Renegade Chapter Master Quest Redux (WH40k Quest)

Storm Avengers Space Marine Chapter

Storm Avengers

Founding Chapter: Ultramarines
Founding: M32/Fourth Founding
Chapter Master: Torvald Thunderson
Homeworld: Midgardia (Current), Ragnarok (Former)
Fortress-Monastery: Aula Fortis (Current), Aula Occisi (Former)
Speciality: Combined Arms, Naval Warfare & Boarding Actions.
Colours: Red and white with a golden trim.
Symbol: Crossed golden lightning bolts behind a red lambda 'A'.
Battlecry: "We are the Avenging Storm!"
Unassigned Jump Packs: 0

Unassigned Iron Halo = 0
Unassigned Rosarius = 3
Unassigned Adamantine Mantle = 0
Our Jump pack situation is near critical as well. I would recommend creating some this turn in addition to creating the foundries for most basic Astarte's equipment. Personally, I would quite like for every Assault Marine to have a Power Sword but we dont have the numbers at the moment.
That ship list is glorius, 8 battlebarges, 23 cruisers and 96 escorts. Glorious.


While we shouldn't rest on our laurels for fleet size, we certainly have the spare room to keep expanding our number of Marines without fear of running out of transportation for them.

That being said, spending an Honourbound favor to buy 30 Escorts seems to be a good idea.

A 4:1 Escort to Capital ship setup is preferred to the current 3:1. And with more Capital ship acquisitions in the near future almost a certainty what with fighting CSM warbands aligned with Heimdall. We will need a steady flow of new Escorts to keep even that 3:1 ratio satisfied.
The weight imbalance is even more dire then it may appear. While we have 23 Strike Cruisers total most of then are attached to companies, leaving our fleets heavily weighted towards its sole Battle Barge.
That being said, spending an Honourbound favor to buy 30 Escorts seems to be a good idea.
that will depend on when we can use the Honourbound favors since the admech is repairing stuff from the civil war also would rather we use major favours first we do have 2 escorts per turn thanks to our 2 escort shipyards.
@Oshha question did we during the timeskip turn the Jords of the jordis sector to one of our first xeno protectorate and exchange they get uplifted with industrial support and have a garrison of highly trained soldiers and the start of trade in the greater sub sector.
No. You haven't done anything with the Jords so nothing has happened and Jordis isn't a sector is a planet. I'm not sure where you got the idea that something complex like that would just happen.
Edit: since we are allied with the tau do we have an embassy on vanaheim with a representative from the empire and vice versa. And who's the diplomat from the tau and vice versa
Individual diplomats are below the level of abstraction.
Also on the broadstrokes how does asgardian auxilia compare to the regular imperial guard forces in the neighboring territories that are not chaos did we standardized having better armor and weapons like carapace and hotshots. Same with battlefleet asgardia as of now. Did we try
The Asgardian Auxilia is basically the Imperial Guard. Right now, there isn't really any notable changes or differences. Also standarding carapace armour and hotshot lasguns are not things that are just done. There is a reason why they are expensive and rare. The Imperial Guard doesn't rely upon flak armour and regular lasguns simply because they can't be bothered to go for the better stuff.
If we wanted to improve the quality of the average Guard Regiment we could work on making a better standard Las gun rather then switching everyone over to Hotshot versions. Nearly the same price per weapon with a small but noticeable increase in effectiveness. I know the Solar Auxilia in 30k had a Las Rifle that was of notably higher quality while still being far cheaper then Hellguns.
Free action wise, how does everyone feel about this?

FA1: Create a research team of mortals to assist in the research and creation of new technologies.
FA2: Change the structure of a Company to make it standard for there to be 3 Librarians per Company.
FA3: Order your Tech Marines to investigate, compare, and reverse engineer all the anti-gravity technologies in your possession to find out which is the best to further develop. The grav-tech on Tau vehicles, Tau drones, and the Bunkers Jetbikes are of particular note.

Anything interesting...

Supplying Carmine Talons = -5 RP per turn

Loss of 5 RP per turn to pay back the favor, is going to be continuous.

-Vehicle Targeting Cogitator Manufactorum (60/100)

We have an obligation here so we can't ignore it without penalties. This means we have to pay a minimum of 10 RP per turn until this is paid off. Could possibly be paid off early.

Basic Training Site/Costs 10 RP = Produces one free Heavy Infantry Regiment per turn. Each planet is limited to one per every 5 RP per turn.
Advanced Training Site/Costs 25 RP = Produces one free Heavy Mechanised Regiment per turn. Each planet is limited to one per every 10 RP per turn.

Okay, we now got an interesting snag. We have 3 Basic Training Sites and 1 Advanced. Given for maintenance and obligations... we would have...

