1. [X] Give him a quick tour of the school tomorrow, you have a tutoring session to do.
    Number of voters: 5

    Hannz, MoonlightSpark, In_lurk_shadow, hcvquizibo, DeepWaters
  2. [X] Let Oscar and Elizabeth show him around, you have a twin to tutor.
    Number of voters: 5

    veekie, What A Day, loneangel, Kerfirou, KInruush
  3. [X] Give him half a tour, and bring him with you to your tutoring session with Vivian and Joshua.
    -[X] Finish the tour tomorrow morning
    Number of voters: 3

    ConfusedPotato, Cornix Argentus, JoshieWoshie
  4. [X] Give him half a tour, and bring him with you to your tutoring session with Vivian and Joshua.
    Number of voters: 2

    Nevill, PsyFarrow
A tie. Huh. Welp, the votes are still open for the time being and I'll lock it in about five hours. Debate away and use convincing arguments!
Recess and Tutoring [Afternoon - 1/4]
[] Give him a quick tour of the school tomorrow, you have a tutoring session to do.

Classes fly by as they usually do. You give Jojo some study tips and share your textbook with him when Biology rolls around and he proves to not have it. His apologetic smile is nowhere near enough to stave off the jealous glares your female classmates shoot at your back or Oscar's quiet snickering.

Never before has your patience been tested this rigorously.

So help you God, if you hear another jealous fangirl whisper something behind your back...

Luckily for them, the recess bell rings before you have to get your hands bloody and the class files out with murmurs and looks sent your way. You ignore them all in favor of leading your friends and Jojo into the hallway. Eyes are immediately drawn to Jojo's form and whispers break out. You ignore them too, through the use of inhuman patience and willpower.

You reach your locker and put your things away, exchanging textbooks and notes from past lessons for ones that you'll need for the coming test and to tutor Vivian with. Jojo looks around as you work, taking everything in with a small amount of curiosity.

"Right. Well," you clear your throat, turning to your friends plus charge. "Firstly; welcome to Rockafeller and Featherdale High School Jojo. I hope your stay here will be to your liking and won't involve any visits to the principle's office."

"Thank you." the young man before you nods politely.

"Proper introductions; I'm Thana Loering and these two" you gesture to Elizabeth and Oscar. "Are my friends. The shortstack is Elizabeth Marrow, while the giant is Oscar O'Neil."

Elizabeth swats your shoulder while Oscar's own shake with soundless laughter. Jojo observes both with wide, perhaps even happy, eyes.

"A pleasure to meet you both." The transfer student extends his hand to hand Oscar's first and Elizabeth's second. The petite girl practically has a cherry tomato for a head now, and has drawn the ire of every girl within twenty feet of Jojo. "I may have said this earlier, but I feel as though it needs to be repeated; I hope we can all get along."

"O-O-Of course!" Elizabeth squeaks, smiling happily. The glares into her back and yours intensify greatly.

Oscar smiles and nods, patting Jojo's back once but with enough force to send him staggering forward a step. Jojo looks pleasantly surprised and grins back. Oh, is that the start of a bromance?
Heh. You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Eh. Probably not.
Oh. Guess not.
"Now, I did volunteer to show you around the school, and I will." you collect your books, cradling them in the crook of your elbow. "Don't get me wrong, I'm a woman of my word and I rarely ever go leave a job half-done..."

"But you have prior arrangements?" Jojo half-smiles, finishing your sentence. You have the grace to look sheepish. "I see."
Aww, that's no fun. Unless...
"It's my twin sister, Vivian. You might've seen I think; blonde, amber eyes, dresses mostly in black and looks like an angsty character from a cheap romance novel?" Jojo chokes down a laugh even as Elizabeth giggles and Oscar grins broadly. "I take it you have?"
Nah, I'll save it for later.
"I... may have wandered past a young woman with a similar description as the one you speak of." Jojo nods. "She was surrounded by others and a... rather large number of followers."

"That's her." You nod. "We share a class later today, maths. Said class has a test coming up and the professor running it has a rep for being really harsh to the students who don't pass." you shrug. "Professor Morrison's punishments aren't as bad as everyone says, really."

"No, but they are... somewhat humiliating." Elizabeth chimes in. Oscar nods.

"C'mon, not you guys too!" you sigh. "Look, all I'm saying is that Prof Morrison isn't a bad person and his punishments aren't as bad as people make it out to be. That's all." you adjust your grip on your books. "Now, as I was saying, my twin hasn't been studying and if she fails said maths test, she won't only have to contend with Prof Morrison's punishment but she'll also be grounded for a week."

