Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

Hello, how are you? I'm an Angel.

...I thought Angels were supposed to be winged creatures with a comforting presence, you don't have any wings, and your presence fills me with incomprehensible dread.

Oh, the first is but a lie mortals tell themselves in a futile attempt to understand that which cannot be understood, and the latter? That's only natural. What is your name?

...Twilight Sparkle, what's yours?


...That's not exactly the most pleasant name.

That's what they all say.


I said, please, come in to my abode, you're more than welcome to join me, it gets so...lonely out here.

... I'm not sure.

What's the matter?

...Well, your appearance falls straight into the core of the Uncanny Valley, your face is a mask that you hold in your hand, adding to your unsettling presence, and your voice is downright horrifying.

I have fruit.


Then Discord joins the party.
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So... apparently the new comic has the Everfree actually be a kingdom for a race of sapient deer who have a dislike for ponies...
So... apparently the new comic has the Everfree actually be a kingdom for a race of sapient deer who have a dislike for ponies...

Yeah, apparently it's really, really stupid in how they do it and doesn't match up at all with the show. I'm starting to agree with certain parties that the only parts of the comic that should be headcannoned are the singular character pieces that deal with just the character in question and no world-building.
No, more like Lothlorian or Mirkwood.
Yeah, apparently it's really, really stupid in how they do it and doesn't match up at all with the show. I'm starting to agree with certain parties that the only parts of the comic that should be headcannoned are the singular character pieces that deal with just the character in question and no world-building.
Well, considering that instead of going after the actual source of the problem, the leader of the deer, King Aspen, instead attacks Equestria as a whole including Canterlot. Personally, I'm seeing incoming fics where the ponies show him exactly how bad of an idea that could be...
To be fair, there wouldn't be any conflict had Twilight just magicked the bulls away.
That's missing the point. It ought to have been written in such a way that magicking them wouldn't actually solve any problems, rather than having a clumsy excuse for why she won't magic.

For example, I suggested elsewhere that they dropped a plot thread with the owner of the farm, whose disappearance ostensibly sets off the plot but who is immediately forgotten. Have the bull gang trying to "go legal" with one last criminal activity--tricking the owner into a trackless wilderness. After that, they do everything perfectly by the book as they seize control of the farm and operate it.

Since they're not breaking any laws or doing anything else untoward, there's zero reason for Twilight to be magicking them; she would be breaking the law herself then. The plot centers around finding the owner and bringing him back to show that, in fact, the farm was not abandoned at all. At that point the goal of the gang--to, as I said, "go legal" and become prominent local figures--is revealed, and the resolution is that they're taken on as farmhands (farmhooves?) and written into the will so that they'll take control--perfectly legally--and get the status that they want.

It has the appropriate level of sappy without having any obvious plot holes, at least to my mind.
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When is it a good excuse? Relatively low implausibility random events?
It's a good excuse if it's a plausible event that's not too improbable, such as failing to tell a friend some piece of information that turns out to be crucial, or if it's fundamental to the genre, such as a detective novel starting off with a crime.

But in this case Twilight refusing to use her magic is simply an explanation for why she doesn't use her magic that's both nonsensical (both because Twilight freely uses her magic at pretty much every other point including at the end of the story (after the gang commits a crime less serious than assault and battery, I have to note), and because she doesn't seem to have any problem with committing other crimes to help her friend) and not fundamental. As I pointed out, they could simply have written it differently so that there would be no reason for Twilight to use her magic in the first place.
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Well, even the show has had some stinkers. And considering they're writing two FiM comic series, I can forgive the plotline mistakes a little.

On the deer thing...the Everfree Forest is a BIG place, IIRC. We may have not seen all it has to offer...

Cyreni has a point, though. Let's see what he next issue brings...
Well, even the show has had some stinkers. And considering they're writing two FiM comic series, I can forgive the plotline mistakes a little.

On the deer thing...the Everfree Forest is a BIG place, IIRC. We may have not seen all it has to offer...

Cyreni has a point, though. Let's see what he next issue brings...

Nope, apparently in that issue the Everfree can be crossed in just a few hours.