5(SCT) + 15 (3 BTS) + 10(1 ATS) +10(VTCM) = 40 RP cost per turn.

Now for our current RP...

79-40= 39 RP for the turn.

Shame we didn't gain much RP during the time-skip, although the stuff invested in could pay off in the long term. We are going to need more RP, maybe set up a deal with the Tau to help pay off our new costs because we have a big dip in our RP growth at the moment.
Okay, we now got an interesting snag. We have 3 Basic Training Sites and 1 Advanced. Given for maintenance and obligations... we would have...

5(SCT) + 15 (3 BTS) + 10(1 ATS) +10(VTCM) = 40 RP cost per turn.
I think you misunderstand, that's not the RP cost per turn for Training Sites, that's just the minimum amount of RP production required to build them in the first place. Which means if we want to build an Advanced Training Site, the World in question must produce +10 RP per turn. If we want to build a second Advanced Training Site on the same planet, it must have +20 RP per turn.
I'm thinking 5 Companies for the Crusade, with the remaining 8 having a few patrolling the Sector, one on home guard, and maybe a couple to go raiding the HellForge.
there's already 4 companies patrolling from our allies, 2 from us should be enough.
Mayhap, but then what shoukd the remaining six companies be doing? Far be it from me to suggest such a thing as overkill exists but I don't think we'll need more than that to handle the Crusade unless things get real fucky. They'd also act as a possible QRF/Strategic Reserve; able to respond to unforseen circumstances or be sent to the front in the case of significant casualties.
Our Crusade against the Eastern Chaos forces is almost certainly going to turn into a proxy war for Heimdall. Assigning a Fleet or Company to run interference on their supply lines should make this conflict significantly easier.
Depending on Heimdall's relationship with other Chaos groups, things might even escalated beyond "proxy".

I wouldn't mind a few companies in reserve to be able to respond to any actions by the Steel Hunger should the get involved.
Mayhap, but then what shoukd the remaining six companies be doing? Far be it from me to suggest such a thing as overkill exists but I don't think we'll need more than that to handle the Crusade unless things get real fucky. They'd also act as a possible QRF/Strategic Reserve; able to respond to unforseen circumstances or be sent to the front in the case of significant casualties.
raid Heimdal directly, possibly try and help to curtail the orks in grendel (the kinghts of caliban are stuck spending 4 companies a turn to deal with them), possibly raid the other chaos factions since the chaos factions are our responsibility, raid Jericho directly. a lot of stuff to do, we could even finally conquer jordis that xeno planet in our sub-sector.
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Okay, we now got an interesting snag. We have 3 Basic Training Sites and 1 Advanced. Given for maintenance and obligations... we would have...

5(SCT) + 15 (3 BTS) + 10(1 ATS) +10(VTCM) = 40 RP cost per turn.

Now for our current RP...

79-40= 39 RP for the turn.
As mentioned, you don't pay maintainance costs. Those are costs for initial building.
I think you misunderstand, that's not the RP cost per turn for Training Sites, that's just the minimum amount of RP production required to build them in the first place. Which means if we want to build an Advanced Training Site, the World in question must produce +10 RP per turn. If we want to build a second Advanced Training Site on the same planet, it must have +20 RP per turn.

... Didn't notice that part, that means we have an expense of 15 RP at a minimum. Probably could spend an extra 10 RP on the VTCM so we can have it done in two turns.

So we would have 64 RP if we pay the minimum, or 54 RP if we want to pay off that expense faster. Either option could allow us to build three more industrial facilities. So we would have 82 RP next turn which will allow us to make four industrial facilities until we reach 100 RP.

As mentioned, you don't pay maintainance costs. Those are costs for initial building.

Okay, good to know.
So maybe like; 5 companies for the Crusade, three on raid Heimdall, three patrolling, and two on Home Guard? Keeps our territory well secured whike most of our strength is martialed against the Chaos Forces.
I'm thinking 5 Companies for the Crusade, with the remaining 8 having a few patrolling the Sector, one on home guard, and maybe a couple to go raiding the HellForge.
Similar to what I'm thinking. 5 Companies and 3 Fleets on Crusade (1 Scout, 3 Regular and 1 Veteran), 2 Companies on Jericho Reach (1 Regular and 1 Scout), 1 Fleet, Might of Storms, Protector of Asgardia, and 2 Companies (1 Veteran and 1 Regular) on Heimdell, 1 Company on Homeguard, and 1 Fleet and 2 Companies on patrol, or just 1 Company on patrol and sending 1 Company somewhere else.
So what's the plan for any possible captured battlebarges or strike cruisers we might get when we either raid or attack heimdal and their proxies?
For battle barges I suggest gifting them to our ally chapters or giving them to asgardian fleet to be refitted, while any strike cruisers could be given to the Mechanicus, in this way we could get favours from all allies and strengthen everyone.