"Ah, I see." Jojo's half-smile turns into a full blown grin. "And so she has begged you for help?"
Oh my, such a responsible sibling.
"More like I offered." You smile back. "Some last-minute tutoring won't do much for her, but it might just be enough for her to scrape through with. It'll be better than failing outright, at least."
And kind, too! Oh, how I wish mine was too...
"I see. That greatly clarifies things." Jojo nods reasonably. "Then you would be guiding me through the school tomorrow?"

"Certainly, good sir." you curtsy. "Until then, I'm afraid you'll have to make do with my two minions here. They can help you find your way to the cafeteria, unless their bumbling efforts are lead to you three getting lost. Which I doubt, but is still a very likely possibility."

"Oscar, please hit her for me." Elizabeth directs a pair of soulful eyes and a quivering lower lip at the giant. "Please?"

"And now I must be on my way. See you guys later." you smirk at Oscar, ducking out of his reach and skipping away before he can put his physical strength to use.

Your skip around a corner and eventually slow down to a walk. You stop by a vending machine and buy yourself a few snacks that you finish off on your way to the library. The librarian would have your head if you ate inside and you don't want that, nosiree.

The entrance to the library is marked by a plaque above the doors that reads 'FEATHERDALE HIGH LIBRARY.' Stuck to one of the door is a cheerful picture of a cat wearing a pair of glasses sitting between several large stacks of books. A speech bubble from the cat features the words 'Peace and Quiet is Purrfect for Studying.' You giggle at that picture as you move through the doors and into the library proper. You've always wondered how Mrs. Hansen got her cat to sit still long enough to take that picture.

The Featherdale school library is pretty spacious in itself, with enough room to house close to sixty large bookshelves split evenly across two floors and close to two dozen small tables and chairs for studying. There was even leftover space for a six sets of three beanbag chairs, plush fur carpeting, and fifteen desktop computers.

There aren't many students inside yet, but you catch some of the more dedicated bibliophiles scurrying between the bookshelves in search new reading material and a good place to read them. You head to your usual studying/reading spot close to an AC outlet and settle in.

You go through your textbook and revise your lesson notes, doing a few exercises to pass the time. It take your twin and Joshua ten minutes to arrive, at which point you have already compiled a few notes for them to go through.
Ooh, how studious!
"You're late." you greet them without look up from your notebook.

"Well, the big lug insisted on lunch first before we got to studying." Vivian gestures to Joshua with a roll of her eyes as she sits down.

"You can't study on an empty stomach!" Joshua speaks up, prompting you to shush him. He grimaces apologetically and sits down. "Sorry."

"You and that voice of yours..." you roll your eyes, remember how often his loud voice got you three in trouble. "Did you at least feed Vivian before you got here?"

"I did. She's picky though." Joshua crinkles his nose. "And has a really weird taste in food. I mean, pineapple flavored chips? Who eats those?"

"Ugh, I know right?" you agree, handing out lesson notes to them both. "One time she made apple salad with soy sauce. Nearly gave dad a heart attack when he saw her eating it."

"No way, really?"

"Oh yeah, and that's just with fruits. You won't believe what she makes with ice cream."

"I'm right here you bitch I will kill you."

[] Focus on the more likely questions that might come out (DC 15 Intelligence, temporarily gives Vivian and Joshua +10 to Intelligence Rolls)
[] Focus on the less likely test questions might come out (DC 15 Intelligence, temporarily gives Vivian and Joshua +10 to Intelligence Rolls)
[] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temprary+5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)​
[X] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temprary+5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)

Go big or go home!

They'll pass the test if it's the last thing they do!

Also, invisitext. Something's definitely watching us, and I have a feeling that it ain't Jojo.
[X] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temprary+5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)
[X] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temporary+5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)

This is stupidly arrogant. Thus, it is the correct option.

also we have a stupid bonus of +25 to intelligence rolls
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[X] Focus on the more likely questions that might come out (DC 15 Intelligence, temporarily gives Vivian and Joshua +10 to Intelligence Rolls)

Let's ensure they pass the test. The roll gain is the same for all choices (smart = +10 intelligence).
[] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temprary+5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)

also we have a stupid bonus of +25 to intelligence rolls
Wait what? I count a 10 + 5 from the pendant
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Let's ensure they pass the test. The roll gain is the same for all choices (smart = +10 intelligence).
We have +10 to intelligence from Smart, +5 to all rolls from our pendant, and +10 to intelligence from our bond with our mom. I'm not sure what size die we're rolling, but I'm pretty sure +25 can handle a 30 DC without much chance of failure.
This is stupidly arrogant. Thus, it is the correct option.
We do have a +10 to Intel Rolls due to Smart, another +5 because of a item, and another +10 due to bonds.

