Though, does our combination of Smart and Sweet-Talker give us any extra benefits at teaching? Having a way with words definitely helps explain difficult concepts in a way that someone who was merely smart couldn't.
Nope. While having a way with words does help, It won't do shit if a person can't grasp the material being taught.
[X] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temporary +5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)
[X] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temporary+5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)
[X] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temprary+5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)
[x] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temprary+5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)

Really hope the rolls don't muck us up.
[X] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temprary+5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)
[X] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temporary+5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)

There's no way this can fail! (No, but really, we have a pretty good shot at succeeding)
[X] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temprary+5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)

Go big or go home!
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[X] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temporary+5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)
Someone forgot to pay the electric bill I had to spend most of the day without air-conditioning. Woe is me.

Anyway, I'd normally do a vote tally but an obvious consensus has been reached so it won't be necessary. Going for broke it is. Update will be up right after I update Dog Quest.
[X] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temporary +5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)

I know its pointless but what the hell.
Good Tutor, Good-Enough Students [Afternoon - 1/4]
[] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temporary +5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)

Tutoring Rolls
The Teacher
Rolled: (48+10 [Perk: Smart]+10 [Bond: Samantha Loering]+5 [Item: Half an Aquamarine Pendant]) 73
Needed: 30

The Students
-Vivian Loering-
Rolled: (30+5 [Item: Half an Aquamarine Pendant]) 35
Needed: 50
Fail! Gain temporary +5 to Intelligence Rolls!

-Joshua Kent-
Rolled: (59-5 [Perk: Book-dumb]) 54
Needed: 50
Pass! Gain Perk: Smart! Lose Perk: Book-dumb!

Your tutoring session focuses on all of the lessons you've been taught so far, with compact notes that touch on the core formulae and the branch formulae that derive from it for specific problems. There aren't many lessons to cover, thank God, but the ones you do cover are pretty heavy themselves and each take some time for you to go over.

There isn't much time, but you do the best you can with what you have.

Your teachings are simple and easy to understand, using small words and questions from past tests. You do each formula and their derivatives in front of your students, moving slowly and going over each technique calmly while giving both of them plenty of time to ask you questions.

To your pleasant surprise, Joshua, the least intellectually focused member of Vivian's clique and your twin's academic rival, is the first one who grasps your teachings and applies to the exercises you've given him. While his handwriting needs work and his calculating speed is slower than average, you can safely say that your childhood friend is now capable of facing any math test and pass with flying colors.

Your sister, though...

"So, wait, x goes here while the number goes here and then the numbers are multiplied and--"

"No, no," you sigh for the dozenth time and redraw the equation. "After you move x and y, you subtract the numbers in the brackets first and then you multiply them with the value outside it."

"Oh, so there's no need to add them together?" Vivian blinks. "But what about--"

"That's for algebra. This is quadratic expansion, sister dear." you tap your pencil tip at the aforementioned formula on your lesson notes. "You're not reading the names again. Go over it one more time, slowly, one by one."

"Gotcha." Vivian nods, eyes going over the lesson note. You track her gaze and nod approvingly.

"Got it? Good. Try again." you tap your pencil on the piece of paper. "And this time, please stick to the formula in the lesson notes, don't just make up your own on the spot."

"Yeah, yeah," Vivian scratches her frazzled hair and shooting a dirty look at her notebook, getting to work. "Geez, make me redo my work again why don'tcha?"

"C'mon Vi, suck it up." Joshua butts in. "Be grateful Thana even offered to help tutor us. It's not every day she does this."

"I am grateful. Really." your twin sighs as she writes. "It's just that I don't get the bull printed on these things. Why do they all have to be so complicated? Couldn't they make it simpler?"

"I've been making it simpler for you and you still don't get it." you sigh, removing your glasses to rub at your eyes. "It always ends up like this whenever you manage to beg me to help you study, I swear to God..."

"Hey, I'm trying!" Vivian shouts. Everyone else in the library shushes her. Your twin winces and tries again in a softer voice. "Not everyone's as smart as you, ya'know."

"Well, if they studied more often instead of dancing in their rooms to crappy Korean boy band music then everyone would be smart." you smirk when see your twin blush red. "But we can't all have what we want, can we?"

"Bitch." Vivian kicks you under the table.

"Oh, real mature. What's next, an atomic wedgie?" you roll your eyes with a smile as you bury your heel on her foot. Vivian jumps in her seat and glares daggers at you, kicking back.

"Maybe we should take a break?" Joshua offers, his own feet coming in to separate you two before your under-the-table kicking could intensify. "Recess' almost over anyway--"

"Recess! Crap!" Vivian packs up her things like a hurricane of grasping limbs and frazzled blonde hair. "I forgot about Hailee!"

"Shush!" you hiss, then blink. "Wait, wha--"

"Gottagothanksseeyalater!" your twin dashes out the library quicker than usual, disappearing through the doors in a flash of blonde and black cloth. She must've had something planned with Hailee and forgot about it in the throes of your tutoring session.

You look over the table and see your lesson notes floating down after her high-speed movements sent them flying. You bite back a sigh and pick them up quietly, rearranging them in the crook of your arm. They're all creased up and a little bit torn near the edges where she grabbed them.

