[X] Leave the library and...
-[X] Look for your friends and Jojo

We have just been going over the test material just now anyway. We should be good on that front.
[X] Leave the library and...
-[X] Look for your friends and Jojo
So we have single-handedly made Joshua smarter in all matters including intelligence by teaching him some math, as well as removed his 'Book Dumb' trait that he had for years. All in the span of a school recess.

We need to take a closer look at that pendant, I think we are a Magical Girl.

[x] Leave the library and...
- [x] Hang around elsewhere:
-- [x] The rooftop
  1. [X] Stay in the library and...
    -[x] Study up for the test later (DC 15 Intelligence, 1/4 Progress to perk Upgrade)
    Number of voters: 6

    veekie, loneangel, hcvquizibo, What A Day, ConfusedPotato, JoshieWoshie
  2. [X] Leave the library and...
    -[X] Look for your friends and Jojo
    Number of voters: 6

    Hannz, MoonlightSpark, Cornix Argentus, DeepWaters, Omergosh, Mizuki00
  3. [X] Leave the library and...
    - [x] Hang around elsewhere:
    -- [x] The rooftop
    Number of voters: 1

So, a tie between socializing and looking for friends while @Nevill sits alone on the rooftop. S'okay buddy, we've all been there.;)

Locking votes in three and a half hours. If the tie isn't broken then, I'll flip a coin.
Not a lot of socializing can be done at the library.

But in the interests of not spending 4 updates grinding perks...

[X] Leave the library and...
-[X] Look for your friends and Jojo

Maybe some of them have the good taste to spend time on rooftops!
Some Friendly Socializing [Afternoon - 1/4]
[] Leave the library and...
-[] Look for your friends and Jojo

Well, it's obvious isn't it? Time to track down your friends and make sure they don't get Jojo into trouble on his first day!

You pack up your things, nod politely at the librarian, and exit the library. You put away your things and pick out your purse just in case you catch the munchies and there so happens to be a vending machine nearby. Funds secure, you set out.

In normal circumstances, looking for a pair of students in a school in the middle of recess is not an easy task. Two distinct faces in two distinct sets of clothes can easily blend into a sea of dozens of others, and you'd lose track of them no matter how hard you focus on them. Coupled with the amount of ground you'd have to go over, and the already difficult task becomes close to impossible.

Luckily, you have two advantages by your side; your familiarity with your targets and Oscar's obscene height.

Elizabeth rarely strays far from Oscar's protective shadow while Oscar himself is like a log in a haystack. Locating either of them is easy for you, all you had to do was to look down a hall and find the one student who stands head and shoulders taller than everyone else.

It takes you only thirty seconds to find Oscar, walking with Elizabeth and Jojo on his left and right out the main door. It takes you ten seconds to home in on his bulk with a several quick strides.

Once you get in range, you hop and glomp onto Elizabeth's tiny shoulders with a cry of 'surprise!'.

The diminutive girl squeaks in surprise, stumbling a few steps forward as she struggles to compensate for your sudden addition of weight. You giggle when the tiny girl's equally small hands grab your wrists and she makes sounds of discomfort. You shift back and adjust your arms so that they went around Elizabeth's chest, giving you just enough space to tilt back on the balls of your feet and spin.

"Hi guys!" you chirp even as the world around you starts to turn. "Missed me?"

Elizabeth makes some kind of high pitched noise that reminds you of running nails down a chalkboard, but quieter and much cuter. You think she's calling for help. Oscar smiles, reaching down to stop your spinning, while Jojo...

"I do believe Miss Marrow is getting a bit dizzy from all that spinning." the new transfer student smiles. You catch a hint of longing in it. "Perhaps you should cease before her lunch winds up outside her stomach again?"

The threat of vomit is enough to make you let go. You realize your mistake too late when tiny fists hammer onto you.

"Evil! Witch! Sadist!" Elizabeth cries, arms flailing. "I hate you so much right now!"

"Ow, ow, ow, okay, I'm sorry! Stop!" you laugh and start running. "Oscar! Jojo!"

"Get back here and face judgement, wench!"

"Don't just stand there you big lugs, do something!"

Oscar produces his phone and starts recording. Jojo does his best to gawk and laugh at you at the same time. Bastards, both of them.

A minute of solid laughs and horsing around passes and results in a panting and red-faced Elizabeth glaring murder at you while you hide behind Jojo's broad back. Mmm, such taut muscles~

"One day, I will get you back for this." Elizabeth swears, straightening her clothes and hair. "Somehow, some day..."

"Good luck, shortstack!" you stick your tongue out before settling into place between Oscar and Jojo. "So, what've you guys been doing while I was tutoring?"

"Your friends have been very helpful in acclimating me to Featherdale." Jojo nods. "They have spared no expense in answering my questions, though is O'Neil usually this quiet?"

"He's usually quieter. And call him Oscar, everyone else does." you grin and nudge an elbow at said giant's side. "It's not like he'd speak up and say no," you glance at his face. "Would you big guy?"

Oscar rolls his eyes and pokes your forehead. You whine and rub at the spot he poked, poking his side in retaliation. Elizabeth pokes her head out from Oscar's left side and saddles up beside you with a huff.

"Despite his size, Oscar rarely ever uses it to his advantage. He simply lets everyone walk all over him, like a doormat." Elizabeth looks up at him, pouting. "You shouldn't, you know!"

