Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

Well, that took almost a week on top of a week's hiatus due to the seaside resort's many obstacles, chief amongst them shitty wi-fi. Also, Minecraft and the impulse to stat Minecraft monsters for D&D. Such madness befalls us all from time to time.

* We open to Twilight helping AJ with harvesting. Hey, isn't Applebuck Season supposed to be the next episode? Sure, that was AJ's mouth writing checks she can't cash, but it would have looked like such nice continuity if they swapped those episodes.
* Wait, AJ is resorting to getting outside help for a bet with Big Mac? Is that honest?
* Why they decided Spike should barf those letters I have no idea. Maybe they figured girls appreciate gross-bodily-function humor as much as boys do?

* They got the general invitation with Twilight's name filled in in the blank. Ultra minor detail for fanfiction: the G3 is on the 21st.
* So my interpretation is that Twilight's name was on the list of guests and Celestia had no direct involvement in the whole deal until Twilight wrote her at the end. Speedy response because time to wrap up the episode.


* I know she has the whole "we're gonna go see the Princess" deal later, but right now, why is she all "I've never been to the Gala and I'm excited to go"?
* Why is Spike now opposed? Wasn't he going to Moondancer's birthday two episodes ago? The first episode established he has a social life and goes to parties and she doesn't, what is Twilight Sparkle doing talking anyone into a dance? ("A dance would be nice")
* Why is it I seem to be the only one who has a problem with Applejack's plan to get invited as a guest to a formal party to set up a stall there? Where is it considered acceptable for guests to invitation-only high-class parties to treat the party like a marketplace?
* On the other hand, people are generally in agreement about RD's plan to butt in on a Wonderbolt performance in an effort to impress them would have ended in tears.

Come to think of it, did anyone write a fic in which the Gala was close enough to their expectations that they could enact their plans and suffer the consequences? Applejack makes a ton of money and gets into trouble for operating a business on palace grounds without permission, Dash crashes a Wonderbolt performance and makes an ass of herself, Blueblood is a perfect gentlecolt to Rarity and every other girl (and preferably at least one guy) until she makes a total fool of herself, and Twilight makes a lot of ponies angry for occupying Celestia for the entire evening?

* Twilight can't see anything wrong with either plan and considers them equally important reasons to go. Now, people have criticized that, saying that Rainbow's reason is selfish and therefore inferior. I disagree. Both plans are set to fail, with Rainbow's being more unlikely, but if you buy into them succeeding, Dash would be set for life while AJ is just looking to make a few purchases that, aside from the hip, she must be making periodically anyway. We all know the Apples' relationship with barns.

* Rainbow and Applejack try to resolve it between each other via hoofwrestling, but Twilight reasserts her control. It is her choice, which she will make herself at her own pace. Over lunch.
* They wrestle anyway, because you can't just leave a filly hanging once you got her going like that.

* Suddenly, Pinkie!

* I really wonder where do these ponies get their information about the Gala from.
* Pinkie's tactic is to already be grateful and emphasize how happy those tickets are making her.

* And here is the pony you think about when talking about fancy parties in Canterlot.
* Did anyone remember Rarity said she makes Gala ensembles for people every year?
* Rarity wants to meet... HIM. Rarity's I-read-about-him-in-Cosmo crush #1 I mean, not NotSatan from the Powerpuff Girls.
* Rarity already wrote an entire shipfic about herself and Blueblood, complete with marriage.

* And there we have Angel stealing things for Fluttershy. And she's totally on board with this.
* Fluttershy asks politely and explains herself. This is pretty much the most normal conversation Twilight had that day. Also, Canterlot has buzzards that look like vultures and buzz.

* And here we have the "everypony talks at Twilight" scene. Fluttershy participates for no apparent Watsonian reason.

* That is a really fancy looking guy for a place that has piles of hay for seats and giant mushrooms for tables (have you noticed that?) in a town I'm not sure breaks into 4 digit population numbers. Waiter version of Rarity? (In the sense of being high society wannabe.)
* Here start the favors. First off, Rainbow Dash being God from Monty Python.

