Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

Speech balloons

Flying Buddies

Vigors Are Your Friends, RD

Vigors Are Your Friends, AJ

Vigors Are Your Friends, Fluttershy

Vigors Are Your Friends, Rarity

Pinkie and Twilight held back due to insufficient SFWness.

Some Apples

Applejack (pictured here somewhere in her early thirties) has taken on the official mantle of farm matriarch. To cut Granny some well-deserved slack, AJ is now not only the legal owner of Sweet Apple Acres, but also of Apple Bloom. As you can see, AJ (who is certainly no lightweight) is hardly the biggest mare the family gene pool has to offer. That's all well and good, since she can use all the tree-kicking help she can get (if she can maintain control of the situation).

Apple Bloom is a senior at AJ and Mac's alma mater, Thatchroof Prep. She is an honor student who excels in particular at potions and scowling. Exactly everyone annoys her, and the only chars who manage to stay more or less off of her shit-list are Granny (because she's Granny), Babs (because she doesn't live in town) and Albacore (Bloom's corgi mix, because he's adorable).

Granny! You are still the baddest mother in the room, even though you are as old as the rocks and mountains. Granny Smith doesn't get around much anymore, but that's OK...she's earned a rest. So has Winona, who is likewise enjoying her retirement. Now, both of you, please go sit down; you're making me nervous.

Big Macintosh distributes his time between kicking trees, tending to the farm and raising his rambunctious twin sons, Mickle Muckle ("Lil' Mike", yellow pelt) and Mile Mark ("Lil' Mark", green pelt). The colts aspire to be just as brave as Aunt AJ, as smart as Aunt Bloom, as cool as Great-Granny and as big and strong (and popular!) as Pa.

Cousin Babs (who, for my purposes, is a few years older than Bloom) ran the gamut from bully to bully hunter to proud member of the Manehatten police squad. Now she defends the defenseless whilst punching mooks and jerk-asses for a living, in accordance with her passion. She visits Ponyville a few times a year to help with tree-kicking, and to spend time with her fiancee. Incidentally, unlike the other Crusaders, Babs did ultimately get her cutie mark. I'll show it to you later (in a private room).

Toots's Kigu

Everything That Downs Me Makes Me Wanna Fly

Peanutbutter Crackers
The Great and Powerful Trixie is now the Great and Powerful Drama Teacher at Thatchroof Prep, where she encourages students to develop their amazing, show-stopping abilities (which will never be as great as hers, but aim high anyway, kids). I'm led to believe that Twilight helped her get the job. Also, she brought that megaphone from home.

I haven't gotten around to reading the FIM comicbook series, but I was told that Trixie forges a friendship with Babs therein, which works for me. Babs comes to see her pal every time she visits the Apples in Ponyville. Trixie is very protective of Babs, and while Babs and her intended (22 and 19, respectively) aren't so young that their marriage is unheard of, Trixie can't help but go all fussbudget on her.

Happy Nightmare Night 2014

Alicorn Ascension



My contribution to the Bronies For Good charity book project Bound Together is almost complete, so here's a special sneak peek at the first page. This is the only page I will be posting on DeviantArt in full, and the complete 8-page comic will only be available to read in the Bound Together anthology book, which is available to preorder now for its release in April 2015, when it will be sold through conventions in America and Europe, starting with BABSCon. Proceeds from the sale of Bound Together go to the Against Malaria Foundation.

Preorder here!
You've got talking magic ponies running about and twin goddess-figures that move the sun and moon around, and the moon is the part that gets you? :p

Magic pastel-coloured tattoed talking equines are completely outside my life experience. I have no idea what rules might apply to them.

But I can see a moon every night.

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Hello, how are you? I'm an Angel.

...I thought Angels were supposed to be winged creatures with a comforting presence, you don't have any wings, and your presence fills me with incomprehensible dread.

Oh, the first is but a lie mortals tell themselves in a futile attempt to understand that which cannot be understood, and the latter? That's only natural. What is your name?

...Twilight Sparkle, what's yours?


...That's not exactly the most pleasant name.

That's what they all say.


I said, please, come in to my abode, you're more than welcome to join me, it gets so...lonely out here.

... I'm not sure.

What's the matter?

...Well, your appearance falls straight into the core of the Uncanny Valley, your face is a mask that you hold in your hand, adding to your unsettling presence, and your voice is downright horrifying.

I have fruit.

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