[X] The Deathwatch would rather take him in to deliver him to their Fortress when they had a chance--evidently it was part of repaying some debt or another. You won't be able to interrogate him, but having the Watch Captain owe you a favor for acquiring a high ranking Traitor like this will open up a fair number of options in the future
Rewards: +1 Favor, Possible Long Term Gains

I don't think we have the 'proper' facilities to hold him and he has "Main Charater Stats" not just another NPC.

[X] The Deathwatch lacks containment capable of sealing a Daemon Sword long term, smashing it and then gunning the Daemon down under the weight of tanks and Dreadnoughts should be a good way of solving this problem though.
Rewards: +1 Favor, Daemon Sword Kra'Sona destroyed and it's host banished to the Warp.
Possible Flaws: If the True Name of Kra'Sona's inhabitatant is known, he can be summoned by the enemy Warband, which will give them significant intel on your battle abilities.

I am really tempted to try and seal the daemon in a big earn or something and leave it in deep space never to be found. That would be awesome but very, very dangerous almost as dangerus as trying to tame the DEAMON SWORD.
When we do destroy the sword lets cage the daemon in a rune prison so it can't attack or escape and use lots of crack grenades and missiles.

[X] Claiming that this was an act of the Imperial Navy in winning a glorious victory against overwhelming odds keeps your own force obscure, but also means that you'll have additional freedom of movement. Humility is a virtue, and letting them gain a public relations coup would be well recieved.
Rewards: +1 Favor.

With us taking the battle barge and the warmaster chaos is now headless letting the navy claim victory will have them chasing their tails wondering how weak imperials could pull this off.
[X] The Deathwatch would rather take him in to deliver him to their Fortress when they had a chance--evidently it was part of repaying some debt or another. You won't be able to interrogate him, but having the Watch Captain owe you a favor for acquiring a high ranking Traitor like this will open up a fair number of options in the future
Rewards: +1 Favor, Possible Long-Term Gains

[X] The Deathwatch lacks containment capable of sealing a Daemon Sword long term, smashing it and then gunning the Daemon down under the weight of tanks and Dreadnoughts should be a good way of solving this problem, though.
Rewards: +1 Favor, Daemon Sword Kra'Sona destroyed and it's host banished to the Warp.
Possible Flaws: If the True Name of Kra'Sona's inhabitant is known, he can be summoned by the enemy Warband, which will give them significant intel on your battle abilities.

[X] Claiming that this was an act of the Imperial Navy in winning a glorious victory against overwhelming odds keeps your own force obscure, but also means that you'll have additional freedom of movement. Humility is a virtue, and letting them gain a public relations coup would be well received.
Rewards: +1 Favor.
With us taking the battle barge and the warmaster chaos is now headless letting the navy claim victory will have them chasing their tails wondering how weak imperials could pull this off.

You think you've decapitated them?


You just brought down the boat that brought them here and the guy commanding their ships. It's a great victory, yes, but he's hardly the endboss of this arc.
Well presumably we've mostly scattered/crushed the Chaos Space Marine forces of this invasion, removed their big stick (the Battle Barge) and captured the guy directing their navel forces.

The other big faction seems to be the Dark Mechanicus forces which we have been harrying and the various uprisings/rebellions that Chaos set off.
The good news is that insofar as space-based power, the Imperial forces are now in the lead.
yeah, Fallen Angels don't usually lead their own warbands so much as tag along with other people's so they can do their own thing. plus, given we kinda-sorta ganked him like a scrub due to the favor of the Dice Gods even if he had been the Big boss, if I was the QM I'd have had a few backups for if said boss dies like a scrublord.

I mean, Atem we beat because we verbally bitch-slapped him so hard he exploded, most of the other Big Boss types died off on the Star Fort assault, Siveron suffered from the Perfect counter (having a fancy-ass gun does you exactly zero good if a nutbar MHUREEN backstabs you in the face) and we haven't even fought anyone else worth mentioning.
Have to go with this. Extra favors and potential long term gains are better than immediate shinies. Particularly if the interrogations manage to help turn the tide in this invasion (more than we already have by taking out the Battle Barge that is).
I suspect the primary upside of interrogating him ourselves is the intelligence, not any 'shinies'. There is a good chance Chaos is planning something, and this is the only way Medea is plausibly going to be able to learn about it in time. Its not as if they will give you a raw feed of the actual interrogation, nor ask the kinds of questions a former chaos sorceress might consider.
yeah, Fallen Angels don't usually lead their own warbands so much as tag along with other people's so they can do their own thing. plus, given we kinda-sorta ganked him like a scrub due to the favor of the Dice Gods even if he had been the Big boss, if I was the QM I'd have had a few backups for if said boss dies like a scrublord.

