[X] Head to Hideaway and Mom around the shop.

Still torn on whether to follow Viv or go to shop. It would be hilarious if we tailed Viv "just in case" and we get caught by trenchcoat guy instead.
[X] Head to Hideaway and Mom around the shop.

Either mom's there, or we're going there and acting like people's mom to mess with them. Either way, sounds good.
Hideaway Bookstore Managing, with mom! [Afternoon - 1/4]
[] Head to Hideaway and Mom around the shop.

It takes you a few minutes of thought before you make your decision. You stow what things you'd want to bring back home in your bag, lock your locker, and follow the flow of students out Featherdale's main entrance to the bus station. While you wait, you take out a comb and undo your hair.

As the bus slows to a stop and its doors open, you climb aboard with your hair halfway in a long single braid.

Amongst you four, you alone spend the most time in Hideaway helping your mother around the shop. Most of the time though, it felt as if you owned the shop and not your mother.

For all her grace and beauty and seemingly lengthened youth, the ability to manage a bookstore and keep it up to date was never in her capability. Before you took a more personal stance in it, your mother often called the entire family to help update the store's record once a month and run basic maintenance on the building.

Sure, you were paid accordingly as increases to your monthly allowance, but twelve straight hours of work once a month was tiring.

Eventually, you grew tired of the once-a-month-twelve-hours-of-physical-labor thing and elected yourself as Mom's personal assistant at Hideaway. You'd come in a few times a month to update the records, check on the building and call handymen as needed, and generally run the place in your mother's stead while she does... whatever it is she does in her office.

Vivian and Dad... cheered and thanked you profusely in their own ways. Vivian via hugs and babbling loud thanks, Dad via sliding you a one hundred dollar bill across the breakfast and giving you a quiet nod. You accepted the former with resignation and the latter by waving it in front of Vivian's face and lording it over her for a week.

Thanks from your father and twin aside, you get paid for your work via increases in your monthly allowance and Mom gets some much needed help in running her tiny bookstore. Everybody wins!

You finish with your hair braid around the time the bus arrives at your stop. You pay and thank the driver accordingly, get off, and start walking. You move with the crowd, eyes peeled for any suspicious looking people in brown trenchcoats and fedoras as you follow the directions you've all but memorized.

You round a corner on the main street and your destination comes into view. The building is two storeys tall, with a large billboard that reads 'HIDEAWAY BOOKSTORE AND STATIONERY' in bright blue letters on a white background dotted with what look like yellow filigree and fleur de lis. It is roughly square shaped, with a small alleyway that leads to the rear entrance.

People crowd the inside of the shop, many looking for books and stationery. The customers range in size and age, from the smallest kinder-gardener and their parents to middle aged men and women. You enter through the back door and are immediately greeted by the scent of warm paper and ink.

You find yourself in the rear stock keeping area, where extra books and stationery are kept. You also find one of the store employees texting on their phone.

"'Sup." you greet. The employee jumps, phone bouncing between his open hands as he straightens into attention. "Not slacking off, are you?"

"No ma'am, just taking a quick break ma'am." the guy nods. You roll your eyes, the corners of your lips twitching up. He's probably the new hire Mom told you about.

"Relax, I'm not my mom." you walk past him to the row of lockers positioned on the far wall. "I'll give you another twenty minutes. Then you're outta here and back out front handling the customers, ya' hear?"

"Oh thank God." the young man's shoulders sag in relief. "Sure. Thanks."

"Busy day?" you open your locker and stow your back inside, extricating a black apron that signifies your position as (assistant) manager.

"Dozens. Probably heard about the new book we have in stock." the man nods, sitting back down with his phone in his hands. "Lots of girls coming in to buy it." he crinkles his nose. "I don't get what's so attractive about a sparkling vampire hugging a guy with cat ears."

"You're a guy, you don't need to get it." you giggle. "Remember, twenty minutes!"

"Sure thing, boss!" the young man salutes. You smile and step out into the main shopping area.

The store is crowded, with people going over the available wares and buying as fast as one of your employees could replace them. The two cashier stations are busily making headway through the two long lines of customers cuing up to make their purchases. You take in the sight with a smile; it makes your heart warm knowing that some of this is a result of your hand.

But before you do anything else, you make your way to your mom's office to see how well she's keeping up with paperwork.

Her office is on the second floor, where the storerooms and small employee kitchenette is. You go through a door and rush up the stairs, finding yourself before a door labeled 'Manager's Office'. You knock twice before stepping in.

You find mom going through a folder full of papers. She looks up and beams at you.

"Hi Mom." you greet, walking over "How's things? Anything I need to do for you?"

"Other than helping with the customer rush downstairs, I don't think so." she smiles as you pick out three folders with the words 'finances', 'stock arrival time', and 'projected income'. "How's school, dear?"

"Great. Met up with friends, passed a test, teased Vivi a bit. The usual." you sit down and pluck a pen from the pen holder on the desk. "Oh, but there is something of note; a new student transferred in today. A boy, really good looking too."