The background music goes "haaaaaaa".

* Clouds have zippers now, because clouds are whatever Rainbow Dash wants the to be. Because as previously established, Dash is God.

And then there's Rarity.

* And Applejack.

* So we arrive at Fluttershy singing the theme. It was Angel's idea. It's also Angel's idea to be upfront that they're just doing it for the ticket. I like Angel in this ep.

* Pinkie, and cue Yakety Sax.

As well as Scooby Doo disguise gags.

* Here we have proof Twilight was a hypocrite about the "magic is always intentional!" thing from Feeling Pinkie Keen. Unintentional teleport.
* Twilight finally has a meltdown about her inability to decide.
* Applejack is first to be the bigger pony and give up the ticket, the rest piping in.
* Except Dash, who is not the bigger pony and that's hilarious.

* Ironically, the first friendship lesson in the show is that not choosing anyone when you can't choose everyone may be the best choice. I don't really agree, someone going would have been better than no one. Probably Applejack, her plan was the least implausible to succeed out of those that were business not pleasure. But first step, ask for more tickets and see how that goes.

* See? Spike needs to open the window in order to send.
* OK, remember the theory from the beginning? Twilight comments on the fast response, so that part is bunk at least.
* Those floating tickets, how do they work.

Spike's fire is intense.

* We end on a shot of Canterlot with what's presumably Celestia's balcony visible. No silhouette though.
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Nice review;. :) My thoughts are... the whole 'two tickets' thing was a general invitation form and not written by Celestia and possibly not even read by her. Just, "Your highness, here is an invitation for Twilight Sparkle to the Gala. Could you please send it to her?" No lesson, no trolling, just a mild misunderstanding. Heck, off the top of my head most invitations I get to fancy events are me and A guest.

Also, never read a fic where their plans go right enough to really screw them over.
Nice review;. :) My thoughts are... the whole 'two tickets' thing was a general invitation form and not written by Celestia and possibly not even read by her. Just, "Your highness, here is an invitation for Twilight Sparkle to the Gala. Could you please send it to her?" No lesson, no trolling, just a mild misunderstanding. Heck, off the top of my head most invitations I get to fancy events are me and A guest.
Just what I thought. The first letter was clearly a mass-produced insert-name-here deal.

Applejack: Palomino Appaloosa

Fluttershy: Cremello

Twilight Sparkle: Dapple Grey

Rainbow Dash: Strawberry Roan

Rarity: White

Pinkie Pie: Paint
Realistically colored Mane Six.

Summer Slam

Such Style

어딘가에 쓰려다가 너무 맘에 안들어서 안씀ㅠㅂㅠ

Princess Luna in Armor

Since everybody is doing this
I think this is the best one I've seen.



Wanted to do some flower practices, so tried to draw the flowers with messages that matches the mane 6's elements. It turned out was more difficult that I thought. Since I'm not an expert in this stuff, I had to search on the Net, but there is no way to know which one is the most widely accepted version of language of flowers and there is overlapping of messages in different flowers and one flower contains multiple messages...and at the end, they came out as these:

Applejack: Honesty--> honesty (easy enough)

Pinkie: Yellow Rose--> joy (but also friendship and jealousy ( OMG, how come it's so contradictive))

Fluttershy: Flax--> I feel your kindness

Rarity: Gladiola--> generosity (but also strength, infatuation and sth else)

Rainbow: Statice Sinuata--> loyalty

Twilight: Alstroemeria--> friendship (but also loyalty, hmm?)

As there's no definite meaning of the flowers, let's don't be too picky about the flowers I have chosen. At least now I can draw flowers other than the five-petal one and tulips.
Hey, remember that MLP Mane 6 as Pokemon Trainers pic that showed up here before (I can't recall if it was in this thread specifically or not)?

Well, now there's a MLP Rivals pic and a MLP Champions pic as well:


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"As the very embodiment of life itself they roamed the earth, one with the land, life wildly sprouting and flourishing everywhere they tread. Rumors with long lost origins tell their essence still inhabits the forests of Everfree."


Plant ponies!

