Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

Man, the Apples having to put up with new Mango-raising batpony neighbors would make a helluva hilarious fic.
Goddamnit schpeelah, keep it in your pants.

*looks at the image quoted*
*looks at the comment*
*looks at the image quoted*

I did not know it was possible for someone to have their head this far in the gutter. Now, we can see that you're pretty desperate to see sex somewhere but trust me - the horniness is all inside your head. Go find yourself some porn.

(Maybe I'm overly harsh, but I didn't actually notice the boobs until SeaDart pointed them out, so the situation is partially quite irritating, and partially hilarious. Also, why this pic of all things? This page alone contains naked Flutter butt turned towards the camera, naked dragon butt and a little black number with a cut all the way up to the hip.)

Anyway, have a batch of extra-safe pony.

Safety first

When All Was Right in the World.


Moth Rider

Commander Easyglider

To Beg

Artist: Bantha

Ice Skating in the Summer



HBD bdiddy20128!

Artist: hobbes-maxwell

Super Apple

Get Your Breakfast

In which SUDDENLY LUNA and Celestia is being Pinkie Pie.
Why is Luna calling herself "your princess" when talking to Princess Twilight?
Celestia really would have had Laughter if the sisters earned them instead of taking them by force.

The reviews have been going slowly. The early episodes have been discussed and called back to so much I have problems saying things about them. Not having a deadline isn't helping.
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Schpeelah, about the reviews, just write down your thoughts about them and what you see. That's what I'm doing at and my blog. Don't be afraid either if you go against the majority opinion.
Well, officially annoyed rather than amused now. Didn't expect anything else, but alas.

Schpeelah, about the reviews, just write down your thoughts about them and what you see. That's what I'm doing at and my blog. Don't be afraid either if you go against the majority opinion.
Thanks. My problem was rather on the opposite side - to say something beyond majority opinions and "That event we've all been long familiar with? It happened!"

Anyway, here's part one. It's mostly observations on little details from the perspective of time.

Here we go.

* The sisters ruled together and created harmony for all the land.
* The way they phrase it makes it sound like some sort of product.
* "The harmony was then bottled and shipped across the country, to be made available to everypony for affordable prices".
* Or maybe the harmony is more like a fabric to be cast over the land? Or like music?
* "To do this, the elder used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn." So, y'know, canon.
* A look at ye olden ponies sleeping in pens.
* You know, we are being shown the sisters as alicorns, but the book refers to Luna as "the younger unicorn" and does not mention pony type otherwise. Shining and Sombra show mortal unicorns can be pretty hardcore, and the Hearth's Warming story does not mention how many unicorns did the raising. So the book could appear to be talking about pre-Celestia royalty (possibly fairytale).
* Further, Luna was transformed into Nightmare Moon by the bitterness in her heart. So that happens to alicorns if they're too sad for too long? Pinkie better become immortal, that's a matter of national security. Shining too.
* And this book says the banishment was permanent.

Theme, for the first time.

* Twilight was so abusive of Spike back then.
* Let it be known Twilight doesn't actually have any respect for books and can't find her way around the bookshelves in her own room without Spike. Maybe she started obsessive reshelving in Ponyville because she was too embarrassed when ponies came to check out books and she had to ask him for help.

Spike is adorable.

* Show of hands, how many of you actually saw Nim in that hourglass the first time around.

What the heck is this thing?

* First time Spike uses his sending ability. I'd like to take a moment to point out that fanon generally gets the ability wrong, treating it as the same kind of teleportation as when he receives messages, while in actuality the object is sent as a puff of smoke that physically has to travel to the target location. Here, the camera focuses on it going through a window and in other episodes he actually opens a window before sending. And of course, the theme shows the whole process all the way to the receiving end.
* Twilight makes so many smug faces. She really was a budding villain back then.

"I'm sending you to supervise the Summer Sun Selebration in Ponyville..."
[gagging internally]
Everypony else is enjoying themselves. Just look at those guards!

*horse noises*

* Here goes the Pinke GASP. She has not yet perfected her technique of greeting new ponies.
* AJ's accent has changed over the years. I think I prefer the old one.
* And here the instant friendships start. AJ really seems like she has ulterior motives in claiming Twilight as a family member.
* Hello Rainbow.
* Rainbow, you're shameless! Giving a Rain-Blow-Dry to a random stranger, in the middle of the street no less!
* The conversation during which we observe how in Equestria, clouds are some kind of floating jelly. I remember producing a fair bit of fanwank on that back in the day.

