Clockwork Ruler: The Continued Tour of Featherdale [Afternoon - 2/4]
[] The Arts and Crafts rooms

"Well, I was going to give you a tour of the Arts and Crafts rooms, but..." you trail off, looking at him meaningfully. Jojo nods somewhat reluctantly, gesturing you onwards. You comply and walk with him.

"Not here." he says once you round a corner, not breaking stride.


"There may be... sharp ears listening in." he winces. "Supernaturally sharp ears."
Real subtle there
You nod understandingly and lead him out, hoping to God no-notices how stiff you are. Both of you fall into a comfortable silence beside one another as you leave the Club wing and return to the main building. You are halfway up the first flight of stairs when Jojo finally starts talking.

"That girl, the one you ran into..." he whispers, his easy posture holding an undercurrent of steel and worry. "I think she may be involved in the supernatural somehow. Do you know who she is?"

"She goes to the same club as a friend of my sister's. I can ask him later." you whisper back. "Is she dangerous?"
If you piss her off, yes. Don't
"Perhaps. Perhaps not. My efforts to hide my true nature are not always foolproof. A sufficiently powerful magic practitioner can see through my glamour field outright and a particularly skilled one knows what to look for." Jojo says. "Perhaps my field flickered for a moment there and she caught a glimpse of what lay behind. Or maybe she has good instincts and knew what to be wary of."
Or maybe she's just scared of your big body?
"I get the first three, but instincts? In magic?" you scrunch up your nose. "Really? That sounds a little too..."

"Far fetched?" Jojo grins crookedly. "You would be surprised. Many powerful magic practitioners rely more on instinct to cast spells, rather than set instructions."

"That sounds... dangerous, for some reason."

"It is. That is why I use the term 'many' and not 'every.'"

The rest of the conversation sort of drifts to small talk soon afterwards, the subjects ranging from recent lessons to gossip. Neither you nor Jojo actually listen to what either of you say, the words were merely something to fill the space while you walked to your next destination.

And to distract you from the fact that there may be another magic-user in the school aside from Vivian. Maybe even more in Rockafeller as a whole. Great.
...About that-
You and Jojo reach the second part of the tour; the Arts and Crafts rooms. Greeting your arrival is a large crowd of students standing outside the room with varying expressions of worry and anticipation. You and Jojo exchange looks and ask the closest student what's going on.

"The art club's announced they've completed some kind of super secret project. Dunno what exactly, but they hyped it a lot, so it has to be worth a look, right?"

"Oh boy, here we go." you groan, tugging Jojo away. "C'mon, I think know what's gonna happen next."

"What?" Jojo blinks and follows you away. "Thana?"

"One of my sister's friends, Hailee, is a member of that club." you tell him as you lead him halfway up the staircase, where a large window is. "Her club leader has this thing for big, flamboyant shows that attract everyone in school. She says he's addicted to the feeling." with deft hand movements, you open the window with some elbow grease from Jojo. "Thanks."

"Not a problem. Though, I am curious; how can one become addicted to a feeling?" Jojo asks, curiously looking out the window. "I understand the concept behind it, but not the process..."

"I think there's chemicals involved and some positive psychological reinforcement." you muse. "Like a dog being fed treats after doing a trick. It gives them more incentive to do it again. Eventually, they get used to the feeling and don't want to not live without it. "

"...That sounded very insulting." Jojo looks at you strangely. You nod.

"Oh, I know. Why did you think I made the comparison?"

"Do you have some sort of vendetta against this particular club?"

"No, that's how some people call the club. In their words; everyone in it is either an attention whore or almost one outright."

Jojo opens his mouth to say something, but you hear someone yell and catch the frantic noise of stampeding bodies running through the halls. You glance at the source of the noise, then out the window in time to catch the window to the arts and crafts rooms open.
Their show can't be that-
An oriental dragon with slithers out, its body covered with countless interlocking pieces of green and dark glass that hides a large mass of balloons set in place by mesh netting. Its head is a masterwork of fiber glass and and intricate clockwork joints connected to the eyes and mouth that twitch sporadically, giving it the illusion of life. The entire thing is connected to eight separate aerial drones that tug and pull it around in serpentine motions.
Oh, wow
The large structure rounds in on itself and does a series of vertical loops. It twists and spirals up and down, pulling out of its deceptively slow descent scant meters above the growing crowd. Circles around a tree, coiling upwards until it shoots upwards in a straight line that turns into a series of half- loops and split S's that draws awed noises and camera flashes. Even a few teachers come out to witness the spectacle, drawn to the large gathering of students as teachers are prone to.
Hey, wait a second...
You gape at the sight, ignoring the awed noises the assembled crowd give out accompanied by the flashes of phone cameras.

