Yes, and any sorcerer can use a force weapon. Sorcerers can explicitly be non-Psykers. Therefor, sorcerers are close enough to Psykers to activate Force weapons, regardless of natural talent.
We have Word of the GM that we are a Psyker. Stop arguing this, please. It is just detailing the thread.

Okay? Hangwind?

Take a Break from the Thread You are literally causing me a headache by picking this hill to argue with me on.
He says this.
Yes, and any sorcerer can use a force weapon. Sorcerers can explicitly be non-Psykers. Therefor, sorcerers are close enough to Psykers to activate Force weapons, regardless of natural talent.
And you keep on going. Please stahp before a mod comes. It's rude. :V
To play devil's advocate... I made the same assumption (probably not helped by my very shaky knowledge of WH40K). Obviously, it's now clear that we are a psyker, as per word of GM, but putting a bit of clarification in the Char Sheet (at some future point, when we've all calmed down) wouldn't be remiss.
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[X] Plan Renegade For Life!

To play devils's advocate... I made the same assumption (probably not helped by my very shaky knowledge of WH4K). Obviously, it's now clear that we are a psyker, as per word of GM, but putting a bit of clarification in the Char Sheet (at some future point, when we've all calmed down) wouldn't be remiss.

Ok, fair enough, this issue I can understand. To me, from what I know of the lore it's far less common for one to be a sorcerer without being a psyker than being both, but I could see how some might make this mistake if they don't pay close attention and/or are unfamiliar with the 40K lore. So sure, adding a sentence or two to the character sheet might be worth the 3 min it would take to write it up.

The issue here is that Hangwind keeps arguing the whole 'not psyker!' thing rather than just asking for this one change, which is the only halfway-arguable point he has made.
To play devils's advocate... I made the same assumption (probably not helped by my very shaky knowledge of WH4K). Obviously, it's now clear that we are a psyker, as per word of GM, but putting a bit of clarification in the Char Sheet (at some future point, when we've all calmed down) wouldn't be remiss.
Actually there are a few direct Psyker indications in the character sheet and first post.

There's this:
Your Favored Psychic Discipline is...

[ ] Telekinesis (+2 Ballistic Skill, +1 Toughness)
[ ] Telepathy (+1 Willpower, +2 Fellowship)
[ ] Divination (+2 Perception, +1 Intelligence)
Psychic Discipline:
Although the powers of Psykers are many and varied, they usually fall into one of several disciplines.

And on our character sheet we have:
-Diviner: "Some people think seeing the future is a key to victory... It's really more of a... Set of guidelines than anything else"
-Telekine "As it so happens, when you're organizing a library that was clearly imagined in the ninth circle of Tzeentch's particular spot of hell, that having extra manipulators is the best solution."
And two of said Psychic Disciplines are called Divination and Telekinesis.
Guys, when I referred to elevated salt levels I was talking about everyone. No need to pile on to Hangwind.
Ok, fair enough, this issue I can understand. To me, from what I know of the lore it's far less common for one to be a sorcerer without being a psyker than being both, but I could see how some might make this mistake if they don't pay close attention and/or are unfamiliar with the 40K lore. So sure, adding a sentence or two to the character sheet might be worth the 3 min it would take to write it up.

The issue here is that Hangwind keeps arguing the whole 'not psyker!' thing rather than just asking for this one change, which is the only halfway-arguable point he has made.
Nope. Here's what I actually said.
Okay, first: Can you put that on the Character Sheet then? It is very important information, considering the fact that Psykers are exposed to the Warp and it's weaknesses at all times, whereas sorcerers are only exposed when they are actively...sorcering? Calling? Ritualing?

Second: Then why did he have us studying sorcery at all instead of developing our powers?

Edit: And Shadow on the Warp from Tyranids. That's another potential problem for Psykers.
No, it really isn't. It would have made far more sense for him to have us explore our Psyker powers and completely ignore teaching us any kind of sorcery. We wouldn't have been able to go Freaky Friday on him for one.
See? Two claims: One) that it would make sense for that to be on the Character Sheet because Two) it wasn't as obvious as @Alectai thought.

Never have I argued that we weren't a Psyker after Alectai said we were, I just argued that it wasn't clear.

Here's his response:

Are you trying to tell me to give you plot details because you're the only one who's paranoid enough to assume that you're not actually a Psyker despite everything else saying it except one line in a character sheet? Despite the fact that the backstory in the first page gives you most of the relevant information?

Seriously, you're the only one since this game started who has had this issue. I'm not going to make a big change just because you and you alone have issues with it.
Trivialization, along with saying that adding what he himself says is one line on a character sheet is "a major change".

And here:
Also, "major change"? Really? It's a single line to put into the character sheet. Here, copy/paste this:
Psyker: You are a natural conduit to the Warp.
I literally gave him a simple way to copy/paste it, and he still just shrugs at it.

That is indisputably lazy.
If you aren't going to read what I actually wrote, I'm going to return the favor.
[X] Plan Renegade For Life!

Also do we know if there is any RU limit t what Adrastos can work on in an action?
I know what it is...

A Tau Melee Weapon
Tau have Melee Weapons?
"What is this thing?" You shake your head in disbelief--the mysteries of technology were largely beyond you, not being something you particularly cared about.

But even you could see that the 'Prize' Evander managed to extract from the shattered alien vessel he discovered in the Rift was a joke--fortunately, he was barely concealing a smile of his own.

"I would imagine something to cut down a tree with" He guesses, waving the miserable excuse for a chain-axe around. "Perhaps a bulkhead clea.." He snorts. "No, I'm sorry, I can't give it that much credit, this toy feels like it would snap if I so much as used it on a training post, let alone something with genuine mass behind it."