"Is that interest I hear in your voice?" Mom waggles her brows. You laugh as you jot down a few updates to the list of sums and take note of stock arrival times, as well as assigning the appropriate people to handle them. "You're in that age honey, it's not surprising in the least~"

"Not that good looking, mom." you roll your eyes. Then consider your words with a hint of red coloring your cheeks. "...Well, okay, maybe a little bit, but I'm not interested. Totally not. He moved in today and I got volunteered to play tour guide for him. My friends and I'll show him around school and Rockafeller tomorrow."

"Hmph. And here I thought you'd have something juicy to share." your mother pouts like some child.

"Mom, please, do I look like the kind of girl to date right now?" you shake your head with a laugh as you finish up on the 'finances' folder before moving on to the 'stock arrival time' one. "I'm saving my romance prowess for college or uni." you do your best Beyonce impression. "Ain't nobody touchin' any a' dis."

You both laugh at that. The next few minutes are spent with you trading small talk as you finish up on updating the folders. Once the 'projected income' folder was done, you stood and replaced them inn their original spots on the shelf.

"Right, I'm getting a coffee first before heading down to help the others." you say. "Want any?"

"Yes please." she nods. You are almost out the door when she calls out. "Thana, honey?"

"Hm?" you look back in.

"..." she looks as though she wants to say something, but she shakes her head instead. "Nothing. Put some milk and creamer in mine, will you?"

"Sure." You nod, nonplussed. She's probably worried about your romantic interests or something, which would be silly because you're just sixteen. "I'll be right back."

A quick coffee delivery later, you find yourself working in the main shopping area as-

[] A cashier
[] A book organizer
[] A price tagger
[x] A book organizer

Maybe we'll find an ancient tome in the process. It could happen.
Arranging Books and Surprise Meetings [Evening - 1/4]
[] A book organizer

You spend the next two and a half hours helping the staff with the tide of customers by restocking the empty shelves with fresh wares to be bought. You work quickly as the rows of fresh books and stationery would be gone the moment you turned your back on them, taken by eager hands with wallet full of soon-to-be-spent money.

Your move quickly, actions filled with purpose. You direct dazed employees and give out directions to lost customers with an ease you earned from experience. By four thirty, the tide of bodies seeking books and stationery have dropped to a trickle, giving you and your workers a brief moment of respite. You and a two others remain behind while the other go out the back to rest for bit. it was close to closing time anyway, no need to keep them here longer than they need to be.

Now, without the ever present clamor of grabbing hands and excited young girls your age and younger filling your ears, you find book organizing to be a far more pleasant affair. Relaxing, even.
And here...
You load a hand basket with more books and set out to load them into the vacant spots on the shelves. In times like this, without the urgency to fuel your actions, you find yourself humming with a slight smile as you neatly arrange the books on the shelves. You organize them according to size and genre, then by title and author name. You are halfway through your third shelf when you realize that you've run out of book to organize.
Eh. It's about time you switched stationery, anyway. You rise and are about to head back into the back room to get stationery to organize when the door opens. You turn and blink when you see the person walking through.
"Miss Loering?" Jonathan Jobston blinks back.

"Hey Jojo." you smile. "What're you doin' here?"

"W-What are you?" Your classmate looks around, clearly not expecting to see you here. You stifle a giggle at his cluelessness. It looks cute. "I- This wasn't- Why-"

"Whoa, relax. Calm down. Take deep breaths." You set down your handbasket and walk over. "You alright? Need anything?"

"I-I-I'm fine, thank you." He shakes his head. "Just... just surprised, is all. I never thought I would run into you in a bookstore of all places."

"I work here. Well, kinda." you shrug. "Besides helping around, I do a little management on the side. Telling people what to do, checking off shipments of new stock, calc-ing the profits, and so forth."

"So, you are not the owner of this establishment?" Jojo asks, and you can see his shoulders relaxing a bit.

"No," You shake your head. "That'd be my mom."

"...Oh." Jojo blinks once, twice, then nods jerkily. "Uhm. Alright."

"Hm." You nod. "So! What brings you here? And so close to closing time, too. Looking a new book to read? Stationery to replace anything you misplaced?"

"I am looking for the owner of this store. Your mother." He coughs. "It is for... something."
Very eloquent, young man.
You raise a brow and look him over. He is still in the clothes he wore to school earlier, though his shirt's topmost button has been undone to cool off. He stands stiff, back straight and eyes firm. You catch a hint of uncertainty in them, however.

"Something." You finally say. Jojo nods.

"Yes. Something. Important. Something very important." He nods again. "I... need to see her."

"Could I know what that something is?" You prompt with another raised brow. "My classmate you may be, I can't just let a random customer go into the back of the shop without--"

"It's alright dear." You mother speaks up, scaring he bejesus out of you and Jojo both with the suddenness of her appearance. She is dressed in her work clothes, though she now has a black apron tied around her front.
Ooh, busted.
"M-Mom?!" You manage to choke out. "Wha- When did you get here?" You pinch her. "And don't do that, you scared me!"

"Sorry, sorry," She laughs, a hand covering her mouth demurely as she rubs the spt you pinched with her free hand. "And to answer your question, I got here a moment ago." She smiles disarmingly, then directs a look at Jojo that you don't quite recognize. "Now who's this dashing young man?"