"...What." Jojo manages, somewhat blankly.

"I know, right?" you nod with him, a little dazed yourself. Then you spot movement from the window the dragon came out of earlier. "Hey, look."

A male student leans out the window, dressed in what you think is the most flamboyant shirt you've ever see. He gestures with a hand and the kinetic structure drifts to his side. Well, not really. More like his general vicinity. The structure curls protectively around him.

"People of Featherdale High! Behold, the Arts and Crafts club's latest creation!" he proclaims, arms sweeping to his side in wide arcs. The other windows open, allowing several large speakers and high-powered fans to be positioned on their frames. "The Jade Sovereign!"

The structure opens its mouth and rears back. The speakers play a recording of a fictional dragon roar and the fans turn on. The crowds goes wild.

The electronic props disappear into the room and the faces of the Arts and Crafts club members appear. They too bask in the cheers and attention lavished onto them, some moreso than others. You catch Hailee's delighted face among them, smiling brilliantly and waving into the crowd as she usually does.

Then you notice the lack of noise or action from Jojo, aside from his narrow eyes and thinning lips. You tug at his shirt sleeve, a little concerned.

"You alright?" you ask.

"Mana. The dragon, it had... It had mana." Jojo murmurs. "I could sense it, too. Faint, but it was there."
I know right? But it was a little too faint...
You blink, then turn your attention to the flamboyant student leading the Arts and Crafts club. There was more to things here than meets the eye, apparently.

[] Investigate with Jojo
- [] Involve Vivian
- [] Don't Involve Vivian
[] Continue the tour
- [] The Rooftop
- [] The Auditorium
- [] The Music room
- [] The Track Field
- [] The Library
- [] The Chemistry Labs
- [] The Archery Range

A/N: One more stop, and then recess ends. Then the plot kicks in.
"Eventually, they get used to the feeling and don't want to not live without it. "
That was probably one more negative than the sentence was supposed to have.
An oriental dragon with slithers out
You accidentally a word. Or is it the work of a secret organization trying to suppress the awareness of magic by denying the knowledge of the dragon's defining traits?

Everybody in school got some voodoo/hoodoo, huh?

Well, we are going to be the detective to their supernatural shenanigans! Maybe start our own club and everything!

[x] Investigate with Jojo
- [x] Involve Vivian
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Real subtle there
You nod understandingly and lead him out, hoping to God no-notices how stiff you are. Both of you fall into a comfortable silence beside one another as you leave the Club wing and return to the main building. You are halfway up the first flight of stairs when Jojo finally starts talking.

"That girl, the one you ran into..." he whispers, his easy posture holding an undercurrent of steel and worry. "I think she may be involved in the supernatural somehow. Do you know who she is?"

"She goes to the same club as a friend of my sister's. I can ask him later." you whisper back. "Is she dangerous?"
If you piss her off, yes. Don't
"Perhaps. Perhaps not. My efforts to hide my true nature are not always foolproof. A sufficiently powerful magic practitioner can see through my glamour field outright and a particularly skilled one knows what to look for." Jojo says. "Perhaps my field flickered for a moment there and she caught a glimpse of what lay behind. Or maybe she has good instincts and knew what to be wary of."
Or maybe she's just scared of your big body?

The rest of the conversation sort of drifts to small talk soon afterwards, the subjects ranging from recent lessons to gossip. Neither you nor Jojo actually listen to what either of you say, the words were merely something to fill the space while you walked to your next destination.

And to distract you from the fact that there may be another magic-user in the school aside from Vivian. Maybe even more in Rockafeller as a whole. Great.
...About that-

Their show can't be that-
An oriental dragon with slithers out, its body covered with countless interlocking pieces of green and dark glass that hides a large mass of balloons set in place by mesh netting. Its head is a masterwork of fiber glass and and intricate clockwork joints connected to the eyes and mouth that twitch sporadically, giving it the illusion of life. The entire thing is connected to eight separate aerial drones that tug and pull it around in serpentine motions.
Oh, wow
The large structure rounds in on itself and does a series of vertical loops. It twists and spirals up and down, pulling out of its deceptively slow descent scant meters above the growing crowd. Circles around a tree, coiling upwards until it shoots upwards in a straight line that turns into a series of half- loops and split S's that draws awed noises and camera flashes. Even a few teachers come out to witness the spectacle, drawn to the large gathering of students as teachers are prone to.
Hey, wait a second...

I know right? But it was a little too faint...
You blink, then turn your attention to the flamboyant student leading the Arts and Crafts club. There was more to things here than meets the eye, apparently.
Your prescribed invisi-text revealer has arrived!

