[X] Intervene
-[X] Sternly (DC 50 Intelligence, DC 20 Charm)
--[X] "Vivian, he just saved my life from the ghost pretending to be Adam. Now BOTH of you put down your weapons....and what the heck are you wearing Vivi?!"
So Vivian pops up, misinterprets what's happening, and acts like a douche.

[X] Intervene
-[X] Sternly (DC 50 Intelligence, DC 20 Charm)
--[X] Vivian, shut up and pay attention to what's actually happening rather than just jumping to conclusions. Jojo was helping me. I already knew he's a vampire, and he just saved me from ghosts. Jojo, put down the sword; my sister might be ridiculous, but she isn't here to hurt me, and you're just making things worse.

Edit: I totally didn't accidentally use the wrong name. Nope.
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...or it could be that, I guess. And hey, our internal voice has returned! Wouldn't it be nice of him to crank up the volume before this happens? *sigh*

[X] Intervene
-[X] Sternly (DC 50 Intelligence, DC 20 Charm)
--[X] "Vivian, he just saved my life from the ghost pretending to be Adam. Now BOTH of you put down your weapons....and what the heck are you wearing Vivi?!"

Thana, ever the jealous one. You wish your magical girl dress would be half as cool as your senpai's!
Something loud, big, and powerful turns the Music room door into splinters.
Really Viv? Did you have to do that?

[X] Intervene
-[X] Sternly (DC 50 Intelligence, DC 20 Charm)
--[X] "Vivian, he just saved my life from the ghost pretending to be Adam. Now BOTH of you put down your weapons....and what the heck are you wearing Vivi?!"

Oh boy, if we fail this roll and she ends up thinking we're mind-controlled or something that'll hit her guilt even more. Moreso when she discovers it was a misunderstanding!

Yes... give me the salt! :D
I know, I know. I just wonder what it takes to get it out in the open so Thana could hear it too.
I don't think that was our invisifriend. It was probably just Thana's thoughts in italics (for emphasis), since it was right left-aligned.
Edit: Left not right.

The voice did say something about the room, via invisitalk. It was even pointed out by @What A Day . Good catch by the way, man.
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Like, don't even try.
This is our first time getting attacked by the supernatural, even if it isn't our first encounter with it. I say we just let loose. "OMFG WTF THERE WERE GHOSTS AND FIREBALLS AND BLOOD SHIELDS AND YOU'RE WEARING FETISH GEAR"

edit: also it draws their attention to our traumatic incident and less towards their suspicion.
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Fun fact: Our bonus to Charm rolls is exactly the same as our bonus to intelligence rolls; Both have a +20, and since we have conflicted working against us...

Our likelihood of passing a DC 50 and DC 20 are 60% and 90%. In other words, our total chance is 54%.

However, passing two DC 30 and one DC 10 (with no bonuses) gives us three 80%, so our total chance here is 51.2%.

So while the first two subvotes have the same chance, the third has a slightly lower chance.

However, were it not for the conflicted status, the third choice would have been better (72.9% to a 70%)

Just something I found interesting.

Like, don't even try.
This is our first time getting attacked by the supernatural, even if it isn't our first encounter with it. I say we just let loose. "OMFG WTF THERE WERE GHOSTS AND FIREBALLS AND BLOOD SHIELDS AND YOU'RE WEARING FETISH GEAR"

edit: also it draws their attention to our traumatic incident and less towards their suspicion.
Hey, let's try at least. If we fail we could auto-freak out.
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[X] Intervene
-[X] Sternly (DC 50 Intelligence, DC 20 Charm)
--[X] "Vivian, he just saved my life from the ghost pretending to be Adam. Now BOTH of you put down your weapons....and what the heck are you wearing Vivi?!"
Needed: 50

Escaping a Trap
Rolled: (25-10 [Conflicted]-10 [Unawakened Magic]): 5
Needed: 50
Fail! Immobilized!

Rolled: (87+30 [Old Vampire]): 117
Needed: 50
Critical Success! +10 to first Combat Roll!

