Renegade Chapter Master Quest (WH40k Quest)

[X] Accept the deal. Forge World Odin will remain neutral. Storm Avengers will owe an Honourbound Favour to Forge World Odin.

Take the deal.

We have to Dice proof our plans as much as possible. Since the Dice seem determined to pick extremely unfavorable outcomes.
The easiest way to gain access to some kind of PR/Spy network would be to ally to someone with such capabilities. Maybe some mior noble houses who know how to play this game better than we do. No idea tho if Oshha would allow this and it probably would come with some concessions to the nobles we allow to join our little politics club.
I'm afraid I'm going to say know then. Spy networks and PR networks are far enough out of the wheelhouse for the Adeptus Astartes that I'm going to say unless you can give a plausible way for them to do what you want, I'm not going to allow it.

Are you referring to the people who voted for the winning plan or my interpretation of it as the QM? Because if the later, to me, the action pretty clearly read as go to Sverd and deal with the Grand Jarl to cut off the invasion of Mulmar at the source so the thread can keep those Imperial Guard regiments alive for future use.

To be fair, they only need double-digits on d100. 1-5 would have been standard rebels while 6-9 would have been committing to the respective Chaos God of the number and I rolled a 6.

Fixed. Thanks for catching that.

It would queue through capital ships and escorts have separate queues.

You could just call in Battlefleet Asgardia using your Major Favour with them. Forge World Thor wouldn't be pleased with it, but they wouldn't be unhappy either and thanks to your good relation, they would let it slide.
That is indeed the correct interpretation.

I'll admit to being suprised that we can use the Fleets favor to call them out of their obligations to Thor.
Why the hell would we want to play on his preferred battlefield of PR, intrigue and negotiations? Just go over there, murder the hell out of him, and that will be that. Stick to what Astartes are actually good at, for goodness sake.
The easiest way to gain access to some kind of PR/Spy network would be to ally to someone with such capabilities. Maybe some mior noble houses who know how to play this game better than we do. No idea tho if Oshha would allow this and it probably would come with some concessions to the nobles we allow to join our little politics club.
The absolute best spies of course would be the Inquisition, but as official renegades any dealings with them would be extremely risky. Though there almost certainly would be some Radicals who might do it...

Rogue Traders are another option. I think since the Imperium has officially fucked off from this space, it should now be fair game for RTs to come in with all their expanded authority in non-Imperial space?
[X] Accept the deal. Forge World Odin will remain neutral. Storm Avengers will owe an Honourbound Favour to Forge World Odin.
The easiest way to gain access to some kind of PR/Spy network would be to ally to someone with such capabilities. Maybe some mior noble houses who know how to play this game better than we do. No idea tho if Oshha would allow this and it probably would come with some concessions to the nobles we allow to join our little politics club.

That's a role the Inquisition could have played, alas they are not present. Or if they are, they don't like us.

Nah, our best bet is to Teleport into his office and kill him, then install a new Sector Lord.

The new person will be able to handle the diplo and intrigue fronts while a now more united armed forces focuses on outside threats.
Got it, thank you. So if we ordered a Strike Cruiser and a Battle Barge, the total would be 7 Turns for full completion.
Well, I've changed the numbers so a strike cruiser is three turns aka fifteen years and a battle barge is eight turns or forty years, but yes.
The easiest way to gain access to some kind of PR/Spy network would be to ally to someone with such capabilities. Maybe some mior noble houses who know how to play this game better than we do. No idea tho if Oshha would allow this and it probably would come with some concessions to the nobles we allow to join our little politics club.
You could attempt it as a free action.
For the record, the Guardsmen at Malmur had a 91% chance of surrendering peacefully.
I know, just saying we always got to be ready for Lamenter's luck. Though praying to the Man-Emperor that the dice will favor us next turn.