[X] Continue the tour
- [X] The Music room
[X] Continue the tour
- [X] The Music room

Look. Let's deal with magic and stuff when we get home. Let's NOT get involved with it before talking it over with our family.
[X] Continue the tour
- [X] The Music room

Yeah, let's not get involved with the supernatural until we have that talk.
Clockwork Ruler: The Last Leg of the Tour of Featherdale [Afternoon - 2/4]
[] Continue the tour
- [] The Music room

You consider moving in to investigate with Jojo, maybe bringing Vivian too. The vampire said it himself; the dragon had mana in it. A small amount, yes, but it was still there and it brought up a plethora of possibilities. None of them comfort you in the slightest. Maybe he's using that dragon as a form of mind control! Or maybe it could be a weapon! You had to know, if only to sate your own thoughts and worries.

"Thana?" Jojo asks. The baritone of his voice returns your thoughts back into the present.

"Nothing." You hake your head and give him a smile. "Just thinking. We'll have to tour the Arts and Crafts room some other time, it seems. Let's finish up the rest of the tour before recess ends."

You give the applauding crowd and the artificial dragon another glance before pulling away and moving up the steps. Your desire to know is ultimately overcome by your self-control, backed up by thoughts of alternative possibilities to the magical dragon's appearance.

Jojo was a vampire himself and Vivian was a magic user, but neither used their powers for evil or stupid things (as far as you know, at least). Everyone was innocent until proven otherwise.

Maybe the flamboyant guy (whom you're pretty sure gave that dragon its hint of mana) was just testing some kind of reinforcement spell or magical doohicky. Maybe he genuinely wanted to show-off his creation for the sake of receiving applause. Maybe he had no hidden agenda, or evil intent. One shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, after all.
...Uhm, okay. Yeah.
You lead him away, up the stairs towards the next stop of your Featherdale High tour as you begin explaining.

The Music room was special in that it was located in the main building, on the top floor where a part of the building it was built in was soundproofed. Aside from an active archery and football team, Featherdale High also boasted an orchestral crew that was known for their outstanding performances.

But most of all, it's know for the Ghost Musician.

"Ghost Musician?" Jojo repeat, squinting.
Ooh, sounds fun!
"It's a rather well-known urban legend in these parts." you wave your hand as you reach the room. "Supposedly, in random times of the day and if you're close enough, you'll hear someone play a random musical instrument. Like a violin or a piano, or something."

"What is the story behind that?"

"Well, according to rumors, there used to be a really talented musician here in Featherdale and they wanted to serenade a girl or boy they liked. Then they died and haunt the music room, playing a random musical instrument to try and convey their feelings to their crush." you pause. "Supposedly, anyone who hears them is blessed to find love."
So romantic!
"Blessed..." Jojo ponders for a moment, then chuckles. "it would take more than just a blessing to find love, in my opinion."

"I know, right?" you nod. "But then, stupid people can believe a lot of things if it'll give 'em romance. Trust me, girls read a lot of trashy magazines and actually believe the crap they print."

"And you do not?" Jojo waggles his brows. You giggle and swat his shoulder.

"Hell naw dawg, I'm one of the boyz!" you say, using your best 'gangsta' voice. "Ain't nothin's gonna get me!"

Jojo laughs and you join him. A few seconds of guffaws pass before either of you manage to get the needed coherency to move again. Both you round a corner and see a sign pointing you at the right direction. You also...
You pause and strain your ears. You hear something, faint and distant but there nonetheless. Jojo picks up on th noise too, but doesn't speak. He instead looks at you meaningfully, and you nod with him.

Together, you venture closer to the music room, steps light and breaths quiet. You near the door and find it slightly ajar, the music wafting out like a calming breeze. You and Jojo lean on the wall next to the door and peer through, looking at the source of the noise.

You see someone at a piano, a guy, his back to you and hands fluttering over the keys in practiced motions. The window is open, its curtains rippling to an unseen breeze that sends the pianist's black hair--
Oh wow...
Wait, black hair?
Wait. Something isn't...
You recognize him from anywhere; Adam Lannister. So he's the mysterious Ghost Musician who's causing all the hullabaloo about some ghost and love blessings? Man, you can't even begin to count how girls would be heartbroken to find out. Or thrilled; he has a lot of admirers after all.
Did he do something to the floor...?
"Well, I guess the Ghost Musician isn't so ghostly anymore." Jojo whispers to you, a little amused.