Combat: Johnathan Joestar vs Malign Ghost Mob
JoJo Stats
Health: 120/120
Blood: 200

Malign Ghost Mob Stats
Health: 80
Mana: 100

Round 1:
JoJo: (90+30 [Old Vampire]+5 [Strong]+10 [Critical Success]) 135
Ghost: (40+20 [Ghost Physiology]+15 [Ambush Predator]) 75
JoJo triumphs!

Damage: (135-75) 60!
Malign Ghost Mob loses 60 health!


JoJo Stats
Health: 120/120
Blood: 200

Malign Ghost Mob Stats
Health: 20/80
Mana: 100

Malign Ghost Mob uses Combat Magic! +20 to Combat Rolls, -20 Mana!
JoJo uses Bloodsteel Arms! +20 to Combat Rolls, -20 Mana!

Round 2:
JoJo: (67+30 [Old Vampire]+5 [Strong]+20 [Bloodsteel Arms) 122
Ghost: (23+20 [Ghost Physiology]+15 [Ambush Predator]+20 [Combat Magic]) 78
JoJo triumphs!

Damage: (122-78) 44!
Malign Ghost Mob loses 44 health!

Malign Ghost Mob has died! Jonathan Joestar is Victorious![/spoiler]

"Adam," you laugh, steeping into the room. Jojo trails sedately after you. "What're you doing here playing that thing? Were you the fabled Ghost Musician everyone talks about?"
...That's not Adam.
Adam stops playing. No, he stops moving entirely. The air in the room turns stale somehow, as though it hasn't been disturbed for years. The breeze the moves the curtains cease, and suddenly the room feels less welcoming. Was it you or was the light also dimming? Why is the world turning green?
It's not even human.
You blink and take an unsure step back to Jojo, who has also stilled.

"Adam?" you ask again.

Adam stands and his head turns one hundred and eighty degrees to face you. The face you see is naught but skin and bones, yellowing teeth, and empty eye sockets that burn with menacing white fire.

"Noooo," the skeleton rasps in a dozen voices. "No A-Adam hereeeeee..."
Damn it, why now?
You back away further, coming to a stop when Jojo's hands grab your shoulders. You open your mouth to scream when the entity before you bursts into eight separate floating skulls with white fire for eyes and surrounds you and Jojo. Their jaws clatter like some morbid inversion of a musical clapper, and you get the distinct feeling that they're laughing at you.

"Ghosts." Jojo murmurs. "Malign ones, too."

"I-Is that--" you shriek when you feel something snake up your ankle. "Wh-Wha--?"

The floor. It's covered in strings from the various string-using musical instruments in the room. The violins, cellos, guitars, even the piano wires; all of them are converging on you like snakes to fresh meat.

You scream and Jojo curses, feeling the animated objects wrap around you with vice grips. One of the wires tugs you off your feet and you tumble to the ground. You struggle to get free, but your binds hold fast against your attempts and cut shallowly into exposed skin where you move.

"Your bodyyyy..." the floating skulls rasp. "Your meeeeeaaat. Miiinneee..."

"Get away from her!" Jojo roars and red mist leaks from his eyes. "Raaaggghhh!"

You catch a glimpse of purple lightning surging through his limbs before they break free from the animated strings holding him in place. He rises to his feet, standing over you like a stalwart guardian out of myth and legend, teeth bared and eyes burning with red mist.
Well, at least he cares
The skulls recoil, before screaming bloody murder and rushing towards him.
Here they come!
Jojo moves like a whirlwind, blows hitting the skulls with enough force to crack them and send fragments spinning away. A few outright shatter to the force of his blows, their white flames extinguishing like candles exposed to gale force winds. Not once does he move away from you or let any of the skulls come close.

After a few dizzying moments, the skulls pull back. They are savaged; six of the original eight have been pulverized and now only two remain. Both sport cracks and missing teeth, and their flame-eyes are starting to flicker out.

"Hyouuu intaferr..." they open their mouths, purple lightning crackling and coalescing into a ball of white fire as large as a melon. "BURN!"