This started as a random 30min character design for fun from an idea I got in AssasinMonkey's stream one night long time ago, I really recommend to take a peek and chat around his frequent streams, they're awesome. This one was so fun I wanted to get back to it, and finally did. I still wanted to keep it kind of rough and speedpainty, which actually got me greater results than I expected.. Total time ended up being around 3-4 hours.

I ended up going through a whole bunch of stories behind the picture, ranging from the source of Everfree's magic to the planters of tree of harmony and whatnot. EDIT: Refer to my newer picture, "Ancients of Wind" for more developed story.

It's something different, it was fun as hell to do.

Meanwhile, I've just given up with episodes for a while. I didn't find time to relax and watch episodes 10, 11 or 12 due to military, and then I just decided to keep stacking everything up for a marathon until I have a longer holiday once again.

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"As embodiments of air they controlled the elements of weather, dancing on the clouds with their steps light like a breeze, raising and dispersing storms in a blink of an eye..."


So.. I've wanted to continue the idea of the "plant pony" piece I did earlier. Thinking about the story for that one spun me into thinking about all kinds of things about the past of Equestria, I wanted to build something of my own on that.

So with Tirek we learned that every type of pony has actual magic within and specific abilities brought by the magic, even earth and pegasi. That lead me to continue the idea of the last ancients piece with another form of magical elemental-ish ponies. So I ended up designing the ancestors of pegasi, the manifestation of magic they still have inside with the ability to control weather and elements of the sky.

The hardest thing about this whole idea was to choose whether I want the original Ancients to be either growth or magic, because both have contradicting design choices. But I have some other plans for the representation of magic...

Hopefully some already explained canon thing I haven't heard about wont clash with my ideas instantly. Although my whole idea is still very vague at this point.

Twilight watches Sharknado.

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So, apparently, Bronycon was going on at the same time I was in Baltimore. The airport was an interesting place.

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BBC Sherlock ponies. Mycroft, Sherlock, Watson, and Ms. Hudson.

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Realistic Represntation of Bronypalooza at Bronycon 2014

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Animated version

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"I can't stop looking at him. He's a little awkward, but he's charming when he has to... He's also a good brother and watches out for his little sister. You don't see that often with a colt these days. I should ask him out... Oh, my. What am I thinking? That's too far ahead, Cadance. Get to know him first. Then ask him out... But what if he rejects me? What if he already has a special somepony? I'll be such a fool... Why do you do this to yourself, Cadance? You need that confidence. C'mon girl. You can do it."

More updates!

- Fixed a bunch of stuff.
- Modeled more corrective blendshapes for the body.
- Added Wings.
- Created a new IK chain Rig for the hair and the Eyelashes
- Turned Fluttershy into a vampire.
I've been getting a lot of questions about this model. So let me answer some of them:
Q: What software are you using?
A: Maya and Mental Ray.
Q: Are you going to share the rig?
A: Not right now. Maybe in the future.
Q: Does it work with Source Film Maker?
A: This rig was made with a lot of plugins and tools that are exclusive to maya, so unfortunately, it's not compatible with any other software.
Q: Can you teach me how to rig a character?
A: Start by watching some training courses online. I started with Digital Tutors, some of the lessons are really basic, but it's enough to get you going. After you learn how to make your own basic rig, you should start studying some more advanced rigs:
Download it, break it apart and learn how it works.
Q: What plugins are you using?
A: guy makes a lot of amazing plugins, I'm using SHAPES and QuadrupedRigger. check out the malcom rig and the AnimSchool Picker, It makes the animation process a lot faster.


Artist said:
I originally wasn't going to post this here. But a) I haven't put anything up in a really long time and now that the last commissions are finally, actually, pen-to-paper underway I thought I'd stir up a little activity, and b) it's a never-before-seen design for a brand new touhorse! Specifically, a ponification of a certain popular fighting-game-spawned Hakurei predecessor fan OC...!!

Still a few things to tweak. I forgot her flower pin..things... There's so many incarnations of the character, I just cherry-picked what I liked. idk about the ahoge though.





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