Renegade Chapter Master Quest Redux (WH40k Quest)

Storm Avengers Space Marine Chapter

Storm Avengers

Founding Chapter: Ultramarines
Founding: M32/Fourth Founding
Chapter Master: Torvald Thunderson
Homeworld: Midgardia (Current), Ragnarok (Former)
Fortress-Monastery: Aula Fortis (Current), Aula Occisi (Former)
Speciality: Combined Arms, Naval Warfare & Boarding Actions.
Colours: Red and white with a golden trim.
Symbol: Crossed golden lightning bolts behind a red lambda 'A'.
Battlecry: "We are the Avenging Storm!"
You know all this talk of getting a secret group of marines to infiltrate the imperium and feed us Intel when we already have our rogue trader house doing that job for a long while and I think even better than getting a bunch of marines cause astartes are mostly on the martial bent while the von groms can be alot more flexible cause their human and a rogue trader house and can get alot of spy networks and go places where astartes usually can't go too.
You know all this talk of getting a secret group of marines to infiltrate the imperium and feed us Intel when we already have our rogue trader house doing that job for a long while and I think even better than getting a bunch of marines cause astartes are mostly on the martial bent while the von groms can be alot more flexible cause their human and a rogue trader house and can get alot of spy networks and go places where astartes usually can't go too.

Yeah you are right but we suspect that the imperium suspects that they're compromised the same with the Carmine Talons being compromised from the imperiums point of vieuw even tough they're not.
Yeah you are right but we suspect that the imperium suspects that they're compromised the same with the Carmine Talons being compromised from the imperiums point of vieuw even tough they're not.
But it's mostly Astrid group that suspects their compromised so unless we call them to help us publicly they can't do anything drastic against unless they have sufficient evidence to label them traitors. So their safe for now but a good way to keep them safe is mass evaporating all who suspect them compromised so Astrids group and the imperium would likely just file away their evidence as irrelevant with them dead as we are the bigger threat. So killing our foes and making sure our imperium allies don't get found out is a good way of keeping our Intel up in the imperium proper. Hopefully Astrid is too busy dealing with the Crusade to attack the von groms or the talons.
Yeah you are right but we suspect that the imperium suspects that they're compromised the same with the Carmine Talons being compromised from the imperiums point of vieuw even tough they're not.

In hindsight, we probably could have several regular people infiltrate the Imperium instead as long-term agents. We don't have to make space marines do that because it might not be practical for a long time.

Making a background for them would be very easy. They were "refugees" from one of the planets attacked in the war. So we could in theory have millions of spies from "migrant ships" trying to escape destruction. With the chaos of the war, there could be plenty of opportunities for agents to get them into middle management systems. Nothing crazy like becoming Planetary Governor (although that would be impressive), but have access to a lot of intel.

A good backstory for our spies is that they are a blend of a PDF legion and several relatively important government officials... along with several aids connected to them. Their Planetary Governor demanded a full evacuation of the planet and abandoned the world to it's fate (typical callus behavior for them, so nothing that suspicious). Shame they died during the "evacuation" but there are "family members" who could fulfill said duties. But they will have to rebuild their power base from scratch.

At least the Planetary Governor had several other ships that got "lost" in the chaos of the conflict. (A perfect way to bring more infiltrators at later dates.)
Again Remember we already got our rogue Traders for that the Von groms have centuries of naturally grown spies and information networks that inform them and by extension us on what's the goings on in the imperium. Their already doing the work in building an asgardian spy network for us. Why should we even take the time and effort to create our own infiltrators when we already got the agents of the von grom.
Again Remember we already got our rogue Traders for that the Von groms have centuries of naturally grown spies and information networks that inform them and by extension us on what's the goings on in the imperium. Their already doing the work in building an asgardian spy network for us. Why should we even take the time and effort to create our own infiltrators when we already got the agents of the von grom.
Redundancy is never a bad thing to have.
Also with having the merger with the tau empire we have more acces towards stealth options and tech for our own agents that wouldn't make the Von groms more suspect and give Astrid more work to do.
In hindsight, we probably could have several regular people infiltrate the Imperium instead as long-term agents. We don't have to make space marines do that because it might not be practical for a long time.

Making a background for them would be very easy. They were "refugees" from one of the planets attacked in the war. So we could in theory have millions of spies from "migrant ships" trying to escape destruction. With the chaos of the war, there could be plenty of opportunities for agents to get them into middle management systems. Nothing crazy like becoming Planetary Governor (although that would be impressive), but have access to a lot of intel.

A good backstory for our spies is that they are a blend of a PDF legion and several relatively important government officials... along with several aids connected to them. Their Planetary Governor demanded a full evacuation of the planet and abandoned the world to it's fate (typical callus behavior for them, so nothing that suspicious). Shame they died during the "evacuation" but there are "family members" who could fulfill said duties. But they will have to rebuild their power base from scratch.

At least the Planetary Governor had several other ships that got "lost" in the chaos of the conflict. (A perfect way to bring more infiltrators at later dates.)
You are underestimating how easy interstellar communications are and how willing Imperials are willing to accept random refugees, even with unproven claims of nobility. They are more likely to be treated as free grunt labour than be given any position of authority if they aren't just turned away.