The fireball rockets forward like a bullet, trailing smoke and leaving shimmering air in its wake. Jojo snarls and brings both of his hands together, a ball of red, blood, gathering in his palms. He opens both hands and a hemispherical shield expands outwards, shielding himself and you from the attack.

The fireball explodes with enough force to rattle your bones and forces the tight strings on you to digg deeper into you. Your ears ring, your head hurts, and the world is a blur. You try to move, but the strings holding you still are there and digging painfully into exposed skin.

You look up at Jojo and find that the blood shield he used has reformed into a pair of blood balls. He juts his arms out, one at each skull, and the balls of blood turn into spears. They stab into the skulls, and from them dozens of small spikes shoot out to impale the Ghost(s?) from the inside out. The things give off a death rattle before falling apart into dust.
Whew, that takes care of them...
Immediately, you feel the strings keeping you bound slacken and you frantically shrug them off. Your hands rub at your sore wrists and forearms, and even some spots on your face. The places that sting most come away a little bloody.
...I feel like we're forgetting something.
"Thana, calm down." you hear Jojo say as he kneels beside you. His eyes are still leaking red mist and one of his hands hovers uncertainly over your wrists. The other holds on to your shoulder. "Calm down, it's over. The ghosts are gone, there no need to--"
...Oh, wait-!
Riiiiiight... The sister.
Something loud, big, and powerful turns the Music room door into splinters. Two forms rushes in.

One is a male in something resembling a military uniform, wielding two guns and wearing a something like a half skirt over their left leg. His black hair and spectacle clad eyes show concern and a little fear when they land on you.

The other is female, holding a glowing red sword in one hand and while a ball of light hovers in the other's palm. She is dressed in a leotard with thigh-high socks and a black cape billows behind them. A look at her murderous face reveals--

Holy shit, what is your twin sister wearing?!

"You!" she points her sword at Jojo, who conjures a blood sword in response and holds it protectively in front of you. "Get away from my sister!"

"Put away that sword first!" he roars back, the red mist in his eyes taking on a brighter shade. "How do I know you weren't working with those Ghosts I just put down?!"

"Ghosts- Wait, there were ghosts here?" she turns to her companion. "Adam, why didn't you say something?!"

"I-I didn't know! Honest!" he backs away from Vivian, but his guns remain trained on Jojo. "Besides, focus on the real issue here! Like that vampire next to your sister!"

"I will not do anything until either of you lower your weapons!" Jojo shouts back, tucking you closer. "Now!"

"Back off from her or I swear I'll castrate you!" Vivian growls, gripping her sword tighter.

[] Intervene
- [] Sternly (DC 50 Intelligence, DC 20 Charm)
- [] Creatively (DC 20 Intelligence, DC 50 Charm)
- [] Normally (DC 30 Intelligence, DC 30 Charm, DC 10 Will)
[] Write-in (No DC's but relies on IC character knowledge of people you'll be talking to)

A/N: A little late, sorry. I got carried away playing Kingdom Rush 2. Anyhoo, a taste of combat and a quick look at what Jojo's capable of as a vamp.​
Okay, lets finish this peacefully before these two guys (Sis and her partner) are going to turn this into an disastrous attempt at saving us from our ally by committing a 'Van Helsing Hate Crime' against poor Johnathan Joestar.


[X] Intervene
-[X] Sternly (DC 50 Intelligence, DC 20 Charm)
--[X] "Vivian, he just saved my life from the ghost pretending to be Adam. Now BOTH of you put down your weapons....and what the heck are you wearing Vivi?!"
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[X] Stand up.
-[X] Brush yourself off.
-[X] Leave these idiots to their bickering. You tired and hurt, both inside and out and right now, you don't have the time for the energy to deal with this horseshit.
-[X] Make it very clear that you don't want to be followed.

Still don't think Thana's in the right headspace to be dealing with this crap. It takes more than half a day to process this sort of thing.
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Fun fact: Our bonus to Charm rolls is exactly the same as our bonus to intelligence rolls; Both have a +20, and since we have conflicted working against us...