[] Annouce yourselves and ask what Adam's doing here.
[] Quietly walk away. You can use this to blackmail him later.
[] Write-in

A/N: Alright, I'm back! Now to pick up where I left off while I still have my muse to back me up. Edited the OP and added a few extra stuff in the various char sheets there.
Heh, and just a few days ago I was making a mental list of quests I was sad to see discontinued. Glad it wasn't abandoned!
You recognize him from anywhere; Adam Lannister. So he's the mysterious Ghost Musician who's causing all the hullabaloo about some ghost and love blessings?
Er, that's a bit of a leap to think that someone playing in the music room during a recess is the cause for all the sounds allegedly heard from the room for months. In the first place, if we could walk up on him and see him performing, why anyone else wouldn't be able to (thus ruining the legend/rumor)? Wouldn't it be much more plausible that he just likes playing and went to the nearest room with an instrument to relax? It's in the main building, after all.

The conservation of details suggests that it's probably him anyway, but Thana's logic is somewhat faulty.

[x] Quietly walk away. You can use this to blackmail him later.
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It's back!

[ ] Annouce yourselves and ask what Adam's doing here.

Er, that's a bit of a leap to think that someone playing in the music room during a recess is the cause for all the sounds allegedly heard from the room for months. In the first place, if we could walk up on him and see him performing, why anyone else wouldn't be able to (thus ruining the legend/rumor)? Wouldn't it be much more plausible that he just likes playing and went to the nearest room with an instrument to relax? It's in the main building, after all.
Behold the power of being a protagonist. That's probably what the ??? in her sheet is :p.

Oh wait, just remembered to check for our invisifriend-
...Uhm, okay. Yeah.

So romantic!


Wait. Something isn't...

Did he do something to the floor...?

Changing vote.

[X] Quietly walk away. You can use this to blackmail him later.
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Clockwork Ruler: Boo! [Afternoon - 2/4]
[] Announce yourselves and ask what Adam's doing here.

Springing a Trap
Rolled: (67+15 [Ambush Predator]) 82
Needed: 50

Escaping a Trap
Rolled: (25-10 [Conflicted]-10 [Unawakened Magic]): 5
Needed: 50
Fail! Immobilized!

Rolled: (87+30 [Old Vampire]): 117
Needed: 50
Critical Success! +10 to first Combat Roll!

Combat: Johnathan Joestar vs Malign Ghost Mob
JoJo Stats
Health: 120/120
Blood: 200

Malign Ghost Mob Stats
Health: 80
Mana: 100

Round 1:
JoJo: (90+30 [Old Vampire]+5 [Strong]+10 [Critical Success]) 135
Ghost: (40+20 [Ghost Physiology]+15 [Ambush Predator]) 75
JoJo triumphs!

Damage: (135-75) 60!
Malign Ghost Mob loses 60 health!


JoJo Stats
Health: 120/120
Blood: 200

Malign Ghost Mob Stats
Health: 20/80
Mana: 100

Malign Ghost Mob uses Combat Magic! +20 to Combat Rolls, -20 Mana!
JoJo uses Bloodsteel Arms! +20 to Combat Rolls, -20 Mana!

Round 2:
JoJo: (67+30 [Old Vampire]+5 [Strong]+20 [Bloodsteel Arms) 122
Ghost: (23+20 [Ghost Physiology]+15 [Ambush Predator]+20 [Combat Magic]) 78
JoJo triumphs!

Damage: (122-78) 44!
Malign Ghost Mob loses 44 health!

Malign Ghost Mob has died! Jonathan Joestar is Victorious!

"Adam," you laugh, steeping into the room. Jojo trails sedately after you. "What're you doing here playing that thing? Were you the fabled Ghost Musician everyone talks about?"
...That's not Adam.
Adam stops playing. No, he stops moving entirely. The air in the room turns stale somehow, as though it hasn't been disturbed for years. The breeze the moves the curtains cease, and suddenly the room feels less welcoming. Was it you or was the light also dimming? Why is the world turning green?
It's not even human.
You blink and take an unsure step back to Jojo, who has also stilled.

"Adam?" you ask again.

Adam stands and his head turns one hundred and eighty degrees to face you. The face you see is naught but skin and bones, yellowing teeth, and empty eye sockets that burn with menacing white fire.

"Noooo," the skeleton rasps in a dozen voices. "No A-Adam hereeeeee..."
Damn it, why now?
You back away further, coming to a stop when Jojo's hands grab your shoulders. You open your mouth to scream when the entity before you bursts into eight separate floating skulls with white fire for eyes and surrounds you and Jojo. Their jaws clatter like some morbid inversion of a musical clapper, and you get the distinct feeling that they're laughing at you.

"Ghosts." Jojo murmurs. "Malign ones, too."

