. Would you like that, Lovebug? It's been so long since I graced Canterlot with a ballad..." With a deft wink at Chrysalis, Celestia opened her mouth to sing, but the changeling queen slapped a punctured hoof to her mouth.

"None of that." Chrysalis growled. "Honestly. If only your nation knew that their mighty leader was just....just some kooky old lady."

"I prefer 'eccentric'." Celestia lilted, unphased. "Besides, it's my day off. I can have a little fun. Just enjoying a lovely, romantic day out with my darling...what was the word you used again, Chryssy?"

"Betrothed." Chrysalis snapped. "And might I remind you, Celestia, that this marriage will be purely political."

"Ohhh." Celestia feigned surprise. "Golly. So what was your political agenda last night, when you insisted on being the little spoon?"

"Why-!" Chrysalis startled, indignant. "As if I would-! Get honestly i-involved with one of you ponies-the nerve! I...I just like being in close proximity with you keep a close eye on you. Yes. To, er, make sure you don't, ah....get so caught up eating sweets that you doom all of Equestria."

"I don't deny that possibility." Celestia smiled serenely. "Such a good leader you are. Looking out for your changelings, and my ponies. I'm so lucky to have you, Chryssy."

"Ahem. Yes, well." Chrysalis tried to ignore how warm her face felt at the flattery. There was a pause between the two leaders.

"I....suppose I might allow you to hold my hoof now." Chrysalis said, haughty. "Purely politically, of course." She quickly added, shooting the best glare she could muster at the smiling Sun Princess.

"Purely politically." Celestia agreed, taking Chrysalis' hoof in her own. "And politically speaking, I, Princess Celestia, propose that my adorable marefriend let me smooch her for no less than five seconds. Unless she begs for more, of course." Celestia waggled an eyebrow.

"Tia!" Chrysalis squawked. But Celestia only regarded her with a teasing smile, and Chrysalis tried to gather herself.

"I...ahem, p-proposal accepte-oh, just...shut up and kiss me already, weird old lady." Chrysalis humphed.

honey." Celestia pleasantly corrected, before leaning forward.


so a lot of ya'll asked who Celestia was with (if anyone) in the Pandoraverse
originally i didn't pair her with anyone cuz i don't really ship her with anyone seriously
but then the celestia/chrysalis ship hit me like a freight train, all aboard, toot toot

queen chrysalis proposed a political marriage to celestia to forge an alliance/treaty between changelings and ponies
poor chrysalis meets her match in celestia tho (who i love writing as way more playful and fun than ponies think)

i guess this means ya'll are gonna get that Celestia nextgen you all have been bugging me about (bugging? see what i did thar? i'm funnie ha)

credit to my evil idea overlord RoboHeather for helping me come up with this kooky ship
Lovebug 2: the daughter of Lovebug.

Mighty Future Queen

"Oh my goodness!" Princess Celestia gawked at the newly hatched grub, fresh from the remains of her dripping egg. The baby babbled quietly and dribbled a little, and the drool hissed and burned as it pooled on the carpet.

"She's so cute!"

"Indeed." Chrysalis lifted her chin proudly. "You are lucky, Celestia-our union has produced a very handsome heir. For a moment I worried about producing a cross-breed, but she is healthy, and her acid glands are already salivating, as is typical of a changeling infant. Although Princess Iridescence is but a grub, I know that one day she'll be a fine Queen, and rule the kingdom with a iron hoof-"

"I'm gonna call you 'Bugaboo!" Celestia cooed, ignoring Chrysalis's monologue entirely to nuzzle her snout against her baby's tummy. The little grub squealed with laughter, kicking with her not-yet-developed hind legs. "Who's the cutest little princess in the world? You are, yes you are!" Under the affection, the newborn giggled and happily spat a gob of poisonous green acid at her mother, which Celestia nonchalantly dodged. "...Nice try, Junior, but you'd better work on your aim." The Sun Princess teased. "My little princess bugaboo." She snuggled her baby close.
"Iridescence"Chrysalis corrected.

"Bug-a-boo." Celestia corrected back with a pleasant smile, emphasizing each syllable.

"Princess Iridescence." Chrysalis repeated, frowning.

"Irie-dearie." Celestia lilted back.

"...You're going to ruin our daughter with your horrible coddling." Chrysalis groused.

"Yes. Yes I am. I'm going to spoil her rotten and snuggle her all day and night. And there isn't a thing you can do to stop me."

"And...and then she'll become your little accomplice of...of awful pony love." Chrysalis said, with growing horror. "And someday you and her will both serve to annoy me."

"That's the plan, dear." Celestia kissed her wife's cheek. "Starting right now. By royal decree, I command you to curl up with me and Bugaboo for double mommy snuggle time. Look at this little face, Chryssy." Celestia held up their baby in her hooves, imploring Chrysalis to look at their daughter's pleading eyes and chubby cheeks. "I know you can't resist it." Celestia fluttered her own eyelashes, to maximize the charm.

"...I can't." Chrysalis admitted quietly. Glancing around to make sure nopony else was in the room, she heaved a weary sigh, and bravely resigned herself to her fate, snuggling under Celestia's wing, close to her daughter.

"Hehee." Celestia smiled. "I love you."

"Hnng." Chrysalis shut her eyes, powerless against the Sun Princess' never ending assault of ruthless warmth, love, and tolerance. "I...ahem. you too. I suppose." Chrysalis mumbled back, hoping Celestia wouldn't hear, but of course the Princess' sharp ears caught it, and Chrysalis found herself (and tiny Princess Iridescence) suddenly under attack by a barrage of alicorn kisses.