* Ten seconds flat.
* Spike recovers way quicker.
* I agree with Spike, that afro is kinda pretty once you get used to it.
* And here, Spike instantly falls in love lust with Rarity's posterior. Seriously, it'd s while before she turns around.
* Remember that Rarity used to talk to herself about how amazing she is?
* Spikacopter. I just go with "he's been supercharged since Twilight hatched him".
* Hey, remember that ridiculous getup with the giant hat Rainbow Dash was modeling in Swarm of the Century? Rarity tries it on Twilight here - and considers it too frilly.

Their reaction to hearing Fluttershy's bird chorus in the distance.

* Remember how awkward the encounter with Fluttershy was? Twilight's comment: "Well, that was easy" and she genuinely means that!
* Where did Fluttershy's fascination with baby dragons go after this episode? Suddenly, her whole shyness thing is gone! Wouldn't it have been nice if Spike sometimes hung out with her, helping in house and as moral support talking to ponies, instead of always going to Rarity when leaving the house?

* The party. Lyra and the girl that was inviting Twilight to Moondancer's party are both here. Now that I think about it, isn't Ponyville the only place Canterlot suburbs could be?
* Pinkie drives Twilight to drink. We can't have too much of that in a children's cartoon, but wouldn't it have been funny if it became a running gag in fanfiction?
* Fluttershy isn't too shy to not turn up on this party. Probably because of Spike.

* Summer Sun Celebration. Nightmare Moon not talking old-timey.
* Nopony yelling about her eating ponies either.

Excuse us, we were in the middle of something... Well, that's awkward.

* For somepony who went evil over not being paid attention to, Nim is taking nopony knowing who she even is in stride.
* At least she can do the swirling clouds and lightning thing, if only with her hair.

And so ends part one. Well earned status of a Station of the Canon, due to very solid, easy to follow introduction to the characters, and the world. Strong hook and foundation to for the action that follows in the next episode. Interesting to see just how many of the little details the fandom didn't run away with.

Also, have an image I forgot earlier.

This is the Star!
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* Where did Fluttershy's fascination with baby dragons go after this episode? Suddenly, her whole shyness thing is gone! Wouldn't it have been nice if Spike sometimes hung out with her, helping in house and as moral support talking to ponies, instead of always going to Rarity when leaving the house?
Yeah, that would have been nice.
Excuse us, we were in the middle of something... Well, that's awkward.
Much, much funnier when you remember what happens in the comics :D
Thanks. My problem was rather on the opposite side - to say something beyond majority opinions and "That event we've all been long familiar with? It happened!"
Ah, I see. But hey, you know what? Great review!

* Twilight was so abusive of Spike back then.
She kinda still is.

I added that averting the magical clock trope to the TV tropes page back when it was first made. :D

* Remember that Rarity used to talk to herself about how amazing she is?
She still does a bit. ;)

* Where did Fluttershy's fascination with baby dragons go after this episode? Suddenly, her whole shyness thing is gone! Wouldn't it have been nice if Spike sometimes hung out with her, helping in house and as moral support talking to ponies, instead of always going to Rarity when leaving the house?
Yeah! That's an interesting hook for a friendship that should've been.
So who did Twilight betray and kill to become a god(dess), anyways...?

Hm. Other than Twilight-Vivec and Fluttershy-Dovakiin, I don't really recognize the characters who the ponies are supposed to be, either.
... Celestia? Luna? Whoever would make a good Neveraine I guess.

Applejack is portraying Lucien Lanchance, a character from Oblivion who became rather popular. He was essentially your mentor in the Dark Brotherhood questline, and reappeared in Skyrim as a ghost.
Oh, I know who Lucien is. I just couldn't connect her hoodie to him.
Someone said pony and Morrowind?

My guar is fabulous

Let's party in the name of Sithis brothers and sisters.

Everything will be fine, Mr. Scribe Scribe

Hey n'vah argue I clear this cave in ten minutes flat?

Nothing terrible Winona, soon the storm ends.

edit: What I am always surprised at the crossover ponies and Tes is that Pinky is assigned in the dark brotherhood. And not one person. A dozen different people. Who knows why?

Also can anyone have pictures of ponies, where ponies are armed and dangerous. Here's how here.
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