You don't giggle, that would be beneath you. "Who would even build something like that? Maybe they are very small, very weak creatures?" You accept the offering in the good humour that it was offered in. "Oh well, maybe we can find some use for it. If only as a showpiece."

Acquired Xenos Chain-Axe... Unfortunately, its standardized construction and lightweight materials make it inferior to a standard one. Not every discovery can be great!
...I just re-read it, and I realized I was more-or-less right. We don't know that thing is specifically Tau, but it's a Chain-Axe made by a xeno race with no idea how to Melee, and may well be trying to imitate the chain weapons of humanity.

Wow, and I threw that idea down as a joke, didn't know I was more or less right.
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Understood, consider the topic cyclone torpedoed.

Onto another one relating to our newest named Marine from what I can tell, Warsmiths are far from Techmarines as known in the Imperium.

It should be interesting to see what kind of mentality our 'Technicians' develop over the decades as the closest thing to AdMech we have here are the Blue Moon. And they aren't exactly orthodox in mentality.

Biggest clue? Cobalt actually looks symmetrical as opposed to this.
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Onto another one relating to our newest named Marine from what I can tell, Warsmiths are far from Techmarines as known in the Imperium.

It should be interesting to see what kind of mentality our 'Technicians' develop over the decades as the closest thing to AdMech we have here are the Blue Moon. And they aren't exactly orthodox in mentality.

Biggest clue? Cobalt actually looks symmetrical as opposed to this.
Well I imagine that the title Warsmith will mean more a smith of weapons then a general or "smith of the battlefield" like it did in the Iron Warrior's Legion. I could also see Adrastos passing on his distaste for direct combat onto his students, creating great forgers who prefer making weapons then using them.

With our planet constantly being upgraded and our future marine technicians being sent to be trained as Warsmiths it would make sense that our Warsmiths would be put in charge of our factories and greater projects at home with only a few being on the battlefield. So something like our new shipyards would have a Warsmith in charge of it, monitoring and overseeing the building of ships.

I also don't expect anything like the AdMech to ever form in our kingdom (I think you would call us a kingdom? We are called the Witch Queen after all.) at most technology will probably be treated more like we treat it today, a tool to be used. The only way I can see something like the AdMech being formed in our kingdom is if somehow the Blue Moon Mystics decide to merge with us.

Of course that just makes us extra Heretical, but hey, whose keeping track of how many laws we break anyway?

And of course this is all just speculation.
Hmm, passing thought here.

Our young new Apothecary-to-be will be 10 years old at the end of this turn. Meaning in another 2 turns he will reach adulthood and be all trained up and ready to practice medicine.

To this end, as an Apothecary, he will need a few specialized tools to do his job at the optimal level. He'll want a Diagnostor Helmet instead of a regular one when he get's his power armor, so he can diagnose his brothers and sisters with ease and do medical work with more data. He'll undoubtedly need a Narthecium attachment on his power armor so he can perform any needed field operation possible. And just to be safe, he'll want a Reductor for easy and safer gene-seed removal.

We have at least two turns before these will be necessary, so their is no rush, but I think we should keep them in mind and budget for them. We likely should also ask for a price sheet on these items as well...
Whose, Chaos's or the Imperium's? Because we're kind of showing the middle finger to both mentalities.
Both really. We know every promise the warp offers is full of shit and that the Imperium of Man is a life of control and the existence of being a cog in a machine.. Chaos is sacrificing others for your benefit and the Imperium is sacrificing yourself for the benefits of others.

We're the middle ground I guess. We don't treat technology with religious reverence, we acknowledge that a whole lot of gods exist... and that they all are assholes, we don't enslave our people, and we try to avoid extremes.

If I had to describe our ruling style it would be the phrase, "We aren't dicks."

Which, sad to say, is quite the accomplishment in the universe of 40K.
The best way to win in the war of Order and Chaos is simply to not play.
And shoot them in the face with a Fellblade when they try to make us play.
We're the middle ground I guess. We don't treat technology with religious reverence, we acknowledge that a whole lot of gods exist... and that they all are assholes.
I know. I got a big smile on my face when the QM described how our actions have affected the local culture:
There's a basic rule of law that you'd expect from a post-industrial society that more-or-less functions. Typically, that means the Gods are respected and feared, but only an idiot worships them publically. It's considered beyond what mortals should truck with.
By the way, while it's unlikely that our world has anybody that follows the Imperial Cult, what is or at least would be our policy in regards to people who follow that religion? Same as how the Chaos gods are viewed or more like how Chaos followers themselves tend to view the creed?

He's basically considered a hateful, angry god who you definitely don't want to draw the attention of.
Because his standards are too high. And he demands the blood and sacrifice of his faithful to glorify himself in the great game.
"May the Gods not notice you" is something of a benediction on Indagus.
Seems like the policy of Indagus is that all the Gods are to be respected, feared and avoided if at all possible.

That's the consequences of your works. You did just enough Sorcerous study and avoided taking actions to farm Favor or otherwise appeal to the Gods that Indagus' policy (Patterned off of the Witch Queen) is basically "Acknowledge them, pay homage to them, but don't attract their attention you idiot."
Which is pretty healthy in terms of "Oh god oh god don't kill me with divine bullshit", but not so much in the sense that the IoM would rightfully consider it maximum heresy. There are no Gods before the God Emperor!
Can I just say I LOVE having a faction that up and saw how messed up each and every group in Warhammer 40K really is, and decided they want no further part of any of it.


To Imperium "Fuck you"

To Chaos "Fuck you"

To Eldar "Fuck you"

To Blue Moon "You're cool"

*Blue Moon gives a thumbs-up*

To the galaxy in general "Fuck you, I'm out!"

*Mic Drop*
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