"I-Is that--" you shriek when you feel something snake up your ankle. "Wh-Wha--?"

The floor. It's covered in strings from the various string-using musical instruments in the room. The violins, cellos, guitars, even the piano wires; all of them are converging on you like snakes to fresh meat.

You scream and Jojo curses, feeling the animated objects wrap around you with vice grips. One of the wires tugs you off your feet and you tumble to the ground. You struggle to get free, but your binds hold fast against your attempts and cut shallowly into exposed skin where you move.

"Your bodyyyy..." the floating skulls rasp. "Your meeeeeaaat. Miiinneee..."

"Get away from her!" Jojo roars and red mist leaks from his eyes. "Raaaggghhh!"

You catch a glimpse of purple lightning surging through his limbs before they break free from the animated strings holding him in place. He rises to his feet, standing over you like a stalwart guardian out of myth and legend, teeth bared and eyes burning with red mist.
Well, at least he cares
The skulls recoil, before screaming bloody murder and rushing towards him.
Here they come!
Jojo moves like a whirlwind, blows hitting the skulls with enough force to crack them and send fragments spinning away. A few outright shatter to the force of his blows, their white flames extinguishing like candles exposed to gale force winds. Not once does he move away from you or let any of the skulls come close.

After a few dizzying moments, the skulls pull back. They are savaged; six of the original eight have been pulverized and now only two remain. Both sport cracks and missing teeth, and their flame-eyes are starting to flicker out.

"Hyouuu intaferr..." they open their mouths, purple lightning crackling and coalescing into a ball of white fire as large as a melon. "BURN!"

The fireball rockets forward like a bullet, trailing smoke and leaving shimmering air in its wake. Jojo snarls and brings both of his hands together, a ball of red, blood, gathering in his palms. He opens both hands and a hemispherical shield expands outwards, shielding himself and you from the attack.

The fireball explodes with enough force to rattle your bones and forces the tight strings on you to digg deeper into you. Your ears ring, your head hurts, and the world is a blur. You try to move, but the strings holding you still are there and digging painfully into exposed skin.

You look up at Jojo and find that the blood shield he used has reformed into a pair of blood balls. He juts his arms out, one at each skull, and the balls of blood turn into spears. They stab into the skulls, and from them dozens of small spikes shoot out to impale the Ghost(s?) from the inside out. The things give off a death rattle before falling apart into dust.
Whew, that takes care of them...
Immediately, you feel the strings keeping you bound slacken and you frantically shrug them off. Your hands rub at your sore wrists and forearms, and even some spots on your face. The places that sting most come away a little bloody.
...I feel like we're forgetting something.
"Thana, calm down." you hear Jojo say as he kneels beside you. His eyes are still leaking red mist and one of his hands hovers uncertainly over your wrists. The other holds on to your shoulder. "Calm down, it's over. The ghosts are gone, there no need to--"
...Oh, wait-!
Riiiiiight... The sister.
Something loud, big, and powerful turns the Music room door into splinters. Two forms rushes in.

One is a male in something resembling a military uniform, wielding two guns and wearing a something like a half skirt over their left leg. His black hair and spectacle clad eyes show concern and a little fear when they land on you.

The other is female, holding a glowing red sword in one hand and while a ball of light hovers in the other's palm. She is dressed in a leotard with thigh-high socks and a black cape billows behind them. A look at her murderous face reveals--

Holy shit, what is your twin sister wearing?!

"You!" she points her sword at Jojo, who conjures a blood sword in response and holds it protectively in front of you. "Get away from my sister!"

"Put away that sword first!" he roars back, the red mist in his eyes taking on a brighter shade. "How do I know you weren't working with those Ghosts I just put down?!"

"Ghosts- Wait, there were ghosts here?" she turns to her companion. "Adam, why didn't you say something?!"

"I-I didn't know! Honest!" he backs away from Vivian, but his guns remain trained on Jojo. "Besides, focus on the real issue here! Like that vampire next to your sister!"

"I will not do anything until either of you lower your weapons!" Jojo shouts back, tucking you closer. "Now!"

"Back off from her or I swear I'll castrate you!" Vivian growls, gripping her sword tighter.

[] Intervene
- [] Sternly (DC 50 Intelligence, DC 20 Charm)
- [] Creatively (DC 20 Intelligence, DC 50 Charm)
- [] Normally (DC 30 Intelligence, DC 30 Charm, DC 10 Will)
[] Write-in (No DC's but relies on IC character knowledge of people you'll be talking to)

A/N: A little late, sorry. I got carried away playing Kingdom Rush 2. Anyhoo, a taste of combat and a quick look at what Jojo's capable of as a vamp.​
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