Oscar grunts and pets her head. It only serves to make the tiny girl pout harder and turn away with a huff. You exchange amused looks with Jojo and lean to him, whispering conspiratorially with the back of your hand covering your mouth.

"Honestly, everyone's scared shitless about pissing him off that no-one's actually done it." you tell him. "Rumor has it the only person who did was sent to the hospital with a ruptured eye and a cracked skull."

"Really?" Jojo gasps.

"Nah, its fake. Some douche spread it around to make Oscar look scary." you pull away. "I know it's false because Liz and I were there the day it supposedly happened. We were shopping for stuff and a few rowdy guys walked up and asked us out. Oscar scared them away with one mean look."

Jojo laughs, voice deep and pleasant to your ears and making your heart flutter.

"Anyway, my sister's friend brought some news you guys should listen to." you start. "Apparently, there've been sightings of a suspicious man in a brown trenchcoat and a fedora walking around downtown Rockafeller. If you guys are n the area, be careful and have the police on speed dial if you see anything strange."

"I'll have to ask Oscar to walk me back, then." Elizabeth looks up at him. "Would you?"

Oscar snorts and pets her head. Well, of course he would, why wouldn't he?

"And I will exercise caution myself if I am ever in the area." Jojo nods. "Thank you for the warning."

"No prob." you shrug. "Figured you'd know before we actually go there, just in case. Oh, and while we're talking about Rockafeller..."

The four of you continue on, talking and walking together on a concrete path that circles around the outside of the school to the side entrance. The day is warm, the sky is clear, the breeze is cool against your skin and all is right in the world. Or at least, the part of the world where you are.

Alas, all good things come to an end and the bell rings, signalling the end to recess. You and your little group re-enter the school and separate, though Oscar graciously volunteers, after some strong-arming on your part, to show Jojo to where his next class his. The transfer beams at him and shoots you a grin as he's led out of sight.

Yes, young Jojo. Learn the ways of the master and soon all will bend to your will. Mwahahaha.

Rolled: (90+10 [Perk: Smart]+10 [Bond: Samantha Loering]+5 [Item: Half an Aquamarine Pendant]) 115
Needed: 30

Rolled: (51+5 [Temporary]+5 [Item: Half an Aquamarine Pendant]) 61
Needed: 30

"You are so lucky, you know that?" you grouse as you compare your test marks with your twin's, ignoring the tortured groans of the failed students. "So goddamn lucky."

"What can I say?" Vivian smirk, tossing her hair over a shoulder. "I'm just blessed."

"Blessed my ass." You hand it back to her, rolling your eyes. "We're picking up where we left off in the library sometime. One way or another, I'll cram enough knowledge in that tiny head of yours so that you won't come asking for more tutoring from me ever again."

"Pshaw! Bring it, sis. I've got lady luck on my side." your twin grins as she slings her bag over her shoulder."

"Ugh. Cocky much?" you rise from your seat, packing away your things. "Anyway, what're your plans for today? Going out with your crew?"

"You know it." she grins. "I might stop by Hideaway later, but don't count on it. I'll be home late, so save me some dinner."

"Yeah, yeah. Watch yourself out there, Vi." you wave at her as she turns and walks to the door.

"Later, sis." she waves a hand over her shoulder just as she walks out the door.

You sling your bag over your shoulder and leave the classroom yourself a moment later, moving with the flow of students until you reach your locker. You stow away your stuff and consider what to do for the rest of the day.

[] Go alone and...
- [] Shop for stuff at Paulowania Mall
- [] Watch a movie at the Golden Globe Cinema
- [] Go to the Rockafeller Library to study
- [] Have some fun at the carnival on Sunset Pier
[] Meet up with Oscar and...
[] Meet up with Elizabeth and...
[] Meet up with Jojo and...
- [] Hit Paulowania Mall to window shop and buy stuff
- [] Watch a movie or two at the Golden Globe Cinema
- [] Head to the Rockafeller Library to study and do homework
- [] Have some fun at the carnival grounds on Sunset Pier
- [] Bring them to Hideaway and pester them to buy something
- [] Invite them home and hang out there
- [] Let them decide what to do
[] Head to Hideaway and Mom around the shop.
[] Head straight home for some studying and R&R
[] Tail Vivian and see what she's doing with her crew.
[] Write-in

A/N: I'm gonna have my hands full managing all this + updating Dog Quest.
EDIT: Forgot to not make Thana have imaginary friends.
Last edited:
[] Go alone and...
- [] Bring them to Hideaway and pester them to buy something

Please buy things to support my family imaginary friend A!
[X] Tail Vivian and see what she's doing with her crew.

...does it involve donning a trenchcoat and a fedora?
Okay, added some stuff to the update to make it so that Thana is sane and has no imaginary friends to bring home.
I got a bad feeling about this...
You should be more worried about yourself. Vivian's friends got her covered just fine.
Surprisingly no invisi-text in this update.
The invisi-text have their own live to live ya'know? Can't always have them here doing commentary.
...does it involve donning a trenchcoat and a fedora?
And get caught and thrown into jail? Pfft, gimme some credit here. Thana wouldn't be caught dead in clothes like that.

You'll be tailing them with a cap and mustache.