We've effectively made the choice a lot less risky.
Let's ensure they pass the test. The roll gain is the same for all choices (smart = +10 intelligence).

All other choices only give a temporary +10 if we pass the DC.

The "All Questions" choice is a lot more effective in the long term since it'll give them a permanent +10 to Int Rolls due to the Smart trait, and building up your allies is always nice.
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We have +10 to intelligence from Smart, +5 to all rolls from our pendant, and +10 to intelligence from our bond with our mom. I'm not sure what size die we're rolling, but I'm pretty sure +25 can handle a 30 DC without much chance of failure.
Ah, so that's where the last 10 comes from.

I thought we only had a +10, but if we have a +25...

[X] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temporary+5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)
[x] Focus on the less likely test questions might come out (DC 15 Intelligence, temporarily gives Vivian and Joshua +10 to Intelligence Rolls)

Vivi should know the basics, or one of her sycophants can provide. But she needs a touch of a true genius to pass the test with flying colors!

I thought we only had a +10, but if we have a +25...
...wouldn't it be, you know, Vivian's/Joshua's roll?
Book-dumb - It's not that you're dumb, you're just... not smart. (-5 to Intelligence Rolls)
It's already a really low DC for a d100, which I guess comes from us being a tutor. I doubt we get bonuses on top of that.
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[X] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temporary+5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)
Even with Book-Dumb and assuming its Vivian who's rolling, the other half of the pendant is hers (+5), and going by the updates, our family is pretty close to one another so she should also benefit from the +10 with the bond from Mom. All in all, she should have a +10 for the all-in study roll.

Pretty good chances still, all told.
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No, our sister shouldn't become Smart like us! What advantage will we have left?

[X] Focus on the more likely questions that might come out (DC 15 Intelligence, temporarily gives Vivian and Joshua +10 to Intelligence Rolls)
[X] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temprary+5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)

Here are the invisi-text if you've missed them.

Heh. You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Eh. Probably not.
Oh. Guess not.
"Now, I did volunteer to show you around the school, and I will." you collect your books, cradling them in the crook of your elbow. "Don't get me wrong, I'm a woman of my word and I rarely ever go leave a job half-done..."

"But you have prior arrangements?" Jojo half-smiles, finishing your sentence. You have the grace to look sheepish. "I see."
Aww, that's no fun. Unless...
"It's my twin sister, Vivian. You might've seen I think; blonde, amber eyes, dresses mostly in black and looks like an angsty character from a cheap romance novel?" Jojo chokes down a laugh even as Elizabeth giggles and Oscar grins broadly. "I take it you have?"
Nah, I'll save it for later.
Oh my, such a responsible sibling.
"More like I offered." You smile back. "Some last-minute tutoring won't do much for her, but it might just be enough for her to scrape through with. It'll be better than failing outright, at least."
And kind, too! Oh, how I wish mine was too...

You go through your textbook and revise your lesson notes, doing a few exercises to pass the time. It take your twin and Joshua ten minutes to arrive, at which point you have already compiled a few notes for them to go through.
Ooh, how studious!
So it looks like our invisi-text voice has a sibling who's not very responsible or kind and we might be facing that sibling as a boss later on in this quest.
[X] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temprary+5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)
[X] Focus on the more likely questions that might come out (DC 15 Intelligence, temporarily gives Vivian and Joshua +10 to Intelligence Rolls)
We've effectively made the choice a lot less risky.
Yes you did. *looks longingly at encounter list* Not as much as you think you did, but still quite a lot.
...wouldn't it be, you know, Vivian's/Joshua's roll?
The DC you guys face is for how well you can teach. Managing to roll high enough might net you guys a Perk upgrade or earn you a new one entirely. Whether or not Vivi and Josh can get what you're teaching is a whole other DC entirely and up to them to roll.

Lemme give you guys a hint; their DC is a lot higher.
No, our sister shouldn't become Smart like us! What advantage will we have left?
Your friends and whomever you manage to charm into helping you. And the various supernatural entities you'll meet in the future. Maybe.
Vivian can repay Thana by helping Thana exercise/learn how to be effortlessly beautiful.
I've got plans for Vivian that involve more than just exercise and beauty tips. Big plans.
[X] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temporary+5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)
[X] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temprary+5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)
Lemme give you guys a hint; their DC is a lot higher.
Hmph. If they're too weak to understand the knowledge we're graciously placing in front of them, that's their problem.

Though, does our combination of Smart and Sweet-Talker give us any extra benefits at teaching? Having a way with words definitely helps explain difficult concepts in a way that someone who was merely smart couldn't.