"Well, I guess introductions are in order." You shrug. "Mom, meet Jonathan Jobston. He's the new transfer student I told you about earlier. Jojo, meet my mom. Samantha Loering."

"G-Greetings ma'am." Jojo bows to your mother, nervous and a little bit anxious.

"Hello." Mom smiles. "I overheard that you wished to meet me?"

"I- yes." He clears his throat, glancing uneasily at you. "It is... well, I believe the purpose of my visit here would be more appropriate if done in private."

You expect your mother to politely decline and send him on his way. But a moment of silence passes, then stretches into a half a minute. You look at her, puzzled.

Your mother is looking at Jojo with an intensity that you've only seen twice before this; the early days when she was looking to open Hideaway, and that one time when she (understandably) forgot your birthday once the store opened. But there is something else in her eyes besides the intensity. Something... more. From where you're standing, she looks like a person sitting at an outdoor restaurant debating whether or not to give a scrap of food to a street cat begging for something to eat.

You look back to Jojo, and find that he's giving her the most imploring look you've ever seen anyone give. Gone was the friendly, if hesitant, young man you met earlier in class this morning and in his place was... Desperation. And a little fear, but mostly desperation.

"Please." He pleads quietly. "It will not take long, I swear."

You turn back to your mother and find her conflicted, her face a mix of pity and reluctance. She sighs quietly and nods.

"Alright." she points at the door leading to the second floor. "Go through there and you'll find a set of stairs. Take them up and wait in the office. I'll be with you in a moment."

Jojo's shoulder's sag and he nods tiredly, doing as he's told without another word. You watch him go, adn turn back to Mom with a few questions on your lips--

"Why don't you close shop early, Thana, dear?" she tells you. "Tell everyone that they can leave early. You too. You can wait at Darby's to follow me home or take the bus ahead of me." she pats your head with a smile. "I won't take long, I promise."

"Mom?" you ask as she's about to follow after Jojo. "What's going on?"

"Nothing you should be concerned about, honey." she gives you another smile. "Now go on, lock up. I won't be long."

And then she's gone, walking after Jojo as he walks through the staircase. You trade looks with one of the cashiers and jerk your head at the back room. He cheers quietly, dragging his friend with him to give the others the good news.

You wait until they're both in the back room and hear the muted cheers, then you start walking after your mother. You reach the door and find it locked. You produce you set of keys and unlock it. To your dismay, the door stays firmly shut. Did she get a second lock or something? No, you would've noticed...

You look up at the ceiling, where you guessimate Mom's office was. What's going on?

[] Lock up the shop and-
- [] Wait in the shop for Mom and/or Jojo and grill them there
- [] Wait at Darby's for Mom and demand an explanation there
- [] Head home. You'll get your answers from Jojo at school tomorrow
- [] Find a way to eavesdrop on them from where you are (DC 75 Intelligence, DC 40 Stealth)
- [] Find a way to eavesdrop on them from the next building over (DC 50 Intelligence, DC 80 Stealth)

A/N: *readies popcorn*
I've been waiting for this.

[X] Lock up the shop and-
- [X] Find a way to eavesdrop on them from where you are (DC 75 Intelligence, DC 40 Stealth)

Our intelligence boost is greater, and I doubt we'll get explanations if we ask.
Pretty high DC, but we made a Smart and Stealthy Character, so we might as well use those traits when the opportunity presents itself.

This is way too suspicious, and we can always ask or guilt trip Jojo tomorrow if we fail.

[X] Lock up the shop and-
-[X] Find a way to eavesdrop on them from where you are (DC 75 Intelligence, DC 40 Stealth)
- [] Find a way to eavesdrop on them from where you are (DC 75 Intelligence, DC 40 Stealth)
With a +25 to Intelligence rolls and a +10 to Stealth rolls, we have a 50% chance of passing the first one and a 70% chance of passing the 2nd one. So a 35% chance of succeeding, I suppose? Still pretty low.
Invisi-text makes a return!
And here...
You load a hand basket with more books and set out to load them into the vacant spots on the shelves. In times like this, without the urgency to fuel your actions, you find yourself humming with a slight smile as you neatly arrange the books on the shelves. You organize them according to size and genre, then by title and author name. You are halfway through your third shelf when you realize that you've run out of book to organize.
Eh. It's about time you switched stationery, anyway. You rise and are about to head back into the back room to get stationery to organize when the door opens. You turn and blink when you see the person walking through.

Very eloquent, young man.
You raise a brow and look him over. He is still in the clothes he wore to school earlier, though his shirt's topmost button has been undone to cool off. He stands stiff, back straight and eyes firm. You catch a hint of uncertainty in them, however.

Ooh, busted.
"M-Mom?!" You manage to choke out. "Wha- When did you get here?" You pinch her. "And don't do that, you scared me!"

[X] Lock up the shop and-
- [X] Wait at Darby's for Mom and demand an explanation there

Edit: changed vote.
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[x] Lock up the shop and-
- [x] Head home. You'll get your answers from Jojo at school tomorrow

I'm mostly voting for this to annoy invisitext person.