Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

osting a stack of Last Unicorn/My Little Pony crossover art I found on DeviantArt.

The Last Unicorn

A beautiful contrast of Amalthea's human and unicorn forms - with a Friendship Is Magic style.

The Least Unicorn

Amalthea isn't happy about Schmendrick's encounter with Celestia.

My Little Last Unicorn

Amalthea drawn with a My Little Pony G4 art style.

My girlfriend was a magical horse

Flash Sentry and Prince Lír share their crush-on-a-magical-unicorn-woes.
They're sharing a drink they call loneliness, but it's better than drinking alone.
Is it just me or is this thread dying down? I recently binged my way back to the latest episode, hadn't watched any since the one where the CMCs got their mark, and watched the latest Equestria Girls movie. But over that 18 episode period, only 9 pages have been added, or about 1 page per two episodes. By comparison, the rest of the thread covers a 22 episode span, but covers 69 pages, or over 3 pages per episode. I mean heck we had a new Trixie episode yet not a single comment for it that I can see. That's scary.

Are people losing their interest in ponies, or did you all move to other pony-centric threads to pony it up instead?
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My best guess is SV's pony fad made way for Worm at around the time S5 started winding down and the wait for S6 started. Why Worm of all things grabbed the site's interest baffles me, but I have a rather negative opinion of it. And I haven't seen much activity in the pony threads -or any new ones- as of late, not counting the RP I'm running because that thing's nigh-immortal considering the site's average RP life expectancy.

(And it's, well, TCB, which is pony in name only.)

There's still pony here, but it's not really trending anymore.
It is kind of amazing. I did a quick check of the last 10 pages on User Fiction for SV and Creative Writing for SB. 87 out of 300 (29%) of the former fics and 78 out of 300 (26%) are Worm or Worm crosses. I don't think any other fandom fad has lasted as long or persisted as strongly. By comparison, MLP hasn't done so well.

Returning to the topic, binging episodes of a show often gives me insight that I'd miss going episode to episode, and one of the things I noticed over the last binge is that MLP is relying an awful lot on cringe comedy. You know, "character does something socially inappropriate, LAUGH DAMMIT", or "character can't spit out whatever it will take to resolve the plot until the end of the episode", or "characters humor another character's futile obsession". Newbie Dash was a particularly grating example, as it was mostly a full-episode length version of it.
It is kind of amazing. I did a quick check of the last 10 pages on User Fiction for SV and Creative Writing for SB. 87 out of 300 (29%) of the former fics and 78 out of 300 (26%) are Worm or Worm crosses. I don't think any other fandom fad has lasted as long or persisted as strongly. By comparison, MLP hasn't done so well.

Returning to the topic, binging episodes of a show often gives me insight that I'd miss going episode to episode, and one of the things I noticed over the last binge is that MLP is relying an awful lot on cringe comedy. You know, "character does something socially inappropriate, LAUGH DAMMIT", or "character can't spit out whatever it will take to resolve the plot until the end of the episode", or "characters humor another character's futile obsession". Newbie Dash was a particularly grating example, as it was mostly a full-episode length version of it.
I'll agree with you on that. Some segments of the episodes are positively painful to sit through, and oftentimes I either stand up and walk away from it, or mute the sound.
I'll agree with you on that. Some segments of the episodes are positively painful to sit through, and oftentimes I either stand up and walk away from it, or mute the sound.
Its one of the things I noticed when comparing the three kid's shows I watch, MLP, Gravity Falls, and Steven Universe. MLP is full of cringe, Gravity Falls tends to shove the moral of the episode in your face a little too hard, and both of them are prone to making their characters go rather OOC or forget what they've learned for the purposes of the story. Steven Universe either doesn't do this, or does it rarely enough for me to not notice it much.

The thing about this is that it isn't just causing sympathetic discomfort, it also batters at SoD because it keeps reminding the viewer "this is fiction, not real life" and "these are series of text and images, not real people" and pulling me out of the story. Heck I kind of want to pull myself out of the story just so to minimize my empathetic link to what's happening onscreen.
I stopped watching MLP a while ago, I think it was because I got. I dunno, bored and tired? I don't regret it though, at this point it's going to get into seasonal rot. Twilight becoming an Alicorn should have been saved for the series finale. Sure she could become a princess beforehand, but I think it would give further complexity to the series if she became a princess before she became an Alicorn.
One thing I noted in the MLP thread over at Space battles is that Twilight has basically become a caricature of herself since season one or even season two. I mean compare Winter Wrap-Up and Princess Spike. in the former, she organizes Winter Wrap-Up, and checks on progress, but she leaves the team leaders to follow her plan. In Princess Spike, she micro-manages to the point of exhaustion and no one else was apparently involved in the planning of that summit!
One thing I noted in the MLP thread over at Space battles is that Twilight has basically become a caricature of herself since season one or even season two. I mean compare Winter Wrap-Up and Princess Spike. in the former, she organizes Winter Wrap-Up, and checks on progress, but she leaves the team leaders to follow her plan. In Princess Spike, she micro-manages to the point of exhaustion and no one else was apparently involved in the planning of that summit!
So basically, the writers forgot how to write their own characters and are getting caught up it "Oh we have to show how stressful being a princess is despite the fact she's already dealt with identical scenarios with a breeze".
So basically, the writers forgot how to write their own characters and are getting caught up it "Oh we have to show how stressful being a princess is despite the fact she's already dealt with identical scenarios with a breeze".
Yup. It's all "CHECKLISTS CHECKLISTS CHECKLISTS!" and "RESHELVE ALL THE BOOKS!" with her nowadays. It's something you'd expect out of an abridged series, except it's in the show itself.
Maybe the added responsibility's getting to her and she's doing this sort of thing out of sheer stress?
Maybe the writers ought to do an episode from Celestia's POV with the Mane 6 in the background?
I could live a thousand years and see a hundred worlds and I still could not tell you how the flying fuck Adagio's hair works.