I mean, Atem we beat because we verbally bitch-slapped him so hard he exploded, most of the other Big Boss types died off on the Star Fort assault, Siveron suffered from the Perfect counter (having a fancy-ass gun does you exactly zero good if a nutbar MHUREEN backstabs you in the face) and we haven't even fought anyone else worth mentioning.
Maybe, maybe not. On one hand it was noted that Vixabis has a superior that he was answering to. Of course there is nothing saying we'll ever encounter the guy before the Sector is secured. I mean the Crows are a potent force but the war here is far larger than just us. For all we know there won't be a true 'boss' of this arc due to the monkey wrenches that been thrown into Chaos plans. As a result we might just be smacking down incursions/invasions etc until the reinforcements arrive.
I suspect the primary upside of interrogating him ourselves is the intelligence, not any 'shinies'. There is a good chance Chaos is planning something, and this is the only way Medea is plausibly going to be able to learn about it in time. Its not as if they will give you a raw feed of the actual interrogation, nor ask the kinds of questions a former chaos sorceress might consider.
On the other hand, they'll probably think to ask things that we don't.
I suspect the primary upside of interrogating him ourselves is the intelligence, not any 'shinies'. There is a good chance Chaos is planning something, and this is the only way Medea is plausibly going to be able to learn about it in time. Its not as if they will give you a raw feed of the actual interrogation, nor ask the kinds of questions a former chaos sorceress might consider.
We also risk the Dark Angels swooping in and liberating him.

Then erasing any evidence of his existence.
I will note that Sealing the sword needs to give at least +3 favor to be profitable, the -1 for keeping the sword, the opportunity cost of not destroying the sword (which is effectively -1), and then another to do more than just break even.
"More practical experience sealing hostile Daemons." Might be counted as a reward too.

[X]Give him to the deathwatch.
[X]Keep the Sword, Seal it, then have it handed over to the Ordo Malleus.
[X] Don't take credit.
[X] The Deathwatch would rather take him in to deliver him to their Fortress when they had a chance--evidently it was part of repaying some debt or another. You won't be able to interrogate him, but having the Watch Captain owe you a favor for acquiring a high ranking Traitor like this will open up a fair number of options in the future
Rewards: +1 Favor, Possible Long Term Gains

The Sword:
[X] The Deathwatch lacks containment capable of sealing a Daemon Sword long term, smashing it and then gunning the Daemon down under the weight of tanks and Dreadnoughts should be a good way of solving this problem though.
Rewards: +1 Favor, Daemon Sword Kra'Sona destroyed and it's host banished to the Warp.
Possible Flaws: If the True Name of Kra'Sona's inhabitatant is known, he can be summoned by the enemy Warband, which will give them significant intel on your battle abilities.