Our likelihood of passing a DC 50 and DC 20 are 60% and 90%. In other words, our total chance is 54%.

However, passing two DC 30 and one DC 10 (with no bonuses) gives us three 80%, so our total chance here is 51.2%.

So while the first two subvotes have the same chance, the third has a slightly lower chance.

However, were it not for the conflicted status, the third choice would have been better (72.9% to a 70%)

Just something I found interesting.

Hey, let's try at least. If we fail we could auto-freak out.

We COULD try.
OR we could freak out in a semi-controlled way. If we pretend and fail, they might think we're being mind controlled or something (idk, it's magic!) because we're acting weird, whereas if we do what comes naturally to us (ie: freak the fuck out) at worst they'll just think Jojo's an asshole that scared us (well actually, at worst they'll think we're mind controlled anyway, but if we do something believable the idea won't come as quickly to mind). Something that can be remedied later, if need be.
[X] Intervene
-[X] Sternly (DC 50 Intelligence, DC 20 Charm)
--[X] "Vivian, he just saved my life from the ghost pretending to be Adam. Now BOTH of you put down your weapons....and what the heck are you wearing Vivi?!"
Clockwork Ruler: Diffusing a Standoff [Evening - 2/4]
[] Intervene
-[] Sternly (DC 50 Intelligence, DC 20 Charm)
--[] "Vivian, he just saved my life from the ghost pretending to be Adam. Now BOTH of you put down your weapons....and what the heck are you wearing Vivi?!"

Rolled: (14+10 [Perk: Smart]+10 [Bond: Samantha Loering]+5 [Item: Half an Aquamarine Pendant]-10 [Perk: Conflicted]) 29
Needed: 50
Rolled: (93+5 [Perk: Sweet Talker]+5 [Bond: Elizabeth Marrow]+10 [Bond: Joshua Kent]-10 [Perk: Conflicted]) 103
Needed: 20
Critical Success! 2/3 to Progress to perk Upgrade!

You spend a few moments trying to speak, or at least force word through your mouth. You try to move, to get up and get in the middle of your sister, Adam, and Jojo's quarrel to stop it. But no matter how hard you try, your body refuses to move the way you it to.

You look at your hands, bunched up on your chest. They're shaking.

Calm down. You need to calm down, that's the first thing you need to do. Despite the fear rising in your throat, and the urge to cry getting more and more prominent, you have to push them all aside.
You don't have to, you know?
Deep breaths. Clench and unclench your hands. Think of... think of other things, happier things.
You look at your hands. They're still shaking.

Jojo and Vivian yell at each other again, practically daring the other to attack. You don't have time to clam down. You to act now. You shut your eyes tight, grab Jojo's knee, and use it as leverage to help you to your feet. Before any of them do anything else, you suck in a breath and let it out.


The sound of your voice silents everything else. Adam and Jojo look at you with surprise on their faces. Vivian looks shocked... and a little scared. A tiny voice in the back of your mind tells you how you rarely raise your voice, and that whenever you do your sister always starts running for the hills.
Huh. Beware the quiet ones indeed.
In the momentarily lull, you take in another breath and will your body to still long enough for you to continue before any of them can get another word in.

"Vivian, he just saved my life from the ghost pretending to be Adam." you state with as stern a voice as you could muster. "Neither you nor Adam will be hurting him, not after that. Capiche?"

They nod, a little frantically. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot Jojo nodding along as well.

"Now BOTH of you put down your weapons..." you glare at Vivian. "And what the heck are you wearing Vivi?!"
...Out of everything, that's the first thing you focus on?
Vivian blinks, looks down, then 'eep's before wrapping the cape around herself. "T-T-Thana, I can--"

"No, you are not explaining anything until you change into something more reasonable!" you snap to Adam and Jojo. "And you two! Look away!"
A little late for that, isn't it?
Jojo complies without another word. Adam looks a little affronted.