You've gotten used to it; to being brushed off by your twin in favor of her friends. She has her own life to attend to and you have yours, but still...
It hurts being set aside like that.
It will be okay.
"She and Hailee had something planned for recess. They said something about trying some stuff Hailee'd found on Youtube yesterday." Joshua says, eyes soft. "Vi said she was interested and promised to meet up sometime in the middle of recess after she got some tutoring done, but--"

"I get it, I get it." you sigh. "Time flies by when you're busy and studying takes a lot of time." you start rearranging your notes. "I guess we'll just have to continue at home."

"Yeah." Joshua smiles. "Need any help with that when you're going back to your locker?"

"I'm good, thanks." you decline. "Nothing I can't handle. What about you? Got anything planned after this?"

"Nothin'--" his phones buzzes and he checks it. "...Well, the team captain just invited everyone in the club to eat some pizza she ordered."

"Delivery pizza, eh? Sounds good." you smile. "You're going?"

"I guess." he shrugs, apologetic. "Those snacks I ate earlier weren't filling enough."

"Bring some back for me?" you bat your lashes and Joshua chuckles as he packs up his stuff. "Just kidding. Eat a lot, you hear?"

"Sure. Oh!" he looks around. "Almost forgot; you, uh heard anything new from the rumor mill?"

"I haven't exactly had the time to tune in, if you haven't noticed." you raise a brow.

"Right, sorry. Well," Joshua scratches the back of his head. "There've been talks about a mysterious figure being spotted in the downtown area. Tall, in brown trenchcoat, wearing a fedora. People're saying its serial killer or something."

"Uh-huh, and?" you raise a brow.

"Well, it's just--" Joshua looks around again. "Your mom works in that bookstore of hers, right? And you and Vivi stop by there sometimes after school?"

"We hang out in Hideaway sometimes, yeah..." your brows furrow. "Wait."

"Yeah, but Hideaway's in downtown Rockafeller isn't it?" Joshua stands. "I'm not saying you shouldn't go there, but if you do... be careful, alright?"

"Sure." you smile at him, extending a fist. "Thanks for the heads up."

"No prob'." he grins and bumps his fist with yours. "See ya later."

You wave at his back as he leaves, before leaning into your seat in thought. A mystery person in suspicious looking garb wandering around downtown Rockafeller... definitely something to watch out for. You'll have to relay the info to Oscar and Elizabeth when you get the chance. And Jojo too, wouldn't want him being abducted on his first week in Rockafeller.

Now, you still have some time before recess is over. Little over ten minutes or so. What do you do now?

[] Stay in the library and...
- [] Read a book
-- [] (Specify book type)
- [] Browse the internet through one of the desktop computers here
-- [] (Specify what to browse for)
- [] Lounge in one of the beanbag chairs
- [] Study up for the test later (DC 15 Intelligence, 1/4 Progress to perk Upgrade)
[] Leave the library and...
- [] Head for the cafeteria for something to eat
- [] Look for your friends and Jojo
- [] Hang around elsewhere:
-- [] The rooftop
-- [] The front courtyard
-- [] The back courtyard
-- [] The Arts and Crafts room
-- [] The Electronic Media room
-- [] The Auditorium
-- [] The Music room
[X] Stay in the library and...
-[x] Study up for the test later (DC 15 Intelligence, 1/4 Progress to perk Upgrade)
[X] Leave the library and...
-[X] Look for your friends and Jojo

There's a Fedora Lord running about it seems. Better we warn everyone now and get that task out of the way.
[X] Stay in the library and...
-[x] Study up for the test later (DC 15 Intelligence, 1/4 Progress to perk Upgrade)

If we try and make everyone else smarter we need to to the same to ourself!
[X] Stay in the library and...
-[x] Study up for the test later (DC 15 Intelligence, 1/4 Progress to perk Upgrade)

Perk upgrades first
[X] Stay in the library and...
-[x] Study up for the test later (DC 15 Intelligence, 1/4 Progress to perk Upgrade)

An automatic success to a perk upgrade? Sweet!
We'll have to do that 3 more times before the Perk is upgraded. We'll have plenty of opportunities to do so, but socialization comes first.

We aren't always in the same class as our friends and Jojo, and the opportunity to tell them about the threat might not be there later on. Sure, they could have heard it already, but an increase in our Bond with them gives extra bonuses to our dice rolls.
Sure, they could have heard it already, but an increase in our Bond with them gives extra bonuses to our dice rolls.
Granted, you can only undertake activities to increase your Bonds during Evenings and Nights on weekdays. On weekends, you'll have Afternoon through Night to increase them.
We'll have to do that 3 more times before the Perk is upgraded. We'll have plenty of opportunities to do so, but socialization comes first.

We aren't always in the same class as our friends and Jojo, and the opportunity to tell them about the threat might not be there later on. Sure, they could have heard it already, but an increase in our Bond with them gives extra bonuses to our dice rolls.
On the other hand, opportunities to study for an upcoming test may not be so abundant, while we're bound to see our friends sometime before school's over.
On the other hand, opportunities to study for an upcoming test may not be so abundant, while we're bound to see our friends sometime before school's over.
We have the Smart perk. I'm confident we can pass, and the study option doesn't mention any added bonus to said test anyways.

Seeing our friends after school isn't a gurantee considering how the plot's moving. Thana's normal routine is going to shatter sooner or later, and it just might happen after class.
[X] Stay in the library and...
-[x] Study up for the test later (DC 15 Intelligence, 1/4 Progress to perk Upgrade)

Knowledge is Power SV. Why the hell are you denying power? Did someone replace you all with robot clones?