The Credit:
[X] Claiming that this was an act of the Imperial Navy in winning a glorious victory against overwhelming odds keeps your own force obscure, but also means that you'll have additional freedom of movement. Humility is a virtue, and letting them gain a public relations coup would be well recieved.
Rewards: +1 Favor.
Or we could... not take the risk? I mean, I'm not actually against keeping and stealing it, but holy heck is it far from safe. Sure, we're probably not looking at a problem, but if it turns out to be a Lord of Change or some shit and it gets summoned in the middle of our sanctum that would be bad. Destroying it isn't a sucker's play.
Alright, let's get a bit more information in here - @Alectai, how does Medea reckon her aptitude and available tools for sealing daemonic artifacts in general? What sort of thing does she reckon she could comfortably seal? What sort of thing would she regard as challenging to seal but absolutely doable given a week or two of intensive effort? What sort of thing would she take one look at and go "ha ha ha no, just blow it to pieces already and lance the site from orbit"? Basically, I'm looking at this and assuming that Medea's talents make her Pretty Hot Shit for the task, so how on the ball am I?
Just to note, if the Daemon's strong enough that the Daemon can break free of Medea's seal, it's probably too strong for anything but an orbital strike to actually kill. In which case, destroying the Daemonsword just causes worse problems.
[X]Give him to the deathwatch.
[X] Destroy the sword.
[X]Don't take credit.
Just to note, if the Daemon's strong enough that the Daemon can break free of Medea's seal, it's probably too strong for anything but an orbital strike to actually kill. In which case, destroying the Daemonsword just causes worse problems.
Which is why we should seriously consider orbital strikes as part of killing the deamon. Like using a remote-detonated melta-charge to blow it then ortillerying the shit out of it. Most of the time when you go to kill a daemon you can't stick it on some random asteroid, then surprise-ortillery it. We can do that here.
Well if we are backed into a corner, we can just say that we have Theosophamy as our specialty. It's basically a more dumbed down version of Sanctic Daemonology to shore up the materium and generally just do some holy stuff to screw with daemons in rather rote ways.

About the disposal method, I can fail to see how tossing the sword in a black hole is a bad idea. If the daemon can be properly banished by significant firepower, the insane G forces and the fact that physics itself breaks down would be effective as a major artillery strike. But otherwise, just keep it locked away somewhere.

I'm just glad that nobody's looking at it and saying, "It doesn't look so bad..."
[X] The Deathwatch would rather take him in to deliver him to their Fortress when they had a chance--evidently it was part of repaying some debt or another. You won't be able to interrogate him, but having the Watch Captain owe you a favor for acquiring a high ranking Traitor like this will open up a fair number of options in the future.

[X] Alternately, you could try to devise a means of sealing it permanently. This is suspicious, but if you can show your work and provide a sufficiently effective means of dealing with it, you'll more than make up for it. Or you could figure out if one of your own champions has a strong enough will to bind it to their will without falling to it. Which would give you an enormously powerful weapon.

[X] Claiming that this was an act of the Imperial Navy in winning a glorious victory against overwhelming odds keeps your own force obscure, but also means that you'll have additional freedom of movement. Humility is a virtue, and letting them gain a public relations coup would be well received.

Changing to this, with new information.
Well if we are backed into a corner, we can just say that we have Theosophamy as our specialty. It's basically a more dumbed down version of Sanctic Daemonology to shore up the materium and generally just do some holy stuff to screw with daemons in rather rote ways.

About the disposal method, I can fail to see how tossing the sword in a black hole is a bad idea. If the daemon can be properly banished by significant firepower, the insane G forces and the fact that physics itself breaks down would be effective as a major artillery strike. But otherwise, just keep it locked away somewhere.

I'm just glad that nobody's looking at it and saying, "It doesn't look so bad..."
Daemons don't work by normal physics. And even if it did and it died, it would just return to the Warp.

So you basically destroyed the sword for the cost of an action. Where you could have done it for free.
That I can get behind, we just need to find the sweet spot of least time spent, greatest chance of success, and the course of action that would put the least amount of Crows in danger.
The possibility of really stronk weapons comes to mind. I'm not saying that we should, just...keeping our options open.
The possibility of really stronk weapons comes to mind. I'm not saying that we should, just...keeping our options open.
Few things one needs to consider in regards to that.
1: Deamon weapons inherently corrupt the wielder. This is a bad thing.
2: Our chapter has made a point of not dealing with Daemons and Chaos in general.
3: After Medea's little 'screw this, I'm out of here' stunt a while ago, she's on the outs with Chaos.

Number three is very important since Medea is our only Sorcerer and attempting to bargain/deal with Chaos (needed for making Daemon weapons) when they don't like you is even worse than when they do like you.
I didn't say it was a good option. I just figured that a legendary intelligence sorcerer would have a better handle on how to manage daemon weapons. (...even if that legendary intelligence and subject matter experience is all saying "don't")
Using a Daemon Weapon can be made marginally safe if you know what you're doing and your chosen wielder has strong willpower. It's still a bad idea, but it's not guaranteed suicide.

Making one is always a bad decision.