"Thana, I'm--" you shoot him a look. "Look, Vivian and I--" you keep looking. "W-We're b-both--" Still looking. "Fine! Damn it, I'm not looking!"
Beware she who knows the Look.
You turn to Vivian. Her eyes are closed and she's glowing a little. The air around her shimmers and the glow intensifies until her outrageous outfit dissolves into motes of light that reform into her usual angsty teen clothes. She fidgets a bit under your gaze before you sigh and turn to the two boys in the room.

"You guys can look now." they turn and you help Jojo to his feet. "Honestly, do neither of you know how to act around a girl when she's wearing something that racy?"

"I've been working with her for years, and that's what she usually wears whenever we're out on a patrol!" Adam protests. "I'm used to it at this point!"

"So you're admitting that my sister's body isn't enticing anymore?" you shoot him a blank look as he chokes and pat Vivian's shoulder pityingly. "I'm sorry for you, sis."

"Th-Thana..." your twin whispers, face red. "P-Please, I-I can explain."

"Not here." you tell her, then look at Adam. "And don't think I'm letting you off the hook, buster. We've known each other for years and I demand you come with us and explain yourself too."

"But--" another look. "Okay! Jesus, just stop it with the look!" he looks away, guilty. "I-I'm sorry too."

You huff and turn to Jojo, your back to Vivian and Adam. He stands there awkwardly, watching you herd your sister and her friend like a mother with her kids. You look at him and---

Something cracks, deep inside you, and you let out a shuddering sigh. Your hands clench, and a few tears roll down your cheeks. You grit your teeth and keep the sobs in. You just gave your sister and Adam a stern talking and if you start breaking down now, it'll look bad on your image. And if they saw you now, they would've started arguing again and you wouldn't be able to stop them.
It's okay.
"Thank you Jojo." you tell him, voice grateful and genuine. "Really, thank you. If you weren't there I would've..."

He cuts you off by walking to you and enveloping you in a hug.
Have a hug.
"You are my friend." he tells you, voice low and comforting. "I would have done so regardless."

You grip his shirt and nod your thanks, using the motion to wipe the tears off. He keeps the embrace on for a few moments before pulling away. You slump down a little, and Vivian is instantly by your side with a hand on your arm.

"We can cut class." Adam says. "No-one's going to miss us for a day."

[] Agree. You need some time to get everything out of your system.
[] Stay. Your and Vivian's friends might get suspicious about you suddenly skipping. Plus the rumors...
[] Write-in
[X] Stay. Your and Vivian's friends might get suspicious about you suddenly skipping. Plus the rumors...
-[X] Screw leaving, class is one of the few rocks of sanity you have left and you will not miss it.
--[X] Glare everyone into agreeing with you.

Got classes to attend. And also Thana needs time to figure out what questions and stuff she needs to ask. And also maybe needs a hug from Elizabeth.
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[X] Agree. You need some time to get everything out of your system.

Delinquency! Teenage rebellion! Rawr Rawr!

Also, rumors are fun.
"You guys can look now." they turn and you help Jojo to his feet. "Honestly, do neither of you know how to act around a girl when she's wearing something that racy?"
...you act as if everything is as it should be? *smack!*
We'll see what outfit you're going to get, little Miss Prude!
"Thank you Jojo." you tell him, voice grateful and genuine. "Really, thank you. If you weren't there I would've..."
...been saved by Adam and sis who apparently are keeping an eye on you.

I wonder why all the supernatural started leaking out in droves now of all times. Even our Invisible Friend is dumbfounded. It looks like when it rains, it pours.

[x] Agree. You need some time to get everything out of your system.

The charade has gone on long enough. Let's hear it.
[X] Stay. Your and Vivian's friends might get suspicious about you suddenly skipping. Plus the rumors...
[X] Stay. Your and Vivian's friends might get suspicious about you suddenly skipping. Plus the rumors...
-[X] Screw leaving, class is one of the few rocks of sanity you have left and you will not miss it.
--[X] Glare everyone into agreeing with you.