The main problem we have is that we're not in a direct competition with Rex, our wins don't turn into his losses. We're both just building up power networks that will keep either one of us from ever dealing with the other. We need some way to keep him from expanding his power.
What we need is to try predicting their next likely move based off the information we know. Them going to Bountis and courting FW Odin was predictable seeing how the former is a major agri-world and the latter is in their sub-sector. If I have to guess, they're already making moves on FW Loki and the Order of the Sacred Storm.
What we need is to try predicting their next likely move based off the information we know. Them going to Bountis and courting FW Odin was predictable seeing how the former is a major agri-world and the latter is in their sub-sector. If I have to guess, they're already making moves on FW Loki and the Order of the Sacred Storm.
A certain quote comes to mind:
Mike Tyson said:
Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth
So next Turn we gather up the Battlefleet, leave a Strike Cruiser and company at home, and end him with all the forces we can bring to bear. With two Strike Cruisers at Malmur, and one to guard home, that leaves us 5 Battle Barges, 5 Strike Cruisers, 66 Escorts and however much Battlefleet Asgardia has built up when we strike. Against which he has a Battlecruiser, four cruisers, 2 light cruisers and an unknown amount of escorts. It should certainly simplify the next Turn Results.
[X] Accept the deal. Forge World Odin will remain neutral. Storm Avengers will owe an Honourbound Favour to Forge World Odin.

Better a nominal ally than a extra foe.
I think we should start talking with the Sub-Sector Governers. We can't start a full civil war just yet but trading favors and getting them on side will help us limit the Lord Sector's power base.
Against which he has a Battlecruiser, four cruisers, 2 light cruisers and an unknown amount of escorts
For the record, that's just what split from Battlefleet Asgardia and not necessarily what Battlefleet Odin consists of. Horwan found out that Forge World Odin has been producing warships for Battlefleet Odin.
I think we should start talking with the Sub-Sector Governers. We can't start a full civil war just yet but trading favors and getting them on side will help us limit the Lord Sector's power base.
A waste of time quite frankly. He's already sinking his claws into Sub-Sectors Baldur and Loki, the bigger Sub-Sectors, and he's way better at the diplomacy and intrigue game than we are.

We aren't going to win the long game against the Lord Sector while simultaneously doing what we can to protect the Sector. While we're busy fighting he'll be politicking just as he's been doing the last two turns already.

We can't afford to play his game, we have to play to our own strengths.
What we need is to try predicting their next likely move based off the information we know. Them going to Bountis and courting FW Odin was predictable seeing how the former is a major agri-world and the latter is in their sub-sector. If I have to guess, they're already making moves on FW Loki and the Order of the Sacred Storm.

Yes, and? The problem is that ultimately we're not competing for the same role as Rexy boy. Most places aren't going to see cozying up to both of us as an issue until one of us goes hot against the other. Unless we start pushing a new sector leader alternative or government model that limits his power it doesn't actually matter where we go or what else we do.

We have options we just need to start planning them.

1. We call a meeting, we grab all the planetary governors and above, plus reps from the forge worlds, the sororitas, and just generally anyone important who is still here, and hash out a new government and united army system going forward.

2. We punch Rex in the face with a power fist and just take over.

3. We strike a deal specifically with rex and then try to work everyone else into the deal going forward.
Soooo these people truly have no idea that the monsters coming are the exact people they wish were here? Shouldn't this fight end the moment they see their protectors had F'd off to Terra?
Lack of education and misplaced faith/loyalty. They knew what the concept of a space marine is, but they don't know the details or what they look like in person. And while they know they were protected by a space marine chapter, they also know that the Grand Jarl told them that the good space marines left with the Imperium and the Grand Jarl wouldn't lie to them like that, would he?
A waste of time quite frankly. He's already sinking his claws into Sub-Sectors Baldur and Loki, the bigger Sub-Sectors, and he's way better at the diplomacy and intrigue game than we are.

We aren't going to win the long game against the Lord Sector while simultaneously doing what we can to protect the Sector. While we're busy fighting he'll be politicking just as he's been doing the last two turns already.

We can't afford to play his game, we have to play to our own strengths.
I think that will end up just making things worse. Not every situation, particularly political situations, can be solved with violence.
For the record, that's just what split from Battlefleet Asgardia and not necessarily what Battlefleet Odin consists of. Horwan found out that Forge World Odin has been producing warships for Battlefleet Odin.
True enough. Although since capital ships take much longer to create than escorts, it probably isn't massively different in that respect.
But it just goes to show that we cannot afford to give him any more time to prepare.